How to pass current state of App to Tab Navigation Screen - react-native

If I'm using React Navigation v5, what is the best way to pass the current state of a parent component (in my case, the main App) down through a Tab and Stack navigator to a screen that I'd like to use the current state in?
Following the documentation, I have created a stack navigator for each tab that holds the respective screens.
App.js contains a state that needs to be used for a few things. Most importantly, it will provide badge count on the Tab navigator, as well as be a source of Flatlist data on one of the tab screens.
What is the correct approach to getting the state from App all the way down to a child component in a stack navigator in a tab navigator?
const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator()
export default class App extends React.Component {
this.state = {
neededArray: []
const updateTheArray = (newArray) => {
neededArray: newArray
//Listener that searches for nearby bluetooth beacons and updates the array with the passed function
name = "Home"
component = { HomeStack }/>
name = "About"
component = { AboutStack }/>
//The Stack that contains the screen that I need to use the App's state in
name = "Nearby"
component = { NearbyStack }/>
//This stack holds the screen that I need to use the App's state in
const NearbyStackNav = createStackNav()
const NearbyStack = () => {
name = "Nearby"
component = { NearbyScreen }
//The screen that I want to use the App's state in
const NearbyScreen = () => {
//Where I would like to use the App's state

You can pass some initial params to a screen. If you didn't specify any params when navigating to this screen, the initial params will be used. They are also shallow merged with any params that you pass. Initial params can be specified with an initialParams prop:
name = "Nearby"
component = { NearbyStack }
initialParams={{ arrayItem: this.state.neededArray }}
React.useEffect(() => {
if (route.params?.arrayItem) {
// Post updated, do something with `route.params.arrayItem`
// For example, send the arrayItem to the server
}, [route.params?.arrayItem]);

My solution was to use React's Context API.
BeaconContext.js - New
import React from 'react'
const BeaconContext = React.createContext()
export default BeaconContext
App.js - Modified
import BeaconContext from './path/to/BeaconContext'
const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator()
export default class App extends React.Component {
this.state = {
neededArray: []
const updateTheArray = (newArray) => {
neededArray: newArray
// Wrap the nav container in the newly created context!!!
<BeaconContext.Provider value = { this.state.neededArray }
name = "Home"
component = { HomeStack }/>
name = "About"
component = { AboutStack }/>
name = "Nearby"
component = { NearbyStack }/>
NearbyStack.js - Unchanged
const NearbyStackNav = createStackNav()
const NearbyStack = () => {
name = "Nearby"
component = { NearbyScreen }
NearbyScreen.js - Modified
import BeaconContext from './path/to/BeaconContext'
const NearbyScreen = () => {
//Wrap the component in the new context's consumer!!!
context => <Text>{ context }</Text>

I've been struggling with the exact same issue - when using the initialProps property to pass a state to a Tab.Screen the screen never receives any updates. It reads the intial state value once then nothing.
To make it work I skipped using the initialProps property and instead used the children property on Tab.Screen like so:
App containing <Tab.Navigator> and <Tab.Screen>:
const[myBool, setMyBool] = useState(false)
children={() => (
<MySecondScreen passedStateParam={ myBool } />
MySecondScreen consuming updates on passed myBool state:
export function MySecondScreen ({ passedStateParam }) {
const myPassedBoolState = passedStateParam
React.useEffect(() => {
if(myPassedBoolState) {
//Act upon App.tsx updating the state
}, [myPassedBoolState])
Not sure if I'm missing something when trying to perform this with the initialParams property but this way (using children property) I got it to work at least.


Can an independent functional component re-render based on the state change of another?

