azure DevOps API not returning all fields for WorkItems - api

I'm trying to execute a POST request with Azure DevOps on my WorkItems and get all the Others Tags on the WorkItems .
This is my query{orgenezation}/{project}/{Team}/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=5.1
and the Body is
"query": "select [System.Id],[System.Description], [System.WorkItemType], [System.Title], [System.AssignedTo], [System.State], [System.Tags] from WorkItems where [System.TeamProject] = #project and [System.Tags] contains 'Automation' and [System.Tags] contains 'board1'"
from some reason I do not get the right data and have missing data from the result , like Description,Tags.
"workItems": [
"id": 6441,
"url": "{org}/eb25462e-351c-4364-a55a-e9e6029bffba/_apis/wit/workItems/6441"
"id": 6442,
"url": "{org}/eb25462e-351c-4364-a55a-e9e6029bffba/_apis/wit/workItems/6442"
what should I do with this issue?

It works as designed. It returns only ids and urls. Here you can find the example with request and result: Wiql - Query By Wiql. Then you can use Work Items - Get Work Items Batch and specify all ids from your wiql result. Additionally, you can specify only needed fields: Get list of work items for specific fields.


Text search in aggregation using pymongo

I have a collection named users, it has following attributes
“_id”: “937a04d3f516443e87abe8308a1fe83e”,
“username”: “andy”,
“full_name”: “andy white”,
“image” : “”,
… etc
i want to make a text search on full_name and username using aggregation pipeline, so that if a user search for any 3 letters, then the most relevant full_name or username returned sorted by relevancy,
i have already created text index on username and full_name and then i tried query from below link:
pipeline_stage = [
{"$match": {"$text": {"$search": “whit”}}},
{"$sort": {“score”: {"$meta": “textScore”}}},
{"$project": {“username”: 1,“full_name”: 1,“image”:1}}
stages = [*pipeline_stage]
users = users_db.aggregate(stages)
but i am getting below error:
pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: FieldPath field names may not start with ‘$’. Consider using $getField or $setField., full error: {‘ok’: 0.0, ‘errmsg’: “FieldPath field names may not start with ‘$’. Consider using $getField or $setField.”, ‘code’: 16410, ‘codeName’: ‘Location16410’, ‘$clusterTime’: {‘clusterTime’: Timestamp(1657811022, 14), ‘signature’: {‘hash’: b’a\xb4rem\x02\xc3\xa2P\x93E\nS\x1e\xa6\xaa\xb0\xb1\x85\xb5’, ‘keyId’: 7062773414158663703}}, ‘operationTime’: Timestamp(1657811022, 14)}
I also tried below link (my query also below) but i am getting full text search results, not working for partial text search:
pipeline_stage = [
{"$match": {"$text": {"$search": search_key}}},
{"$project": {"full_name": 1, "score": {"$meta": "textScore"}}},
Any help will be appreciated,
Note: I want to do partial text search, sorted by relevant records at top,
Your project stage is incorrect, it should be
pipeline_stage = [
{"$match": {"$text": {"$search": "and"}}},
{"$sort": {"score": {"$meta": "textScore"}}},
{"$project": { "username": "$username", "full_name": "$full_name", "image": "$image"}}
Also note if you use an English text search, words like and are not indexed.

Query for entire JSON document in nested JSON schema

I wish to locate the entire JSON document that has a condition where "state" = "new" and where length( > 4
"id": "123"
"feedback": {
"Features": [
"state": "new"
"id": "12345"
This is what I have tried to do:
Since this is a nested document. My query looks like this:
A stackoverflow member has helped me to access the nested contents within the query, but is there a way to obtain the full document
I have used:
SELECT VALUE FROM t IN where t.state = 'new' and length(>4
This will give me the ids.
My desire is to have access to the full document with this condition?
"id": "123"
"feedback": {
"Features": [
"state": "new"
"id": "12345"
Any help is appreciated
Try this
WHERE[0].state = 'new'
AND length([0].id)>4
Here is the SELECT spec for CosmosDB for more details
Also, check out "working with JSON" in CosmosDB notes
If the Features array has more than 1 value, you can use EXISTS clause to search within them. See specs of EXISTS here with examples:

