Failure to start a Neptune notebook - amazon-neptune

I can't seem to make a neptune notebook, everytime I try I get the following error:
Notebook Instance Lifecycle Config 'arn:aws:sagemaker:us-west-2:XXXXXXXX:notebook-instance-lifecycle-config/aws-neptune-tutorial-lc'
for Notebook Instance 'arn:aws:sagemaker:us-west-2:XXXXXXXXX:notebook-instance/aws-neptune-tutorial'
took longer than 5 minutes.
Please check your CloudWatch logs for more details if your Notebook Instance has Internet access.
Note that the cloudwatch logs that it suggests to look at don't exist.
The neptune database was created using this cloudformation template:
Which created the neptune cluster in the default VPC.
The notebook instance was created using this cloudformation template:
passing in the relevant values from in for the created neptune stack.
Has anyone seen this type of error and knows how to get over it?

I had to go in and modify the predefined install script used by neptune and add and nohup command to the final section of the install as described here

Probably what is happening is that your notebook instance does not have access to the internet. Check your NAT configuration for your VPC and their security groups have allowed outbound rules to all


Could not find an active AWS Glue VPC interface endpoint. Could not find an active NAT

I'm trying to create a AWS Databrew job that pulls data from an S3 folder into a AWS RDS SQL Server table and receive the following:
"AWS Glue VPC interface endpoint validation failed for SubnetId: subnet-xxx9574. VPC: vpc-xxxdd2. Reason: Could not find an active AWS Glue VPC interface endpoint. Could not find an active NAT."
My Databrew output is a "Data catalog RDS Tables", which I have setup a crawler/connection and everything is green.
I followed this path and helped solve a different issue, but this error is slightly different.
I tried to create another endpoint with type of 'Interface' instead of 'Gateway' but not really sure if that's the correct path.
Any guidance? Trying to avoid any custom scripts as this should be something AWS can handle in their interfaces...IMO.
I followed this path and helped solve a different issue, but this error is slightly different.
I tried to create another endpoint with type of 'Interface' instead of 'Gateway' but not really sure if that's the correct path.

AWS EMR - how to copy files to all the nodes?

is there a way to copy a file to all the nodes in EMR cluster thought EMR command line? I am working with presto and have created my custom plugin. The problem is I have to install this plugin on all the nodes. I don't want to login to all the nodes and copy it.
You can add it as a bootstrap script to let this happen during the launch of the cluster.
#Sanket9394 Thanks for the edit!
If you have the control to Bring up a new EMR, then you should consider using the bootstrap script of the EMR.
But incase you want to do it on Existing EMR (bootstrap is only available during launch time)
You can do this with the help of AWS Systems Manager (ssm) and EMR inbuilt client.
Something like (python):
emr_client = boto3.client('emr')
ssm_client = boto3.client('ssm')
You can get the list of core instances using emr_client.list_instances
finally send a command to each of these instance using ssm_client.send_command
Ref : Check the last detailed example Example Installing Libraries on Core Nodes of a Running Cluster on
Note: If you are going with SSM , you need to have proper IAM policy of ssm attached to the IAM role of your master node.

Spinnaker Support for App ELB in AWS

Am facing 2 issues with Spinnaker new installation.
I could not see my Application load balancers listed in dropdown of load balancers tab while creating pipeline. We are currently using only app. load balancers in our current set up. I tried editing the JSON file of pipeline with below config and it didn't work. I verfied it by checking the ASG created in my AWS account and checked if there is any ELB/Target group associated but I couldn't see any.
"targetGroups": [
Hence, I would like to confirm how I can get support of App. ELB into Spinnaker installation and how to use it.
Also I have an ami search issue found.My current set up briefing is below.
One managing account - prod where my spinnaker ec2 is running & my prod application instances are running
Two managed accounts - dev & test where my application test instances are running.
When I create a new AMI in my dev AWS account and am trying to search the newly created AMI from my Spinnaker and it failed with error that it couldn't search the AMI first. Then I shared my AMI in dev to prod after which it was able to search it but failed with UnAuthorized error
Please help me clarify
1. If sharing is required for any new AMI from dev -> Prod or our spinnakerManaged role would take care of permissions
2. How to fix this problem and create AMI successfully.
Regarding #1, have you created the App Load Balancer through the Spinnaker UI or directly through AWS?
If it is the former, then make sure it follows the naming convention agreed by Spinnaker (I believe the balancer name should start with the app name)

Is there an Ansible module for creating 'instance-store' based AMI's?

Creating AMI's from EBS backed instances is exceedingly easy, but doing the same from an instance-store based instance seems like it can only be done manually using the CLI.
So far I've been able to bootstrap the creation of an 'instance-store' based server off of an HVM Amazon Linux AMI with Ansible, but I'm getting lost on the steps that follow... I'm trying to follow this:
Apparently I need to store my x.509 cert and key on the instance, but which key is that? Is that...
one I have to generate on the instance with openssl,
one that I generate/convert from AWS,
one I generate with Putty, or
one that already exists in my AWS account?
After that, I can't find any reference to ec2-bundle-vol in Ansible. So I'm left wondering if the only way to do this is with Ansible's command module.
Basically what I'm hoping to find out is: Is there a way to easily create instance-store based AMI's using Ansible, and if not, if anyone can reference the steps necessary to automate this? Thanks!
Generally speaking, Ansible AWS modules are meant to manage AWS resources by interacting with AWS HTTP API (ie. actions you could otherwise do in the AWS Management Console).
They are not intended to run AWS specific system tools on EC2 instances.
ec2-bundle-vol and ec2-upload-bundle must be run on the EC2 instance itself. It is not callable via the HTTP API.
I'm afraid you need to write a custom playbook / role to automate the process.
On the other hand, aws ec2 register-image is an AWS API call and correspond to the ec2_ami Ansible module.
Unfortunately, this module doesn't seem to support image registering from an S3 bucket.

Instance Types missing while creating Server Group in Spinnaker

I have used AWS Community AMI for configuring Spinnaker. I am able to get the lists of ELB, AMI and Security Groups while creating Server Group. But, I am not getting the Instance types in the custom drop down list. Any idea about what could be going wrong?
Spinnaker Cluster Error
It looks like you are not having a correct IAM role assigned to the user whose access keys you are using for the spinnaker integration with AWS.
Mostly if you used the spinnaker.Check if you have enough rights in AWS.
If not then create a role and assign AWS POWER USER ACCESS to your user and then try to get the integration .
Spinnaker is a tool which would need AWS EC2 Full access atleast as it directly access EC2 spin up its server groups.
Instance types are cached in the browser's local storage. You can explicitly refresh the cache via the 'Refresh all caches' link:
If you show the network tab of your browser's console (prior to clicking 'Refresh all caches'), you should see a request to http://localhost:8084/instanceTypes.
If the response contains your instance types, you should be good to go.