I'm new to React Native, and my understanding is that functional components and hooks are the way to go. What I'm trying to do I've boiled down to the simplest case I can think of, to use as an example. (I am, by the way, writing in TypeScript.)
I have two Independent components. There is no parent-child relationship between the two. Take a look:
The two components are a login button on the navigation bar and a switch in the enclosed screen. How can I make the login button be enabled when the switch is ON and disabled when the switch is OFF?
The login button looks like this:
const LoginButton = (): JSX.Element => {
const navigation = useNavigation();
const handleClick = () => {
// I want the 'disabled' value to update based on the state of the switch.
return (
<Button title="Login"
onPress={handleClick} />
As you can see, right now I've simply hard-coded the disabled setting for the button. I'm thinking that will no doubt change to something dynamic.
The screen containing the switch looks like this:
const HomeScreen = () => {
const [isEnabled, setEnabled] = useState(false);
const toggleSwitch = () => setEnabled(value => !value);
return (
What's throwing me for a loop is that the HomeScreen and LoginButton are setup like this in the navigator stack. I can think of no way to have the one "know" about the other:
<MainStack.Screen name="Home"
options={{title: "Home", headerRight: LoginButton}} />
I need to get the login button component to re-render when the state of the switch changes, but I cannot seem to trigger that. I've tried to apply several different things, all involving hooks of some kind. I have to confess, I think I'm missing at least the big picture and probably some finer details too.
I'm open to any suggestion, but really I'm wondering what the simplest, best-practice (or thereabouts) solution is. Can this be done purely with functional components? Do I have to introduce a class somewhere? Is there a "notification" of sorts (I come from native iOS development). I'd appreciate some help. Thank you.
I figured out another way of tracking state, for this simple example, that doesn't involve using a reducer, which I'm including here for documentation purposes in hopes that it may help someone. It tracks very close to the accepted answer.
First, we create both a custom hook for the context, and a context provider:
// FILE: switch-context.tsx
import React, { SetStateAction } from 'react';
type SwitchStateTuple = [boolean, React.Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>];
const SwitchContext = React.createContext<SwitchStateTuple>(null!);
const useSwitchContext = (): SwitchStateTuple => {
const context = React.useContext(SwitchContext);
if (!context) {
throw new Error(`useSwitch must be used within a SwitchProvider.`);
return context;
const SwitchContextProvider = (props: object) => {
const [isOn, setOn] = React.useState(false);
const [value, setValue] = React.useMemo(() => [isOn, setOn], [isOn]);
return (<SwitchContext.Provider value={[value, setValue]} {...props} />);
export { SwitchContextProvider, useSwitchContext };
Then, in the main file, after importing the SwitchContextProvider and useSwitchContext hook, wrap the app's content in the context provider:
const App = () => {
return (
Use the custom hook in the Home screen:
const HomeScreen = () => {
const [isOn, setOn] = useSwitchContext();
return (
And in the Login button component:
const LoginButton = (): JSX.Element => {
const navigation = useNavigation();
const [isOn] = useSwitchContext();
const handleClick = () => {
return (
<Button title="Login"
onPress={handleClick} />
I created the above by adapting an example I found here:
The whole project is now up on GitHub, as a reference:
If you want to choose the context method, you need to create a component first that creates our context:
import React, { createContext, useReducer, Dispatch } from 'react';
type ActionType = {type: 'TOGGLE_STATE'};
// Your initial switch state
const initialState = false;
// We are creating a reducer to handle our actions
const SwitchStateReducer = (state = initialState, action: ActionType) => {
// In this case we only have one action to toggle state, but you can add more
return !state;
// Return the current state if the action type is not correct
return state;
// We are creating a context using React's Context API
// This should be exported because we are going to import this context in order to access the state
export const SwitchStateContext = createContext<[boolean, Dispatch<ActionType>]>(null as any);
// And now we are creating a Provider component to pass our reducer to the context
const SwitchStateProvider: React.FC = ({children}) => {
// We are initializing our reducer with useReducer hook
const reducer = useReducer(SwitchStateReducer, initialState);
return (
<SwitchStateContext.Provider value={reducer}>
export default SwitchStateProvider;
Then you need to wrap your header, your home screen and all other components/pages in this component. Basically you need to wrap your whole app content with this component.
<AppContent />
Then you need to use this context in your home screen component:
const HomeScreen = () => {
// useContext returns an array with two elements if used with useReducer.
// These elements are: first element is your current state, second element is a function to dispatch actions
const [switchState, dispatchSwitch] = useContext(SwitchStateContext);
const toggleSwitch = () => {
// Here, TOGGLE_STATE is the action name we have set in our reducer
dispatchSwitch({type: 'TOGGLE_STATE'})
return (
And finally you need to use this context in your button component:
// We are going to use only the state, so i'm not including the dispatch action here.
const [switchState] = useContext(SwitchStateContext);
<Button title="Login"
onPress={handleClick} />
Crete a reducer.js :
import {CLEAR_VALUE_ACTION, SET_VALUE_ACTION} from '../action'
const initialAppState = {
value: '',
export const reducer = (state = initialAppState, action) => {
if (action.type === SET_VALUE_ACTION) {
state.value =
}else if(action.type===CLEAR_VALUE_ACTION){
state.value = ''
return {...state};
Then action.js:
export function setValueAction(data) {
return {type: SET_VALUE_ACTION, data};
export function clearValueAction() {
return {type: CLEAR_VALUE_ACTION}
In your components :
import {connect} from 'react-redux';
function ComponentA({cartItems, dispatch}) {
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
value: state.someState,
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ComponentA);
You can create more components and communicate between them, independently.

Using 2 Drawer Navigator in one project

I have 2 DrawerNavigators, one of them(PaymentHistoryDrawer) is inside the BottomTabNavigator. I bind them to two buttons - the 1st for the HamburgerMenu , the 2nd for the FilterButton inside Payment History.
export const DrawerNavigator = () => (
<Drawer.Navigator drawerContent={(props) => <Sidebar {...props} />}>
<Drawer.Screen name={SCREEN_ROOT} component={BottomTabNavigator} />
export const DrawerPaymentHistoryNavigator = () => (
zIndex: 0,
width: 300
options={{ title: 'My home' }}
I initialize them differently and bind them differently as "Drawer" for Hamburger Menu, "PaymentHistoryDrawer" for Filters. But anyway, when I click, let's say, on the Hamburger Menu button in the Bottom tab, where at the same time there is FilterButton, that calls PaymentHistoryDrawer, the PaymentHistory comes out. Why are they related to each other? how to untie?
//this code is the beginning of the above written code
type DrawerParamList = {
[SCREEN_ROOT]: undefined;
type PaymentHistoryDrawerParamList = {
export type RootScreenNavigationProp = DrawerNavigationProp<
export type PaymentHistoryScreenNavigationProp = DrawerNavigationProp<
const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator<DrawerParamList>();
const PaymentHistoryDrawer =
Binding ToggleDrawer to the FilterButton
export const FilterButton = () => {
const { toggleDrawer } =
return (
<FilterContainer onPress={toggleDrawer}>
<Image source={FilterIcon} />
Binding ToggleDrawer to the HamburgerMenuButton
const _Menu = () => {
const { toggleDrawer } = useNavigation<RootScreenNavigationProp>();
return <Icon onPress={toggleDrawer} />;
export const Menu = memo(_Menu);
Additional question : ToggleDrawer is UseNavigation tool. Can it take any additional arguments? I read 2 times documentation, but didn't find anything about arguments or props. Thanks!
The answer is still secret...
I hope u're don't using drawers like this

How to set navigation params from outside navigation stack?

I have a header in my app that needs to render a different button depending on whether or not the user has notifications. This is how I currently have it set up in my pages:
static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
return {
title: 'My Profile',
headerRight: () => (
icon={() => <Icon
name={UserProvider.bNotifications ? 'bell' : 'bell-outline'}
color={UserProvider.bNotifications ? COLORS.WARNING : COLORS.WHITE}
onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Notifications', null)}
The problem is, if UserProvider.bNotifications changes value, the header button doesn't update unless the page is changed / rerendered.
I want to switch to use the navigation property that is passed into those navigationOptions, but I don't no how to access it from outside the navigation stack. UserProvider is a static class (NOT a component) so I can't access the navigation prop through the usual manner (or by using the useNavigation hook).
I do have a NavigationProvider class that has access to the NavigationContainer for the app. I use it to trigger navigation without components. Is there some way I can set the params on the navigation property using that same reference?
import { NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation';
let _navigator;
function getNavigator() {
return _navigator;
function setTopLevelNavigator(navigatorRef) {
_navigator = navigatorRef;
function navigate(routeName, params) {
function goBack() {
export default {
The ref is set like this in my top level App component:
ref={navigatorRef => {
EDIT - UserProvider
This is just the gist of my UserProvider class, but should convey how it works.
export default class UserProvider {
private static _bNotifications: boolean;
static get bNotifications(): boolean {
if (!this.hasInitNotifications)
return this._bNotifications;
static set bNotifications(bNotifications: boolean) {
this._bNotifications = bNotifications;
static initNotficationWatch() {
//Firebase listener on notification
this.bNotifications = true;
} else {
this.bNotifications = false;
How to set navigation params from outside navigation stack?
to do this you have to utilize the getParam method that comes from the navigation prop. the way I would di it would be to set a variable to a parameter that would equal to UserProvider.bNotifications.
static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
let notifications = navigation.getParam('notifications')
return {
title: 'My Profile',
headerRight: () => (
icon={() => <Icon
name={notifications ? 'bell' : 'bell-outline'}
color={notifications ? COLORS.WARNING : COLORS.WHITE}
onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Notifications', null)}
you can set the param to an initial value by adding it as a second argument if needed navigation.getParam('paramName', 'param initial value')
To update the parameter you need to use the setParams method. For this you can use the useNavigation hook.
You can also do this inside of a functions instead of a element
// remember to const navigation = useNavigation()
title="Update param"
onPress={() => navigation.setParams({notifications: 'new value'})}
you can also initiate the value this way... but I would recommend to initialize the value inside your navigationOptions
I haven't tested the code but it should work

