Average difference between values SQL - sql

I'm trying to find the difference between values using SQL where the second value is always larger than the previous value.
Example Data:
Car_ID | Trip_ID | Mileage
1 1 10,000
1 2 11,000
1 3 11,500
2 1 5,000
2 2 7,000
2 3 8,000
Expect Calculation:
Car_ID: 1
(Trip 2 - Trip 1) = 1,000
(Trip 3 - Trip 2) = 500
Average Difference: 750
Car_ID: 2
(Trip 2 - Trip 1) = 2,000
(Trip 3 - Trip 2) = 1,000
Average Difference: 1,500
Expected Output:
Car_ID | Average_Difference
1 750
2 1,500

You can use aggregation:
select car_id,
(max(mileage) - min(mileage)) / nullif(count(*) - 1, 0)
from t
group by car_id;
That is, the average as you have defined it is the maximum minus the minimum divided by one less than the number of trips.


Find entries with array of dates if any is currently available within a certain range in postgres

I have a postgres table with columns:
id: text
availabilities: integer[]
A certain ID can has multiply availabilities (different days (not continuous) in a range for up to a few years). Each availability is a Unix timestamp (in seconds) for a certain day.
Hours, minutes, seconds, ms are set to 0, i.e. a timestamp represents the start of a day.
How can I find all IDs very fast, which contain at least one availability inbetween a certain from-to range (also timestamp)?
I can also store them differently in an array, e.g "days since epoch", if needed (to get 1 (day) steps instead of 86400 (second) steps).
However, if possible (and speed is roughly same), I want to use an array and on row per each entry.
Data (0 = day-1, 86400 = day-2, ...)
| id | availabilities |
| 1 | [0 , 86400, 172800, 259200 ]
| 2 | [ 86400, 259200 ]
| 3 | [ , 345600 ]
| 4 | [ , 172800, ]
| 5 | [0, ]
Now I want to get a list of IDs which contains at least 1 availability which:
is between 86400 AND 259200 --> ID 1, 2, 4
is between 172800 AND 172800 --> ID 1, 4
is between 259200 AND (max-int) --> ID 1,2,3
In PostgreSQL unnest function is the best function for converting array elements to rows and gets the best performance. You can use this function. Sample Query:
with mytable as (
select 1 as id, '{12,2500,6000,200}'::int[] as pint
union all
select 2 as id, '{0,200,3500,150}'::int[]
union all
select 4 as id, '{20,10,8500,1100,9000,25000}'::int[]
select id, unnest(pint) as pt from mytable;
-- Return
1 12
1 2500
1 6000
1 200
2 0
2 200
2 3500
2 150
4 20
4 10
4 8500
4 1100
4 9000
4 25000

Get average of rows group by value intervals

I have a table as follows:
ID | Value
1 5
1 1000
1 1500
2 1000
2 1800
3 40
3 1000
3 1200
3 2000
3 2500
I want to obtain the average of each ID groupped by a given range r of value. For instance, if in this case r=1000, The expected result would be:
ID | Value
1 5
1 1250
2 1400
3 40
3 1100
3 2250
I have seen that this can be done with time intervals as seen here. My question is, how can I perform this type of group by operation for integer/float types?
You could try this way:
SELECT id, avg(value) as AvgValue
FROM (SELECT id, value, ROUND(value/1000, 0) AS range FROM yourtable) t
GROUP BY id, range

Is it possible to set a dynamic window frame bound in SQL OVER(ROW BETWEEN ...)-Clause?

Consider the following table, describing a patients medication plan. For example, the first row describes that the patient with patient_id = 1 is treated from timestamp 0 to 4. At time = 0, the patient has not yet become any medication (kum_amount_start = 0). At time = 4, the patient has received a kumulated amount of 100 units of a certain drug. It can be assumed, that the drug is given in with a constant rate. Regarding the first row, this means that the drug is given with a rate of 25 units/h.
starttime [h]
endtime [h]
I want to add the two columns "kum_amount_start_last_6hr" and "kum_amount_end_last_6hr" that describe the amount that has been given within the last 6 hours of the treatment (for the respective timestamps start, end).
I'm stuck with this problem for a while now.
I tried to tackle it with something like this
SUM(kum_amount) OVER (PARTITION BY patient_id ROWS BETWEEN "dynmaic window size" AND CURRENT ROW)
but I'm not sure whether this is the right approach.
I would be very happy if you could help me out here, thanks!

How to Calculate Percentages for Groups in SQL

I have a table that looks something like this
Class ID Value
A 1 300
A 2 200
A 3 500
B 1 300
B 2 300
C 1 1000
Is there a way of using SQL to calculate the percentage share each ID has to the class.
For example, the percentages for class A would be 30% to id 1, 20% to ID 2, and 50% to id 3 and so on for the other classes:
Class ID Value Percentage
A 1 300 30%
A 2 200 20%
A 3 500 50%
B 1 300 50%
B 2 300 50%
C 1 1000 100%
You can use window functions (if your database, which you did not disclose, supports them):
1.0 * value / sum(value) over(partition by class) ratio
from mytable t
This gives you a ratio, that is a value between 0 and 1 - I find that this is more relevant than a percentage, but you can multiply that by 100 if you like.

Calculated Member value incorrectly

I have the following table:
NoPax QExch Base Cost Sale Price
2 1 1826.1 2377.06
2 1 1858.62 3753.74
2 1 2011.51 3178.34
2 1 2048.2 4017.2
2 1 2182.15 4243.2
1 1 2371.44 3705.5
2 1 2504.81 4198.7
2 1 2612.48 4482.02
2 1 2862.87 5017.08
3 1 3013.52 5215.17
2 1 3105.5 4926
3 1 3187.06 4698.05
2 1 3844.22 5780
2 1 4034.41 7182.75
2 1 4308 5498.1
2 1 4641.6 6045.35
3 1 4862.16 7750.51
2 1 4952.55 7612
5 1 5019.35 8916.57
2 1 5028.46 5744
The calculation I do is for profit ((Sale Price / QExch) - Base Cost) / NoPax
So I created a calculated field for the profit. However, I get a lot of negative results because for sum reason it sums the QExch for each row. Meaning in this example: QExch = 20 so for each row it does ((Sale Price / 20) - Base Cost) / NoPax which results with negative numbers.
My Query:
NON EMPTY {([Fact Lead Pax Report].[Brand ID].[Brand ID],[Measures].[No Pax]),([Fact Lead Pax Report].[Brand ID].[Brand ID], [Measures].[Est Profit] )}
ON 0,
NON EMPTY [Fact Lead Pax Report].[Channel].[Channel]
ON 1
FROM [Lead Pax Report]
This is my calculated field:
(((([Measures].[T Tl Quote Price]/[Measures].[Q Exch])-
[Measures].[T Tl Base Cost])) / [Measures].[No Pax])
any ideas?