Cannot install Sourcetree because oAuth redirection page does not load in localhost at port 34106 - authentication

Trying to install source tree in my Windows 10. They are asking for mandatory BitBucket account and after creating account when I proceed their oAuth, I found state and auth code are being sent like, http://localhost:34106/?state=authenticated&code=CHabzvwrFjNAEzWYCD. But localhost seems not running in my Windows and hence gage loading fails.
There was a temporary DNS error. Try refreshing the page.
Anyone faced similar issue? What's the resolution?

Sourcetree seems to be using the Loopback Interface Redirection, which is a recommended solution for Windows.
Your error INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND seems to be DNS related, so I would first try if there is something wrong with resolving localhost to Try to ping localhost If it fails (which would be strange), you can add localhost to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts: localhost
If localhost is correcly resolved to, your firewall may be the problem. I would try to stop if during the Sourcetree installation.
I have Sourcetree installed on my computer, but the installation went without problems, so I'm just writing what I would try to do.


How can I change the port for Webmin access?

I'm managing a Rails website that relies on MySQL tables. I used to be able to access the tables with Webmin by going to . At some point, I lost the ability to access it this way.
I'm not great with SSH, but I was able to SSH into my website as a general user. Then, I switched to Root user. Then, I ran this command to restart my Webmin:
svcadm restart webmin
It seemed to accept the command, but I'm not really sure how to check. Anyway, I started getting a new error message when I tried to access Webmin through my browser:
The website uses a connection with Cloudflare. My guess was that this could be the problem since Cloudflare doesn’t support port 10000. I tried deactivating Cloudflare, but it didn't resolve the problem.
Still, I figured I might need to use SSH to change the port for Webmin access just in case. I found a source that suggested how to do it, and it starts with SSH. I went in through SSH and I switched to Root user. Then, I ran this command:
And it tells me
bash /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf Permission denied
How can I get past this step? Am I headed the wrong direction to get access back to Webmin? Thank you!

Apache2 Not Responding: Bitnami Magento Install (Legacy)

For reasons too insane to even go into, I am attempting to install using the Bitnami Magento image on a fresh Amazon AWS/Lightsail Ubuntu 16.04 instance (2gbs to avoid complaints and be sure I don't run into anything unnecessary).
I think this is really more of an Apache question. After I finish the install (success), I can't get the server to respond via the instance IP address at the default port (8080).
Regarding the old Bitnami Image, you can get (or wget) that Magento image still, it's over here:
wget ""
So for the sake of anyone who's trying to work through the whole process, once you pull the above down to your instance you need to chmod the above file to 755. This assumes you are in the directory with your download:
chmod 755
Then run it using it's full path, like:
So the install is going to ask a bunch of questions, for anyone keeping track my answers were all yes (ie. yes to Git, PhpMyAdmin, Beetailer... whatever that is).
Then I created an admin user / password etc.
As far as the port I didn't have anything running on 8080 so the install defaulted the port to 8080 with HTTPS on 8443 with MySQL on 3306 (more on ports in a minute).
I think Host/Domain is one of the keys to this problem. When I couldn't get the server to respond I just recreated an instance and tried a different Domain during the install process. I tried: internal AWS IP, External ACTUAL IP,
Here's what the Magento 1.9 Domain prompt looks like:
So basically that sort of brings us up to date.
Once I finished the install, like a normal human used to using bitnami as a cloud image I assumed the server would respond at whatever the default path was at the IP address it was running on. Ie:
Not the case. When I hit that the server does NOT respond, hence the question. In addition to the above I have also tried the BASEIPADDRESS, and the BASEIPADDRESS:8080
Results checking open ports
So since the server is not responding I figured I would check the ports.
First I checked using netstat:
netstat -lntu
I got back:
Then I realized that netstat is now depreciated... so I went with:
ss -lntu
I got back:
(excuse the images, formatting wouldn't work for text)
To me it looks like 8080 (default) is open in both of those results. So why isn't the server responding at the default location?
#Bitnami Status = OK
Checking the status with:
/home/ubuntu/magento- status
Everything looks good:
apache already running
mysql already running
Memcached not running
Since it says Memcached was not running, I started memcached to see if that was the issue, no it was not.
I can access the instance via SSH and yes I am sure the IP is right. See images above.
I also posted this to the Bitnami community but haven't heard anything over there. Will cross populate as I get ideas.
It looks to me that you configured Magento using the private IP address, so you would not be able to access from your browser. A way to check it is by executing the following command in your machine:
curl -L
If that provides output, then the IP is misconfigured, so you would need to reinstall using the proper IP
So this ended up being PRIMARILY due to not running the Bitnami stack installer as root / sudo:
sudo /home/ubuntu/
Why Install with Sudo on AWS/Lightsail?
So the reason you need to install as sudo has to do with the fact that when run as the normal user (ie. not root) the installer defaults to port 8080 which is NOT open on aws by default. To complicate matters further you may not be able to get things running properly even if you manually swap to port 80 AFTER you run the installer.
To avoid a scenario where port 80 requires root access to utilize I just re-created my instance and ran the installer as root with the above command.
Host Setting
During install I selected the public IP for the "Host" prompt and everything worked as I thought it might (straight out of the box).
Thanks to Javier Salermon who put me on the right track and the devs at Bitnami for cueing me into the fact that 8080 is not open by default.

