(Oracle SQL, PLSQL) How to delete columns, which are entirely NULL - sql

I have a question regarding my Oracle SQL / PLSQL Table:
I have a Table with Values. Some of the Columns have no Values in all Rows at all. How do I therefore delete these columns, which are entirely NULL?
incase someones suggestion includes to transpose the tablem its too difficult for me to use Pivot, because the values are too different.
The Table has about 40 columns and 121 Rows.
Thank you very much.
EDIT: what i meant was, it would be great if the empty columns could be "automatically" be detected and deleted/removed/deselected.

You can identify the columns using aggregation. Here is one method that puts the names in a single column:
select ((case when count(col1) = 0 then 'col1,' end) ||
(case when count(col2) = 0 then 'col2,' end) ||
. . .
) as cols
from t;
Then you can use alter table to actually drop the columns.


Insert Column with same value

I am running a query on the table "performance" and I want to insert a column with the same value for all the rows without using alter, update etc.
I wrote a case statement and it works but is there a more refined way?
here is a short query:
SELECT id, name, class,
ELSE 'Forecast'
END AS type
FROM performance
Basically I need all the values to be labeled "Actuals".
There are many other datasets for which I will use different labels and then append all of them
Just to be clear - don't need to update the table performance itself
use common table expression for your case.
It will add new column in your existing data and you may use this for your further process.
For your point it is not adding nor inserting anything in your existing db structure.
with CTE as (
SELECT id, name, class,
CASE WHEN id IS NOT NULL THEN 'Actuals' ELSE 'Forecast' END AS type
FROM table_performance
select * from CTE ----- It give you all the columns from [table] and add another column as you needed.
You may create a view for same, if this condition is fixed.

How to find null and empty columns in a table with SQL

I am using Oracle SQL developer, We are loading tables with data and I need to validate if all the tables are populated and if there are any columns that are completely null(all the rows are null for that column).
For tables I am clicking each table and looking at the data tab and finding if the tables are populated and then have looking through each of the columns using filters to figure out if there are any completely null columns. I am wondering if there is faster way to do this.
You're in luck - there's a fast and easy way to get this information using optimizer statistics.
After a large data load the statistics should be gathered anyway. Counting NULLs is something the statistics gathering already does. With the default settings since 11g, Oracle will count the number of NULLs 100% accurately. (But remember that the number will only reflect that one point in time. If you add data later, the statistics must be re-gathered to get newer results.)
Sample schema
create table test1(a number); --Has non-null values.
create table test2(b number); --Has NULL only.
create table test3(c number); --Has no rows.
insert into test1 values(1);
insert into test1 values(2);
insert into test2 values(null);
Gather stats and run a query
select table_name, column_name, num_distinct, num_nulls
from user_tab_columns
where table_name in ('TEST1', 'TEST2', 'TEST3');
Using the NUM_DISTINCT and NUM_NULLS you can tell if the column has non-NULLs (num_distinct > 0), NULL only (num_distinct = 0 and num_nulls > 0), or no rows (num_distinct = 0 and num_nulls = 0).
---------- ----------- ------------ ---------
TEST1 A 2 0
TEST2 B 0 1
TEST3 C 0 0
Certainly. Write a SQL script that:
Enumerates all of the tables
Enumerates the columns within the tables
Determine a count of rows in the table
Iterate over each column and count how many rows are NULL in that column.
If the number of rows for the column that are null is equal to the number of rows in the table, you've found what you're looking for.
Here's how to do just one column in one table, if the COUNT comes back as anything higher than 0 - it means there is data in it.
SELECT COUNT(<column_name>)
FROM <table_name>
WHERE <column_name> IS NOT NULL;
This query return that what you want
select table_name,column_name,nullable,num_distinct,num_nulls from all_tab_columns
where owner='SCHEMA_NAME'
and num_distinct is null
order by column_id;
Below script you can use to get empty columns in a table
SELECT column_name
FROM all_tab_cols
where table_name in (<table>)
and avg_col_len = 0;

find-replace across a whole table in SQL

I have multiple SQL tables , each with several columns where, due to bad php code, values that should be NULL are 0.
I want to change all the 0s to NULLs in all columns and all rows.
Is there any way that I can quickly find all values that are 0 (irrespective of the column or row they are in) in a table and update them to NULL?
I want to do it with SQL code in phpMyAdmin.
I cant think of any easier way to do this
update yourtable
Set col1 = case when col1 = 0 then NULL else col1 end,
col2 = case when col2 = 0 then NULL else col2 end,
Where 0 in(col1,col2,..)
You have to do this to all your tables. If Mysql supports dynamic Sql then you can use it to frame the update queries with the help of INFORMATION_SCHEMA COLUMNS Table

TSQL Technique for attribute evaluation

I have a table with 20 columns. The first is my primary key. The remaining columns are attributes about the primary key. I need to evaluate each column on a row by row basis. If a attribute column has a value other than null, then do some further processing.
The way I am familiar with doing this in TSQL would be a while to bump through the rows, capture the values from the columns, evaluate the values for further processing.
Does anyone have any better ideas?
You could unpivot the table and filter out things that are not NULL:
select pk, col, val
from (select pk, col, val
from table t
unpivot (val for col in (attr1, attr2, . . . )) as unpivot
) u
where val is not null;
This will provide a list of the columns and associated non-NULL values. Note: it assumes that the types of the attribute columns are all the same.
select PK from table where col1 is not null or col2 is not null or col3 is not null
I think the best approach would be to first define if any column actually has a null value. For that you could use something like the following;
Select DATALENGTH(null,'Attr1','Attr2') // Add all the colums. This will return null. All of the columns must be the same type.
This will return null. Let's say that you have a while loop(you could use Cursor as well but they are considered slower compared to while loops) that checks each row with against the results of this statement and when you find the result to be null then you could actually check which column is null. This should speed up the process a little bit.
Also, this one looks pretty easy about finding the rows that has null values: https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/14864/test-if-any-fields-are-null

Find columns with NULL values in Teradata

I would like to find the columns in a table that has a null value in it.
Is there a system table that have that information?
To find columns where "null" values are allowed try...
select *
from dbc.columns
where databasename = 'your_db_name'
and tablename = 'your_table_name'
and Nullable = 'Y'
then to identify the specific rows w/ null values, take the "ColumnName" from the previous result set and run queries to identify results... perhaps throw them in a volatile table if you want to take further action on them (update,delete).
-- for example you found out that column "foo" is nullable...
create volatile table isnull_foo_col
sel *
from your_table_name
where foo is null
) with data
on commit preserve rows;
If you have statistics collected on the column you can use the views found here for Teradata 12.0.03+ and Teradata 13.0.02+ to determine the number of records in the table that have NULL values.
In Teradata 14, if you use the SHOW STATISTICS with the VALUES clause you will get similar information generated by the views listed at the link above.
You can use the DBC.Columns data dictionary view to determine what columns in a particular table are nullable.