Unable to get card details for connected account in Stripe - api

I am trying to retrieve card details for connected accounts customer, As per stripe documentation we need to pass stripe_account parameter in each api call to work with connected accounts. However in case of retrieving card details it is throwing error for the stripe_account parameter.
Following is how my api call looks like:
'card_1GJHkSEyjL72dRjPECxaHlEF',["stripe_account" =>'xxxxxxxxx']
Following is the error:
Received unknown parameter: stripe_account
Can someone please help with this.

This occurs because of the signature of the retrieveSource method:
public static function retrieveSource($id, $sourceId, $params = null, $opts = null)
In this case the stripe_account is being passed as a param instead of an opt.
You can fix this by passing an empty array for params:
$ss = \Stripe\Customer::retrieveSource(
["stripe_account" => 'acct_xxx']
Hope that helps!


How to I get the detail (custom error message) returned with a bad request status code? So that I can do an ASSERT on it

Hi so I am setting up some Integration tests (using Xunit) and I would like to run an Assert to check whether the correct custom error message is returned.
This is the data I need to get is in the following response see image...
detail: "Username must be unique" Don't worry this message will be modified to be more useful later on I am just wanting to get it working first
Required Info
This is the current code...
response = await _httpClient.PostAsync("CompleteUserSetup", formContent);
Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, response.StatusCode) ; //Bad request should be returned
//TODO: check custom error message is correct
So hoping for...
ASSERT.Equal("Username must be unique", some code to get detail from response)
Okay so I figured out how to get the data I needed. I just needed to convert the result into an object and then I was able to pull the detail data that I needed.
var resultModel = await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<Result>(response.Content.ReadAsStream(), JsonSerializerHelper.DefaultDeserialisationOptions);
var errorMessage = resultModel.detail;

TypeError: Cannot read property 'users' of undefined error

I have written the code:
function getId(username) {
var infoUrl = "https://www.instagram.com/web/search/topsearch/?context=user&count=0&query=" + username
return parseInt(fetch(infoUrl)['users']);
function fetch(url) {
var ignoreError = {
"muteHttpExceptions": true
var source = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, ignoreError).getContentText();
var data = console.log(source);
return data;
To get the userID of the username input.
The error corresponds to the line:
return parseInt(fetch(infoUrl)['users']);
I have tried differnt things but I cant get it to work. The url leads to a page looking like this:
{"users": [{"position": 0, "user": {"pk": "44173477683", "username": "mykindofrock", "full_n........
Where the numbers 44173477683 after the "pk": are what I am trying to get as an output.
I hope someone can help as I am very out of my depth, but I guess this is how we learn! :)
I was surprised that the endpoint you provided actually led to a JSON file. I would have thought that to access the Instagram API, you would need register a developer account with Facebook etc. Nevertheless, it does return a JSON by visiting in the browser. I suppose that it just shows the publicly available information on each user.
However, with Apps Script it seems like a different story. I visited:
In a browser and chose a random user id. Then I called it from Apps Script with UrlFetchApp:
function test(){
var username = "username7890543216"
var infoUrl = "https://www.instagram.com/web/search/topsearch/?context=user&count=0&query=" + username
var options = {
'muteHttpExceptions': true
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(infoUrl, options)
Which returns a 429 response. Which is a "Too Many Requests" response. So if I had to guess, I would say that all requests to this unauthenticated endpoint from Apps Script have been blocked. This is why when replacing the console.log(result.getResponseCode()) with console.log(result.getContentText()), you get a load of HTML (not JSON) part of it which says:
Page Not Found • Instagram
Though maybe its IP based. Try and run this code from your end, unless you get a response code of 200, it is likely that you simply can't access this information from Apps Script.
You are setting data to the return value of console.log(source) which is undefined. So no matter what the data is, you will get undefined.
Another thing to avoid is that fetch will not necessarily be hoisted because fetch is a built in function to make API calls.

GetMatchingProductSample AMAZON API

Im try to Get Product details with GetMatchingProductSample.php
request param look correctly:
$request->setMarketplaceId(my ID);
$request->setASINList(my ASIN);
when i try to execute i receve always this error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function _toQueryParameterArray() on a non-object
I've look a method but i dont see any error
When i type request-> i have only these methods:
Finally i found a way to do a right call.
Obviously they lacked the parameters and if someone can serve this is the correct call:
$asins = array('B06Y16RL4W', 'B071DQ128D');
$request = new
$asin_list = new MarketplaceWebServiceProducts_Model_ASINListType();

Phalcon router sends the wrong parameters

I have a problem with my router in Phalcon.
I have an action in my controller which ether takes a date parameter or not.
So when I access an URL: http://example.com/sl/slots/index/2017-06-27
everything works ok.
But when I go to: http://example.com/sl/slots/index
I get the following error:
DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (sl) at position
0 (s): The timezone could not be found in the database.
So the router actually takes the "sl" in the beginning as a parameter.
My router for this kind of url is set like this:
"controller" => 2,
"action" => 3
Btw it does the same withut the index: http://example.com/sl/slots
Oh and my slots index action looks like this:
public function indexAction($currentDate = false){ //code }
So the $currentDate is set to "sl" when I call the action without a parameter
Thank you for the help
Well you need to add language in first argument of action too. Then it should work.
In addition to #Juri's answer.. I prefer to keep my Actions empty or as slim as possible. Imagine if you have 3-4 parameters in the Route, you will end up with something like:
public function indexAction($param1 = false, $param2 = false, $param3 = false....)
Here is how I prefer to handle Route parameters:
public function indexAction()
// All parameters
// Accessing specific Named parameters
// Accessing specific Non-named parameters

Auth::user()-> non-object

I'm trying to retrieve users First Name from the database so I tried something like this in my provider.php controller but the browser error says "Trying to get property of non-object"
$provider = Auth::user()->email;
return View::make('providers.account')
->with('title', 'Account')
->with('provider', $provider);
Any help?
If you are trying to get information for the logged in user, use Ben Dubuisson's answer.
If you are try to get the information for a specified user, do something like:
$provider = User::find($id)->email;
You need to check if user is logged in:
if (Auth::check())
$provider = Auth::user()->email;
return View::make('providers.account')
->with('title', 'Artsgap Account')
->with('provider', $provider);
otherwise it will return that error (the object doesn;t exist since there is no logged in user)