Is there a way to determine AWS SES service availability in a region? - .net-core-2.1

Is there a way to determine if ses has a local region available using AWS SDK?
After registering e-mail service with Core Middleware services.AddAWSService<IAmazonSimpleEmailService>() I want to find and assign the SES local region to e-mail service if there is one available. Using .Net Core 2.1 and AWS SDK. Thank you!

I believe this link contains information you are interested in -
Here’s how to get the list of regions where a service (Amazon Athena,
in this case) is available:
$ aws ssm get-parameters-by-path \
--path /aws/service/global-infrastructure/services/athena/regions --output json | \
jq .Parameters[].Value
"us-west-2" NuGet package can be used to achieve same via .NET SDK. For your example the code to get the set of regions where SES is available can look like
var client = new AmazonSimpleSystemsManagementClient(...);
var path = "/aws/service/global-infrastructure/services/ses/regions";
var response = await client.GetParametersByPathAsync(new GetParametersByPathRequest
Path = path
var regions = new HashSet<string>(response.Parameters.Select(x => x.Value));
while (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(response.NextToken))
response = await client.GetParametersByPathAsync(new GetParametersByPathRequest
Path = path,
NextToken = response.NextToken
foreach (var parameter in response.Parameters) regions.Add(parameter.Value);


How can I connect to S3 APS External Download?

I'm trying to access s3://aps-external-download using .NET SDK
var client = new AmazonS3Client(accessKey, secretKey, RegionEndpoint.USEast1);
var response = await client.ListObjectsAsync();
foreach (var x in response.S3Objects)
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", x.BucketName);
But I'm getting Access Denied
ErrorCode: AccessDenied
ErrorMessage: Access Denied
From aws CLI, I'm able to list the folders
aws s3 ls s3://aps-external-download/***/
PRE ***_report/
PRE ***_report/
I'm trying to find a solution from documentation but it's not been helpful.
What could I be missing?
The problem is that I was using the wrong method.
var response = await client.GetObjectAsync("aps-external-download/path/to/the/report/1999-01-01", "report_file");
var reader = new StreamReader(response.ResponseStream);
while (!reader.EndOfStream)

How to Upload a csv file lager than 10MB on S3 using Lambda /API Gateway

Hello I am new here on AWS i was trying to upload a csv file on my bucket s3 but when the file is larger than 10mb it is returing "{"message":"Request Entity Too Large"}" I am using postman to do this. Below is the current code I created but in the future I will add some validation to change the name of the file that being uploaded into my format. Is there any way to do this with this kind of code or if you have any suggestion that can help me with the issue I have encountered?
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const s3 = new AWS.S3();
const bucket = process.env.UploadBucket;
const prefix = "csv-files/";
const filename = "file.csv";
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
let data = event.body;
let buff = new Buffer(data, 'base64');
let text = buff.toString('ascii');
let textFileSplit = text.split('?');
//get filename split
let getfilename = textFileSplit[0].split('"');
// //remove lower number on csv
let csvFileSplit = textFileSplit[1].split('--')
const params = {
Bucket: bucket,
Key: prefix + getfilename[3],
Body: csvFileSplit[0]
s3.upload(params, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log('error uploading');
callback(null, "Success")
For scenarios like this one, we normally use a different approach.
Instead of sending the file to lambda through API Gateway, you send the file directly to S3. This will make your solution more robust and cost you less because you don't need to transfer the data to API Gateway and you don't need to process the entire file inside the lambda.
The question is: How do you do this in a secure way, without opening your S3 Bucket to everyone on the internet and uploading anything to it? You use s3 signed urls. Signed Urls are a feature of S3 that allows you to bake in the url the correct permissions to upload an object to a secured bucket.
In summary the process will be:
Frontend sends a request to API Gateway;
API Gateway forward the request to a Lambda Function;
The Lambda Function generate a signed Url with the permissions to upload the object to a specific s3 bucket;
API Gateway sends back the response from Lambda Function to the Frontend. Frontend upload the file to the signed Url.
To generate the signed url you will need to use the normal aws-sdk in your lambda function. There you will call the method getSignedUrl (signature depends on your language). You can find more information about signed urls here.

How to create a AWS Cognito user with Terraform

I'd like to use Terraform to create AWS Cognito User Pool with one test user. Creating a user pool is quite straightforward:
resource "aws_cognito_user_pool" "users" {
name = "${var.cognito_user_pool_name}"
admin_create_user_config {
allow_admin_create_user_only = true
unused_account_validity_days = 7
However, I cannot find a resource that creates AWS Cognito user. It is doable with AWS Cli
aws cognito-idp admin-create-user --user-pool-id <value> --username <value>
Any idea on how to do it with Terraform?
In order to automate things, it can be done in terraform using a null_resource and local_exec provisioner to execute your aws cli command
resource "aws_cognito_user_pool" "pool" {
name = "mypool"
resource "null_resource" "cognito_user" {
triggers = {
user_pool_id =
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "aws cognito-idp admin-create-user --user-pool-id ${} --username myuser"
This isn't currently possible directly in Terraform as there isn't a resource that creates users in a user pool.
There is an open issue requesting the feature but no work has yet started on it.
As it is not possible to do that directly through Terraform in opposite to matusko solution I would recommend to use CloudFormation template.
In my opinion it is more elegant because:
it does not require additional applications installed locally
it can be managed by terraform as CF stack can be destroyed by terraform
Simple solution with template could look like below. Have in mind that I skipped not directly related files and resources like provider. Example also contains joining users with groups.
variable "COGITO_USERS_MAIL" {
type = string
description = "On this mail passwords for example users will be sent. It is only method I know for receiving password after automatic user creation."
"Resources" : {
"userFoo": {
"Type" : "AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUser",
"Properties" : {
"UserAttributes" : [
{ "Name": "email", "Value": "${users_mail}"}
"Username" : "foo",
"UserPoolId" : "${user_pool_id}"
"groupFooAdmin": {
"Type" : "AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUserToGroupAttachment",
"Properties" : {
"GroupName" : "${user_pool_group_admin}",
"Username" : "foo",
"UserPoolId" : "${user_pool_id}"
"DependsOn" : "userFoo"
resource "aws_cognito_user_pool" "user_pool" {
name = "cogito-user-pool-name"
resource "aws_cognito_user_pool_domain" "user_pool_domain" {
domain = "somedomain"
user_pool_id =
resource "aws_cognito_user_group" "admin" {
name = "admin"
user_pool_id =
data "template_file" "application_bootstrap" {
template = file("${path.module}/cf_template.json")
vars = {
user_pool_id =
users_mail = var.COGNITO_USERS_MAIL
user_pool_group_admin =
resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" "test_users" {
name = "${var.TAG_PROJECT}-test-users"
template_body = data.template_file.application_bootstrap.rendered
Simple project based on:
Elastic Load Balancer,
Auto Scaling Group,
Spring Boot application
PostgreSQL DB.
Security check is made on ELB and Spring Boot.
This means that ELB can not pass not authorized users to application. And application can do further security check based on PostgreSQL roleswhich are mapped to Cognito roles.
Terraform Project and simple application:
Docker image made out of application code:
More information how to run it in terraform git repository's README.MD.
It should be noted that the aws_cognito_user resource is now supported in the AWS Terraform provider, as documented here:
Version 4.3.0 at time of writing.

Redirecting AWS API Gateway to S3 Binary

I'm trying to download large binaries from S3 via an API Gateway URL. Because the maximum download size in API Gateway is limited I thought I just could provide the basic URL to Amazon S3 (in the swagger file) and add the folder/item to the binary I want to download.
But all I find is redirection API Gateway via a Lambda function, but I don't want that.
I want a swagger file where the redirect is already configured.
So if I call <api_url>/folder/item I want to be redirected to s3-url/folder/item
Is this possible? And if so, how?
S3: (item = large binary file)
API Gateway: https://<id> -> redirect to s3 url
I am not sure if you can redirect the request to a presigned S3 url via API Gateway without a backend to calculate the presigned S3 url. The presigned S3 url feature is provided by the SDK instead of an API. You need to use a Lambda function to calculate the presigned S3 url and return.
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.region = "us-east-1";
var s3 = new AWS.S3({signatureVersion: 'v4'});
var BUCKET_NAME = 'my-bucket-name'
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
var params = {Bucket: BUCKET_NAME, Key: event.path};
s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params, function (err, url) {
console.log('The URL is', url);
callback(null, url);

Amazon S3 : The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 [duplicate]

I get an error AWS::S3::Errors::InvalidRequest The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256. when I try upload file to S3 bucket in new Frankfurt region. All works properly with US Standard region.
backup_file = '/media/db-backup_for_dev/2014-10-23_02-00-07/slave_dump.sql.gz'
s3 =
access_key_id: AMAZONS3['access_key_id'],
secret_access_key: AMAZONS3['secret_access_key']
s3_bucket = s3.buckets['test-frankfurt']
# Folder and file name
s3_name = "database-backups-last20days/#{File.basename(File.dirname(backup_file))}_#{File.basename(backup_file)}"
file_obj = s3_bucket.objects[s3_name]
file_obj.write(file: backup_file)
aws-sdk (1.56.0)
How to fix it?
Thank you.
AWS4-HMAC-SHA256, also known as Signature Version 4, ("V4") is one of two authentication schemes supported by S3.
All regions support V4, but US-Standard¹, and many -- but not all -- other regions, also support the other, older scheme, Signature Version 2 ("V2").
According to ... new S3 regions deployed after January, 2014 will only support V4.
Since Frankfurt was introduced late in 2014, it does not support V2, which is what this error suggests you are using. explains how to enable V4 in the various SDKs, assuming you are using an SDK that has that capability.
I would speculate that some older versions of the SDKs might not support this option, so if the above doesn't help, you may need a newer release of the SDK you are using.
¹US Standard is the former name for the S3 regional deployment that is based in the us-east-1 region. Since the time this answer was originally written,
"Amazon S3 renamed the US Standard Region to the US East (N. Virginia) Region to be consistent with AWS regional naming conventions." For all practical purposes, it's only a change in naming.
With node, try
var s3 = new AWS.S3( {
endpoint: '',
signatureVersion: 'v4',
region: 'eu-central-1'
} );
You should set signatureVersion: 'v4' in config to use new sign version:
signatureVersion: 'v4'
Works for JS sdk.
For people using boto3 (Python SDK) use the below code
from botocore.client import Config
s3 = boto3.resource(
I have been using Django, and I had to add these extra config variables to make this work. (in addition to settings mentioned in
AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = "ap-south-1"
Or previous to boto3 version 1.4.4:
AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = "ap-south-1"
Similar issue with the PHP SDK, this works:
$s3Client = S3Client::factory(array('key'=>YOUR_AWS_KEY, 'secret'=>YOUR_AWS_SECRET, 'signature' => 'v4', 'region'=>'eu-central-1'));
The important bit is the signature and the region
AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = "ap-south-1"
this also saved my time after surfing for 24Hours..
Code for Flask (boto3)
Don't forget to import Config. Also If you have your own config class, then change its name.
from botocore.client import Config
s3 = boto3.client('s3',config=Config(signature_version='s3v4'),region_name=app.config["AWS_REGION"],aws_access_key_id=app.config['AWS_ACCESS_KEY'], aws_secret_access_key=app.config['AWS_SECRET_KEY'])
url = s3.generate_presigned_url('get_object', Params = {'Bucket':app.config["AWS_BUCKET_NAME"] , 'Key': file.filename}, ExpiresIn = 10000)
In Java I had to set a property
System.setProperty(SDKGlobalConfiguration.ENFORCE_S3_SIGV4_SYSTEM_PROPERTY, "true")
and add the region to the s3Client instance.
With boto3, this is the code :
s3_client = boto3.resource('s3', region_name='eu-central-1')
s3_client = boto3.client('s3', region_name='eu-central-1')
For thumbor-aws, that used boto config, i needed to put this to the $AWS_CONFIG_FILE
aws_access_key_id = (your ID)
aws_secret_access_key = (your secret key)
s3 =
signature_version = s3
So anything that used boto directly without changes, this may be useful
Supernova answer for django/boto3/django-storages worked with me:
AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = "ap-south-1"
Or previous to boto3 version 1.4.4:
AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = "ap-south-1"
just add them to your and change region code accordingly
you can check aws regions from:
enter link description here
For Android SDK, setEndpoint solves the problem, although it's been deprecated.
CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider(
context, "identityPoolId", Regions.US_EAST_1);
AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(credentialsProvider);
Basically the error was because I was using old version of aws-sdk and I updated the version so this error occured.
in my case with node js i was using signatureVersion in parmas object like this :
