Manipulating MS Word Open Dialog from Delphi - vba

Every time I run this code, I manually confirm that I want to convert "PDF Files".
Is there any way to automate it?
procedure TFWordAnalyzer.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
WordApp,WordDocument: OleVariant;
WordApp := GetActiveOleObject('Word.Application');
WordApp := CreateOleObject('Word.Application') ;
WordApp.visible := true;
WordApp.DisplayAlerts := False;
WordDocument := WordApp.Documents.Open('D:\Corpus\Adyg\Hudmir.pdf', true, false);
sleep(1000);//Otherwise it fails
WordApp := Unassigned;

Both of the problems you have mentioned namely how to avoid the Convert File dialog and the pop-up prompt about saving data copied to the Clipboard can by avoided by specifiying the correct values in calls to Word's automation.
1. Avoiding the Convert File dialog
Update the line of your code which opens the document to
WordDocument := WordApp.Documents.Open('D:\Corpus\Adyg\Hudmir.pdf', ConfirmConversions := False);
This should open the document without the Confirm Conversion dialog being invoked.
Assuming that works, you should be able to reinstate your second and third arguments, so that you have
WordDocument := WordApp.Documents.Open('D:\Corpus\Adyg\Hudmir.pdf', true, false, ConfirmConversions := False);
Note that the syntax
WordApp.Documents.Open([...], ConfirmConversions := False)
was added at the same time (in D2) at the same time as OLE automation via OleVariants, to support optional arguments being passed to automation calls.
PS: With this change, you may find that your call to Sleep in unnecessary. I say "may" because my test code did not need it in the first place.
2. Avoiding the prompt to save the contents of the Clipboard.
This prompt pops if you attempt to close Word using automation when you have copied a large amount of data to the Clipboard.
To avoid it, simply replace
WordApp.Quit(SaveChanges := False);
That should be all you need. The fact that this works is slightly counter-intuitive: As you saved the data from your WordDocument, you might expect that using WordDocument is the way to clear the Clipboard data (see the now-superfluous update below). However, by setting up a test app with a number of checkboxes which control the parameter values for WordDocument.Close and WordApp.Close, and testing the various permutations of their settings, I established that only the value of SaveChanges passed to WordApp.Quit influences this behaviour and avoids the dialog (if it would otherwise have been displayed).
The remainder of this answer can be disregarded but I have let it remain aas it may help future readers with similar problems. I have also added the VBA tag to the q, as I found numerous questions about how to avoid the Clipboard-save prompt in VBA questions, but none with a definitive solution which worked with the code here.
Update The OP reported that the above code can result in a prompt from
Word as it closes down saying that there is a large amount of data on the Clipboard,
and queried whether it was possible to automate responding to the prompt.
Google found several suggestions for avoiding the prompt, but I found that none
of them worked reliably working with a 17Mb .Pdf file. The method shown below,
which I arrived at by experiment, does seem to work reliably but is not as simple
as I would like it to be.
The reason the prompt occurs is that Word evidently sets up internal pointers to
the contents provided to the Clipboard, so I wondered if setting the text of the
Range to something much smaller and then discarding it before closing the document
would work. I ran into 2 problems:
calling vRange.End := 1 had no effect
trying to call vRange.Set_Text := ' ' provoked an exception claiming that vRange
does not support the Set_Text method despite the fact that the Range interface in
the Word2000.Pas import unit for MS Word clearly does. So, the code below picks up
the Range object contained in the vRange variant and calls Set_Text on that. This works
but means that you need to add Word2000.Pas (or one of the more recent Word import
units) to the Uses clause.
Note that I removed the call to GetActiveOle object to avoid an exception being
raised when it failed, which disrupted debugging.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
WordDocument: OleVariant;
vRange : OleVariant;
iRange : Range; // or WordRange for D10.3.1+
WordApp := CreateOleObject('Word.Application') ;
WordApp.visible := true;
WordApp.DisplayAlerts := False;
WordDocument := WordApp.Documents.Open('D:\aaad7\aaaofficeauto\test.pdf', ConfirmConversions := False); //, true, false);
vRange := WordDocument.range;
Label1.Caption := IntToStr(vRange.Start) + ':' + IntToStr(vRange.End);
sleep(1000);//Otherwise it fails
// vRange.Set_Text(' '); // This provokes a "Method Set_Text not supported by automation object" exception
// SO ...
// Pick up the Range interface contained in the vRange variant
iRange := IDispatch(WordDocument.range) as Range;
// and call Set_Text on it to set the Range's text to a single space
iRange.Set_Text(' ');
// Clear the iRange interface
iRange := Nil;
// beware that the following discards and changes to the .Pdf
// so if you want to save any changes, you should do it
// before calling iRange.Set_Text
WordDocument.close(False, False, False);
WordDocument := UnAssigned;
WordApp.Quit(False, False, False);
WordApp := Unassigned;
Tested with MS Word 2010 on Windows 10 64-bit/

