Problem adding RichTextLabel as child in godot - game-engine

I tried using add_child and call_deferred, but none of them work.
extends Control
var richTextLabel =
var rtl =
func _ready():
richTextLabel.set_bbcode("BBCode [color=blue]blue[/color]")
addNodes(rtl, richTextLabel)
func addNodes(rtl: RichTextLabel, richTextLabel: RichTextLabel):
self.call_deferred("add_child", richTextLabel)
What am I missing?

I think the labels are there they are just not visible since you did not position or define a size for them.
Try setting a size and check if they show up:
rtl.set_size(Vector2(100, 100))
richTextLabel.set_size(Vector2(100, 100))


Custom CollapsingTopAppBar Jetpack Compose

The essence of the problem is that I want to write my own version of the AppBar that would include content as another Compose function. After looking at the source code of the current CollapsingTopAppBar implementation, I saw the following lines:
private fun TwoRowsTopAppBar(
scrollBehavior: TopAppBarScrollBehavior?
) {
val pinnedHeightPx: Float = 64.dp
val maxHeightPx: Float = 152.dp {
pinnedHeightPx = pinnedHeight.toPx()
maxHeightPx = maxHeight.toPx()
// Sets the app bar's height offset limit to hide just the bottom title area and keep top title
// visible when collapsed.
SideEffect {
if (scrollBehavior?.state?.heightOffsetLimit != pinnedHeightPx - maxHeightPx) {
scrollBehavior?.state?.heightOffsetLimit = pinnedHeightPx - maxHeightPx
Surface(...) {
Column {
heightPx = pinnedHeightPx
heightPx = maxHeightPx - pinnedHeightPx + (scrollBehavior?.state?.heightOffset
?: 0f),
As I understand it, scrollBehavior is used to handle the collapse and expansion behavior. In the current implementation, just constant values are put in heightOffsetLimit. And since I need my appbar implementation to be able to contain content of any size, I need to somehow know the size of this content in advance and put this value in heightOffsetLimit.
I have already written the code for my AppBar, so that it also contains content. But since I can't pass the height value of the content to scrollBehavior, the AppBar doesn't collapse to the end.
you need to calculate the height that the appbar will have before drawing it into the screen. I have followed this issue and solved my problem with the last solution. hope it helps:
Get height of element Jetpack Compose
use the content you can put (ex. an image or a huge text) as the MainContent
use your appbar as the DependentContent and use the size given in lambda to give the height to your appbar
finally set placeMainContent false as I believe you don't need to draw the image (or any other composable) directly in a box
and you will good to go

Programmatically update the signal for a multi-click in vega/vega-lite

Following the example on the website:
I want to programmatically set the selections via signals. I realize that I could emulate a click by doing the following
VEGA_DEBUG.view.signal("select_tuple", {"unit":"","fields":[{"type":"E","field":"_vgsid_"}],"values":[1]})
However, I cannot proceed to select another, e.g., the shift select of the 2
VEGA_DEBUG.view.signal("select_tuple", {"unit":"","fields":[{"type":"E","field":"_vgsid_"}],"values":[2]})
This makes sense, since only shift-click accumulates the state.
I tried modifying the accumulated signal
VEGA_DEBUG.view.signal("select", {"_vgsid_":[1,2],"vlMulti":{"or":[{"_vgsid_":1},{"_vgsid_":2}]}})
However, this does not help. Is this not possible? I understand that a custom solution may be possible in hand-rolled vega, as opposed to that compiled from vega-lite.
Just need to set VEGA_DEBUG.view.signal("select_toggle", true) before adding the new select!!
After much research I made this example of how to change the vega-lite brush programmatically
Using #koaning example this stack overflow question I figured that you can change the brush by updating "brush_y" (assuming that your selection is called brush) or change the selection using "brush_tuple" (which doesn't seem to update the brush mark)
viewof chart = {
const brush = vl.selectInterval("brush").encodings("y");
const base = vl
vl.color().if(brush, vl.value("steelblue")).value("gray")
update = {
// From
// brush_y -> brush_tuple -> brush
// Updates on pixels
chart.signal("brush_y", [by0, maxY / 2]);
await chart.runAsync();
Crossposting here in case it might be useful for anyone

Screenshot of Mapbox map without displaying it

I need to display a few previews of addresses on the map on the same screen. To do that I'm going to display ImageViews with bitmaps instead of making multiple instances of MapView. But for that I need to find a way to capture these bitmaps.
I found snapshot function in MapboxMap (, but it requires displaying of the map.
val position = CameraPosition.Builder()
mapboxMap.cameraPosition = position
mapboxMap.snapshot { bitmap: Bitmap ->
So, can I take a snapshot of the map without displaying it on the screen?
I've finally found the solution! The class I needed to use was MapSnapshotter.
val width = imageView.width
val height = imageView.height
val location = CameraPosition.Builder()
.target(LatLng(55.7558, 37.6173))
val options = MapSnapshotter.Options(width, height)
MapSnapshotter(context, options).start { snapshot ->

