I'm trying to use react-call-detection to detect a missed call number but something is not working - react-native

Hey there to everyone!
I'm posting my first question so I'll try to be as clear as possible!
I'm building a native android app using react-native(0.61.5), I'm using setState hook instead of the classic state and I want to use the react-native-call-detection library(1.8.2).
What is the problem?
function startListenerTapped() {
callDetector = new CallDetectorManager((event, number) => {
console.log('inside call detector');
if (event === 'Missed') {
() => { console.error('access denied') },
title: 'Phone State Permission',
message: 'This app needs access to your phone state in order to react and/or to adapt to incoming calls.'
I run this function when my component mounts, callDetector is set as undefined, I get the 'start' log but when I simulate a call on my AVD nothing happens.
From what I understood the CallDetectorManager works like an event listener, right?
Or do I need to start it every time a call happens?
Another thing I've had a problem with was when I was trying to run a build for the app. I have Gradle 6.0 and I had an error with the react-native-call-detection:
Attribute application#allowBackup value=(false) from AndroidManifest.xml:13:7-34
is also present at [:react-native-call-detection] AndroidManifest.xml:21:9-35 value=(true).
Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:allowBackup"' to <application> element at
AndroidManifest.xml:7:5-117 to override.
I couldn't really understand what this meant, and the only thing that I've found that solved it was to create a react-native.config.js file with this line of code in it:
module.exports = { dependencies: { 'react-native-call-detection': { platforms: { android: null, }, }, }, };
Another thing that I've only noticed now is that I have a problem with the module of the library.
Could not find a declaration file for module 'react-native-call-detection'.
'c:/folders/projectName/node_modules/react-native-call-detection/index.js' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Try `npm install #types/react-native-call-detection` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module 'react-native-call-detection';`
Does anybody knows what that means?!
I think I start to think that it means that I need to find an alternative to this library... AHAHA!
Any kind of help or solution would be more than welcome!
Thanks in advance for everything!


Is it possible to use DayJs in ant design Vue (antdv) in DatePickers instead of MomentJs?

I tryed to replace momentjs in project on antdv, and find this advice:
"We also provide another implementation, which we provide with
antd-dayjs-webpack-plugin, replacing momentjs with Day.js directly
without changing a line of existing code. More info can be found at
So then i tryed to do same steps like in instruction https://github.com/ant-design/antd-dayjs-webpack-plugin. But i just changed webpack-config.js on vue-config.js and in code:
const AntdDayjsWebpackPlugin = require('antd-dayjs-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new AntdDayjsWebpackPlugin()
// on
const AntdDayjsWebpackPlugin = require('antd-dayjs-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: (config) => {
new AntdDayjsWebpackPlugin(),
But then i got mistake 502 Bad Gateway.
If i deleted configureWebpack mistake was still there. And then i deleted require and mistake was gone.
Also i found what in page with this plugin there was word about React but not about Vue.
So i had few questions:
Is it possible to use DayJs in antdv DatePickers? With plugins or any ways.
Is it mistake in FAQ? How i can tall about this issue (if it is)? I didnt found any method to communicate with them.

VueJS and ElectronJS | VueJS stops rendering completely when I import ipcRenderer in a component

So I am coding a VueJS and ElectronJS template which can be found here: https://github.com/dev-aethex/electronjstemplate
My code works something like this,
Inside of my Vue component I access a global pre constructed class called MainProcessInterface and when it's constructed it first checks if vue is compiled for running in a development server. If it's in a dev server it will connect to the dev socket which electrons main process will host if electron is in dev mode and not compiled. This method seems to be working great, I had to use a socket because vue dev server is being loaded into electron via loadURL and so vue has no clue what ipcRenderer is. Inside the main process interface, if vue is compiled it will instead use the ipcRenderer.send() method. This is were the problem was born.
As soon as Vue runs thought the TS code, it sees ipcRenderer.send and freaks out while printing an error to the electron window console saying fs.existsSync does not exist or is defined.
I can't find a way around this. I though maybe i'll split MainProcessInterface into 2 peices, one for ipc and the other for websockets. Although it isn't a very good way, so before implementing it, I would like to know if there is a better more proper way of doing such.
I had a similar issue with React. Are you importing the ipcRenderer object somewhere in your build process? You might want to make sure it references the correct variable. I tried to drop this in as a comment but it wouldn't fit:
//index.html (index.ejs) for me... This is in the main HTML entry point
var IPC = null;
try {
IPC = require('electron').ipcRenderer;
console.log('IPC IS: ' + IPC)
} catch (err) {
IPC = null;
Then I initialize off that context in React with a startup here:
console.log('----------------HACK FIRED POST REHYDRATE')
(dispatch, getState) => {
const _state = getState()
if(window.IPC) {
if(_state.osc && _state.osc.on) {
dispatch( reconnectToEos() )
} else {
dispatch( updateStatus('[OSC Startup: DISCONNECTED]', ))
} else {
//Shut off OSC
dispatch( updateOscKey('on', false) )
dispatch( updateStatus('[WebApp, OSC disabled]', ))
}, 1000)
Basically I'm using a global variable (window.IPC) to initialize my app so I don't import a bad variable in my build process. I have a fair number of Electron APIs where this alleviates the issues with building via Webpack.
I hope this helps!

