Does file copy deployments work with CakePHP? - apache

I have a legacy CakePHP(1.3.13) app, running on Ubuntu server 16.04, on apache. It is using php 5.6. I'm trying to migrate the app to a development server, also Ubuntu 16.04, but running php 7.2.
On the production machine, php file(s) are being executed even before line 1 of index.php in the app I'm trying to migrate. On the dev box, this isn't happening.
I've sudo tar'ed the entire web server tree, and sudo untar'ed it on the dev box. I've copied the apache site configs, and only edited them for hostnames.
I don't understand why apache is running one or many php files PRIOR to running index.php on the production box. It is apparently loading a custom configuration php file, that sets up some global variable, but for the life of me I can't figure out why this is happening. I'm sure I'm just missing something dumb.

Greg Schmidt nailed it. There was a second auto_prepend_file=MagicallyExecutingScript.php in the php.ini.


Laravel: how to specify the php version?

I have a Laravel (5.7.19) app running with apache2 on a redhat7 machine. There are php5.6, php7.1 and php7.4 installed on the machine and somehow apache uses php5.6 as the default and the app doesn't work with php5.6. Is there a way to specify a php version for a Laravel app, such as setting the php version in .env or some other config file of the app? I've googled around and couldn't find an answer. Right now the only way I could make the app to work is to disable php5.6 and then apache would use php7.1 as the default.
"Is there a way to specify a php version for a Laravel app, such as setting the php version in .env or some other config file of the app?"
No. The PHP interpetor isn't aware of itself. The application's dotenv file is read by the application itself, which means there's already an interpretor doing the job so if it's picked up by php5, there's no way for the interpretor to pass it along to a php7 interpreter.
If you're using Apache (and assuming a single Apache running), you can setup multiple PHP versions under the same Apache server by using the fastcgi module as described here: and then depending on application you can setup virtual hosts using different php versions
THe better way is with nginx + fpm, where you can have different php versions with different fpm instances running on different ports and you can setup server blocks where php requests are routed appropriately.

Howto run mod-mono and php on same apache webserver

I've successfully implemented mod-mono and apache webserver on a Centos 8 distro.
I've also installed PHP 7.2 on the server and the configuration looks ok on eye inspection.
However, the webserver is not executing the PHP files, but serving them for download.
If i go to - it runs the website in MONO space
If I go to - it gives me the PHP file for downloading. It makes me think that it tries to run the php file through mono and fails, so gives it to me for download instead forwarding it to PHP for execution.
Is it possible to run both PHP and MONO code on same apache webserver?
If yes, what could be the tricks to have it working ?
Many thanks.
Actually having a separate PHP website and also MONO websites in same apache server was working. However I though things were not working since I tried to run the PHP file from within the MONO-handled virtualhost ... so no need for clarifications.

Apache2 blocking access to specific directory in root of server

I'm working on setting up a website and at first I thought the website was broken but then I look and I'm getting 403d on everything under /javascript/
I've double checked the filesystem permissions. I can rename the javascript folder to js and access the files just fine from a browser. I've tried finding all the locations where the site tries to access /javascript/ and change it to just /js/ but there are some other scripts running that are generating some script tags and it's not proving easy to find them all.
My question is, is there an easy(ish) way to find where apache may be hanging me up? It's a basic apache2 install on ubuntu 14.04 running in a digital ocean droplet.
Now I feel silly.
Just ran grep -r "javascript" . just the same as I was using it to look for references in the website and I see there's a default aliasing of /javascript in the apache2 conf of javascript-common (though it didn't seem to show up in conf-enabled). I ran sudo a2disconf javascript-common and I had access back to the folder.

Apache running MongoDB and PHP

I'm using XAMPP in my Mac OSX. I've installed mongodb and copied the .so file into xampp plugins folder. My phpinfo() of the page shows that MongoDB section which is installed.
After i start Apache of XAMPP server, when i code
m = new MongoClient();
$db = $m->mydatabase;
$collection = $db->myCollection;
Its saying some Fatal Error.
If i run mongod command in Terminal window, its working. Then what is the use of installing mongodb in XAMPP server. My Questions are
Why its working like that..?
Is there any way to start mongod when we start Apache server.
Why its working like that..?
Installing the PHP driver and the MongoDB server are two completely different things.
This is very basic driver stuff; you require a library or communication layer that can route your PHP programming to the MongoDB server (basically).
Is there any way to start mongod when we start Apache server.
You could make an sh script that looks like:
/etc/init.d/xammp_service_dunno_what_it_is_called start
/etc/init.d/mongodb start
Then you could just attach to the startup, or even better you can just attach both services (XAMPP and MongoDB) to the startup of your computer.
However, as far as I know, there is no way to create a sort of trigger mechanism that will load up MongoDB when the OS detects that you have started running Apache.