Here is the working code:
procedure TFWordAnalyzer.Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
WordDocument: OleVariant;
vRange : OleVariant;
iRange : WordRange;
WordApp := CreateOleObject('Word.Application') ;
WordApp.visible := true;
WordApp.DisplayAlerts := False;
WordDocument := WordApp.Documents.Open('D:\Corpus\Adyg\Hudmir.pdf', ConfirmConversions := False); //, true, false);
vRange := WordDocument.range;
Label1.Caption := IntToStr(vRange.Start) + ':' + IntToStr(vRange.End);
sleep(1000);//Otherwise it fails
iRange := IDispatch(WordDocument.range) as WordRange;
iRange.Set_Text(' ');
iRange := Nil;
WordDocument.close(False, False, False);
WordDocument := UnAssigned;
WordApp.Quit(False, False, False);
WordApp := Unassigned;


Inno Setup: Unable to unload and delete a DLL required by install from the {tmp} folder at end of install [duplicate]

I'm extending my Inno-Setup script with code that I can best implement in C# in a managed DLL. I already know how to export methods from a managed DLL as functions for use in an unmanaged process. It can be done by IL weaving, and there are tools to automate this:
NetDllExport (written by me)
So after exporting, I can call my functions from Pascal script in an Inno-Setup installer. But then there's one issue: The DLL can't seem to be unloaded anymore. Using Inno-Setup's UnloadDLL(...) has no effect and the file remains locked until the installer exits. Because of this, the setup waits for 2 seconds and then fails to delete my DLL file from the temp directory (or install directory). In fact, it really stays there until somebody cleans up the drive.
I know that managed assemblies cannot be unloaded from an AppDomain anymore, unless the entire AppDomain is shut down (the process exits). But what does it mean to the unmanaged host process?
Is there a better way to allow Inno-Setup to unload or delete my DLL file after loading and using it?
As suggested in other answers, you can launch a separate process at the end of the installation that will take care of the cleanup, after the installation processes finishes.
A simple solution is creating an ad-hoc batch file that loops until the DLL file can be deleted and then also deletes the (now empty) temporary folder and itself.
procedure DeinitializeSetup();
FilePath: string;
BatchPath: string;
S: TArrayOfString;
ResultCode: Integer;
FilePath := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\MyAssembly.dll');
if not FileExists(FilePath) then
Log(Format('File %s does not exist', [FilePath]));
BatchPath :=
ExpandConstant('{%TEMP}\') +
'delete_' + ExtractFileName(ExpandConstant('{tmp}')) + '.bat';
SetArrayLength(S, 7);
S[0] := ':loop';
S[1] := 'del "' + FilePath + '"';
S[2] := 'if not exist "' + FilePath + '" goto end';
S[3] := 'goto loop';
S[4] := ':end';
S[5] := 'rd "' + ExpandConstant('{tmp}') + '"';
S[6] := 'del "' + BatchPath + '"';
if not SaveStringsToFile(BatchPath, S, False) then
Log(Format('Error creating batch file %s to delete %s', [BatchPath, FilePath]));
if not Exec(BatchPath, '', '', SW_HIDE, ewNoWait, ResultCode) then
Log(Format('Error executing batch file %s to delete %s', [BatchPath, FilePath]));
Log(Format('Executed batch file %s to delete %s', [BatchPath, FilePath]));
You could add a batch script (in the form of running cmd -c) to be executed at the end of setup that waits for the file to be deletable and deletes it. (just make sure to set the inno option to not wait for the cmd process to complete)
You could also make your installed program detect and delete it on first execution.
As suggested in this Code Project Article :
call a cmd with arguments as shown below.
Process.Start("cmd.exe", "/C ping -n 1 -w 3000 > Nul & Del " + Application.ExecutablePath);
But basically as #Sean suggested, make sure you dont wait for the cmd.exe to exit in your script.
While not exactly an answer to your question, can't you just mark the DLL to be deleted next time the computer is restarted?
Here's what I did, adapted from Martin's great answer. Notice the 'Sleep', this did the trick for me. Because the execution is called in a background thread, that is not a blocker, and leaves sufficient time for InnoSetup to free up the resources.
After doing that, I was able to clean the temporary folder.
// Gets invoked at the end of the installation
procedure DeinitializeSetup();
BatchPath: String;
S: TArrayOfString;
FilesPath: TStringList;
ResultCode, I, ErrorCode: Integer;
I := 0
FilesPath := TStringList.Create;
while I < FilesPath.Count do
if not FileExists(FilesPath[I]) then
Log(Format('File %s does not exist', [FilesPath[I]]));
if Exec('powershell.exe',
FmtMessage('-NoExit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "Start-Sleep -Second 5; Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path %1"', [FilesPath[I]]),
'', SW_HIDE, ewNoWait, ErrorCode) then
Log(Format('Temporary file %s successfully deleted', [ExpandConstant(FilesPath[I])]));
Log(Format('Error while deleting temporary file: %s', [ErrorCode]));
FmtMessage('-NoExit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "Start-Sleep -Second 5; Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path %1"', [ExpandConstant('{tmp}')]),
'', SW_HIDE, ewNoWait, ErrorCode);
Log(Format('Temporary folder %s successfully deleted', [ExpandConstant('{tmp}')]));
The easy way to do what you want is through an AppDomain. You can unload an AppDomain, just not the initial one. So the solution is to create a new AppDomain, load your managed DLL in that and then unload the AppDomain.
AppDomain ad = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Isolate DLL");
Assembly a = ad.Load(new AssemblyName("MyManagedDll"));
object d = a.CreateInstance("MyManagedDll.MyManagedClass");
Type t = d.GetType();
double result = (double)t.InvokeMember("Calculate", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, d, new object[] { 1.0, 2.0 });
Here is what the DLL code looks like...
namespace MyManagedDll
public class MyManagedClass
public double Calculate(double a, double b)
return a + b;

TInputDirWizardPage with Radio Buttons

I need a setup page with two radio buttons. Clicking the second button should enable an input to define a path (Like it's done in TInputDirWizardPage).
Is it possible to customize TInputDirWizardPage for my needs?
Or do I need to build a CustomPage and define the controls by myself?
If the second question will be answered with yes, how am I able to use the "directory input" (from the TInputDirWizardPage), or is it also neccessary to build this on my own?
As you correctly guessed you have several options:
Start with TWizardPage and build everything from scratch
Start with TInputDirWizardPage and add the radio buttons
Start with TInputOptionWizardPage and add the edit box
The second option probably involves least customization. Though it needs a hack from Is it possible to allow a user to skip a TInputDirWizardPage in Inno Setup?
{ Checkboxes and Radio buttons created on runtime do }
{ not scale their height automatically. }
{ See }
procedure ScaleFixedHeightControl(Control: TButtonControl);
Control.Height := ScaleY(Control.Height);
Page: TInputDirWizardPage;
DefaultLocationButton: TRadioButton;
CustomLocationButton: TRadioButton;
OldNextButtonOnClick: TNotifyEvent;
procedure LocationButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
Page.Edits[0].Enabled := CustomLocationButton.Checked;
Page.Buttons[0].Enabled := CustomLocationButton.Checked;
procedure NextButtonOnClick(Sender: TObject);
PrevDir: string;
{ Do not validate, when "default location" is selected }
if (WizardForm.CurPageID = Page.ID) and DefaultLocationButton.Checked then
PrevDir := Page.Values[0];
Page.Values[0] := GetWinDir; { Force value to pass validation }
Page.Values[0] := PrevDir;
procedure InitializeWizard();
Page := CreateInputDirPage(
'Select Personal Data Location', 'Where should personal data files be stored?',
'', False, 'New Folder');
DefaultLocationButton := TRadioButton.Create(WizardForm);
DefaultLocationButton.Parent := Page.Surface;
DefaultLocationButton.Top := Page.Edits[0].Top;
DefaultLocationButton.Caption := 'Use default location';
DefaultLocationButton.Checked := True;
DefaultLocationButton.OnClick := #LocationButtonClick;
CustomLocationButton := TRadioButton.Create(WizardForm);
CustomLocationButton.Parent := Page.Surface;
CustomLocationButton.Top :=
DefaultLocationButton.Top + DefaultLocationButton.Height + ScaleY(8);
CustomLocationButton.Caption := 'Use custom location';
CustomLocationButton.OnClick := #LocationButtonClick;
Page.Buttons[0].Top :=
Page.Buttons[0].Top +
((CustomLocationButton.Top + CustomLocationButton.Height + ScaleY(8)) -
Page.Edits[0].Top :=
CustomLocationButton.Top + CustomLocationButton.Height + ScaleY(8);
Page.Edits[0].Left := Page.Edits[0].Left + ScaleX(16);
Page.Edits[0].Width := Page.Edits[0].Width - ScaleX(16);
Page.Edits[0].TabOrder := CustomLocationButton.TabOrder + 1;
Page.Buttons[0].TabOrder := Page.Edits[0].TabOrder + 1;
LocationButtonClick(nil); { Update edit for initial state of buttons }
OldNextButtonOnClick := WizardForm.NextButton.OnClick;
WizardForm.NextButton.OnClick := #NextButtonOnClick;
More general question on the topic: Inno Setup Placing image/control on custom page.

