Set a Property Value From Database of Properties - properties

My database has the formname, control, and control property type value stored.
I would like to have a line of code like this.
Forms(i%).Controls(ControlName$)).controlpropertytype$ = NewValue
I am currently using a select case structure to handle the various property types. It would be much simpler to have a single statement take care of it.

Using a helper function, you can achieve this with one line of code. Here's an example of setting a TextBox on Form1 to the value 'aaa':
Option Explicit
Private Sub Test()
CallByName FindForm("Form1").Controls("Text1"), "Text", VbLet, "aaa"
End Sub
Public Function FindForm(ByVal Name As String) As Form
Dim f As Form
For Each f In Forms
If UCase(f.Name) = UCase(Name) Then
Set FindForm = f
Exit Function
End If
End Function
While this is an interesting exercise, I would not recommend this approach. It assumes the form and the control can both be found, but if they can't be found this one-liner will crash your app.
Here's documentation for CallByName.


Is it possible to change the appearance of a custom class's object in the VBA editor's locals and watch windows? [duplicate]

Although an experienced VBA programmer it is the first time that I make my own classes (objects). I am surprised to see that all properties are 'duplicated' in the Locals Window. A small example (break at 'End Sub'):
' Class module:
Private pName As String
Public Property Let Name(inValue As String)
pName = inValue
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = pName
End Property
' Normal module:
Sub Test()
Dim objTest As cTest
Set objTest = New cTest
objTest.Name = "John Doe"
End Sub
Why are both Name and pName shown in the Locals Window? Can I in some way get rid of pName?
As comments & answers already said, that's just the VBE being helpful.
However if you find it noisy to have the private fields and public members listed in the locals toolwindow, there's a way to nicely clean it up - here I put the Test procedure inside ThisWorkbook, and left the class named Class1:
So what's going on here? What's this?
Here's Class1:
Option Explicit
Private Type TClass1
Name As String
'...other members...
End Type
Private this As TClass1
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = this.Name
End Property
Public Property Let Name(ByVal value As String)
this.Name = value
End Property
The class only has 1 private field, a user-defined type value named this, which holds all the encapsulated data members.
As a result, the properties' underlying fields are effectively hidden, or rather, they're all regrouped under this, so you won't see the underlying field values unless you want to see them:
And as an additional benefit, you don't need any pseudo-Hungarian prefixes anymore, the properties' implementations are crystal-clear, and best of all the properties have the exact same identifier name as their backing field.
All the Inspection windows not only show the public interface of the objects to you, but also their private members. AFAIK there is nothing you can do about it.
Consider it a nice feature to get even more insights while debugging.
In my experience this is less of an issue in real world objects as they tend to have more fields and properties. Assuming a consistent naming (as your example shows), fields and properties are nicely grouped together.
If you really dont want to see even Mathieu's This you could wrap it into a function. This is a bit more involved, and can be achieved using
a second class that stores the data in public variables. This will be marginally slower then Mattieu's implementation
a collection object that accesses the data using keys. This does not require additional clutter in the project exporer's 'class module' list but will be a little slower if you call the This repeatedly in fast sucession
An example for each is given below. If you break in the Class's Initialisation function, you can add me to the watch window and only the Name property will be listed
Using 2 Objects example
insert a classmodule and name it: InvisibleObjData
Option Explicit
Public Name As String
Public plop
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Name = "new"
plop = 0
End Sub
insert a classmodule and name it: InvisibleObj
Option Explicit
Private Function This() As InvisibleObjData
Static p As New InvisibleObjData 'static ensures the data object persists at successive calls
Set This = p
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
This.Name = "invisible man": Debug.Print Name
Me.Name = "test": Debug.Print Name
This.plop = 111: Debug.Print This.plop
End Sub
Property Let Name(aname As String): This.Name = aname: End Property
Property Get Name() As String: Name = This.Name: End Property
' in the immediate window type
' set x=new invisibleObj
If you dont like splitting the class over two objects, a similar behaviour can be generated using a 'wrapped' collection object:
insert a classmodule and name it: InvisibleCol
Option Explicit
Private Function This() As Collection
Static p As New Collection
'static ensures the collection object persists at successive calls
'different instances will have different collections
'note a better dictionary object may help
Set This = p
End Function
Private Function add2this(s, v)
'a better dictionary object instead of the collection would help...
On Error Resume Next
This.Remove s
This.Add v, s
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
add2this "name", "invisible man": Debug.Print Name
Me.Name = "test": Debug.Print Name
add2this "plop", 111
Debug.Print This("plop") ' use the key to access your data
Debug.Print This!plop * 2 ' use of the BANG operator to reduce the number of dbl quotes
' Note: This!plop is the same as This("plop")
End Sub
Property Let Name(aname As String): add2this "name", aname: End Property
Property Get Name() As String: Name = This!Name: End Property
' in the immediate window type
' set x=new invisibleCol

VBA - Class property with reserved keyword as the name

In VBA, is there any known mechanism to fool the compiler into allowing the use of reserved keywords as names for class properties? For example, I would like to create a property called Select in one of my class modules. However, the compiler flags my declaration as an error. Below is the syntax I used:
Public Property Get Select() As Database.SQLStatements
End Property
Database is my VBA project name and SQLStatements is one of the class modules I created. Also, I'm running the code in MS Access 2010.
You can do that and use any keyword/reserved word in your VBA. But then it will make your code a lot messy and very hard to read/debug/maintain.
If you have a bool property named If in your class you will end up with something like this If .If  Then, well, good luck reading that. Also code maintenance like Find/Replace/rename etc. will need extra caution and more work.
Anyhow, if you are willing to go through all this pain, here is how you do it.
After the keywords/reserved words add a invisible blank space using ALT+0160 and that's it. VBA will consider it a perfectly legal name. e.g. If .
Also, you will have to either use intellisense for using these propertynames or manually type the altcode everywhere. That's extra typing.
Option Explicit
Private m_sSelect As String
Private m_bIF As Boolean
Public Property Get Select () As String '~~> Select () is actually typed as SelectALT+0160()
Select  = m_sSelect
End Property
Public Property Let Select (ByVal sNewValue As String)
m_sSelect = sNewValue
End Property
Public Property Get If () As Boolean
If  = m_bIF
End Property
Public Property Let If (ByVal bNewValue As Boolean)
m_bIF = bNewValue
End Property
Test Module
Option Explicit
Sub demo()
Dim objTestClass As clsTest
Set objTestClass = New clsTest
With objTestClass
.Select  = "It works. But it will, for sure, create readibility/maintenance issues."
.If  = False
End With
MsgBox objTestClass.Select 
'/ See how hard it will to read/debug this sort of code
With objTestClass
If .If  Then '~~> This line here :)
MsgBox "If prop value is TRUE"
MsgBox "If prop value is FALSE"
End If
End With
End Sub
ALT+0160 <> Space

Stopping "TextBox_Change" event from executing if called by code

I have a userform which contains a TextBox object named myTextBox.
The text inside the object can be changed either by the user or by the code. There's a "onChange" procedures attached to the textbox:
Private Sub myTextBox_Change()
'do some stuffs
End Sub
I would like the event to be processed only when is the user changing the text, but not the code. I had thought about adding an Optional parameter like the following:
Private Sub myTextBox_Change(Optional isCode As Boolean)
If isCode = False Then
'do some stuffs
End If
End Sub
but this is not really helpful because I cannot pass the isCode = True when changing the name programmatically, like this:
myForm.myTextBox = "new text"
Does anyone have an idea on how I can fix this?
One way (perhaps not the right way?) would be to declare a global variable to use in the same way as your IsCode Boolean. Set it to true during your code block so the textbox_change event knows code is processing in the background, and then set back to false when that code has finished.
Put this at the top of a normal module (won't work in a form module)
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Global IsCode As Boolean
and then in the code you're running just set IsCode=true as required.

Is it possible to dynamically specify the type of event when using AddHandler?

I am trying to write a clever little function here that will add a specified delegate as an event handler to all the controls in a collection for any dynamic event. What I'm trying to do is write this as a completely generic function so that I could possibly use it in various different projects (perhaps including it in some sort of tools library).
Basically I want to specify a group of controls, the delegate to handle the event, and the type of event to handle. The problem that I'm running up against is that I can't figure out how to dynamically specify the event at run time.
Here's my 'work-in-progress' sub:
Private Sub AddHandlerToControls(controlList As ControlCollection, eventToHandle As EventHandler, eventHandlerDelegate As Func(Of Object, EventArgs), Optional filterList As List(Of Type) = {})
For Each controlInList As Control In controlList
If controlInList.HasChildren Then
AddHandlerToControls(controlInList.Controls, controlInList.MouseEnter, eventHandlerDelegate, filterList)
End If
If filterList.Count > 0 Then
If filterList.Contains(controlInList.GetType) = False Then
Continue For
End If
End If
AddHandler controlInList.MouseEnter, eventHandlerDelegate
End Sub
Ideally I would like to use the eventToHandle parameter there at the end in the AddHandler statement instead of specifically using controlInList.MouseEnter. Like this:
AddHandler eventToHandle, eventHandlerDelegate
That way I could call this function dynamically in a form.load method, and call it sort of like how I did earlier in the sub where it's recursively calling itself for child controls. Somehow say "for this list of controls I would like to use this delegate as the 'MouseEnter' event handler". Like So:
AddHandlerToControls(Me.Controls, control.MouseEnter, MouseEnterHandlerDelegate, new List(Of Type) {TextBox, ComboBox})
This could just be wishfull thinking, I'm starting to think that this isn't quite possible at this level of 'genericness', but it's an interesting enough problem that I thought I should at least ask.
Edit for solution:
Jon Skeet's suggestion of using Reflection ended up working for me. Here's the final function:
Private Shared Sub AddHandlerToControls(controlList As Control.ControlCollection, eventToHandle As String, eventHandlerDelegate As MethodInfo, Optional filterList As List(Of Type) = Nothing)
For Each controlInList As Control In controlList
If controlInList.HasChildren Then
AddHandlerToControls(controlInList.Controls, eventToHandle, eventHandlerDelegate, filterList)
End If
If Not filterList Is Nothing Then
If filterList.Contains(controlInList.GetType) = False Then
Continue For
End If
End If
Dim dynamicEventInfo As EventInfo = controlInList.GetType.GetEvent(eventToHandle)
Dim handlerType As Type = dynamicEventInfo.EventHandlerType
Dim eventDelegate As [Delegate] = [Delegate].CreateDelegate(handlerType, eventHandlerDelegate)
dynamicEventInfo.AddEventHandler(controlInList, eventDelegate)
End Sub
And how I call it and the delegate used:
AddHandlerToControls(Controls, "MouseClick", GetType(MainFrm).GetMethod("MouseClickEventDelegate"), New List(Of Type) From {GetType(TextBox), GetType(ComboBox)})
Shared Sub MouseClickEventDelegate(sender As Object, eventArgs As EventArgs)
End Sub
This allowed me to set all text boxes and combo boxes on my form (there's quite a few) to select all text when clicked into, in about 20 lines of code. The best part is that if I add any in the future, I won't have to worry about going back to add this handler, it'll be taken care of at run time. It may not be the cleanest solution, but it ended up working pretty well for me.
Two options:
Specify a "subscription delegate" via a lambda expression. I wouldn't like to guess at what this would look like in VB, but in C# it would be something like:
(control, handler) => control.MouseEnter += handler;
Then you just need to pass each control to the delegate.
Specify the event name as a string, and use reflection to fetch the event and subscribe (Type.GetEvent then EventInfo.AddEventHandler).

Why does my function's name appear twice in the "locals" window?

I have created a Class Module in which I have defined a function. Whenever that function is called, it is listed twice in the locals window. Only the second one's value changes, the first one stays either empty or "zero", depending on its type, until the end of the code's execution. I don't have this problem with functions defined in standard modules. Did I do something wrong, is this a bug, or is there a logical reason behind this?
Contents of the TestClass class module:
Public Value As Double
Function AddFive() As Double
AddFive = Me.Value + 5
End Function
Contents of the standard module:
Sub TestSub()
Dim TestObject As New TestClass
TestObject.Value = 2
MsgBox TestObject.AddFive
End Sub
Here is a screenshot showing that, when the code is executed line-by-line, the function's value is listed twice in the locals window, and only the second value has changed after the function's code was executed.
(link to screenshot)
I'm using VBA for Excel 2010.
Thanks in advance.
The issue is more in how you are doing it. If you have a function that just adds 5 to an internal variable of a class object, then it's technically a void (Sub in VBA) since you don't need a return value.
Your code should be:
Public Value As Double
Sub AddFive()
Me.Value = Me.Value + 5
End Sub
Sub test()
Dim testObject As New TestClass
testObject.Value = 2
MsgBox testObject.Value
End Sub
I can imagine there could be a number of reasons why there are 2 variables created, but I find it a bit pointless to go into why there is unexpected behavior since you are doing improper code.
If you want, you can even write class function that will show it's value + 5 in a msgbox and this would not create an extra variable either. But that is strange and I think you want the code above. But here it is regardless:
Public Value As Double
Sub ShowPlusFive()
MsgBox Me.Value + 5
End Sub
Sub test()
Dim testObject As New TestClass
testObject.Value = 2
End Sub