how to add customer name in shopify coming soon page? - shopify

I am looking for a simple way to implement a simple "coming soon" (pre-launch) page for my project. Users should be able to leave an email and name in order to be notified when the project is launched.

You already have an email field on this page. When enters his email and clicks the Notify button, an inactive customer account will be created for that user. On launching your store you can send account invites to all the customers that submitted this form, using standard Shopify functionality.
You mentioned that you also want to collect customers names. You can do that by adding additional fields to this form. You're using Debut theme so just open the sections/password-content.liquid file and add these fields between {% form 'customer' %} ... {% endform %} tags. Note, as Shopify customer will be created, you have to use two fields - one for the first name and one for the second name. Just duplicate the email field and change name attributes. See an example below how these fields may look like, note how field names are grouped with contact[...]:
<input type="text" name="contact[first_name]" placeholder="First Name">
<input type="text" name="contact[last_name]" placeholder="Last Name">
You can also change the tags to be applied to the customer on creation. In the Debut theme, these tags are password page and prospect by default.
Adding more fields
You can collect more information on this page. Just add "note" fields with names like contact[note][Field name]. The information from these fields will be displayed in the Customer Note field. For example, if you want to ask customer leave a phone number you would use something like that:
<input type="text" name="contact[note][Phone]" placeholder="Phone">
You can follow the logic from this tutorial: Add fields to the customer registration form. Just make sure you're grouping fields with contact[] prefix rather than customer[] as described in the tutorial, which is actually about another form.

What I found with the Debut theme is that if you put
<input type="text" name="contact[first_name]" placeholder="First Name">
<input type="text" name="contact[last_name]" placeholder="Last Name">
in between these tags {% form 'customer' %} ... {% endform %}
The form fields get squished together.
I found that the below worked for me, if you add it before the section {% form 'customer' %} ... {% endform %}:
placeholder="First Name">
placeholder="Last Name"
I've added a screenshot to show you what it looks like in Shopify
This is the final result of my code

I have got it working to capture the first and second name by adding these fields:
<label>First Name</label>
id="{{ formId }}-first_name"
class="input-group__field {% if form.errors contains 'first_name' %} input--error{% endif %}"
placeholder="Please enter your first name..."
{%- if form.errors contains 'first_name' -%}
aria-describedby="{{ formId }}-first_name-error"
{%- endif -%}
<label>Last Name</label>
id="{{ formId }}-last_name"
class="input-group__field {% if form.errors contains 'last_name' %} input--error{% endif %}"
placeholder="Please enter your surname..."
{%- if form.errors contains 'last_name' -%}
aria-describedby="{{ formId }}-last_name-error"
{%- endif -%}
I'd love to know how to display errors if the fields are left blank though. Anyone know how to do this?
Many thanks.


What's the simplest way to add additional HTML in Django forms and override form layout?

I have a form set up using Django's form facilities and it gets rendered in the template like so:
{% block content %}
<h1>Register to join Forge Design</h1>
<form method="post" action="">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.as_p }}
<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Submit' %}" />
{% endblock %}
I have the fields First name, Last name, Email and Available date, which will render out my fields vertically with their labels left aligned. What I would like is to control each field such that I will have a layout like in the screenshot below:
Desired form layout
Could anyone best advise how to customise so that I can intersperse labels in between fields such as the "Name" and "Email Address *" and change the positioning of the first and last name labels so that they sit below their respective fields. Is this something I must do by replacing in the template {{form.as_p}} with the individual {{form fields}} and then wrapping that in a div to be controlled by CSS?
You can access to each field by name define in your form
{{ form.first_name.errors }} # Error of your field first name
{{ form.first_name.label_tag }} # Label of your field first name, generate a label tag
{{ form.first_name }} # Input for your field first name

In bootstrap form, how to connect "submit" button to database?

I recently started to use this bootstrap_form from django_bootstrap3 package. It's a nightmare... Here is a simplified version of what I want to do:
- I have 2 textboxes for user to enter data
- POST the data to a local database through clicking a "submit" button
What I had originally was to have a base_form.html file that store the form such as:
{% extends "expense/base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<form method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
<input id="field1" type="text" name="field1" value="{{ field1 }}">
<input id="field2" type="number" name="field2" value="{{ field2 }}">
<input id="submit" type="submit" value="Submit">
Then I would just call this form in my base.html, everything works, just ugly. Now that I started to use django_bootstrap3 package, it's great looking, less code, just nothing works. With django_bootstrap3, I no longer need the base_form.html (it grabs data from directly), instead I just need to call {% bootstrap_form form %} like the following:
{% bootstrap_form form %}
{% buttons %}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block" data-loading-text="Loading...">
{% bootstrap_icon "star" %} Submit
{% endbuttons %}
However, there is no place for me to say this is a form POST not GET. Also, there is no place for me to say these are all input field, and submit button should actually submit. Right now the behavior is that after I write some data to the field, and click submit button, nothing is posting to the database. The submit button doesn't work at all.
I don't know what I am missing here. I am very new to web development using django and bootstrap framework. Please help.

Flask: how to link wtforms with jinja2-templates using bootstrap

it seems a stupid question but I do not really get the connection.
I use tghe latest bootstrap version ad have this template:
<div class="form-group"{% if %} error{% endif %}>
<label for="name" class="col-md-2 control-label">Name:</label>
<div class="col-md-10">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="name" placeholder="Enter your name here">
{% for error in %}
<span class="help-inline">[{{ error }}]</span><br>
{% endfor %}
The field is rendered as desired but no matter what I enter there my form will raise the error, that this field is required.
Please let me know what I miss here - how do I link the field in the template to my form properly?
The issue was that the "name" attribute was missing - only having the "id" is insufficient.

Shopify , show product options as 3 seperate dropdowns instead of 1 single dropdown

On my product page, with the following line of code in the product.liquid template, it generates 3 seperate dropdowns for the 3 different product options the product has, eg Type Color Size..
<div class="select">
<select id="product-select" name="id">
{% for variant in product.variants %}
<option {% if variant == product.selected_or_first_available_variant %}selected="selected"{% endif %} value="{{ }}">{{ variant.title }}</option>
{% endfor %}
however, i used the same code in the product-loop.liquid to show the same drop down on the collections page (without the option to add to cart).. but this time the dropdown appears as 1 single combined dropdown.
how do i split them up like before?
heres a screenshot of what both dropdowns look like :
You need to include option_selection.js in your collection.liquid template.
paste the following line at top or bottom of your collection.liquid template
{{ 'option_selection.js' | shopify_asset_url | script_tag }}

How to pass values from product to cart page in shopify

in my product page i have this input field for quantity:
<input min={{variant.title}} max="240"type="number" id="qty" name="qty" value={{variant.title}} />
the value of variant.title is 12, it represents the minimum amount that you could order
my concern is that when i click add to cart button, how do i pass the quantity input value to the quantity input field in cart page?
im pretty sure that the block of code below is the looping for the cart values, but where is the cart object assembled?
{% for item in cart.items %}
{% include 'cart-item' with item %}
{% endfor %}
See here on the Shopify wiki: Adding a quantity box to your product pages
If you adjust your input field to have name="quantity" the value will be passed to the cart.
For example:
<input min="{{variant.title}}" max="240" type="number" id="quantity" name="quantity" value="{{variant.title}}" />