PyQt application issue with matplotlib bar graph x ticks - matplotlib

I'm making a application to show graph using python pyqt5 and matplotlib.
here is a issue with graph I don't know why this happen.
You can see the 2 graph image I uploaded.
Second one is what I want to show.
But after show pie graph(There are so many types of graph I used in my application but only after pie graph happen this issue), it work like first image.
So, I wrote code after draw pie graph
self.MplWidget.canvas.axes.clear() like this.
But it doesn't change at all.
If I reboot my application it work well.
How I can show my graph like image2 after show pie graph?
this is my code to show bar graph, graph1, width, label='price1' ), graph2, width, bottom=graph1, yerr=Std, label='price2')
self.MplWidget.canvas.axes.set_xticklabels(temp['date'], rotation=90 )
this is my code to show pie chart
self.MplWidget.canvas.axes.title.set_text('pie graph')
self.MplWidget.canvas.axes.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%',shadow=True, startangle=90)

Axes.pie sets the aspect ratio of the axes to 'equal' which is what seems to mess up the bar plot. You could try setting self.MplWidget.canvas.axes.set_aspect('auto') when plotting the bar plot to reset the aspect ratio to 'auto'. You probably also want to set self.MplWidget.canvas.axes.set_frame_on(True) since Axes.pie removes the frame around the plot as well.
Another option could be to use separate widgets for each of the plots and combine them in a QStackedWidget or QTabWidget.


How to plot multiple line plots on Matplotlib programmatically?

I'm doing a web analytics data trying to examine the impact of emails on our traffic. The code I have for plotting is simple:
for cid in cids:
vdf = df.query('cid_short == #cid')
plt.plot(vdf['counter'],vdf['visits'], color='red', alpha=0.05)
The goal with the format is the transparency will highlight volume. The darker the region, the greater the volume in that area.
However, when I graph the plots, I see that each line is connected by the previous line, which creates weird shapes as seen in the image below.
How can I distinguish each plot programmatically (I'm dealing with 1000s of campaigns - labelled as cids).
To solve this, I identified that if there are multiple counter instances and are not grouped, then it will show the weird graph. This is important as the line chart is created based on the order of data I feed into it.
To solve this, I did the following:
for cid in cids:
vdf = df.query('cid_short == #cid').groupby(['cid_short','counter'])['visits'].sum().reset_index()
plt.plot(vdf['counter'],vdf['visits'], color='red', alpha=0.05)

How to control the specific size of plot in matplotlib?

Let us suppose that I am plotting a few plots with pyplot/matplotlib. Now, the first has to have tick marks and tick labels, and only the first. The last has to have a colorbar and some marks for scale. If I do a script specifying the figure size, the plot proper in the last and first plots is drawn with smaller sizes, as the figure has to make room for the extra markings. And I seem to be not able to control that, in an automatic way, like making the other plots at the same scale inside a larger figure or something like that.
Example code (it looks a little non-pythonic because I am using PyPlot inside Julia):
using PyPlot
for t=1:3
imagen=imshow(SomeData[:,:,t], origin="lower")
if t!=3
tick_params(labelsize=8, direction="out")
if t==1
cbx=colorbar(imagen, fraction=0.045, ticks=[])
cbx[:set_label]("Some proper English Label", fontsize=8)
Thanks in advance-

Set the height and width of a mpld3 plot

I want to set the width and height of a mpld3 plot to a specific value (in pixels, so it fits the div it is in). The way I tried it looks like this (javascript):
plotWidth and plotHeight the values I want the height and width to be set to.
Now, this actually sets the size of the mpld3-figure object to the values I want, but the plot inside still keeps its old size, so it looks like nothing happened.
So, how do I change the size of the plot itself? So far it looks like whatever I do, the plot does not change.
You can change the shape of an mpld3 plot when creating a figure with the python code plt.figure(figsize=(width,height)) (where width and height are in inches). Here is a notebook demonstrating this.
There has been some interest in making mpld3 figures "responsive", which would be a cooler and more precise way to accomplish your goal, but so far no one has tried making the necessary code changes. Patches welcome!

core plot stacked graph crossing top border

I'm trying to create a stacked graph using core plot.i have followed this tutorial.I have a UISlider on sliding i'm updating my graph.The issue i'm facing is my top value for y-axis is touching top border(As in the screen shot). As per my requirement in need to round off the highest value to next 10th value so that my graph doesn't touch the borders.On changing my slider value the x and y axis should also get refresh,i'm doing it by regenerating plot but it takes a lot of memory.Any idea how can i achieve these requirement ?
Don't recreate the whole graph every time the values change. Call -reloadData on the graph to refresh the plot data and set the xRange and yRange of the plot space to change the scale of the axes.

How can I get and set the position of a draggable legend in matplotlib

I'm trying to get and set the position of a draggable legend in matplotlib. My application consists of an interactive GUI, which has a redraw/plot function that should perform the follow steps:
save the position of the current legend.
clear the current axes and perform various plotting operations, which may or may add labels to their plots.
build a new draggable legend (ax.legend().draggable()) and restore the old position of the legend.
In between these steps the user is free to drag the legend around, and the goal is to persist the legend position when the plots are redrawn.
My first approach was to use oldpos = legend.get_bbox_to_anchor() and legend.set_bbox_to_anchor(oldpos) in steps 1 and 3. However this causes to move the legend completely off the visible area.
Note that I have to use ax.legend() and cannot use fig.legend(lines, labels), since step 2 is completely decoupled, i.e., I don't know anything about lines and labels in step 3. According to answers to the question How to position and align a matplotlib figure legend? there seems to be a difference between these two possibilities regarding axes or figure coordinates. Obviously my problem calls for figure coordinates, but I haven't fully understood how to convert the bbox to a "bbox in figure coordinates".
The even more severe problem I just realized is that apparently legend.get_bbox_to_anchor() always seems to return the same values irrespective of the drag position. So maybe the anchor can only be (ab-)used to manipulate the position of static legends? Is there another/proper way to save and restore the position of a draggable legend?
By looking at the implementation of Legend I found out that there is an undocumented property _loc, which exactly does what I want. My solution now looks astonishingly simple:
oldLegPos = ax.get_legend()._loc
# perform all plotting operations...
legend = ax.legend().draggable()
legend._loc = oldLegPos
It looks like _loc automatically stores figure coordinates, since I do not have to convert the coordinates in any way (eg. when the plotting operations completely change the axes ranges/coordinates).