pyqt5 how can dynamically change the columns in qgridlayoutq - pyqt5

I am a green hand.A day has passed when I tried to solve this problem.
I have many custom widgets than use gridlayout. like this
enter image description here
when I change the window size I want the widget will move to next line or move to top line .
this is my code
myLayout =QGridLayout()
myLayout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop| Qt.AlignLeft)
t =CustomItemWidget()
k =CustomItemWidget()
k1 =CustomItemWidget()
k2 =CustomItemWidget()
k3 =CustomItemWidget()


Plotting bar plots for categorical variables in STATA

I have a survey data baseline and endline. I am trying to plot bar plot for qualification of the respondent in each group (baseline/endline).
I am using the following code:
graph bar, over(qualification) over(time)
It is giving me different output from what I want.
I want the bars for endline and baseline for each category to be present parallel.
I am also attaching a reference picture to get the better idea about what I want.
The order of the over options of graph bar matters.
Consider this example:
input x str1 a b
1 "a" 1
2 "a" 2
3 "b" 1
4 "b" 2
graph bar x, over(a) over(b) title("over(a) over(b)")
graph bar x, over(b) over(a) title("over(b) over(a)")
It looks like you need to swap the order of your over options.

Matplotlib table: individual column width

Is there a way to specify the width of individual columns in a matplotlib table?
The first column in my table contains just 2-3 digit IDs, and I'd like this column to be smaller than the others, but I can't seem to get it to work.
Let's say I have a table like this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
table_ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
table_content = [["1", "Daisy", "ill"],
["2", "Topsy", "healthy"]]
table_header = ('ID', 'Name','Status')
the_table = table_ax.table(cellText=table_content, loc='center', colLabels=table_header, cellLoc='left')
(Never mind the weird cropping, it doesn't happen in my real table.)
What I've tried is this:
prop =
cells = prop['child_artists']
for cell in cells:
text = cell.get_text()
if text == "ID":
except TypeError:
The above code seems to have zero effect - the columns are still all equally wide. (cell.get_width() returns 0.3333333333, so I would think that width is indeed cell-width... so what am I doing wrong?
Any help would be appreciated!
I've been searching the web over and over again looking for similar probelm sollutions. I've found some answers and used them, but I didn't find them quite straight forward. By chance I just found the table method get_celld when simply trying different table methods.
By using it you get a dictionary where the keys are tuples corresponding to table coordinates in terms of cell position. So by writing
you will simply adress the upper left cell. Now looping over rows or columns will be fairly easy.
A bit late answer, but hopefully others may be helped.
Just for completion. The column header starts with (0,0) ... (0, n-1). The row header starts with (1,-1) ... (n,-1).
| ColumnHeader (0,0) | ColumnHeader (0,1) |
rowHeader (1,-1) | Value (1,0) | Value (1,1) |
rowHeader (2,-1) | Value (2,0) | Value (2,1) |
The code:
for key, cell in the_table.get_celld().items():
print (str(key[0])+", "+ str(key[1])+"\t"+str(cell.get_text()))
Condition text=="ID" is always False, since cell.get_text() returns a Text object rather than a string:
for cell in cells:
text = cell.get_text()
print text, text=="ID" # <==== here
if text == "ID":
except TypeError:
On the other hand, addressing the cells directly works: try cells[0].set_width(0.5).
EDIT: Text objects have an attribute get_text() themselves, so getting down to a string of a cell can be done like this:
text = cell.get_text().get_text() # yup, looks weird
if text == "ID":

gnuplot, how to label only certain points?

I'm using the following gnuplot commands to create a plot:
gnuplot << 'EOF'
set term postscript portrait color enhanced
set output ''
plot 'data_file' u 3:2 w points , '' u 3:2:($4!=-3.60 ? $1:'aaa') w labels
where data_file looks like this:
O4 -1.20 -0.33 -5.20
O9.5 -1.10 -0.30 -3.60
B0 -1.08 -0.30 -3.25
B0.5 -1.00 -0.28 -2.60
B1.5 -0.90 -0.25 -2.10
B2.5 -0.80 -0.22 -1.50
B3 -0.69 -0.20 -1.10
I want gnuplot to label all points with the strings found in column 1, except the one where column 4 is equal to -3.60 in which case I want the aaa string. What I'm getting is that the $4=-3.60 data point is being labeled correctly as aaa, but the rest are not being labeled at all.
Update: gnuplot has no problem showing numbers as labels using the conditional statement, ie: any column but 1 is correctly displayed as a label for each point respecting the conditions imposed. That is, this line displays column 2 (numbres) as point labels respecting the conditional statement:
plot 'data_file' u 3:2 w points , '' u 3:2:($4!=-3.60 ? $2:'aaa') w labels
Update 2: It also has no problem in plotting column 1 as point labels if I plot it as a whole, ie not using a conditional statement. That is, this line plots correctly all the point labels in column 1 (strings):
plot 'data_file' u 3:2 w points , '' u 3:2:1 w labels
So clearly the problem is in using the conditional statement together with the strings column. Any of these used separately works just fine.
In a more clean way maybe, this should work. It seems label can't display a computed number if it isn't turned in a string.
gnuplot << 'EOF'
set term postscript portrait color enhanced
set output ''
plot 'data_file' u 3:2 w points , '' u 3:2:($4!=-3.60 ? sprintf("%d",$1):'aaa') w labels
Is this what you want?
gnuplot << 'EOF'
set term postscript portrait color enhanced
set output ''
plot 'data_file' u 3:2 w points , \
'' u (($4 == -3.60)? 1/0 : $3):2:1 w labels
All I do here is set (x) points where the column 4 equals -3.6 to NaN (1/0). Since gnuplot ignores those points, life is good. I think the problem with your script is that you were filtering a column where gnuplot expects string input -- although I haven't played around with it enough to verify that. I just switched the filter to a column where gnuplot expects numbers (the x position) and it works just fine.

