I'd like to expand the search functionality so that users can enter in some text and have that matched against multiple fields eg name and email
How do I specify that in the "where" string?
if (!is_null($output['search']['value'])) {
$where .= '&&' . 'Name.ToLower().Contains("' . strtolower($output['search']['value']) . '")';
You can just use the word OR - e.g.
As per the docs though, complex where clauses are bad for performance. I'd strongly recommend making separate requests for each property where possible.
I've been trying (with no success so far) to filter values with a "broader equals" condition. That is, ignoring diacritics.
select * where {
?s per:surname1 ?t.
bind (fn:starts-with(str(?t),'Maria') as ?noAccent1) .
bind (fn:translate(str(?t),"áéíóú","aeiou") as ?noAccent2) .
} limit 100
To this moment, I've tried with XPath functions fn:contains, fn:compare, fn:translate, fn:starts-with, but none of them seem to be working.
Is there any other way (other than chaining replaces) to add collation into these functions or achieve the same goal?
The XPath functions you mention are not part of the SPARQL standard really, so as you found out, you can't rely on them being supported out of the box (though some vendors may provide them as an add-on).
However, GraphDB (which is based on RDF4J) allows you to create your own custom functions in SPARQL. It is a matter of writing a Java class that implements the org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.function.Function interface, and registering it in the RDF4J engine by packaging it as a Java Service Provider Interface (SPI) implementation.
SPARQL and REGEX do not support efficiently transliterating character maps. If you want an efficient implementation you would need a custom RDF4J custom as described by Jeen.
If you want a quick and dirty solution use this code sample:
PREFIX fn: <http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions#>
PREFIX spif: <http://spinrdf.org/spif#>
select * where {
BIND("Mariana" as ?t) .
BIND("Márénísótú" as ?t2) .
BIND (regex(str(?t),'^Maria') as ?noAccent1) .
BIND (spif:replaceAll(
"ú","u") as ?noAccent2) .
I have two columns in a table first_name and last_name(PostgreSQL).
In front end, I have an input to allow users to search for people. It is an auto-complete field that calls a web service for searching people by first and/or last names.
Currently, I have made a query (using my query builder):
$searches = preg_split('/\s+/', $search);
if (!empty($search)) {
$orX = $query->expr()->orX();
$i = 0;
foreach ($searches as $value) {
$orX->add($query->expr()->eq('c.firstName', ':name'.$i));
$orX->add($query->expr()->eq('c.lastName', ':name'.$i));
$query->setParameter('name'.$i, $value);
But this query is not as precise as it is required, it uses OR for every word so if I am looking for "Rasmus Lerdorf" it also gives me "Rasmus Adams" and "Adel Lerdorf". It works only if I enter a single word ("Rasmus" for example), in this case it gives me all people with "Rasmus" as first_name or last_name.
I read about MATCH AGAINST but I am using PostgreSQL. I also heard about Full text search feature in PostgreSQL as the equivalent of MATCH AGAINST, but I am wondering if implementing a full text search would be an overkill for such an objective (especially that the maximum number of words in both columns wouldn't exceed 4).
I ask you please your advices, your usual help is always appreciated. Thanks
You don't need fulltext search.
Just add the different search terms with AND instead of OR:
$i = 0;
foreach ($searches as $value) {
$orX = $query->expr()->orX();
$orX->add($query->expr()->eq('c.firstName', ':name'.$i));
$orX->add($query->expr()->eq('c.lastName', ':name'.$i));
$query->setParameter('name'.$i, $value);
I would also suggest using LIKE instead of an equality comparison (add '%' to the start and end of the users search term), and probably also make everything case insensitive by adding $query->expr()->lower() appropriately.
I am trying to teach myself this weekend how to run API queries against a data source in this case data.gov. At first I thought I'd use a simple SQL variant, but it seems in this case I have to use SPARQL.
I've read through the documentation, downloaded Twinkle, and can't seem to quite get it to run. Here is an example of a query I'm running. I'm basically trying to find all gas stations that are null around Denver, CO.
PREFIX station: https://api.data.gov/nrel/alt-fuel-stations/v1/nearest.json?api_key=???location=Denver+CO
{ ?x station:network ?network like "null"
Any help would be very much appreciated.
SPARQL is a graph pattern language for RDF triples. A query consists of a set of "basic graph patterns" described by triple patterns of the form <subject>, <predicate>, <object>. RDF defines the subject and predicate with URI's and the object is either a URI (object property) or literal (datatype or language-tagged property). Each triple pattern in a query must therefore have three entities.
Since we don't have any examples of your data, I'll provide a way to explore the data a bit. Let's assume your prefix is correctly defined, which I doubt - it will not be the REST API URL, but the URI of the entity itself. Then you can try the following:
PREFIX station: <http://api.data.gov/nrel...>
{ ?s station:network ?network .
...setting the PREFIX to correctly represent the namespace for network. Then look at the binding for ?network and find out how they represent null. Let's say it is a string as you show. Then the query would look like:
PREFIX station: <http://api.data.gov/nrel...>
{ ?s station:network "null" .
There is no like in SPARQL, but you could use a FILTER clause using regex or other string matching features of SPARQL.
And please, please, please google "SPARQL" and "RDF". There is lots of information about SPARQL, and the W3C's SPARQL 1.1 Query Language Recommendation is a comprehensive source with many good examples.
Is it possible to have a . (dot) in the qname of individuals or RDF resources in general?
Something like this?
SELECT ?tableName ?fieldName
WHERE { ?fieldName hrdata:relatedField hrdata:ps_ti0002.EMPLID. }
The dot in ps_ti0002.EMPLID is problematic.
your code is right and should work. It is possible to use dot in the individual's name.
I think you should check your data property (relatedField), maybe is not clarified right.
#Narges Kasaeizadeh
Unfortunately, I still can't comment - but I think your answer is wrong and a dot is not allowed in prefixed URIs/IRIs as you can try out using the validator suggested by #AndyS .
The . is allowed in SPARQL and the SPARQLer Query Validator demonstrates. However, there are a couple of suggestions to help you get this working. First is to have a space after the qname, i.e.:
WHERE { ?fieldName hrdata:relatedField hrdata:ps_ti0002.EMPLID . }
Another is to use the fully qualified URI. Suppose the namespace for hrdata is http://example.org/hrdata/, the the following query should work:
SELECT ?tableName ?fieldName
WHERE { ?fieldName hrdata:relatedField <http://example.org/hrdata/ps_ti0002.EMPLID> . }
To make it clearer I have this fields
aword1 bword1
aword2 bword2
aword3 bword4
Now what I want to do is search using the sql wild card so what I did is like this
I placed to wildcards on both ends of my search but what it searches is just the first word on the field
when I search 'aword' all of the fields is showing but when I search 'bword' nothing is showing, Please help.
Here is my Full Code
$items = Gamefarm::where('roost_hen', '=',Input::get('sex'))
->where($soptions, 'LIKE','%' . $searchbox . '%')
If you use mysql you can try this:
$q = Input::get('searchbox');
$results = DB::table('table')
->whereRaw("MATCH(columntobesearch) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
Ofcourse you need to prepare your table for full text search in your migration file with
DB::statement('ALTER TABLE table ADD FULLTEXT search(columntobesearch)');
Any way, this is not the more scalable nor efficient way to do FTS.
For a scalable and reliable full text search I strongly recommend you see elasticsearch and implement any Laravel package to this task