Customize ribbons for every MS Word document - vba

I am new to development with VBA. I am working on a project based on MS Word macros.
Lately, I have been trying to create ribbons to access certain functionalities, but I have got limited success in it.
I want to customize ribbons using XML which should appear on all MS Word files and not the one I have used to customize ribbon.
Is there any way to create any XML file that can be utilised by all MS word documents without having to customize each one of them.

The answer for this is essentially the same as for making macros available to all documents:
Store the Ribbon in a template (together with the macros, so a dotm) and load it as an Add-in.
If it should load automatically, that means placing it in Word's STARTUP folder.


How to use VBA to change the default MS Word 2016 options so that when you save as PDF the headings are included as bookmarks?

I'm using Microsoft Word 2016 and looking for a way to run a vba macro that will change the default option to Create bookmarks using: Headings when I save a document as PDF when I click on
File ->
Save As ->
PDF (*.pdf) ->
More options.. ->
Note: The option is only available if you have a table of contents in the document.
The goal is that if a user chooses to save as PDF that option will be already checked.
I'm not asking how to do this manually, like in this question
nor programmaticaly save to PDF using vba like here or here.
Since it's not reachable by VBA at the point of save a file as PDF I do not see it as possible to change that PDF saving option using only VBA.
The only way I see you can reach the behavior you seek is as follow but need some special effort. You need to either create a VTSO addin or be able to have an extra marco file in the Microsoft Word Startup-Path so it will be loaded at Microsoft Word Startup.
Re-implement your own "Save" behavior by overriding the Save functionality (BeforeSave) of Microsoft Word and provide it via your own Save-Button in the Microsoft Word-Menu described here

How do I create a Word VBA personal VBA code library as I have done in Microsoft Excel..?

How do I create a Word VBA personal code library as I have done in Microsoft Excel..? I had this working, but today it broke and I cannot make it work again. I originally did this because my file blew up and I lost all my macros. I found a blog post that described how to do it, but I cannot find my way back there. I've Google this extensively, but not found a solution.
There are some twists & turns here, as described below...
In Microsoft Excel, one can easily create a "code library project". This is simply a standard XLSB file with VBA modules in it, saved in the ..\Excel\STARTUP folder alongside the PERSONAL.XLSB file.
When the VBA editor is open in any other XLSX/B file, the modules in the code library file are always visible. And thre's not a requirement to create a VBA project reference to see them. The library modules can be natively edited as if they were an integral part of any other file, without requiring the library file to be open in another window to do so, as shown in the picture... Microsoft Word, it seems to work differently, and...strangely. If the same is done: create a DOCM file with custom code modules, and save it in the ..\Word\Startup\ folder, those modules are not visible in the VBA Project Explorer.
Following along the chain of logic from Excel to Word, and do as others have the DOCM as a DOTM instead, and save it in the ..\Templates folder with the Normal.dotm file. Still, it is not visible in Project Explorer.
It's not until Normal.dotm is opened for editing and the library DOTM is added as a VBA Project Reference that it finally appears in the Project Explorer, but only while Normal is open. opens the code library file for editing in another window..! If Normal is saved with that reference, and a new document is created from it, the library code cannot be edited and displays the error "project is unviewable"...
It's not until the library DOTM file is opened for editing in a second window that it's code becomes editable, and it does so in all Word VBA windows on all documents at the same time.
There is one glimmer of hope: if I create a new blank DOC from the library DOTM instead of Normal.DOTM, it works..! Any document created from the library retains a link to the code modules there, including any new or edited ones, and they can be edited natively right there in the Project Explorer. And this includes the code modules in Normal.DOTM too.
It seems the "editability" is one way: documents created from any other template can see & edit both their own code and those in Normal.DOTM, but not the other way around: documents created from Normal.DOTM can only see their own code.
How can this connection be made two-way for all documents, regardless of what template they were created from..??
I've been trying to wrap my head around the possibility it may be a security/malware issue, but I can't come up with one. If macros are already enabled in the Trust settings, malware is already 99% on the way to controlling a machine anyways. The only step left is enabling VBIDE.
A very similar question on Microsoft Answers:
Is there a startup or template file in Words that allows one to store "personal macros", i.e. macros that one wants to have always available while editing documents (I am seeking the equivalent to the PERSONAL.XLSB file in Excel, where I can store macros that then are available in all sheets that I open).
And the solution given:
Word uses the default template Normal.dotm for this purpose. Macros stored in Normal.dotm will be available in all documents. Apart from that, Normal.dotm also serves as the default document template, and it also stores the user's formatted AutoCorrect entries.
Just like Personal.xlsb, Normal.dotm doesn't exist in a clean new installation, but it will be created when needed.
The location for Normal.dotm is
AppData is a hidden folder, so you must display hidden files and folders in order to see it in Windows Explorer.
Similar questions (also on have been offered same type of solution.
Macros that should be globally available can be stored in Normal.dotm or in a template located in the Startup folder for Word. See also:
In Word, personal settings (those that aren't stored in the Registry) are stored in the Normal template, Normal.dotm. When you change and save settings or create macros, they are automatically saved in Normal.dotm unless you choose to save them in another template. Normal.dotm is automatically loaded when you start Word, and new Blank Documents are based on Normal.dotm.

Generate PowerPoint presentations with Excel sheets / charts embedded in it programatically

So what my client wants to accomplish seems pretty simple. We will have PPTX file template with a few Excel sheets embedded in it, and a few charts too.
We have created such template file. We are able to extract it, update excel files that sit in ppt/embedded directory with new ones, and pack it back.
The problem is, the display values of the tables or charts do not update automatically when such file is opened. You have to double click on a spreadsheet table or chart to trigger "edit mode". When you leave it the charts are updated.
We figured that internally, PowerPoint is doing screenshots of tables or charts, and uses it to display presentation. This is probably to allow presentation players that do not come with Excel to correctly render the presentation with embedded sheets.
Is there a way I can programatically update the screenshots of tables/charts? Is there some sort of API from Microsoft that would allow me to do that, like "MS Office API".
Maybe there is some way to have MS office configured/scripted, so I send it a file, it runs a VB script on it and returns updated value? I figured I can actually trigger update to screenshots with VB script. But I don't know if I can orchestrate Office program to do what I want.
Help? :)

How to Make a VBA Excel Program Work on Other Excel Documents?

I'm very new with VBA Excel and i only know the things as far as i need for this report formatting task. My code is almost completed, but what i wonder is, how can i make my program work on several documents?
I mean, i want to choose an excel file via my program, then i want to start the process of report formatting. Then maybe user need to format another document, i want my program to be able to format that document too. how can i achieve that?
Thanks in Advance
The way I am currently doing this is by creating an Excel add-in. To do this, place your macros and forms into a new, empty Excel workbook and save as a .xlam document.
To use the macros, open the your Excel file and the add-in. To open the add-in automatically, save it to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\XLSTART" (Vista).
You can even create a custom ribbon for your add-in using the Custom UI Editor for Microsoft Office (The download link is at the end of the instructions)

How to add a Word add-in 2007 to a particular word 2007 document

I have created a Word add-in which would load data in custom ribbon from external web service. I need to have that add-in in a document so that It can populate the data only on that document. I don't want to have application level add-in because It will try to load data for any other word document user might create. I want to do this as this document would serve as a template for other documents. Is this possible?
If the above is not possible, how do you actually install the word-2007 add-in. I see this link. Is this the way one should do it?
I am using VS 2010 Premium edition on Windows 7. I also have Word 2007installed in my machine.
You can use Visual Studio to create a document- or template- level addin.