How to create Fields

I am trying to create a script to add Fields on MarkLogic Database with Admin API. I have created following functions to perform this task:
declare function local:createField($config as element(configuration), $server-config as element(http-server))
let $dbid := xdmp:database(fn:data($server-config/database))
let $addField :=
let $fieldspec := admin:database-field("VideoTitle1", fn:false())
return admin:save-configuration(admin:database-add-field($config, $dbid, $fieldspec))
return "SUCCESS"
declare function local:createFieldPath($config as element(configuration), $server-config as element(http-server))
let $dbid := xdmp:database(fn:data($server-config/database))
let $addPath :=
let $fieldpath := admin:database-field-path("/Video/BasicInfo/Title", 1.0)
return admin:save-configuration(admin:database-add-field-paths($config, $dbid, "VideoTitle1", $fieldpath))
return "SUCCESS"
declare function local:createFieldRangeIndex($config as element(configuration), $server-config as element(http-server))
let $dbid := xdmp:database(fn:data($server-config/database))
let $addRange :=
let $rangespec := admin:database-range-field-index("string","VideoTitle1", "",fn:false() )
return admin:save-configuration(admin:database-add-range-field-index($config, $dbid, $rangespec))
return "SUCCESS"
But I am getting error:
[1.0-ml] ADMIN-BADPATHFIELDTYPE: (err:FOER0000) Incorrect field:
the field VideoTitle1 already has include-root.
In /MarkLogic/admin.xqy on line 5255
In database-check-path-field(<configuration/>, xs:unsignedLong("12095791717198876597"), "VideoTitle1")
$config := <configuration/>
$database-id := xs:unsignedLong("12095791717198876597")
$field-name := "VideoTitle1"
$field := <field xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""><field-name>VideoTitle1</field-name><include-root>false</include...</field>
$field-path := ()
I am running complete script through QC and my MarkLogic version is "7.0-1". I have created Element Range Index, Attribute Range Index successfully by the script. But for this I am getting error.
Error description says that field has include-root. But, I am keeping it false()
admin:database-field("VideoTitle1", fn:false())
Is I am using wrong function or missed something?
Please help.
If you're trying to set up an entire database you're usually better off using the packaging API and services: gives a tour of the configuration manager web UI, and then there is a guide, an XQuery API, and a REST API.
That said let's try to debug. It's difficult to debug your error message because the variable names and line numbers in the error message don't match up with your sample code. For example the stack trace has $database-id but your code has $dbid. A test case needs to be reproducible.
However I notice that you aren't calling the right function to construct your field configuration. If you want to use paths, say so up front using — not admin:database-path. The error message could use some work: it should be something more like "Incorrect field: the field VideoTitle1 is not a path field".
If you really want to stick with the admin API for this, I recommend changing your code so that you only call admin:save-configuration once. That's more efficient, and more robust in the face of any need to restart. One way to arrange this would be for each of your function calls to take a $config as element(configuration) param and return a new element(configuration) with the changes. Another method is to have a module variable $CONFIG as element(configuration) and mutate it with xdmp:set. Take a look at for examples of both techniques.
Here's a working version of your code:
import module namespace admin=""
at "/MarkLogic/admin.xqy";
declare function local:createField(
$config as element(configuration),
$server-config as element(http-server))
as element(configuration)
let $dbid := xdmp:database(fn:data($server-config/database))
let $fieldspec :=
admin:database-field-path("/Video/BasicInfo/Title", 1.0))
return admin:database-add-field($config, $dbid, $fieldspec)
declare function local:createFieldRangeIndex(
$config as element(configuration),
$server-config as element(http-server))
as element(configuration)
let $dbid := xdmp:database(fn:data($server-config/database))
let $rangespec :=
$config, $dbid, $rangespec)
let $cfg := admin:get-configuration()
let $fubar := <http-server><database>test</database></http-server>
let $_ := xdmp:set($cfg, local:createField($cfg, $fubar))
let $_ := xdmp:set($cfg, local:createFieldRangeIndex($cfg, $fubar))
return admin:save-configuration($cfg)
Not a direct answer, but why reinvent a wheel that other have already invented. There are several solutions that can help deploy database settings and more. One of them is Roxy:
Roxy provides a full framework for managing a MarkLogic project. You can find docs and tutorials on the wiki of the github project.
Another, less intrusive solution could be to configure your databases once, and then use the built-in Configuration Manager (http://host:8002/nav/) to export your database settings, and use the export to import the settings elsewhere.

How can I set submenus to pop-up on the right side in Delphi?

I'm building applications in Delphi and have problems with sub-menus. It seems that the default position of a submenu is to the left when activated in later Windows versions(i.e w8 and Windows Server 2012). I want them to appear on the right side (by default) The problem cam be solved in the Settings for TabletPC in the control panel in Windows 8. But in Windows Server 2012 there is no such alternative. How could I set it in Windows Server 2012 or better still, how could I do it programmatically in Delphi?
Thanks in anticipation
Do you need for MainMenu or PopupMenu?
{ for Popup menu }
procedure TForm1.FormContextPopup(Sender: TObject; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean);
LMousePosition: TPoint;
LMousePosition := ClientToScreen(MousePos);
PopupMenu1.Popup(LMousePosition.X - 125, LMousePosition.Y);
{ for Main menu }
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
LMenuItem: TMenuItemInfo;
LMainMenu: HMENU;
LBuffer: Array [0..79] of Char;
LMainMenu := Self.Menu.Handle;
LMenuItem.cbSize := SizeOf(LMenuItem);
LMenuItem.fMask := MIIM_TYPE;
LMenuItem.dwTypeData := LBuffer;
LMenuItem.cch := SizeOf(LBuffer);
GetMenuItemInfo(LMainMenu, miMenuItem1.Command, False, LMenuItem);
LMenuItem.fType := LMenuItem.fType or MFT_RIGHTJUSTIFY;
SetMenuItemInfo(LMainMenu, miMenuItem1.Command, False, LMenuItem);

How to use Inno Setup to update a database using .sql script

I'd like to compile a setup that will connect to a remote database using the credentials provided by the user, then install few db components using .sql script.
Is that possible using Inno Setup?
More details:
I'd like to have a custom form, asking the user to enter the database address and credentials, then run a command that will execute an sql script that will update the remote database server.
If the update is successful - complete the installation with success.
This is rather general question - I have a lot of customized setups that should connect to different servers/run different scripts - the idea is to build a generic form that will provide this functionality.
I don't think you can have a completely generic form, as for different servers you may need either a single connection string, or a server name and an (optional) port; for some servers you will use system authentication, for others a user name password tuple.
Having said that I will give you a small demo Inno script that asks for server name and port, user name and password, then makes a few tests, then executes an application that is extracted (by code) to the temp directory and will be deleted by the installer. You can use this as a starting point for your scripts. Having a few of such snippets, and including them in your scripts as necessary will probably be all you need:
AppVerName=Test 0.1
AppPublisher=My Company, Inc.
Source: "isql.exe"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: dontcopy
Source: "update_V42.sql"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: dontcopy
Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
DBPage: TInputQueryWizardPage;
procedure InitializeWizard;
DBPage := CreateInputQueryPage(wpReady,
'Database Connection Information', 'Which database is to be updated?',
'Please specify the server and the connection credentials, then click Next.');
DBPage.Add('Server:', False);
DBPage.Add('Port:', False);
DBPage.Add('User name:', False);
DBPage.Add('Password:', True);
DBPage.Values[0] := GetPreviousData('Server', '');
DBPage.Values[1] := GetPreviousData('Port', '');
DBPage.Values[2] := GetPreviousData('UserName', '');
DBPage.Values[3] := GetPreviousData('Password', '');
procedure RegisterPreviousData(PreviousDataKey: Integer);
SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey, 'Server', DBPage.Values[0]);
SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey, 'Port', DBPage.Values[1]);
SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey, 'UserName', DBPage.Values[2]);
SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey, 'Password', DBPage.Values[3]);
function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
ResultCode: Integer;
Result := True;
if CurPageID = DBPage.ID then begin
if DBPage.Values[0] = '' then begin
MsgBox('You must enter the server name or address.', mbError, MB_OK);
Result := False;
end else if DBPage.Values[2] = '' then begin
MsgBox('You must enter the user name.', mbError, MB_OK);
Result := False;
end else if DBPage.Values[3] = '' then begin
MsgBox('You must enter the user password.', mbError, MB_OK);
Result := False;
end else begin
if Exec(ExpandConstant('{tmp}') + '\isql.exe', '--user ' + DBPage.Values[2]
+ ' --password ' + DBPage.Values[3] + ' --database ' + DBPage.Values[0]
+ ':foo --script update_V42.sql', '',
SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode)
then begin
// check ResultCode and set Result accordingly
Result := ResultCode = 0;
end else begin
MsgBox('Database update failed:'#10#10 + SysErrorMessage(ResultCode),
mbError, MB_OK);
Result := False;
Beware: I haven't fully tested this, so there may be more code necessary to properly clean everything up. Error handling is definitely missing!