TYPE command. Inserting csv file - sql

I have a CSV file im looking to load into a TSQL table using the "type" command.
Code: type yourfilename
When looking in the command prompt its breaking the file lines into two different rows and inserting them separately into my destination table
"Manheim Chicago","Manheim","IL","199004520601","On
Block","2D4FV47V86H126473","2006","DODGE","MAGNUM 4X2 V6"
I want solution to look like this
Solution Pic
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Bkgf6.png
Where this would be one record in the table.
Question. Does anyone know how to format a type command so it displays a full record without line breaks?


PDI. I would like to aggregate a line to csv im creating

For make it easy, i have a table on a ddbb that i'm making the input on pdi then i want to output it as a csv but i would like to add a line before.
For example what i would look like when you open the csv:
i'm idiot
i'm using pentaho
I think the easiest way to achieve this would be to use two transformations, the first one create the file with the line, and the second one uses the Text file output step to add the data to the file created in the first transformation. The Text file output step allows you to check the Append, so you add the new information to the existing file.

Pentaho | Issue with CSV file to Table output

I am working in Pentaho spoon. I have a requirement to load CSV file data into one table.
I have used , as delimter in CSV file. I can see correct data in preview of CSV file input step. But when I tried to insert data into Table Output step, I am getting data truncation error.
This is because I have below kind of values in one of my column.
"2,ABC Squere".
As you see, I have "," in my column value so it is truncating and throwing error.How to solve this problem?
I want to upload data in Table with this kind of values..
Here is one way of doing it
ABC,"2,ABC Squere",test
See below the settings. The key is to use "" as encloser and , as delimiter.
you can change the delimiter say to PIPE and also keeping data as quoted text like "1,Name" this will treat the same as 1 column

SSIS Pipe delimited file not failing when the row has more number pipes than the column number?

My Source File is (|) Pipe Delimited text file(.txt). I am trying load the file into SQL Server 2012 using SSIS(SQL Server Data Tools 2012). I have three columns. Below is the example for how data in file looks like.
I am hoping my package should fail as this is pipe(|) delimited instead my package is a success and the last row in the third column with multiple Pipes into last column.
My Question is Why is't the package failing? I believe it has corrupt data because it has more number of columns if we go by delimiter?
If I want to fail the package what are my options,If number of delimiters are more than the number columns?
You can tell what is happening if you look at the advanced page of the flat file connection manager. For all but the last field the delimiter is '|', for the last field it is CRLF.
So by design all data after the last defined pipe and the end of the line (CRLF) is imported into your last field.
What I would do is add another column to the connection manager and your staging table. Map the new 'TestColumn' in the destination. When the import is complete you want to ensure that this column is null in every row. If not then throw an error.
You could use a script task but this way you will not need to code in c# and you will not have to process the file twice. If you are comfortable coding a script task and / or you can not use a staging table with extra column then that will be the only other route I could think of.
A suggestion for checking for null would be to use an execute sql task with single row result set to integer. If the value is > 0 then fail the package.
The query would be Select Count(*) NotNullCount From Table Where TestColumn Is Not Null.
You can write a script task that reads the file, counts the pipes, and raises an error if the number of pipes is not what you want.

pentaho merge rows diff with using text file inputs

I have a text file that I need to load into a database... I used merge rows(diff)...
I compared the text file input with table input step.. i used sorted merge for sorting columns for both text file input and table input steps.. and i used merge rows(diff) step followed by Synchronize after merge... My problem is if i run my job first time its inserting the text file data to database.. and the second time also its inserting same rows again into the database... Can any one please help me what mistake i did..
use " Insert / Update " step in your transformation.. so it will avoid your duplication problem.
Insert/update Description

How to write SQL Query that matches data from a .csv file to a table in MySQL?

Is it possible for me to write an SQL query from within PhpMyAdmin that will search for matching records from a .csv file and match them to a table in MySQL?
Basically I want to do a WHERE IN query, but I want the WHERE IN to check records in a .csv file on my local machine, not a column in the database.
Can I do this?
I'd load the .csv content into a new table, do the comparison/merge and drop the table again.
Loading .csv files into mysql tables is easy:
LOAD DATA INFILE 'path/to/industries.csv'
INTO TABLE `industries`
IGNORE 1 LINES (`nogaCode`, `title`);
There are a lot more things you can tell the LOAD command, like what char wraps the entries, etc.
I would do the following:
Create a temporary or MEMORY table on the server
Copy the CSV file to the server
Use the LOAD DATA INFILE command
Run your comparison
There is no way to have the CSV file on the client and the table on the server and be able to compare the contents of both using only SQL.
Short answer: no, you can't.
Long answer: you'll need to build a query locally, maybe with a script (Python/PHP) or just uploading the CSV in a table and doing a JOIN query (or just the WHERE x IN(SELECT y FROM mytmmpTABLE...))
For anyone new asking, there is this new tool that i used : Write SQL on CSV file