localhost blocked on Chrome with "Privacy Error"

Google Chrome is blocking localhost.
I'm using XAMPP with Apache localhost, ports 80 and 443. Google Chrome is up to date.
I'm getting the following error:
Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from localhost (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID
Try this:
In Chrome, put in chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost in the address bar.
Enable the option that says "Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost".
Restart Chrome, and it should allow the site.
From Chrome version 63, it will redirect all .dev extension to domain https
So try another extension to another, ex .test, .local...
You can refer here:
Try typing in your are blocked page thisisunsafe. Simple type this word on keyboard. I found solution from this
It worked for me just by changing " .dev" to ".local"
I'm using windows 10
your connection is not private for virtual host in XAMPP
I've faced the same problem, Now It has been solved it.
don't use '.dev' for your local domains - the new chrome (version 63) redirects all .dev -Domains to ''
Try to rename your local domains to something like '.test' and 'phpmyadmin.test' or whatever
I had the same problem.
Kyle Erickson's answer didn't work for me.
I changed the host name and it was ok. You can also use the ip directly.
Reset your browser.Remove cache and cookies from your browser.Try now your website. It should work.
Still doesn't work let us know in comments below.

Unable to access my webserver (virtual machine, Ubuntu 14.10) through browser

I have setup a Virtual Machine on my Windows 7 system (Ubuntu 14.10). It looks like Apache, MySql and PHP have been installed successfully. If I ran
curl -l
I see the website in my console.
But if I hit this address in my browser I just get "This web page is not available".
VM->Settings->Network: I've selected "Bridged Adapter".
Have anyone any ideas what could cause the issue? Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.
If you are trying to access to it's not gonna work. You have two solutions :
With a bridged interface, go to ubuntu, open a terminal and type ifconfig (it's possible you have to be root for that). Then use the ip displayed.
You can add an host only interface and do the same thing

moodle not working properly after installation

I have installed moodle many times. But this time when i install moodle all steps are completed uptil update profile. (localhost/moodle/user/editadvanced.php id=2) when i enter admin details and update file nothing is displayed. when i try to access moodle module through localhost chrome displays message "web page has a redirect loop".
localhost/moodle/admin/index.php page is not redirected. i have reinstalled Xampp.
in Apache error log i found following
RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an
ID which matches the server name
i found solution some where to comment include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf but it another error is activated in error log
"Sessioncache is not configured"
. Also i have changed port 443 but it didn't work
Find the moodledata folder.
Inside the moodledata
there are many folders
Delete all from Cache
2.Delete all from Session
Restart your browser.
It worked for me.
Hope that works for you.
Thanks for reply. I have found another solution.
While i was accessing a service provided by Linux server i got message that service has been blocked by security settings. I searched and while searching for that problem i found the solution of both.!topic/chrome/DYk8tSV8qM4
go to control panel, programs, click on java, security.
set security to medium.
Java security was set to high which was blocking moodle application.
Delete the cache and the sesson folder data's in the moodle data folder. It will prevent you from redirecting the loop.
It is worked for me.But deleting the whole moodledata folder is not recommended
Just a guess... but if you are using a certificate, have you tried using https in your config.php?
$CFG->wwwroot = 'https://...'