Vuex Action never resolve

I'm having problem to make my Action resolve the promise.
I've read what looks like the most relevant posts.
Returning Promises from Vuex actions
I want to know when my action is finished, then my component can start doing other stuff.
The problem is, the Action never returns the Promise.
methods: {
loadUrls() {
this.$store.dispatch('getUrls').then(result => {
console.log("getUrls result", result)
actions: {
getUrls() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("setTimeout in")
}, 1000)
That's my console log:
I've used the "setTimeout" to make as simple as possible the problem. In real life I call an API.
I do not need to rely on the result of this promise. I'm aware about it. I use Vuex as the source of truth, but I need to track when the event in completed.
Thanks in advance =)
SOLVED! It worked after I delete my dist Folder, close VSCode and open a new Chrome instance using the new build local host URL.
Thanks #User-28. I saw his shared code and realised nothing was wrong with my code. Then I start looking at my environment.
My very first code didn't have Promise Resolve in the action. I compiled and I was testing it.
Then I found Returning Promises from Vuex actions which explained how to use the Promise in it. I compiled and I was TRYING to test it. Never success. Somehow the code without the Promise was always there. After clean up Dist folder, Close VS code and use a new Chrome instance, the new code was in place and worked.
I'm still don't know the actual problem, but at least it can keep going forward now.

Upload images with apollo-upload-client in React Native

I'm trying out Prisma and React Native right now. Currently I'm trying to upload images to my db with the package _apollo-upload-client (https://github.com/jaydenseric/apollo-upload-client). But it's not going so well.
Currently I can select an image with the ImagePicker from Expo. And then I'm trying to do my mutation with the Apollo Client:
await this.props.mutate({
variables: {
But I get the following error:
Network error: JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier "POST"
- node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:76:32 in ApolloError
- node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:797:43 in error
And I believe it's from these lines of code:
const image = new ReactNativeFile({
uri: imageUrl,
type: 'image/png',
name: 'i-am-a-name',
Which is almost identical from the their example, https://github.com/jaydenseric/apollo-upload-client#react-native.
imageUrl is from my state. And when I console.log image I get the following:
ReactNativeFile {
"name": "i-am-a-name",
"type": "image/png",
"uri": "file:///Users/martinnord/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4C297288-A876-4159-9CD7-41D75303D07F/data/Containers/Data/Application/8E899238-DE52-47BF-99E2-583717740E40/Library/Caches/ExponentExperienceData/%2540anonymous%252Fecommerce-app-e5eacce4-b22c-4ab9-9151-55cd82ba58bf/ImagePicker/771798A4-84F1-4130-AB37-9F382546AE47.png",
So something is popping out. But I can't get any further and I'm hoping I could get some tips from someone.
I also didn't include any code from the backend since I believe the problem lays on the frontend. But if anyone would like to take a look at the backend I can update the question, or you could take a look here: https://github.com/Martinnord/Ecommerce-server/tree/image_uploads.
Thanks a lot for reading! Cheers.
After someone asked after the logic in the server I have decided to past it below:
// import shortid from 'shortid'
import { createWriteStream } from 'fs'
import { getUserId, Context } from '../../utils'
const storeUpload = async ({ stream, filename }): Promise<any> => {
// const path = `images/${shortid.generate()}`
const path = `images/test`
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
.on('finish', () => resolve({ path }))
.on('error', reject),
const processUpload = async upload => {
const { stream, filename, mimetype, encoding } = await upload
const { path } = await storeUpload({ stream, filename })
return path
export const product = {
async createProduct(parent, { name, description, price, image }, ctx: Context, info) {
// const userId = getUserId(ctx)
const userId = 1;
const imageUrl = await processUpload(image);
return ctx.db.mutation.createProduct(
data: {
seller: {
connect: { id: userId },
Solution has been found.
I am a little embarrassed that this was the problem that I faced and I don't know if I should even accept this answer because of awkward I felt when I fixed the issue. But....
There was nothing wrong with my code, but there was a problem with the dependencies versions. I tried to backtrack everything on my app, so I decided to start from the beginning and create a new account. I expected it to work just fine, but I got this error:
Error: Cannot use GraphQLNonNull "User!" from another module or realm.
Ensure that there is only one instance of "graphql" in the node_modules
directory. If different versions of "graphql" are the dependencies of other
relied on modules, use "resolutions" to ensure only one version is installed.
Duplicate "graphql" modules cannot be used at the same time since different
versions may have different capabilities and behavior. The data from one
version used in the function from another could produce confusing and
spurious results.
Then I understand that something (that I didn't think of) was wrong. I checked my dependencies versions and compared them with Graphcool's example, https://github.com/graphcool/graphql-server-example/blob/master/package.json. And I noticed that my dependencies was outdated. So I upgraded them and everything worked! So that was what I had to do. Update my dependencies.
Moral of the story
Always, always check your damn dependencies versions...
Crawling through your code, I have found this repository, which must be the front-end code if I am not mistaken?
As you've mentioned, apollo-upload-server requires some additional set-up and same goes for the front-end part of your project. You can find more about it here.
As far as I know, the problematic part of your code must be the initialisation of the Apollo Client. From my observation, you've put everything Apollo requires inside of src/index folder, but haven't included Apollo Upload Client itself.
I have created a gist from one of my projects which initialises Apollo Upload Client alongside some other things, but I think you'll find yourself out.
Hope this helps you! 🙂

Aurelia Unable to find module with ID when setRoot with variable

I'm trying to follow this example of how to use aurelia in a multiple page application.
When i do
aurelia.start().then(a => {
let start = 'app'
i receive the following error:
Unable to find module with ID: app
I already made this work with require. Maybe a thing with webpack?
In the example 'start' receive a string from body element, i just want to make it easy to follow
Webpack requires you to use PLATFORM.moduleName to declare your modulenames, see the docs: https://github.com/aurelia/webpack-plugin/wiki/Managing-dependencies
So you would need to write
import { PLATFORM } from "aurelia-pal";
aurelia.start().then(a => {
let start = PLATFORM.moduleName('app');