Mocking node module in Detox test - react-native

Is it possible to mock a node_module using guide provided here:
I was able to mock a regular file, but is it also possible for node modules? If so, how would I do that?


Possible to create a kotlin js app gradle config without webpack/npm/yarn?

Is it possible to create a gradle config that uses the kotlin multiplatform plugin to create a project with a kotlin js client (and ktor/jvm back end) that does required the webpack/npm/yarn gymnastics which I have little use for? Even if I remove the webpack element from the config the build still seems to fail because of the yarn lock problem. (Can be worked around of course, but it just seems for simple apps all this complexity ideally could be avoided.)
Solutions that don't use gradle at all - like just calling the compiler(s) and other tools directly in a script - would also be welcome!

Should be Cypress testing framework be installed separate from the testee project?

I have a big web project with a separate backend and a front-end (webpack). I'm going to use Cypress to create end-to-end tests.
What is not clear is where I should add the Cypress tests and Cypress itself. The documentation says to add it right to the testee project and it shows how to run the tests on the production website (which URL is different from the local, dev project). This means that I'm not able to run the tests on the development project because Cypress testing IDE and the testee project can't be run simultaneously because they share the same terminal.
If so, the best solution is probably to organize one more project, only for testing purposes, and having only Cypress installed and tests themselves? Is it a good practice and if so, which project should it be?
We have the same setup at work. We include the Cypress folder in the front-end repo. I'd agree with keeping it right next to the project because you have access to that code easily i.e. accessing utility functions, selectors, etc. As far as the terminal issue, you should be able to run your project locally in one terminal tab and the cypress test runner in another.

What configuration do I need to run TestCafe in WebStorm

I would like to run/debug TestCafe tests using WebStorm. Does anyone have
a suggested configuration I need to do this?
WebStorm doesn't provide any special support for TestCafe (if you miss it, please vote for WEB-30315); but you can use VS Code instructions to run/debug in WebStorm. Namely, you need Node.js Run configuration like the following:
where JavaScript file: is set to a path to your locally installed testcafe module, e.g. node_modules\testcafe\bin\testcafe.js, and Application parameters: are testcafe cli args, like chrome myTestFile.js

Intellij - how to make a plugin that can perform IDE actions via a CLI or web service?

I need some help getting started making a specific IntelliJ plugin.
I want to make an IntelliJ plugin that makes it so you can launch intelliJ actions from CLI (or from a web service if it's easier).
For example, I'm done building my project with a gradle script... but i want to get it ready in intelliJ too. Right now I have to do this manually with a point-and-clicks.
Instead I want to have this the ability to externally trigger some IntelliJ commands. In my example I would want to fire off these requests from my gradle script:
run-intellij-command {project-path} --action refresh-gradle
run-intellij-command {project-path} --action build-project
run-intellij-command {project-path} --action start-debugging --configurationName={configuration-name}
Does anyone have an example of how I can get started with this?
Really hoping there is an intellij plugin project that already does something similar like reacting to cli commands or hosts a web service that can be called?
Also created this
hoping to see this feature become a reality some day
You can use the ApplicationStarterEx interface to implement that. Provide a class implementing the interface, and register it in your plugin.xml as the <appStarter> extension point.
To execute your code, use Tools | Create Command-line Launcher, and then run idea <startername> <arguments> from the command line, where startername is what you return from ApplicationStarter.getCommandName().
I'm not aware of any existing open-source plugins that implement similar functionality.

How do I get WebdriverIO autocomplete on VS Code

Is there a way I can get autocomplete on VS Code for webdriverio?
Other code editors like Intellij provide something like Settings -> Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> JavaScript -> Libraries
From there we can add a directory with webdriverio commands
How can I do similar thing with VS Code?
my understanding is, vscode is built with typescript and by default it does not support autoComplete(Intellisense) on a package that is built with javascript. So all the js package creators would provide an #types file. These #types file help vscode to find all the function definitions, object properties. etc., etc., of your JS package and show as suggestions. Which in case here is webdriverio package.
So adding a #types dependency that is related to your JS package will mostly fix the issue.
npm install #types/webdriverio --save-dev
After adding the package, i started getting the browser object suggestions.
All the above works fine for v4 version of WDIO.
If you are using v5 version: Then as per their official documentation we need to create a jsconfig.json file on the root directory.
Above answer worked well :
you need to install below dependency :
if you are using webdriverio v4 (for cucumber BDD ) use below
npm install #types/webdriverio#4 --save-dev
or use :
npm install #types/webdriverio --save-dev
VSCode Intellisense
Using #types/webdriverio is not suggested by webdriverio and it is now deprecated:
npm WARN deprecated #types/webdriverio#5.0.0: This is a stub types definition. webdriverio provides its own type definitions, so you do not need this installed.
I would suggest to follow the official documentation by WebDriverIO here: