value of key A equals to value of Key B in JSONschema - schema

For {keyA:valueA},{KeyB:valueB} Is it possible to define in the schema, valueB must equal to valueA. In other words, copying down ValueA to ValueB?
I understand it causes duplication. But two different keys must be used to meet different standards.
For example, I want to use name as sample name in the schema below.
"$id": "sampleSchema",
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"sample name":{
The data will be like:
"sample name":"example1"

JSON Schema does not support operations like this.
We call this "data consistency validation" because it tests that data in one place is consistent with how it's defined in another location.
Supporting these types of operations would be very difficult. It would probably require a general purpose programming language to support most of the cases that people would like to see.
For more information, see Scope of JSON Schema Validation.
As an alternative, some validators allow you to implement custom keywords, or implement events or hooks when an instance is being validated against a schema with a particular ID. You can use this to implement the functionality you're looking for.


Is having two dependent resources not compliance with the RESTFul approach?

In our project, we need to represent resources defined by the users. That is, every user can have different resources, with different fields, different validations, etc. So we have two different things to represent in our API:
Resource definition: this is just a really similar thing to a json schema, it contains the fields definitions of the resource and its limitations (like min and max value for numeric fields). For instance, this could be the resource definition for a Person:
"$id": "",
"$schema": "",
"title": "Person",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"firstName": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The person's first name."
"lastName": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The person's last name."
"age": {
"description": "Age in years which must be equal to or greater than zero.",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0
Resource instance: this is just an instance of the specified resource. For instance, for the Person resource definition, we can have the following instances:
"firstName": "Elena",
"lastName": "Gomez",
"firstName": "Elena2",
"lastName": "Gomez2",
First opinion
So, it seems this kind of presents some conflicts with the Restful API approach. In particular, I think it has some problems with the Uniform Interface. When you get a resource, you should be able to handle the resource without any additional information. With this design, you need to make an additional request to first get the resource definition. Let's see this with an example:
Suppose you are our web client. And you are logged in as an user with the Person resource. To show a person in the UI, you first need to know the structure of the Person resource, that is, you to do the following request: GET /resource_definitions/person. And then, you need to request the person object: GET /resource/person/123.
Second opinion
Others seem to think that this is not a problem and that the design is still RESTful. Every time you ask for something to an API, you need to know the format previously, is not self-documented in the API, so it makes sense for this endpoint to behave the same as the others.
So what do you think? Is the proposed solution compliance with the RESTful approach to API design?
The simple solution is to add a link:
"_links": {
"describedby": {
"href": "",
"type": "application/schema+json"
"firstName": "Elena",
"lastName": "Gomez"
You could also put this in a header. This is semantically equivalent:
Link: <>; rel="describedby" type="application/schema+json"
It does not violate the uniform interface if there is no standard for this kind of stuff, but there is. RDF e.g. JSON-LD and vocab can handle most of these types. Even for REST there is an RDF vocab called Hydra, though the community is not that active nowadays.
As of the actual problem, I would look around, maybe RDF technologies or graph technologies are better for it, though I am not sure how much connection there is in your graph. If it is just a few types and instances, then I would probably stick to REST.
Ohh I see meanwhile, you used an actual JSON schema. Then that part is certainly uniform interface compatible. As of the instances you need to add something like type: "" and you are ok. Maybe a vendor specific JSON derived MIME type which describes what "type" means in this context if you want to be super precise or just use JSON-LD instead. Or an alternative more common solution is using RDFS and XSD with JSON-LD instead of JSON Schema.

