ffmpeg - How to change the filter-paramaters depending on time oder framenumber? - dynamic

Hallo to all userse and helpers here in this forum! Thank you, i am new and i have found allready a lot of solutions.
Now I want to ask, if someone can help me:
I have a Movie about 30 seconds made of 1 image.
Now I want to pixelate depending on time or framenumber - every time a litlle bit less.
My code so far:
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf scale=iw/n:ih/n,scale=niw:nih:flags=neighbor out.mp4
where n should be the framenumber 1 to 900.
this scould also be t+1 for slower change.
the stars are gone - so i mean n times iw:n times ih:
undefined constant or missing '(' in 'n'
error when evaluating the expression 'ih/n'
maybe the expression for out_w:'w/n' or for out_h:'ih/n' is self-referencing.
failed to configure output pad on paresed_scale_0
error reinitializing filters!
failed to inject frame into filter network: invalid argument
error while processing the decoded data for stream #0:0
Do you have some suggestion plaese - Thank you in Advance


How to fix "ERROR 1: Cannot get geotransform" in GDAL

I am trying to read values from a geoTiff and am using gdallocationinfo for that purpose.
However, when I try to do that, e.g with gdallocationinfo out.tif -wgs85 8.5 47.3, the following error occurs:
root#bc21abca5e07:/usr/src/app# gdallocationinfo out.tif -wgs84 8.5 47.3
ERROR 1: Cannot get geotransform
Note: if I leave the -wgs84 option away, I am able to read the values from the .tif. Also, the -geoloc function is resulting in the same output as -wgs84.
Is this a problem with the geoTiff? I have already tried this command on Windows and on Debian, resulting in the same output both times.
You can't "fix it" short of properly georeferencing your dataset.
The error means that your dataset lacks georeferencing information so GDAL is unable to convert the WGS84 coordinates to pixel coordinates.

How do I get Source Extractor to Analyze an Image?

I'm relatively inexperienced in coding, so right now I'm just familiarizing myself with the basics of how to use SE, which I'll need to use in the near future.
At the moment I'm trying to get it to analyze a FITS file on my computer (which is a Mac). I'm sure this is something obvious, but I haven't been able to get it do that. Following the instructions in Chapters 6 and 7 of Source Extractor for Dummies (linked below), I input the following:
sex MedSpiral_20deg_Serl2_.45_.fits.fits -c configuration_file.txt
And got the following error message:
WARNING: configuration_file.txt not found, using internal defaults
----- SExtractor 2.19.5 started on 2020-02-05 at 17:10:59 with 1 thread
Setting catalog parameters
ERROR: can't read default.param
I then tried entering parameters manually:
sex MedSpiral_20deg_Ser12_.45_.fits.fits -c configuration_file.txt -DETECT_TYPE CCD -MAG_ZEROPOINT 2.5 -PIXEL_SCALE 0 -SATUR_LEVEL 1 -SEEING_FWHM 1
And got the same error message. I tried referencing default.sex directly:
sex MedSpiral_20deg_Ser12_.45_.fits.fits -c default.sex
And got the same error message again, substituting "configuration_file.txt not found" with "default.sex not found" (I checked that default.sex was on my computer, it is). The same thing happened when I tried to use default.param.
Here's the link to SE for Dummies (Chapter 6 begins on page 19):
If you run the command "sex MedSpiral_20deg_Ser12_.45_fits.fits -c default.sex" within the config folder (within the sextractor folder), you will be able to run it.
However, I wonder how I can possibly run sextractor command from any folder in my computer?

How do you encrypt a message into a picture using Jython

I'm having problems with an assignment and am in no means looking for someone to do my homework for me. Our professor does not answer or provide adequate resources to our questions for our assignments. I have copied an example code that was given to us, but I am unable to make this itself run.
When I run this program all I receive in the command line is an ellipsis and nothing else.
Does anyone have an idea what the ellipsis means?
My code and command line screenshot
Screenshot of my example code
Attached will be the code:
def encode(msgPic,original):
# Assume msgPic and original have same dimensions
# First, make all red pixels even
for pxl in getPixels(original):
# Using modulo operator to test oddness
if (getRed(pxl) % 2) == 1:
setRed(pxl, getRed(pxl) - 1)
# Second, wherever there???s black in msgPic
# make odd the red in the corresponding original pixel
for x in range(0,getWidth(original)):
for y in range(0,getHeight(original)):
msgPxl = getPixel(msgPic,x,y)
origPxl = getPixel(original,x,y)
if (distance(getColor(msgPxl),black) < 100.0):
# It's a message pixel! Make the red value odd.
setRed(origPxl, getRed(origPxl)+1)
Below is the code that the example prompts to input into the command line:
- beach = makePicture(getMediaPath("beach.jpg"))
- explore(beach)"
- msg = makePicture(getMediaPath("msg.jpg"))
- encode(msg,beach)
- explore(beach)
- writePictureTo(beach,getMediaPath("beachHidden.png"))

while [[ condition ]] stalls on loop exit

I have a problem with ksh in that a while loop is failing to obey the "while" condition. I should add now that this is ksh88 on my client's Solaris box. (That's a separate problem that can't be addressed in this forum. ;) I have seen Lance's question and some similar but none that I have found seem to address this. (Disclaimer: NO I haven't looked at every ksh question in this forum)
Here's a very cut down piece of code that replicates the problem:
1 #!/usr/bin/ksh
2 #
3 go=1
4 set -x
5 tail -0f loop-test.txt | while [[ $go -eq 1 ]]
6 do
7 read lbuff
8 set $lbuff
9 nwords=$#
10 printf "Line has %d words <%s>\n" $nwords "${lbuff}"
11 if [[ "${lbuff}" = "0" ]]
12 then
13 printf "Line consists of %s; time to absquatulate\n" $lbuff
14 go=0 # Violate the WHILE condition to get out of loop
15 fi
16 done
17 printf "\nLooks like I've fallen out of the loop\n"
18 exit 0
The way I test this is:
Run loop-test.sh in background mode
In a different window I run commands like "echo some nonsense >>loop_test.txt" (w/o the quotes, of course)
When I wish to exit, I type "echo 0 >>loop-test.txt"
What happens? It indeed sets go=0 and displays the line:
Line consists of 0; time to absquatulate
but does not exit the loop. To break out I append one more line to the txt file. The loop does NOT process that line and just falls out of the loop, issuing that "fallen out" message before exiting.
What's going on with this? I don't want to use "break" because in the actual script, the loop is monitoring the log of a database engine and the flag is set when it sees messages that the engine is shutting down. The actual script must still process those final lines before exiting.
Open to ideas, anyone?
Thanks much!
-- J.
OK, that flopped pretty quick. After reading a few other posts, I found an answer given by dogbane that sidesteps my entire pipe-to-while scheme. His is the second answer to a question (from 2013) where I see neeraj is using the same scheme I'm using.
What was wrong? The pipe-to-while has always worked for input that will end, like a file or a command with a distinct end to its output. However, from a tail command, there is no distinct EOF. Hence, the while-in-a-subshell doesn't know when to terminate.
Dogbane's solution: Don't use a pipe. Applying his logic to my situation, the basic loop is:
while read line
# put loop body here
done < <(tail -0f ${logfile})
No subshell, no problem.
Caveat about that syntax: There must be a space between the two < operators; otherwise it looks like a HEREIS document with bad syntax.
Er, one more catch: The syntax did not work in ksh, not even in the mksh (under cygwin) which emulates ksh93. But it did work in bash. So my boss is gonna have a good laugh at me, 'cause he knows I dislike bash.
So thanks MUCH, dogbane.
-- J
After articulating the problem and sleeping on it, the reason for the described behavior came to me: After setting go=0, the control flow of the loop still depends on another line of data coming in from STDIN via that pipe.
And now that I have realized the cause of the weirdness, I can speculate on an alternative way of reading from the stream. For the moment I am thinking of the following solution:
Open the input file as STDIN (Need to research the exec syntax for that)
When the condition occurs, close STDIN (Again, need to research the syntax for that)
It should then be safe to use the more intuitive:while read lbuffat the top of the loop.
I'll test this out today and post the result. I'd hope someone else benefit from the method (if it works).

Print only nonzero results using AMPL + Neos server

I'm doing a optimization model of a relatively big model. I will use 15 timesteps in this model, but now when I'm testing it I am only using 4. However, even with 11 time steps less than desired the model still prints 22 000 rows of variables, where perhaps merely a hundred differs from 0.
Does anyone see a way past this? I.e. a way using NEOS server to only print the variable name and corresponding value if it is higher than 0.
What I've tested is:
option omit_zero_rows 0; (also tried 1;)
display _varname, _var;
Using both omit_zero_rows 0; or omit_zero_rows 1; still prints every result, and not those higher than 0.
I've also tried:
if _var > 0 then {
display _varname, _var;
but it gave me syntax error. Both (or really, the three) variants were tested in the .run file I use for NEOS server.
I'm posting a solution to this issue, as I believe that this is an issue more people will stumble upon. Basically, in order to print only non-zero values using NEOS Server write your command file (.run file) as:
display {j in 1.._nvars: _var[j] > 0} (_varname[j], _var[j]);