How to generate an incremental item number in BOPF - abap

I created a custom table to store reasons for modifying an Object. I'm doing a POC with BOPF in order to learn, even it may not make sense to use it here.
This is how the persistent structure looks like (simplified):
define type zobject_modifications {
object_id : zobject_id;
#EndUserText.label : 'Modification Number'
mod_num : abap.numc(4);
reason_id : zreason_id;
#EndUserText.label : 'Modification Comments'
comments : abap.string(256);
The alternative key consists in the object_id + mod_num. The mod_num should be an auto-generated counter, always adding 1 to the last modification for the object_id.
I created a determination before_save to generate it, checking the MAX mod_num from the database BOs and from the current instantiated BOs and increasing by 1.
But when I try to create 2 BOs for the same object in a single transaction, I get an error because of the duplicated alternative key, since the field MOD_NUM is still initial and the before_save would be triggered later. I tried to change the determination to "After Modify" but I still get the same problem.
The question is: When and how should I generate the next MOD_NUM to be able to create multiple nodes for the same object ID safely?
This must be a very common problem so there must be a best practice way to do it, but I was not able to find it.

Use a number range to produce sequential identifiers. They ensure that you won't get duplicates if there are ongoing and concurrent transactions.
If you want to insist on determining the next identifier on your own, use the io_read input parameter of the determination to retrieve the biggest mod_num:
The database contains only those nodes that have already been committed. But your new nodes are not committed, yet, such that you won't get them.
io_read in contrast accesses BOPF's temporary buffer that also contains the nodes you just created, hence seeing the more actual data.


How to get multiple data from gemfire cacheloader?

We are going to implement gemfire for our project. We are currently syncing gemfire cache with our DB2 database. So, we are facing issue while putting DB data into cache.
To put DB data into region. I have implement com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.CacheLoader and override load method of it. As written in java doc load method will return only one Object. But for our requirement we will have to return multiple VO from load method
public List<CmDvceInvtrGemfireBean> load(LoaderHelper<CmDvceInvtrGemfireBean, CmDvceInvtrGemfireBean> helper)
throws CacheLoaderException
While returining multiple VO in form of List<CmDvceInvtrGemfireBean> gemfire region consider it's as single value.
So, when i invoke,
System.out.println("return COUNT" + cmDvceInvtrRecord.query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM /cmDvceInvtrRecord"));
It return count of one. But i can see total 7 number of data into it.
So, I want to implement the kind of mechanism that will put all the 7 values as a separate VO in Region
Is there any way to do this using Gemfire CacheLoader?
A CacheLoader was meant to load a value only for a single entry in the GemFire Region on a cache miss. As the Javadoc states...
..creates the value for the desired key..
While a key can map to a multi-valued (e.g. an array/Collection) value, the CacheLoader can only populate a single entry.
You will have to resort to other means of populating the cache with multiple "entries" in a single operation.
Out of curiosity, why do you need (requirement?) to load multiple entries (from the DB) at once? Are you trying to minimize the number of round trips to the DB?
Also, what logic are you using to decide what VO from the DB will be loaded based on the information (i.e. key) provided in the CacheLoader?
For instance, are you somehow trying to predictably select values from the DB based on the CacheLoader key that would subsequently minimize cache misses on future Region.get(key) calls?
Sorry, I don't have a better answer for you right now, but answers to some of these questions may help me give you some ideas for alternatives.

DynamoDB: Have sequencing within Items

I am developing forums on DynamoDB.
There is a table posts which contains all the posts in a thread.
I need to have a notion of sequence in the posts, i.e. I need to know which post came first and which came later.
My service would be running in a distributed env.
I am not sure if using Timestamp is the best solution for deciding the sequence, as the hosts might have slightly different times and might be off my milliseconds/ seconds.
Is there another way to do this?
Can I get DynamoDB to populate the date so it is consistent?
Or is there a sequence generator that I can use in a distributed env?
You can't use DynamoDB to auto-populate dates. You can use other services to provide you with auto-generating numbers or use DynamoDB's atomic increment to create your own UUID.
This can become a bottleneck if your forum is very successful (needs lots of numbers per second). I think you should start with timestamp and later on add complexity to your id generating (concatenate timestamp+uuid or timstamp+atomiccounter)
It is always a best practice to sync your servers clock (ntpd)
Use a dedicated sequence table. If you have only one sequence (say, PostId), then there's going to be only one row with two attributes in the table.
Yes, there's extra cost and effort of managing another table, but this is the best solution I know by far and haven't seen any one else mentioning it.
The table should have a key attribute as primary partition key, and a numeric value attribute with initial value of 1 (or whatever you want the initial value to be).
Every time you want to get the next available key, you tell DynamoDB to do this:
Increment the value where key = PostId by 1, and return the value before incrementing.
Note that this is one single atomic operation. DynamoDB handles the auto-incrementing, so there's no concurrency issues.
In code, there're more than one ways of implementing this. Here's one example:
Map<String,AttributeValue> key = new HashMap<>();
key.put("key", new AttributeValue("PostId"));
Map<String, AttributeValueUpdate> item = new HashMap<String, AttributeValueUpdate>();
new AttributeValueUpdate()
UpdateItemRequest request = new UpdateItemRequest("Sequences", key, item).withReturnValues(ReturnValue.ALL_OLD);
UpdateItemResult result = dynamoDBClient.updateItem(request);
Integer postId = Integer.parseInt(result.getAttributes().get("value").getN()); // <- this is the sequential ID you want to set to your post
Another variation of Chen's suggestion is to have strict ordering of posts within a given Forum Thread, as opposed to globally across all Threads. One way to do this is to have a Reply table with the Hash key of ThreadId, and a range key of ReplyId. The ReplyId would be a Number type attribute starting at 0. Every time someone replies, your app does a Query on the Reply table for the one most recent reply on that thread (ScanIndexForward: false, Limit: 1, ThreadId: ). To insert your new reply use the ReplyId of the one returned in the Query, + 1. Then use PutItem, using a Conditional Write, so that if someone else replies at the same time, an error will be returned, and your app can start again with the query.
If you want the simplest initial solution possible, then the timestamp+uuid concatenation Chen suggests is the simplest approach. A global atomic counter item will be a scaling bottleneck, as Chen mentions, and based on what you've described, a global sequence number isn't required for your app.

ROR - Generate an alpha-numeric string for a DB ID

In our DB, every Person has an ID, which is the DB generated, auto-incremented integer. Now, we want to generate a more user-friendly alpha-numeric ID which can be publicly exposed. Something like the Passport number. We obviously don't want to expose the DB ID to the users. For the purpose of this question, I will call what we need to generate, the UID.
Note: The UID is not meant to replace the DB ID. You can think of the UID as a prettier version of the DB ID, which we can give out to the users.
I was wondering if this UID can be a function of the DB ID. That is, we should be able to re-generate the same UID for a given DB ID.
Obviously, the function will take a 'salt' or key, in addition to the DB ID.
The UID should not be sequential. That is, two neighboring DB IDs should generate visually different-looking UIDs.
It is not strictly required for the UID to be irreversible. That is, it is okay if somebody studies the UID for a few days and is able to reverse-engineer and find the DB ID. I don't think it will do us any harm.
The UID should contain only A-Z (uppercase only) and 0-9. Nothing else. And it should not contain characters which can be confused with other alphabets or digits, like 0 and O, l and 1 and so on. I guess Crockford's Base32 encoding takes care of this.
The UID should be of a fixed length (10 characters), regardless of the size of the DB ID. We could pad the UID with some constant string, to bring it to the required fixed length. The DB ID could grow to any size. So, the algorithm should not have any such input limitations.
I think the way to go about this is:
Step 1: Hashing.
I have read about the following hash functions:
The hash returns a long string. I read here about something called XOR folding to bring the string down to a shorter length. But I couldn't find much info about that.
Step 2: Encoding.
I read about the following encoding methods:
Crockford Base 32 Encoding
I am guessing that the output of the encoding will be the UID string that I am looking for.
Step 3: Working around collisions.
To work around collisions, I was wondering if I could generate a random key at the time of UID generation and use this random key in the function.
I can store this random key in a column, so that we know what key was used to generate that particular UID.
Before inserting a newly generated UID into the table, I would check for uniqueness and if the check fails, I can generate a new random key and use it to generate a new UID. This step can be repeated till a unique UID is found for a particular DB ID.
I would love to get some expert advice on whether I am going along the correct lines and how I go about actually implementing this.
I am going to be implementing this in a Ruby On Rails app. So, please take that into consideration in your suggestions.
The comments and answer made me re-think and question one of the requirements I had: the need for us to be able to regenerate the UID for a user after assigning it once. I guess I was just trying to be safe, in the case where we lose a user's UID and we will able to get it back if it is a function of an existing property of the user. But we can get around that problem just by using backups, I guess.
So, if I remove that requirement, the UID then essentially becomes a totally random 10 character alphanumeric string. I am adding an answer containing my proposed plan of implementation. If somebody else comes with a better plan, I'll mark that as the answer.
As I mentioned in the update to the question, I think what we are going to do is:
Pre-generate a sufficiently large number of random and unique ten character alphanumeric strings. No hashing or encoding.
Store them in a table in a random order.
When creating a user, pick the first these strings and assign it to the user.
Delete this picked ID from the pool of IDs after assigning it to a user.
When the pool reduces to a low number, replenish the pool with new strings, with uniqueness checks, obviously. This can be done in a Delayed Job, initiated by an observer.
The reason for pre-generating is that we are offloading all the expensive uniqueness checking to a one-time pre-generation operation.
When picking an ID from this pool for a new user, uniqueness is guaranteed. So, the operation of creating user (which is very frequent) becomes fast.
Would db_id.chr work for you? It would take the integers and generate a character string from them. You could then append their initials or last name or whatever to it. Example:
user = {:id => 123456, :f_name => "Scott", :l_name => "Shea"}
( {|x| (x.to_i + 64).chr}).join.downcase + user.l_name.downcase
#result = "abcdefshea"

Rails an MongoDB, how to get the last document inserted and be sure it is thread safe?

I need when I add a new document in my collection X to get the last document that was inserted in that same collection, because some values of that document must influence the document I am currently inserting.
Basically as a simple example I would need to do that:
class X
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
before_save :set_sum
def set_sum
self.sum = X.last.sum + self.misc
field :sum, :type => Integer
field :misc, :type => Integer
How can I make sure that type of process will never break if there are concurrent insert? I must make sure that when self.sum = X.last.sum + self.misc is calculate that X.last.sum absolutely represents that last possible document inserted in the collection ?
This is critical to my system. It needs to be thread safe.
ps: this also needs to be performant, when there are 50k documents in the collections, it can't take time to get the last value...
this kind of behavior is equivalent to having an auto increment id.
The cleanest way is to have a side collection with one (or more) docs representing the current total values.
Then in your client, before inserting the new doc, do a findAndModify() that atomically updates the totals AND retrieves the current total doc.
Part of the current doc can be an auto increment _id, so that even if there are concurrent inserts, your document will then be correctly ordered as long as you sort by _id.
Only caveat: if your client app dies after findAndModify and before insert, you will have a gap in there.
Either that's ok or you need to add extra protections like keeping a side log.
If you want to be 100% safe you can also get inspiration from 2-phase commit
Basically it is the proper way to do transaction with any db that spans more than 1 server (even sql wouldnt help there)
If you need to keep a running sum, this should probably be done on another document in a different collection. The best way to keep this running sum is to use the $inc atomic operation. There's really no need to perform any reads while calculating this sum.
You'll want to insert your X document into its collection, then also $inc a value on a different document that is meant for keeping this tally of all the misc values from the X documents.
Note: This still won't be transactional, because you're updating two documents in two different collections separately, but it will be highly performant, and fully thread safe.
Fore more info, check out all the MongoDB Atomic Operations.

what does this error mean in nhibernate

Out of the blue, i am getting this error when doing a number of updates using nhibernate.
Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect): [MyDomainObject]
there is no additional information in the error. Is there some recommended way to help identify the root issue or can someone give me a better explanation on what this error indicated or is a sympton around.
Some additional info
I looked at the object and all of the data looks fine, it has an ID, etc . .
Note this is running in a single call stack from an website so i wouldn't expect there to be any threading issues to worry about in terms of concurrency.
NHibernate has an object, let's call it theObject. theObject.Id has a value of 42. NHibernate notices that the object is dirty. The object's Id is different than the unsaved-value, which is zero (0) for integer primary keys. So NHibernate issues an update statement, but no rows are updated, which means that there is no row in the database for that type of object with an Id of 42. So the object has been deleted without NHibernate knowing about it. This could happen inside another transaction (e.g. you have threading issues) or if someone (or another application) deleted/altered the row using SQL directly against the database.
The other possibility is that your unsaved-value is wrong. e.g. You are using -1 to indicate an unsaved-entity, but your mapping has a unsaved-value of zero. This is unlikely as your application is generally working from the sounds of it. If the unsaved-value was wrong, you wouldn't have been able to save any entities to the database as NHibernate would have been issuing UPDATE statements when it should have been issuing INSERT.
It means that you have multiple transactions accessing the same data, thus producing concurrency issues. You should improve on your data access handling, you probably are updating data from multiple threads, syndicate the changed data into a queue first which handles all the access to the db.
An old post, but hopefully my info will help someone. I was getting a similar error but only when persisting associations, after I had added in a new object. The error was of the form:
NHibernate.StaleObjectStateException: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect) [My.Entity#0]
Note the zero on the end, which is my identifier property. It should not be trying to save with key zero as I was using identity specification in SQL Server (generator class=native). I had not changed my unsaved-value in my xml so I had no idea what the problem was; for some reason NHibernate was trying to do an update using key value as 0 instead of a save (and getting the next key identity) for my new object.
In the end I found the cause was that I was initialising Version number to 1 for the new object in my constructor! Even though my identifier property was zero, for some reason NHibernate was also looking for a version property of zero as well, to identify it as an unsaved transient instance. The book "NHibernate in Action" does actually mention this on page 120, but for some reason my objects were fine when persisting with version number of 1 normally, and only failing if saving a new object through an association.
So make sure you do not set your Version value (leave as zero or null).
You say that your data is ok, but check if for example you are mapping the ID as self generate. I had the exact same problem, but I was sending an object with an ID different from 0.
Hope it helps!
My problem was this:
[Bind(Include="Name")] EventType eventType
Should have been:
[Bind(Include="EventTypeId,Name")] EventType eventType
Just as other answers suggest nhibernate was using zero as the id for my entity.
If you have a trigger on the table, it can be the reason. In this case, add inside it
This error happened to me in the following way:
List < Device > allDevices = new List < Device > ();
//Add Devices to the list
//Add allDevices to database //Will work fine
// allDevices.Clear(); //Should be used here
//Later we add more devices
//Add allDevices to Database -> We get the error
//Solution to this
allDevices.Clear(); //Before adding new transaction with the oldData,