ios-charts How to invalidate/redraw after setting data

See Updates At Bottom (4/30/2015)
I'm implementing a Pie Chart in Swift for iOS using ios-charts, and have chosen to customize the legend. Of note, the chart is displayed within a cell of a UICollectionView. The problem is that on first display, the custom legend content is not being displayed. Instead, I get legend content generated from the data.
If I scroll the view off-screen, and then scroll it back onto the screen, the proper custom legend is displayed. So, I'm guessing that I need to force a redraw/relayout/re-something after setting my custom legend. I haven't figured out how to do that. Does anyone have an idea? Am I completely missing something? Thanks!
Chart on initial display - data-generated (wrong) legend
Chart after scrolling off and back onto the screen - (proper legend)
Here's my code for drawing this chart:
func initChart(pieChart: PieChartView) {
numFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 0
pieChart.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
pieChart.usePercentValuesEnabled = false
pieChart.drawHoleEnabled = true
pieChart.holeTransparent = true
pieChart.descriptionText = ""
pieChart.centerText = "30%\nComplete" = getMyData()
// Setting custom legend info, called AFTER setting data
pieChart.legend.position = ChartLegend.ChartLegendPosition.LeftOfChartCenter
pieChart.legend.colors = [clrGreenDk, clrGold, clrBlue]
pieChart.legend.labels = ["Complete","Enrolled","Future"]
pieChart.legend.enabled = true
func getMyData() -> ChartData {
var xVals = ["Q201","R202","S203","T204","U205", "V206"]
var courses: [ChartDataEntry] = []
courses.append(ChartDataEntry(value: 3, xIndex: 0))
courses.append(ChartDataEntry(value: 3, xIndex: 1))
courses.append(ChartDataEntry(value: 4, xIndex: 2))
courses.append(ChartDataEntry(value: 4, xIndex: 3))
courses.append(ChartDataEntry(value: 3, xIndex: 4))
courses.append(ChartDataEntry(value: 3, xIndex: 5))
let dsColors = [clrGreenDk, clrGreenDk, clrBlue, clrBlue, clrGold, clrGold]
let pcds = PieChartDataSet(yVals: courses, label: "")
pcds.sliceSpace = CGFloat(4)
pcds.colors = dsColors
pcds.valueFont = labelFont!
pcds.valueFormatter = numFormatter
pcds.valueTextColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
return ChartData(xVals: xVals, dataSet: pcds)
Update 4/30/2015
Based on discussion with author of MPAndroidChart (on which ios-charts is based), it appears there is not a point in the chart display lifecycle where one can override the legend on "first draw". Basically, the chart is rendered when it is created, no matter what. If you set data on the chart, the chart uses that data to create the legend and then renders. It isn't possible to change the legend between the point of setting data, and the point of chart rendering.
Potentially, one can wait for the chart to render, update the legend, and then call chart.setNeedsDisplay() to signal the chart to redraw. Sadly, there's a timing problem with this. If you call this method immediately after rendering the chart, it either doesn't fire or (more likely) it fires too soon and is effectively ignored. In my code, placing this call within viewDidLoad or viewDidAppear had no effect. However...
Building the same chart in Java for Android (using MPAndroidChart) results in the same issue. After messing around for a bit, I noted that if I called the chart.invalidate() after a delay (using Handler.postDelayed()), it would fire properly. It turns out a similar approach works for ios-charts on iOS.
If one uses GCD to delay the call to setNeedsDisplay(), for even a few milliseconds after the rendering, it seems to do the trick. I've added the following code immediately after initializing the chart's view in my ViewController ("cell" is the UICollectionViewCell containing the chart view):
delay(0.05) {
cell.pieChartView.legend.colors = [self.clrGreenDk, self.clrGold, self.clrBlue]
cell.pieChartView.legend.labels = ["Complete","Enrolled","Future"]
// Re-calc legend dimensions for proper position (Added 5/2/2015)
Using the awesome "delay" method from this SO post:
Obviously, this is a nasty hack, but it seems to do the trick. I'm not sure I like the idea of using this hack in production, though.
For any Android folk who stumble on this post:
The following code achieves the same effect using MPAndroidChart:
// Inside onCreate()
pie = (PieChart) findViewById(;
new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String[] legLabels = new String[]{"Complete","Enrolled","Future"};
ArrayList<Integer> legColors = new ArrayList<Integer>();
}, 20);
I am the author of ios-charts, and we're working on features for customizing the legend data, without those "hacks".
In the latest commits to ios-charts, you can already see extraLabels and extraColors properties that add extra lines to the legend, and a setLegend function that allows you to set a custom data entirely.
This will soon be added to the Android version as well.
Enjoy :-)

Cytoscape.js how to manually stop layout processing

I'm using cytoscape.js with the arbor layout. Is there a way to manually stop the layout rendering ? In the doc i saw a 'layoutstop' event but no way to actually stop the layout.
Here is how I worked around the problem if someone's interested : I just put a global stop_layout var in the stableEnergy function. Ugly but it works. Yay!
var stop_layout = false;
layout_params = {
name: 'arbor',
stableEnergy: function(energy){
var e = energy;
return (e.max <= 0.5) || (e.mean <= 0.3) || stop_layout;
// Then change the stop_layout value when you want to run or stop layout processing
layoutstop is an event to indicate that the layout has stopped running. Arbor includes a maxSimulationTime option so you can stop the layout early: