John Hopkins ArcGIS coronavirus map by date? - arcgis

I'm sure we're all familiar with the excellent JHU global map they made showing the coronavirus cases (and other data):
I was just wondering if anyone knows of a way to show the same visualization but as of a particular date? Or does it always just show the latest results.
If the answer is "always the latest," I'd appreciate if anyone could point me to a few links to replicate the main map using their github data.

The website says Last Updated At at bottom left corner. So it is always the latest.
The data they use is in Github


Why doesn't the Type to Search box in the Explorer pane return all datasets?

BigQuery newbie here, trying to get comfortable and learn the ins and outs of the console.
The bigquery-public-data project contains 5 datasets starting with austin as shown below.
However, when I search, only one is returned as shown below.
I can guess that perhaps permissions are in play, however, I compared the permissions between the datasets and nothing is jumping out of me.
Can someone explain where I can look to understand what is happening?

I dont understand how to optimize Play Store Keywords AND screenshots at the same time

I dont understand how to run effective ASO because..
If I am running screenshot experiments I should not be changing text but I need to be changing text to optimize app keywords for App/Play Store search. So I can effectively only do only one or the other?
Please help me understand how this is supposed to be done. Thanks :)
Yes, you can not run effective experiment if you start changing screenshots and keywords at the same time.
Alternatively, you could run an experiment of screen shots in one country and another experiment with keywords in another country at the same time. not all countries are the same so you should choose relatively similar countries from behaviour point of view. One example is US and Australia.

Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints - how to set branch condition on get actor of class

I have been working on a simple game in Unreal Engine 4. I am trying to make it so when a player is hit by a cube they take damage. However, I am stuck on creating a condition. I have previously used:
to set up a condition where a player only takes damage if they are touched by the cube (In my cube pawn blueprints).
This doesn't work however - when trying to set-up my health bar:
This shows that I am now using entirely new variables to attempt to get a successful updating bar.
Without setting it up so when a cube hits the player, the player takes damage, the player will take damage from simply jumping at walking into other surfaces.
I have created a function that successfully updates my current health and max health so I don't need to show, or need help with the maths or updating the widget. Is there a way for me to use the branch to create an if statement that checks the contact is form a cube?
I am quite new to blueprints and have mostly developed through the use of tutorials. If you need clarity on my question or you don't understand what I am asking please leave a comment and I will try to update. I have looked long and hard for an answer, but I have found that Unreal Engine 4 hasn't got many questions that I can tailor the answer to my situation. If the answer is already in another post on this website, comment saying so and I will remove this post.
Thanks for any help you can give me :)
(This also has a page for me to quickly share to my friends so I will also credit the person who helped me there)
If I've understood your question correctly, I believe you are just asking how to check if the cube has hit the player character and not some other actor.
Instead of using an if statement as you suggested, you can just cast the Other Actor property to your first person character. If the cast is successful then it hit the character, if the cast fails, it hit something else. You can then call the damage function which you said you've already created. Below is a basic example you could use in your cube blueprint. You will also need to make sure you have a collision box surrounding your cube mesh (and your character, but I can already see that in your screenshot).

Big Commerce, Top\Featured\New Products on category page

Hi there working with bigcommerce Im looking to get the following style of break down on each category page
Essentially making a category version of;
Ive gone ahead and attempted this however they seem to be pulling in from global values, and there dose not seem to me much option to break these down or limit the category, has anyone done this previously and if so how?
developerscott is correct in those panels not offering contextually unique data. I'd recommend looking into Unbxd. It has a 30 day trial so you can either investigate their programmatic solution or use it in place of making your own.

Tiger/Lines or shapefiles of USA states and cities?

i've been asked to generate some demographic reports (crime rates, birth/deaths, etc) based on state and cities for the USA. I have all the demographic data (provided by our client) but can't seem to find any places which have the boundaries (read: LAT/LONG's) of the USA States and their cities.
Our data are Lat/Long points of data (eg. a crime, a birth, etc) and we want to get some mapped reports and also datamine using Sql server (we're using MS Sql 2008, but that shouldn't impact this question).
So .. can anyone direct me to where there are some state and city boundary sources? I know our government has all this information available for free at the US Census Bureau, but i can't seem to understand where it's found and how to digest this info.
I'm assuming that this info will be in the form of lat/long polygons (eg. a shapefile, etc) which i can then import into the DB and mine away.
Can anyone help, please?
A bit late, but in case anyone stumbles across this like I did:
To get the city boundary layers you navigate to "Download Shapefiles" for the year you're interested in and drop down to the city boundary layer, which is called "Places". (which is not an intuitive enough name for me...)
That's the link for 2011's shapefiles.
I can suggest the post
Here's a link to the 2008 TIGER/Line shapefiles, and it sounds like looking at the TIGER/Line Shapefiles FAQ would probably be helpful -- other info at the main page for the 2008 data set.
I know the census is difficult to navigate at times. Try going to the National Atlas at also the National map at
I think you are looking for GIS data. For example, I found US Census Bureau TIGER/Line 2007FE Shapefiles Mississippi, United States although I am not sure what you get with the download nor how to exploit the information...
Was not able to use the tiger.. something web site. pain in the rear. Just download the file at the location below and may be trim according to your necessity.