mongoDB: aggregation which adds a field of counting field in the collection

I am new to MongoDb and have a query which I am struggling with..
I have a collection of reported users which looks like this:
"_id": 1,
"userId": 1,
"reason": "some reason",
"date": "2017-07-22"
I need a query which will add to each report the number of reports for that userId.
meaning if the collection has 3 records with userId=1. the query will return three records and each of them will also include a field
count=3 meaning the record above will now look like this:
"_id": 1
"userId": 1,
"reason": "some reason",
"date": "2017-07-22",
"count": 3
I tried using $project and $addFields aggregations but was not able to add a field which is a result of a query over the whole collection.
any ideas?
The answer provided by Veeram is correct, just that if you are running mongodb version less than 3.6, in the last stage of aggregate you might want to replace the $replaceRoot operator with a $project
{$group:{_id:"$userId", "data":{"$push":"$$ROOT"}, count:{$sum:1} } },
{$project:{_id:"$data._id", userId:"$data.userId", reason:"$data.reason", date:"$", count:1}}

Need a mapping between Team name and Area Path in TFS

In TFS, Team can be associated with more than one AreaPath. I want to retrieve the mappings between AreaPath and TeamName. Is there any table in TFS databases which has mappings? or any REST API to retrieve that data?
You can try to use the Team field values Rest API.
The team field is used to identify which work items belong to your
team. By default, Area Path is the team field, but it can be any
field. Use this API to get and set the the team field values.
Get a team field values
GET https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/{team}/_apis/Work/TeamSettings/TeamFieldValues?api-version={version}
Will return including three area paths:
Default is Fabrikam-Fiber\\Auto and "Fabrikam-Fiber\\Fiber" and "Fabrikam-Fiber\\Optics"
"field": {
"referenceName": "System.AreaPath",
"url": ""
"defaultValue": "Fabrikam-Fiber\\Auto",
"values": [
"value": "Fabrikam-Fiber\\Auto",
"includeChildren": false
"value": "Fabrikam-Fiber\\Fiber",
"includeChildren": false
"value": "Fabrikam-Fiber\\Optics",
"includeChildren": false
SELECT, path.[AreaPath],ADObjects_team.SamAccountName, teamproject
FROM [dbo].[tbl_TeamConfigurationTeamFields] config
inner join [dbo].[ADObjects] ADObjects_team on config.[TeamId]= ADObjects_team.[TeamFoundationId]
inner join [dbo].[tbl_ClassificationNode] area on config.[TeamFieldValue] = area.[Identifier]
inner join [dbo].[tbl_ClassificationNodePath] path on =
where arealevel1='Area'
order by [AreaPath]

how to filter Defect search by active projects in Rally using Web API

I built a custom search tool to allow searching Rally via the Web API from other applications and I've run into an issue. Right now I am allowing defects to be searched but I noticed that defects are coming back in the search results that are related to a project that is closed. I need to filter these out. I am wondering if there is a way to access attributes on a referenced object when querying another object, for example, if I have a query to search for defects where the name contains some text, such as contains "keyword"), can I include something in that query to say that I only want defects for open projects by using the Project attribute on Defect, such as Project.State equals "Open". Basically I'm wondering if there is a way to do it in one query in an OData-ish format. Or as an alternative, if I separately query for a list of all open projects, could I add conditions to the query to say something like (Name contains "keyword") AND (ProjectId = ... OR ProjectId OR ...)? Any thoughts or suggestions are much appreciated.
A query for defects (or any other work item types) is not expected to return items from closed projects. WS API queries do not search closed projects.
Created a defect in a project. It happens to have FormattedID DE529
Tested (FormattedID = DE529) in WS API.
This json was returned:
QueryResult: {
_rallyAPIMajor: "2",
_rallyAPIMinor: "0",
Errors: [ ],
Warnings: [ ],
TotalResultCount: 1,
StartIndex: 1,
PageSize: 20,
Results: [
_rallyAPIMajor: "2",
_rallyAPIMinor: "0",
_ref: "",
_refObjectUUID: "aa35839a-5e49-44c6-8be7-2fb17bbd91bf",
_refObjectName: "bad defect",
_type: "Defect"
Closed the project. Ran the same query:
No result:
QueryResult: {
_rallyAPIMajor: "2",
_rallyAPIMinor: "0",
Errors: [ ],
Warnings: [ ],
TotalResultCount: 0,
StartIndex: 1,
PageSize: 20,
Results: [ ]
Also, it is not possible to query Projects by State. This query will return 0 results even when there are closed projects in the workspace 1234: = Closed)
Project names in Rally do not have to be unique. Identifying a project by Name may produce a misleading result in a corner case when you have two projects with the same name(one is Open, the other is Closed).