React navigation undefined params

I'm trying to pass params into a new screen, and implemented it like mentioned here.
I have the following TouchableOpacity button.
onPress={() => {
this.props.navigation.navigate('SomeScreen', {
title: 'Title',
subTitle: 'Subtitle',
On the other page (let's call it Somescreen), I have the following:
render() {
const { navigation } = this.props;
const title = navigation.getParam('title');
But title above is undefined:
{ params: undefined, routeName: "Somescreen", key: "id-xx" }
My rootStack:
const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
SomescreenA: { screen: SomescreenA },
SomescreenB: { screen: SomescreenB },
}, { headerMode: 'none' });
Why are my params undefined in a new screen?
If you face a situation where your target screen get undefined params, probably you have a nested navigation stack.
Here you have to pass params to the navigate method in this way:
navigation.navigate('Root', {
screen: 'Settings',
params: { user: 'jane' },
For more information read this page in the official docs:
In my specific case, I was calling a nested navigator, so I had to manage how send those params to their specific screen, so I did this:
Send params this way...the regular way:
Then, from navigator stack I did this:
const OrderNavigator = ({route: {params}}) => {
return (
<Stack.Navigator initialRouteName="Order">
<Stack.Screen name="Order" component={Order} options={{headerShown: false}} initialParams={params} />
And that's it. Then from the screen I got them like this:
const Order = ({route}) => {
const {itemSelected} = route.params;
const {first_name, last_name} = itemSelected;
return (...)
I've, unfortunately, encountered cases where navigate(route, params, ...) wouldn't pass the params object, just like you did.
As a workaround, I use the other variant - navigate({routeName, params, action, key}) that you can find here. It always works.
The accepted answer workaround did not work for me, so apparently if you use children to render your component (in screen options) and pass route as a prop, it works
if you are on react navigation v6^ use the useRoute hook to access the params object
const route = useRoute();
useRoute is a hook that gives access to the route object. It's useful when you cannot pass the route prop into the component directly, or don't want to pass it in case of a deeply nested child.
below is an implementation of this
import { useNavigation, useRoute } from '#react-navigation/native';
import { Pressable, Text } from 'react-native';
function Screen1() {
const navigation = useNavigation();
return (
onPress={() => {
navigation.navigate('Screen2', { caption: 'hey' });
<Text> Go to Screen 2 </Text>
function Screen2() {
const route = useRoute();
return <Text>{route.params.caption}</Text>;

Where to initialize data loading with react-navigation

I'm using react-navigation and here is my structure :
The root stack navigator :
export const Root = StackNavigator({
Index: {
screen: Index,
navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
Cart: {
screen: Cart,
navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
title: 'Votre panier',
drawerLabel: 'Cart',
drawerIcon: ({ tintColor }) => <Icon theme={{ iconFamily: 'FontAwesome' }} size={26} name="shopping-basket" color={tintColor} />
My structure looks like this :
StackNavigator (Root)
DrawerNavigator (Index)
MyPage (same page formatted with different datas)
So my question is, where do I load my data, initialize my application ? I need somewhere called once, called before the others pages.
The first page displayed in my application is the MyPage page. But as you can see, because of the TabNavigator, if I put my functions inside, it will be called many times.
Some will says in the splashscreen, but I'm using the main splashscreen component and I don't have many controls over it.
I thought about my App.js where we create the provider, but I don't think this is a good idea ?
const MyApp = () => {
//TODO We're loading the data here, I don't know if it's the good decision
return (
<Provider store={store}>
What is the good way to do it ?
class MyApp extends Component {
state = {
initialized: false
componentWillMount() {
// if this is a promise, otherwise pass a callback to call when it's done
ApplicationManager.loadData(store).then(() => {
this.setState({ initialized: true })
render() {
const { initialized } = this.state
if (!initialized) {
return <SplashScreen />
return (
<Provider store={store} >
<Root />
TabNavigator by default renders/loads all its child components at the same time, but if you set property lazy: true components will render only if you navigate. Which means your functions will not be called many times.
const Tabs = TabNavigator(
MyPage : {
screen: MyPage
MyPage2 : {
screen: MyPage,
lazy: true
If you use this structure and call fetching data inside of MyPage you can add logic in componentWillReceiveProps that will check is data already in store and/or is it changed before fetching new data. Calling your fetch functions from MyPage gives you the ability to pull fresh data on every page/screen visit or do "pull to refresh" if you need one.
You could also pull initial data in splashscreen time, I would just not recommend pulling all your app data, data for all screens, at that time since you probably don't need it all at once. You can do something like:
class MyApp extends Component {
state = {
initialized: false
componentWillMount() {
// if this is a promise, otherwise pass a callback to call when it's done
ApplicationManager.loadData(store).then(() => {
this.setState({ initialized: true })
render() {
const { initialized } = this.state
if (!initialized) {
return null
return (
<Provider store={store} >
<Root />
class Root extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
You should do it in App.js or where you initialize your StackNavigator. If I were you, I would put a loading screen, which would get replaced by the StackNavigator structure once the data is ready.
I wouldn't do it in the App because you lose control. Sadly I haven't used react-navigation or redux but I see that the TabNavigator has a tabBarOnPress method, which I would use to trigger the loading. You can load every page data on demand.