npm publish got package name too similar to existing packages - npm

I want to publish my package to npm. the error I get is: Package name too similar to existing packages
403 Forbidden - PUT - Package name too similar to existing packages; try renaming your package to '#user../mypackage...' and publishing with 'npm publish --access=public' instead
but when I try to install:
npm I mypackage...
I get the error not found:
npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET - Not found
Is there a way to check if the name is good for npm and not just guess? because I can't delete the package after I publish..

To check similar names you can use validate-name:
$ npm install -g validate-name
$ validate-npm-name my-module
$ validate-npm-name my-package --max-age 1440
What it does:
This command checks whether similar names exist in npm registry.
Upon first use, it downloads full list of module names (apprx. 150MB as of this writing) to check similarity. Subsequent downloads are much smaller, because it only downloads updates since last download.
I created this module by following script suggested by #RobC in OP's comments. It is open source (MIT).
As described in the original script, it is a best effort, because similarity rules are not formally documented by npm.

This behavior has been documented on the npm blog under New Package Moniker rules:
We’ve recently made some changes to how package naming works to better fight typosquatting, and help package authors pick names that stand out.
If you are publishing a new package—that is, a package that has not been in the registry before, we remove punctuation from its name and compare it to existing package names. If the names are identical without punctuation, we do not allow the package to be created.
Because react-native exists, no one can publish variations like:


Does npm or yarn clone from VCS and run build script when install a package?

I am studying about npm and I have some questions.
Where the npm get the package from? i.e. when run npm install <package-name> or yarn add <package-name>.
When get the package, do npm get the package as raw or get then build it(like run the build script written in package.json)?
When publish the package, the repository field of package.json is required?
Can be different between the repository for publishing and the repository in pacakge.json?
To answer your questions:
npm gets them from the NPM package registry, and so does yarn, but Yarn probably has a proxy registry in front of it. In general, you can say, both tools fetch their packages from by default.
It gets the package as it was published (so, in short, the answer is "raw"). Building is up to the publisher and depends on the type of package. Often, some prepublish task builds something into dist/ (or any other location in the package), and these files are also shipped with the package others then download. Building rarely happens after installing a package (exception here are library-wrapping packages built with node-gyp).
The repository field is not required, to my knowledge, but it is good practise to include it (it will be displayed on the NPM website, for example).
Technically, yes. You can just specify any repository in repository, but it wouldn't make much sense to specify one that isn't the source of the package.
If you in general want to read up more on how npm works, check out it's documentation over at

npm install fail with some package not found on some server

I am on different servers and run npm install
One server is ok. Another failed showing below error:
no matching version found for es-abstract#1.14.0
I tried npm ci. Same deal.
Then I did npm install es-abstract-1.14.0.tgz
But the size node_modules/ are different. I am using du -shc --apparent-size node_modules/ to ignore the sparse files within the folder. Why?
Could I accept that this is the network issue of the failed server? And just keep doing this? I mean, is the installation still going to be ok in this way?
At the time that this answer was written, there are 33 release versions for es-abstract on github, but only 32 release versions are listed on its npm registry. The missing version in the registry is 1.14.0.
Perhaps on one of your servers, you had this package cached (maybe it was previously listed on the NPM registry?, or maybe from downloading it from github?), and on the other server you did not have this package cached.
I had this same error message when trying to npm install a project from github.
In my situation, the es-abstract package was not explicitly listed in the package.json file, but it was a dependency of another package. Therefore I explicitly added it with the next highest version listed on the registry, and it worked.
"dependencies": {
"es-abstract": "1.14.1",
Just a guess, but maybe 1.14.0 used to be listed on the registry, but now it's not?

Solving the 'npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/<username>/package.json'' error

I'm a newbie so please include links to URLs or explain terminologies so I can understand.
I've managed to install 'npm' on a Mac OS (10.13.3) via the terminal, and have installed some packages like SASS using it.
I'm now trying to install sass-mq using npm. I think I've managed to install it, but I'd like a second opinion on what I might have done that was incomplete, or wrong while doing it.
Initially, following the instructions on the sass-mq Github page, I was trying to use:
npm install sass-mq --save
which gave me this error:
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/<username>/package.json'
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/<username>/package.json'
npm WARN <username> No description
npm WARN <username> No repository field.
npm WARN <username> No README data
npm WARN <username> No license field.
+ sass-mq#5.0.0
updated 1 package and audited 1 package in 1.67s
found 0 vulnerabilities
Looking around, I realised I'm meant to be using
npm init
..before typing my 'install sass-mq --save' command.
Cool, done that. Next error was this:
package name: (nikhil) sass-mq
version: (1.0.0)
entry point: (index.js)
test command:
git repository:
license: (ISC)
About to write to /Users/nikhil/package.json:
"name": "sass-mq",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"dependencies": {
"sass-mq": "^5.0.0"
"devDependencies": {},
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC"
Is this OK? (yes)
darwin:~ nikhil$ npm install sass-mq --save
npm ERR! code ENOSELF
npm ERR! Refusing to install package with name "sass-mq" under a package
**npm ERR! also called "sass-mq". Did you name your project the same
npm ERR! as the dependency you're installing?**
I think this is saying that I can't use 'sass-mq' (which is the name of the package, as the name of the local package (?) I'm installing into on my local machine. Some more info here.
So I simply tried this:
**package name: (sass-mq) media-queries-nikhil**
version: (1.0.0)
git repository:
license: (ISC)
About to write to /Users/nikhil/package.json:
and it seems to have worked OK.
My question is: Is this the right way I should have done this? How do you usually do this?
Also, I get these warnings - is it OK to ignore them?
npm WARN media-queries-nikhil#1.0.0 No description
npm WARN media-queries-nikhil#1.0.0 No repository field.
I'm creating this question in part so others like me looking for the answer to a similar issue can find an explanation, instead of just commands they need to fix their issue. I found a few similar question-threads, but none that actually explained what was happening and why.
Thanks for reading, I really appreciate any help with this :)
TL;DR: The way you have done it is fine, and you needn't worry about those warnings.
For a more in-depth idea of why npm exists and how it works, read on.
npm stands for Node Package Manager. Packages are a fundamental part of the node ecosystem - they exist to allow you to use other people's solutions to common problems.
However, this can get very confusing, since, because this is an open source community, they are all being released at different times by different people. Also, two different packages that you use may actually be dependent on a third package that is completely unknown to you, and potentially they may even need different versions of that package.
As you can already see, this has the potential to get very messy.
npm helps you deal with these 'dependencies' in a way that is easier to manage and think about, however it is not essential to use npm - you can write a node app where you organise all these different files yourself. That's going to get very confusing, very quickly, however, so there's no real advantage in at least 99% of cases. There are also other package managers - personally I use yarn but they're all trying to do similar things, so that choice is mainly a matter of preference and outside the scope of this discussion.
So when you start a new project, you type npm init and this tells npm to make a file in your folder called package.json that is going to help you organise these dependencies. package.json will hold the information about your own app (which is a package in its own right) and also which packages you have told npm you are going to be using as dependencies in your own project. This is why it asks you all those questions about your package name and description, so that if you ever publish it, people will know who to contact, what it does, what version it is, etc.
It is only important to give this serious thought if you actually intend to publish your package, which is less likely in the case of a website, but very likely if you're making a library. However, as you've already discovered, packages are meant to have unique names, which is why you should call your package something personal to you, so you don't end up with a naming conflict like you did when you tried to name your package the same as a package you were later going to try to install.
So let's create our own package, and install our first dependency (which, remember, is just another package). I'm going to choose time-stamp as a dependency because it's nice and small.
First you will make your project directory. This is just an empty new directory. Let's call it ts. From inside the ts directory, type npm init into your terminal and answer its questions (although I usually just press return to them all,) then look inside the directory and you will see the package.json file. Open the file, and you will see all your package information. And currently that's it.
So now back to the command line and type npm install time-stamp. When it's finished thinking, open package.json again and you will see time-stamp referenced in the list of 'dependencies.' (As of npm 5 it is no longer necessary to use the --save option. npm now assumes this as default. What is the --save option for npm install?)
Back inside the directory, you will also see another file called package-lock.json and a directory called node_modules.
The node_modules directory will contain a directory called time-stamp and that holds all the code that makes time-stamp work. You probably don't need to look in here very often, but you can, and if you look inside the time-stamp directory you will see it has got its own package.json! Open it up and have a look, and there's all the information it needs to install itself. You'll note that it doesn't have any dependencies, but if it did, they would be installed in your node_modules with all of their dependencies as well... and their dependencies... and theirs... If you want to see this in action, try installing the testing framework 'jest. Again, just npm install jest.
Hopefully the whole thing's beginning to make a bit of sense, now...
The lock file is slightly more complicated. What it does is make sure that when you deploy your project onto a new system that you use exactly the same set of dependencies. It needs to do this because the way npm organises things can be dependent on latest release versions, etc, and it would be very annoying if you were to try to deploy your app and it didn't work because your dependencies were behaving in a different way from your development environment!
Having said all this, basically you can ignore it at this stage! It's an important part of npm, but you shouldn't edit it directly unless you really know what you're doing.
Once you have installed your dependency, you will be able to require or import it anywhere in your project, without having to worry about directing it to the correct path in your directory structure. Just require('time-stamp') and it will work just fine!
Finally, and well done for getting this far, it's worth mentioning global installation. Using the -g option - that is npm install time-stamp -g - means that the dependency will be installed in a central node_modules directory somewhere on your computer rather than in your project's node_modules folder. However, you will still need to link it to your project (so that it ends up as a dependency in your package.json) and you would do that by typing npm link time-stamp. Personally I like all my modules to be local to my project, but again this depends on your use-cases and to an extent personal preference.
What this all means is that the combination of your package.json and the lock file is a perfect representation of all the files in your node_modules, and this means that you don't need to have them in your git (or other repository.) You can pull your repository down to a new server, and all you have to do is type npm install and they'll be dragged down from the internet there and then. This becomes much more important when you have a large project, because of all the files involved in your dependencies, but it's a good habit to add 'node_modules' to your .gitignore from day one. But I'm starting to get off topic so maybe I should end here...
This is only intended to be a basic introduction, so I have kept it fairly simple, and I don't want to create an in-depth tutorial, but if you need clarification on any of the points I've made, feel free to comment and I'll make edits if I can!
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/{username}/package.json'
You don't have a package.json > use npm init
You are in the wrong directory > cd to the folder where your package.json is, like so:
cd C://Dev/MySolution/MyWebProject
and then try again.
npm WARN media-queries-nikhil#1.0.0 No description
npm WARN media-queries-nikhil#1.0.0 No repository field.
Abulifa's answer explains that your project could be published as it's own npm package... In that scenario, these warnings would help warn that your package.json is missing some fields.
If you know you'll never publish as an npm package, and want to hide these warnings, add this to your package.json:
"description": "filling out this field to avoid warnings",
"repository": "not publishing",
"readme": "not publishing",
"license": "not publishing",
Run the following:
npm init -y
That will create the package.json file which you can edit later with proper information.
npm install fails with below error
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '.../package.json'' error
npm install will need package.json in the current directory you are in, which is missing.
Assume there are 2 directories:
C:\dir1_p\ <--------- package.json exists
C:\dir2\ <--------- package.json does not exist
cd C:\dir1_p\
npm intall <---------- PASS, since package.json is present
cd C:\dir2\
npm intall <---------- ERROR, since package.json is Not present (this was my problem)
So, are you in the correct directory when you did npm install?
Case 1: if you are in wrong directory, cd to a directory where package.json exists, then run npm install
Case 2: if you are in correct directory and you want to create a new package.json, then run npm init and press ENTER keys until it is completed, this will create package.json in current directory, now run npm install
Hope this helps someone.
The same issue occurred for me when running:
npm install -g #vue/cli
After much research and experimentation the only thing that worked instead was:
npm install -g #vue/cli#latest
You can't name your project equal the package name that you are trying to install.
Rename your project at the package json and try again or try npm init again and use another name.
One of the major problem could be that you are not at the root file were you should run npm install, make sure you are either at the client folder or the server side and not in some random files or the parent file that doesnt have package.json in them
close the project and reopen it, this will fix the issue

Where does npm store module when loading directly from github?

I have found a react-native module I would like to use. It contains an error which prohibits the installation.
I have forked the repository and corrected the mistake.
Now I want to install my module in order to use it, however during execution of the post installation scripts I get an error - file not found.
I have tried to find the reason for it, but the reason is quite simple, the module is not in the node_modules directory, and when npm tries to "enter" there to run the scripts, it can't find them.
I have tried to check where this is installed, but I can't.
I use npm install <user>/<repo> to install my module.

bower install command issuing EHTTP error

I am struggling with installing bower on my system - although there are a few bower install issue scenarios on here, none are a very good match.
In my scenario, I have an externally acquired folder full of source code for a complex software package - the .bowerrc file is located here, as well as a bower.json. As is the default, my .npmrc file is located C:\Users\USER.
I have appended code strict-ssl=false and registry= into .npmjs, and left the npm cache and config specs in the user directory. I've also left my PATH user variable as C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\npm.
I have so far run three commands successfully:
npm install -g ember-cli
npm install -g bower
npm install
The created files from these commands seem to get dumped into C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules, and then the final command below is only giving me an EHTTP error.
bower install
I can only think that this issue is only occurring because of the location of the various dependencies. I've been playing around a bit - the last thing I tried was changing the Path user variable so that it instead points to the folder directory with .bowerrc, but the npm installation then has trouble referencing .npmrc. I'd appreciate any ideas, because I might only be chasing my own tail here.
I think I was wasting my time messing about with directory locations. The problem seems to be that there is a legacy proxy inside the .bowerrc file.. now I just need to work out how to get rid of the proxy setting!