const AWS_S3 = new AWS.S3({
params: {
Bucket: process.env.AWS_S3_BUCKET,
signatureVersion: 'v4',
region: process.env.AWS_S3_REGION
Then I put signature out of params object and worked like charm :
const AWS_S3 = new AWS.S3({
params: {
Bucket: process.env.AWS_S3_BUCKET,
region: process.env.AWS_S3_REGION
signatureVersion: 'v4'
Check your AWS S3 Bucket Region and Pass proper Region in Connection Request.
In My Senario I have set 'APSouth1' for Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
using (var client = new AmazonS3Client(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretAccessKey, RegionEndpoint.APSouth1))
GetPreSignedUrlRequest request1 = new GetPreSignedUrlRequest
BucketName = bucketName,
Key = keyName,
Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(50),
urlString = client.GetPreSignedURL(request1);
In my case, the request type was wrong. I was using GET(dumb) It must be PUT.
Here is the function I used with Python
def uploadFileToS3(filePath, s3FileName):
s3 = boto3.client('s3',
# remove file from local to free up space
return True
except Exception as e:
return False
Sometime the default version will not update. Add this command
For Boto3 , use this code.
import boto3
from botocore.client import Config
s3 = boto3.resource('s3',
Try this combination.
const s3 = new AWS.S3({
endpoint: '', // Bucket region
accessKeyId: 'A-----------------U',
secretAccessKey: 'k------ja----------------soGp',
Bucket: 'bucket_name',
useAccelerateEndpoint: true,
signatureVersion: 'v4',
region: 'ap-south-1' // Bucket region
I was stuck for 3 days and finally, after reading a ton of blogs and answers I was able to configure Amazon AWS S3 Bucket.
On the AWS Side
I am assuming you have already
Created an s3-bucket
Created a user in IAM
Configure CORS settings
you bucket > permissions > CORS configuration
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">
Generate A bucket policy
your bucket > permissions > bucket policy
It should be similar to this one
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Id": "Policy1602480700663",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1602480694902",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::harshit-portfolio-bucket/*"
PS: Bucket policy should say `public` after this
Configure Access Control List
your bucket > permissions > acces control list
give public access
PS: Access Control List should say public after this
Unblock public Access
your bucket > permissions > Block Public Access
Edit and turn all options Off
**On a side note if you are working on django
add the following lines to you file of your project
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = '****not to be shared*****'
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '*****not to be shared******'
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'your-bucket-name'
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage'
# look for files first in aws
STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage'
# In India these settings work
AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = "ap-south-1"
Also coming from:
For me this was the solution:
AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = "eu-central-1"
This needs to be added to in your Django project
Using PHP SDK Follow Below.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Aws\S3\S3Client;
use Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception;
$client = S3Client::factory(
'signature' => 'v4',
'region' => 'me-south-1',
'key' => YOUR_AWS_KEY,
'secret' => YOUR_AWS_SECRET
var aws = require("aws-sdk");
region: process.env.AWS_REGION,
secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
var s3 = new aws.S3({
signatureVersion: "v4",
let data = await s3.getSignedUrl("putObject", {
ContentType: mimeType, //image mime type from request
Bucket: "MybucketName",
Key: folder_name + "/" + uuidv4() + "." + mime.extension(mimeType),
Expires: 300,
AWS S3 Bucket Permission Configuration
Deselect Block All Public Access
Add Below Policy
"Principal": "*",
Then Paste the returned URL and make PUT request on the URL with binary file of image
Full working nodejs version:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var s3 = new AWS.S3( {
endpoint: '',
signatureVersion: 'v4',
region: 'eu-west-2'
} );
const getPreSignedUrl = async () => {
const params = {
Bucket: 'some-bucket-name/some-folder',
Key: 'some-filename.json',
Expires: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
try {
const presignedUrl = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', params, (err, url) => {
err ? reject(err) : resolve(url);
} catch (err) {
if (err) {