Erorrs when creating a new Aurelia CLI 1.3.0 project - aurelia

I'm trying to create a new project using the instructions from the official page of the Aurelia CLI but every time when I run au-new I get the following error. I'm using Windows 10 x64.


Vue Project not working after ubuntu customization

I have created a project using vue.js at the frontend and flask at the backend, It was working perfectly. But, after I customized my ubuntu OS, suddenly I am unable to run the project, my flask and every other framework and library was uninstalled and I am unable to reinstall vue and I get this error message when I try to install vue again:
Can someone tell me how to resolve this issue?
By Customization, I installed some extensions and then some wallpapers, icon packs etc..
As a user has mentioned in the replies earlier, what you are trying to do is installing a global package, and the error displayed there clearly stated that you lacked permissions, and the customizations you mentioned should not have any impact on this.
Since you are using Ubuntu, just add a sudo in front of the command that you are trying to execute and it should be fixed.

How To add CLI Workspace and Other Files to Existing Angular 5 project?

The Problem
On an existing Angular 5x application, I want to upgrade to Angular v8x and take advantage of all the sexy things, including ng generate component. I successfully modified the code to satisfy v8, and changed the npm packages correctly; the app runs (whoo-hoo!). Now, I can't get the Angular cli to work because of missing files like angular.json.
Things I've tried
Using ng new
ng new will create the project files I need, but I didn't want to overwrite my existing code, e.g. app.module.ts, so I ran
ng new my-app --directory [existing source directory of my app]
That overwrote many files, package.json, app.module.ts,etc, so I ran int again as:
ng new revenue --directory=./ --create-application=false --force
A lot of files were preserved, but package.json was not.
The Goal
Have my now upgraded app, running Angular v8, able to run fun things like ng serve
Not have to re-write package.json
Thanks for your help!
Upgrading to Angular 8 should modify package.json.
People typically use ng update to do this (link).
Updating Configuration Files
There are many differences between Angular 4|5 and Angular 6 such as
Angular 6 uses angular.json instead of angular-cli.json.
Different versions of dependencies in package.json etc.
You can update different configuration files automatically by running the following command from the project's root folder:
ng update #angular/cli
What is the ng update Command?
Ng update is a command available in Angular CLI which is used to update your application and its dependencies. You can use it to update all packages in the package.json file via the --all option that could take true or false or specific versions via the --packages option. You can see all the available commands from the official docs.
I ended up creating a brand-new application with ng new my-app, then copying over the files from the existing app. After modifying the code to work with Angular 8, using HttpClient, for example, the app successfully ran. I think I had to do it this way because of the fundamental changes to the project meta files. Hopefully, future upgrades won't be so challenging.

How to install the latest 1004.x cumulocity UI package [ng1]?

How can I update my custom app to the latest (current 1004.x) cumulocity UI package using the old ng1 command line tools?
Updating to a previous 9.x version works fine:
>c8y install 9.20.13
Installing 9.20.13 UI Package...
npm+ cumulocity-ui-build#9.20.13
updated 1 package and audited 1 package in 30.478s
found 0 vulnerabilities
9.20.13 UI package installed
But trying to update to any version >= 1004.0 fails:
>c8y install 1004.0.6
1004.0.6 UI not found
By the way, c8y install latest always installs version 9.20.8.
Cumulocity Web SDK got migrated to ngx (Angular 2+) which means you need to upgrade your application as the old SDK and build tooling is not supported anymore. The following table gives you an overview:
So basically you can just use the tooling until version 9.25.x, afterwards you need to use the new #c8y/cli tool. More information about the migration process can be found here.
Migrating is quite easy as all ng1 plugins can be integrated into a ngx application:
npm i -g #c8y/cli install the new tooling
c8ycli new your-app-name cockpit Create a new app based on the cockpit app.
cd your-app-name && npm install open the new created folder and install the dependencies
Copy your custom plugins to the folder
Open ng1.ts and replace the not needed plugin references. Reference your custom plugins to point to the cumulocity.json manifest (e.g. import './my-plugin/cumulocity.json')
run your app locally npm start -- -u
Go to your browser and check if the application work (look out for errors in the console as well!): http://localhost:9000/apps/your-app-name/
Deploy you application if everything is fine: npm run build && npm run deploy
Cumulocity applications after version 10.04.x.x are now running Angular (ngx) and angularjs (ngx) at the same time (so-called hybrid applications) which allows you to use the new Angular framework while you can still use your already developed plugins.
Installation steps of cumulocity UI has been changed now for version 10.4.
curl -s | bash -s -- -u management/admin -p <password> -i <instance> -v 1004.3.0

can't resolve app.module.ngfactory when using yarn webpack:prod

In my application, the front-end and back-end are separated, get this issue when I issue:
yarn webpack:prod
to generate a front-end package for production. however:
yarn start
works fine.
angular version is 5.1.0
jhipter version is 4.14.3
yarn version is 1.3.2
Very appreciated for any suggestion and help.
upgrade seems too complex, so I regenerate a new jhipster project, the angular 5.1 is upgraded to 5.2. then copy my source code to the new project.
Because #angular/http is updated to #angular/common/http, I did a lot of code change manually, and finally get it worked.

Error: Cannot create a MobileFirst project within another project

I am trying to create a project with mfp create (version 7.1) and i get the following error:
Error: Could not create MobileFirst Project.
Error: Cannot create a MobileFirst project within another project.
I have an older version of Worklight on the same machine. Anyone experienced this?
That is not what the error is saying.
Lets take the following scenario:
cd Desktop
mfp create myproject
cd myproject
mfp create myproject 2
You cannot create a project within a project.
That is what the error is saying. It's not related to any older installation.
If this is not your scenario. What is your scenario?
I have downgraded my node from 0.12 to 0.10.38 and this solved the problem. Not sure if this is the exact solution, but it fixed my problem. I have removed all the node_packages when i un-install node. Used brew to install 0.10.38.