Apache doesn't load PHP MySQL extension but IIS does

I have a really irritating problem with PHP on Windows Server 2008 R2. IIS and Apache are running on the same machine (Apache is embedded with another product and it being there is not my choice).
IIS is configured to be able to use multiple versions of PHP, and none of the PHP versions on there were installed with the Windows installer (so php.exe does not exist in the path).
Apache uses one particular version of PHP (5.2.5 Thread-safe - again I can't change this as a 3rd-party application has PHP extensions compiled against this version).
If I check phpinfo() in my Apache site it doesn't have an entry for MySQL, even though php_mysql.dll is enabled in php.ini and it exists in the \ext directory. If I (temporarily) add this version of PHP (same directory, same php.ini) to IIS and set up a test site with phpinfo() it correctly lists MySQL. I know this is not just some strange issue with phpinfo because I have a MySQL-based PHP site running in Apache and it fails with Call to undefined function mysql_connect()
It was suggested that I copy libmysql.dll from the PHP directory to C:\Windows\System32 but this made no difference. As there are multiple versions of PHP on the server I suppose it's possible that the wrong version of libmysql.dll is being loaded, but the PATH doesn't include any directories containing libmysql.dll.
IIS and Apache are looking at exactly the same PHP installation, php.ini, and ext directory, but only IIS can load the MySQL extension. Apache is on the default System account as it looks like System has access to all the DLLs.
The Apache logs say nothing about any DLLs failing to load. I'm logging PHP errors in the event log but nothing is reported about those extensions.
After Googling around the issue I found other suddenly-occurring issues in PHP on Windows server but the usual resolutions - rebuilding php.ini, restarting IIS, restarting the server - haven't helped.
Any suggestions on where to look next are much appreciated!
I know this might not ultimately answer your question but, did you try configuring Apache to execute PHP through FastCGI (mod_fcgid) and use the same binary as IIS does ?
I know you are using mod_php, but calling it via FastCGI will abstract PHP from the webserver process. If extensions are loading fine under PHP called via FastCGI, there is no reason it won't work on a different web server.
Also, I personally beleive that it is a better idea this way since PHP is only called when a *.php file is requested. This way, Apache will not load PHP in memory for every request, which will give you better performance for serving static files, for example.
To do this, you need to download mod_fcgid from, load the module in your Apache configuration this way,
LoadModule fcgid_module modules/
And then, just specify what binary you want to call when PHP pages are requested:
AddHandler fcgid-script .php
FcgidWrapper "c:/php/php-cgi.exe" .php
Then, files with a .php extension will now be executed by the PHP FastCGI wrapper. Just be sure to specify the same php-cgi.exe binary as IIS is using.
All extensions that were previously available in IIS should now be available in Apache since the PHP installation behind is the same in both environment.
Keep me updated.
1.- check php.ini path in phpinfo.
2.- add php folder to the windows path
3.- add directive PHPINIDir to apache conf
4.- uncomment mysql extension in respective php.ini
5.- reload apache
6.- check mysql extension in phpinfo
and please don't copy any files to system32
You will generally need different library dlls for the different versions of PHP you are running. It's best to keep these in their own directories.
There's a few different things that could cause a module not to load, including the PHP version whether you're running a thread-safe or not-thread-safe version and also if the binaries were compiled as VC6 or VC9 †. Usually the easiest way to debug if you're getting any module loading errors is running php.exe from the command line as it will spit out any startup errors (also ensure these are enabled in your php.ini and you're loading the correct php.ini file when you do so).
† IIRC VC6/VC9 is to do with which version of Visual Studio PHP was compiled with.
Ultimately this issue came down to a missing PATH reference. Although IIS doesn't seem to require PHP or PHP modules to exist in the path it seems that Apache (or perhaps my version of PHP?) does. I am lucky in that I only need to run one version of PHP outside IIS, as I have no idea what would happen if I had multiple Apache instances referencing different versions of PHP and multiple PHP directories in the path - presumably one would always fail.
So far it looks like adding Apache's version of PHP to the path hasn't affected the IIS versions of PHP, but I will swear loudly if it suddenly does.