GNUPLOT: dot plot with data depending dot size

I am trying plot data sets consisting of 3 coordinates:
X-coordinate, x-coordinate and the number of occurrences.
1 2 10
3 1 2
3 2 1
I would like to draw for every line a dot at x,y with a diameter which is depending on the third value.
Is that possible with Gnuplot?
Create a 2D plot with variable point size. See the demo.
plot 'dataFile.dat' u 1:2:3 w points lt 1 pt 10 ps variable
This is basically equivalent to the existing answer, just shorter:
plot 'dataFile.dat' with circles
Credit: Gnuplot: plot with circles of a defined radius

Convert a Dynamic[] construct to a numerical list

I have been trying to put together something that allows me to extract points from a ListPlot in order to use them in further computations. My current approach is to select points with a Locator[]. This works fine for displaying points, but I cannot figure out how to extract numerical values from a construct with head Dynamic[]. Below is a self-contained example. By dragging the gray locator, you should be able to select points (indicated by the pink locator and stored in q, a list of two elements). This is the second line below the plot. Now I would like to pass q[[2]] to a function, or perhaps simply display it. However, Mathematica treats q as a single entity with head Dynamic, and thus taking the second part is impossible (hence the error message). Can anyone shed light on how to convert q into a regular list?
EuclideanDistanceMod[p1_List, p2_List, fac_: {1, 1}] /;
Length[p1] == Length[p2] :=
Plus ## (fac.MapThread[Abs[#1 - #2]^2 &, {p1, p2}]) // Sqrt;
test1 = {{1.`, 6.340196001221532`}, {1.`,
13.78779876355869`}, {1.045`, 6.2634018978377295`}, {1.045`,
13.754947081416544`}, {1.09`, 6.178367702583522`}, {1.09`,
13.72055251752498`}, {1.135`, 1.8183153704413153`}, {1.135`,
6.082497198000075`}, {1.135`, 13.684582525399742`}, {1.18`,
1.6809452373465104`}, {1.18`, 5.971583107298081`}, {1.18`,
13.646996905469383`}, {1.225`, 1.9480537697339537`}, {1.225`,
5.838386922625636`}, {1.225`, 13.607746407088161`}, {1.27`,
2.1183174369679234`}, {1.27`, 5.669799095595362`}, {1.27`,
13.566771130126131`}, {1.315`, 2.2572975468163463`}, {1.315`,
5.444014254828522`}, {1.315`, 13.523998701347882`}, {1.36`,
2.380307009155079`}, {1.36`, 5.153024664297602`}, {1.36`,
13.479342200528283`}, {1.405`, 2.4941312539733285`}, {1.405`,
4.861423833512566`}, {1.405`, 13.432697814928654`}, {1.45`,
2.6028066447609426`}, {1.45`, 4.619367407525507`}, {1.45`,
DynamicModule[{p = {1.2, 10}, q = {1.3, 11}},
q := Dynamic#
Ordering[{#, EuclideanDistanceMod[p, #, {1, .1}]} & /# test1,
1, #1[[2]] < #2[[2]] &]]];
Grid[{{Show[{ListPlot[test1, Frame -> True, ImageSize -> 300],
Locator[q, Appearance -> {Small},
Background -> Pink]}]}, {Dynamic#p}, {q},{q[[2]]}}]]
There are several ways to extract values from a dynamic expression. What you probably want is Setting (documentation), which resolves all dynamic values into their values at the time Setting is evaluated.
In[75]:= Slider[Dynamic[x]] (* evaluate then move the slider *)
In[76]:= FullForm[Dynamic[x]]
Out[76]//FullForm= Dynamic[x]
In[77]:= FullForm[Setting[Dynamic[x]]]
Out[77]//FullForm= 0.384`
Here's a slightly more complicated example:
{Dynamic[x], Slider[Dynamic[x]],
Button["Set y to the current value of x", y = Setting[Dynamic[x]]]}
If you evaluate the above expression, move the slider and then click the button, the current value of x as set by the slider is assigned to y. If you then move the slider again, the value of y doesn't change until you update it again by clicking the button.
Instead of assigning to a variable, you can of course paste values into the notebook, call a function, export a file, etc.
After a little more research, it appears that the answer revolves around the fact that Dynamic[] is a wrapper for updating and displaying the expression. Any computations that you want dynamically updated must be placed inside the wrapper: for instance, instead of doing something like q = Dynamic[p] + 1 one should use something like Dynamic[q = p + 1; q]}]. For my example, where I wanted to split q into two parts, here's the updated code:
DynamicModule[{p = {1.2, 10}, q = {1.3, 11}, qq, q1, q2},
q := Dynamic[
qq = First#
test1[[Ordering[{#, EuclideanDistanceMod[p, #, {1, .1}]} & /#
test1, 1, #1[[2]] < #2[[2]] &]]];
{q1, q2} = qq;
Grid[{{Show[{ListPlot[test1, Frame -> True, ImageSize -> 300],
Locator[q, Appearance -> {Small},
Background -> Pink]}]}, {Dynamic#p}, {Dynamic#q}, {Dynamic#
If I am still missing something, or if there's a cleaner way to do this, I welcome any suggestions...