How to call a column named "group" in Snowflake? - sql

I have a table in Snowflake with the following structure:
| id | group | subgroup |
| 1 | verst | burg |
| 2 | travel| plane |
| 3 | rest | bet |
I need to call only the column "group", so I tried the following code:
from table as t2
but the following error arises
SQL compilation error: syntax error line 1 at position 7 unexpected 'group'. syntax error line 2 at position 0 unexpected 'from'.
I have also tried using:
select group
from table as t2
select "group"
from table as t2
but I always get the same error.
I know I can call the whole table using * but the real table where I get this data from has many more columns and we want to display this data in a dashboard. Additionally, I am not the owner of the table since it is filled by a microservice, so I cannot change the column names and I can't modify the microservice process.
I would appreciate any suggestion.

Given the table could not be created without double quotes, you need to know how it was created to know how to refer to the column. Which is to say it the create code was CREATE TABLE awsome ("GrOuP" string); there you will need to type "GrOuP"
There is also a session setting to ignore case in double quotes that might help.
But by default things are upper case, thus try "GROUP"

Putting group in double quotes worked fine when I tried it:
create or replace temporary table foo ( "group" string );
insert into foo values ('Hello world.');
select "group" from foo;


Generating a decrementing ID while inserting data on a Teradata table

I'm trying to insert data from a query (or a volatile table) to another table which has a id column ( with only type smallint and not null constraint) which should be unique, on Teradata using teradata SQL Assistant the min(id) = -5 and i should insert the new data with a lower id.
This is a simple example:
table a
id| aa |bb
-3|text |text_2
and the data i should insert is for example :
aa | bb
so the result should be like
id| aa |bb
-3|text |text_2
I tried to pass by creating volatile table with a generated id start by -5 increment by -1 no cycle.
But I get an error
Expected something like a name or a unicode delimited identifier or a cycle keyword between an integer and ','
There is any other way to do it please ?

Updating a PostgreSQL column that contains dot (.) in its name

I should update the value of a row, but the column name has the dot.
I tried but nothing, even though it seems to work on MySQL.
How can I do with postgresql? I swear that before creating this thread I searched all over.
Thanks for the quick answers, I tried to use "" but this is the result
ERROR: column "" of relation "my_table" does not exist
My query:
update my_table set ""='a081613e-2e28-4cae-9ff7-4eaa9c918352';
You can use "" around the column name
Wrap name with double quotation marks: ""
UPDATE: Thanks for the quick answers, I tried to use "" but this is the result
Are you sure then that it's your case?
psql (13.2)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE example_db;
postgres=# \c example_db
You are now connected to database "example_db" as user "postgres".
example_db=# CREATE TABLE example_table ("example.field" int);
example_db=# \d example_table
Table "public.example_table"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
example.field | integer | | |
example_db=# SELECT "example.field" FROM example_table;
(0 rows)
example_db=# SELECT "example_table"."example.field" FROM example_table;
(0 rows)

Generate new ID for every new combination of column 1 and column 2

I would like to generate a new ID number for every new combination of column 1 and column 2.
For example:
ID | column 1 | column 2
1 | peter | blue
2 | mark | red
1 | peter | blue
As there will be new rows added over time, with new values, this should be able to auto-update.
I tried DENSE_RANK(), which seemed to work. But it gave an error when I put it as a statement in a calculated column, so I guess this is not possible? (Still very new to SQL).
Thanks for any help!
Error message: #1901 - Function or expression 'dense_rank()' cannot be
used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `ProductIdentifier
What I basically want is to link a row to another table based on the 2 columns. I could also concatenate the two columns of course, but I read somewhere that doing this with string will be slower. It will ultimately be a big table with currently 200.000+ rows and growing to millions. Is this something I could/should do?
I don't understand. If you want column1/column2 to be unique, then they should be in their own table:
create table t12 (
t12_id int auto_increment primary key,
column1 int,
column2 int,
unique (column1, column2)
This gives you the unique value for the pair that you seem to want.
You can't use window functions in a generated column, as you found out. You can, however, compute the information on the fly in a view:
create view myview as
select id, column1, column2, dense_rank() over(order by column1, column2) rn
from mytable
Then you can query the view instead of the table, like:
select * from myview;

SQLite table with some rows missing a column

I have a table in a SQLite database that looks something like this, but with more columns and rows:
| Field1 | Field2 |
| A | 1 |
| B | 2 |
| C | |
What I need to do is run a SQL query like this:
SELECT * FROM <tablename> WHERE <conditions> ORDER BY Field2
The problem is, I'm getting the error: no such column: Field2
So now I've been asked to set all the missing values to 99. But when I run
UPDATE <tablename> SET Field2='99' WHERE Field2 IS NULL;
I get the same error. How do I fix this and update all those missing cells?
EDIT: I should also add that the missing values don't seem to be null since if I add a new column in my database GUI browser, all the cells show as [NULL], though this column doesn't.
This turned out to be caused by a very subtle problem in the table:
Several of the column names (the ones that were causing me problems) ended in a newline (\n). Removing the newline solved all my problems!

How to select a table dynamically with HSQLDB and Hibernate?

I have a table with references to other tables. Stored is the table name and the entity id.
Like this:
id | table_name | refId
1 | test | 6
2 | test | 9
3 | other | 5
Now I try to formulate an SQL/FUNCTION that returns the correct entities from the correct tables. Something like:
SELECT * FROM resolveId(3)
I would expect to get the entity with the id "5" from the table "other". Is this possible? I would guess I can do it with a stored procedure (CREATE FUNCTION). The function would have to inspect the "ref_table" and return the name of the table to use in the SQL statement ... but how exactly?
If you want to use the resuling entities in select statements or joins, you should use CREATE FUNCTION with RETURNS TABLE ( .. )
There is a limitation in HSQLDB routines which disallows dynamically creating SQL. Therefore the body of the CREATE FUNCTION may include a CASE or IF ELSE block that switches to a pre-defined SELECT statement based on the input value (1, 2, 3, ..).
The details of CREATE FUNCTION are documented here:
There is one example for an SQL function with RETURNS TABLE.