Is there a way to add a default to a json schema array

I just want to understand if there is a way to add a default set of values to an array. (I don't think there is.)
So ideally I would like something like how you might imagine the following working. i.e. the fileTypes element defaults to an array of ["jpg", "png"]
"fileTypes": {
"description": "The accepted file types.",
"type": "array",
"minItems": 1,
"items": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["jpg", "png", "pdf"]
"default": ["jpg", "png"]
Of course, all that being said... the above actually does seem to be validate as json schema however for example in VS code this default value does not populate like other defaults (like for strings) populate when creating documents.
It appears to be valid based on the spec.
9.2. "default"
There are no restrictions placed on the value of this keyword. When multiple occurrences of this keyword are applicable to a single sub-instance, implementations SHOULD remove duplicates.
This keyword can be used to supply a default JSON value associated with a particular schema. It is RECOMMENDED that a default value be valid against the associated schema.
It's up to the tooling to take advantage of that keyword in the JSON Schema and sounds like VS code is not.

Common type restrictions in JSON schema

can I have common type restrictions or a new type, which I could use for more properties in JSON scema? I am referencing some type properties, but I do not get what I would like to. For instance:
"$schema": "",
"description": "Common types",
"definitions": {
"YN": {
"description": "Y or N field (can be empty, too)",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 1,
"enum": [ "Y", "N", "" ]
"HHMM": {
"description": "Time in HHMM format (or empty).",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 4,
"pattern": "^[0-2][0-9][0-5][0-9]$|^$"
"properties" : {
"is_registered": {
"description": "User registered. (this description is overriden)",
"$ref": "#/definitions/YN"
"is_valid": {
"description": "User valid. (this description is overriden)",
"$ref": "#/definitions/YN"
"timeofday": {
"description": "User registered at HHMM. (this description is overriden)",
"$ref": "#/definitions/HHMM"
In the presented schema I have two strings with some restrictions (enum, pattern, etc.). I do not want to repeat these restrictions in every field of such type. Therefore, I have defined them in definitions and reused them. If type constraints changes, I change only the definitions.
However, there are two issues I have.
First, description is duplicated. If I load this into XMLSpy, only the description of the type is shown and not the description of the actual field. If the description of the type is empty, description of field is not used. I tried combining title, and description in a way that title would be used from common definition and description would be used from field description. It seems that always title and description are used from the common type definition. How could I use common type and the description of the field, which tells, what this field actually is.
Second, if description is inherited from definitions, can I just use common pattern or any other type property, and reference the pattern defined somehow in definitions or somewhere else?
In order to answer your question, first consider that JSON Schema does not have inheritance, only references.
For draft-04, using references mean that the WHOLE subschema object is replaced by the referenced schema object. This means your more specific field description is lost. (You can wrap them in allOf's but it probably won't do what you want in terms of generating documentation).
If you can move to draft 2019-09, $ref can be used alongside other keywords, as it is then classified as an applicator keyword. I don't know if the tooling your using will work as you expect though.
In terms of your second question, not built in to JSON Schema. $ref references can only be used when you have a schema (or subschema). If you want to de-duplicate common parts which are NOT schemas, a common approach is to use a templating engine and compile your schemas at build or runtime. I've seen this done at scale using jsonnet.

JSON API relationship with meta information

I have an entity contract with relationship contract_contacts that should be presented in JSON API format.
To be more clear here's the structure of my entities:
Possible JSON API output will look like:
"data": {
"type": "contracts",
"id": "1",
"attributes": {
"name": "Contract 1"
"relationships": {
"contacts": {
"data": [
"type": "contract_contacts",
"id": "1"
"type": "contract_contacts",
"id": "2"
This approach is not good enough - you have to create additional resource for relation where you will store your contact and comment with type. You have to include with 2 levels deep to get you contact fields. Also in this case to create contract frontend should work with both resources:
Create contract contact and get id
Then Create contract with relationship
with id from above
The second approach is seems hacky to me because it will use meta and it's up to you how to use it. Example:
"data": {
"type": "contracts",
"id": "1",
"attributes": {
"name": "Contract 1"
"relationships": {
"contacts": {
"data": [
"meta": {
"comment": "comment 1",
"type": 1
"type": "contacts",
"id": "10"
"meta": {
"comment": "comment 2",
"type": 2
"type": "contacts",
"id": "11"
This approach will simplify the mess with api requests that was in previous example.
But is that correct to POST/PUT/PATCH with meta fields as they are not supposed to be changed from client (or supposed to be)? I'm confused with this part.
The relationship that you are describing is often referred to as a has-many-through relationship: A contract has a many contacts through a contract_contacts. These is defined as a relationship that links two resources through an intermediate resource.
JSON:API specification does not provide first-level support for these kind of relationship. You should instead model them through separate resources as described by you as your first option. This allows you to create, modify and delete your intermediate resource in the same way as any other resource. Doing so reduces the complexity as the intermediate resource is just another resource type as any other.
You mentioned two problems with doing so:
You have to include with 2 levels deep to get you contact fields.
This is true but shouldn't be an issue. include query parameter allows your client to sideload resources any many level deep as it needs. The response document might be a little bit bigger than it would be if the information of the intermediate resource is stored on the relationship itself but that shouldn't be relevant in production after gzip.
Also in this case to create contract frontend should work with both resources:
Create contract contact and get id
Then Create contract with relationship with id from above
This is true and a serious limitation of the current stable version of JSON:API specification (v1.0). It's not directly related to has-many-through relationships so. It's a general limitation of the specification, which does not support creating, modifying and/or deleting more than one resource with one request.
An official Atomic Operations extension is proposed for v1.1 of the specification to address that limitation. It's very likely that these one or a similar proposal will be included in the upcoming version.
It might be tempting to store the information of the intermediate model as meta data on the relationship. But doing so will introduce serious limitations which for I would strongly recommend to not take that path:
The JSON:API specification does not cover changing meta data. You would need to introduce your own specification to create or update these meta data.
Client-side libraries for the JSON:API specification do not expect such information to be available as meta data of the relationship. It's very likely that the consumers will have a hard time processing the information.
Storing information of the intermediate resource would lock you into using resource linkage to express relationship information in a resource document. You would not be able to use related resource links. These may introduce serious performance issues as resource linkage requires to always lookup the IDs of related resources in the database, which is not required if using related resource links.

choosing between different objects in JSON-schema

I'm creating a schema for receipts and want to have a master schema for the core concepts with a variety of different detail objects for specialized receipt types (e.g. itemized hotel receipts, etc.) My current implementation is leveraging the oneOf mechanism in JSON-schema
"$schema": "",
"title": "Receipt",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"amount": { "type": "number" },
"detail": {
"type": "object",
"oneOf": [
{ "$ref": "general-detail.schema.json" },
{ "$ref": "hotel-detail.schema.json" },
The problem with this approach is that when I validate (using tv4), it appears that all of the schemas specified in oneOf are being checked, and are in fact, returning errors. I can minimize this effect by getting rid of the detail property, moving oneOf to the schema-level (e.g. outside of properties) and then creating root property names in each of the sub-schemas. However, even in that case, I get a "Missing required property: generalDetail" in the event that there's an error when I'm validating a hotel receipt type.
So 2 questions:
is it even possible to use a generic detail property like I'm currently doing and not have the validator completely validate each sub-schema in the oneOf structure (e.g. am I using oneOf wrongly)?
if it is not possible, I would be more than fine simply having a set of 'typed' detail properties (like 'generalDetail', 'hotelDetail', etc.) - but is there a way to specify that they are a group and that only one of them should exist in the document being validated?
It is usually better using anyOf - it is very rarely when you need oneOf. The latter will alway validate all schemas, the former will most likely exit at the first that passes.
You may look at some other validators. tv4 has many deviations from the standard and also is very slow.
All of the schemas in oneOf need to be validated in order for the validator to ensure that only one of the schemas pass. If none pass or more than one pass, the validator needs to tell you the validation results of each schema in order for you to determine how to fix the error.
So, just because the validator is telling you why each of the schemas are failing doesn't mean that it expects all of those schemas to pass.