npm run start:dev in NestJs not to rebuild when i make some change in my code - npm

When I run npm run start:dev in NestJs it works like this:
10:00:00 AM - Starting compilation in watch mode...
10:00:10 AM - Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes.
Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see:
[Nest] 3932 - 03/06/2020, 10:00:23 AM [NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
[Nest] 3932 - 03/06/2020, 10:00:23 AM [InstanceLoader] JwtModule dependencies initialized +41ms
[Nest] 3932 - 03/06/2020, 10:00:23 AM [InstanceLoader] ConfigHostModule dependencies initialized +2ms
[Nest] 3932 - 03/06/2020, 10:00:23 AM [InstanceLoader] ConfigModule dependencies initialized +2ms
enter image description here
But when I changed the code it was not rebuilt. It just shows like this:
10:40:27 AM - File change detected. Starting incremental compilation...
10:40:27 AM - Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes.
enter image description here
Can anyone help me to fix it? Thanks very much.

It has something to do with Circular Dependency as stated here: Simply means some module which are depended on each other are called recursively which as I learnt from in the NestJs community, makes the app fail from starting up which he also helped me fix.
If you can create a minimal repo and share the link, so I can check it for you

The reason why the logging is not being shown is because you may have the logger disable in your configuration since the tsc shows that compiling is fine but nothing else, checkout the main.ts file and enable the logger.
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule, {
logger: false,
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
Hope that helps!

In my case it worked for me by deleting the dist folder and recompiling the project


Connection to flow server got closed. See the output for more information

I got this error message when using React Native on vscode. Is there a way to fix it?
[Error - 2:57:25 PM - MyRealmApp\.flowconfig] Error loading flow using option 'useNPMPackagedFlow'
Pkg flow-bin not found in c:\Users\ReactNativeProjects\MyRealmApp
[Error - 2:57:25 PM - MyRealmApp\.flowconfig] Error loading flow using option 'pathToFlow'
'flow' not found
[Info - 2:57:25 PM - MyRealmApp\.flowconfig] Falling back to bundled flow.
[Info - 2:57:27 PM - MyRealmApp\.flowconfig] Using flow 'c:\Users\.vscode\extensions\flowtype.flow-for-vscode-1.9.2\node_modules\flow-bin\flow-win64-v0.107.0\flow.exe' (v0.107.0)
.flowconfig:28 Unsupported option specified! (format.bracket_spacing)
[Error - 2:57:28 PM] Connection to server got closed. Server will not be restarted.
Basically this issue was caused by not having installed the same version of flow-bin as declared in the .flowconfig of the projects.
Now what you have to do to fix that, is to maintain coherence in the current .flowconfig of the project in your VS Code.
How to do that?
You can just do the below thing and it will fix your issue. If you don't have a yarn, then use npm in place of yarn.
yarn global add flow-bin#version
npm run ios or npm run android
The above will help you fix the issue, but you will always have to check whether they are getting pointed to the same version. In order to fix it stably, you can do the following:
In your VS Code settings you need to point flow.pathToFlow to your workspace node_module:
// settings.json
"flow.pathToFlow": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/flow",
${workspaceFolder} is a special variable provided by VS Code and it always points to the current project folder. You can find it in the variables reference page of the official docs.
You can prefer to use the local Flow module because this way you can ensure that the installed version and the configured one in .flowconfig always match even when you switch projects.
There is an extra setting for that: flow.useNPMPackagedFlow, just set it to true and you are done (no need to change flow.pathToFlow)

“Page Not Found” when navigating to site created with Gridsome & deployed on Netlify

I've created a new site using Gridsome deployed with Netlify, but I can't get the site to appear when accessed. Instead, Netlify says:
Page Not Found
Looks like you've followed a broken link or entered a URL that doesn't exist on this site.
< Back to our site
I tried updating my build settings based on the instructions of the creator of the Gridsome starter template I'm using, but the site still doesn't display. I've also updated the js-yaml version.
I've gone through the questions/answers for similar questions on here, but I haven't been able to figure this out. I'm new to web development, and I'm sure I'm missing one or more things contributing to the issue.
My GitHub repo for this site.
The site.
I have the build log from Netlify. There are some errors in it. I don't want to put too much here, so here's a part from the end of the log.
12:18:36 PM: failed during stage 'building site': Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1
12:18:36 PM: Error running command: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1
12:18:36 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
12:18:36 PM: Finished processing build request in 55.729813394s
A Gist for the whole build log.
Thanks so much for your help, #talves!
I was having trouble using the build commands because of being new to cli stuff and a permissions issue. I asked a friend about the build errors I was getting from Netlify, and he recommended I try removing and re-installing my node modules. Did that, still didn't work. I tried removing anything in the repo having to do with "journal" since Failed to render /journal kept appearing in the build log, but that didn't work either.
I googled ReferenceError: _objectSpread is not defined after update since that was in the build log after the journal error. I found a comment on an issue noting the same error message in the main Babel GitHub repo that suggested adding the following to the package.json file:
"resolutions": {
"#babel/core": "^7.5.4"
I added it, tried to build again, and it still failed but only gave me one error message it didn't show before—Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected string in JSON at position. I googled that message and got another issue on GitHub. A comment on the issue noted a missing comma.
I went back to my package.json file and found that I didn't add a comma to the bracket above the new "resolutions" snippet. I added the comma, tried to build again, and it worked 🤜💥✨ !
Sorry if this is long-winded! I thought it might be good to include my process on figuring this out in case others run into the same issues.

Nuxt generate show error: Cannot read property 'normalModuleFactory' of undefined

Recently I upgrade Nuxt from 1.4.0 to 1.2.x and Vuetify from 1.0.9 to 1.2.x. After that npm run dev works fine. but when I run Nuxt generate I get below error. I am stuck on this error since last night and can't find any idea why it's occurring. Any guidance will be helpful. Thank in advance.
nuxt:build Generating files... +138ms
nuxt:build Generating routes... +13ms
nuxt:build Building files... +314ms
TypeError: Cannot read property 'normalModuleFactory' of undefined
- IgnorePlugin.js:96 IgnorePlugin.apply
- Tapable.js:375 Compiler.apply
- webpack.js:33 webpack
- builder.js:524
- builder.js:523 Builder.webpackBuild
- builder.js:168
package.json can be find here.
nuxt.config.js can be found here.
I tried to dig about it, but it seems to be generated through webpack. So I updated to webpack 4 too. But still it's throwing this error.
If you need any more details, I would be happy to provide.
After a long talk with developer community of nuxtjs. Here is solution.
This problem occur when we try to run nuxt generate but our local nuxt version !== global nuxt version.
So solution is either update global nuxt version by npm i -g nuxt or run project from local nuxt version node_modules/.bin/nuxt generate

Lots of Flow errors in React Native project

I created a React Native project from Expo. Then I wanted to add Flow to it. I noticed in my node_modules/react-native folder there was a .flowconfig so I copied that to the root of my project. After running flow I got some warnings from files in node_modules/exponent so I added an ignore for that whole folder. Afterwards, I still get many errors when running flow. Here are a few:
227: /* $FlowFixMe */
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Error suppressing comment. Unused suppression
1120: if (__DEV__) {
^^^^^^^ identifier `__DEV__`. Could not resolve name
2162: if (__DEV__) {
^^^^^^^ identifier `__DEV__`. Could not resolve name
Expo SDK version: 14.0.0
Flow version: 0.37.0
React Native version: 0.41.2
You can suppress errors in .flowconfig file, in [options] section as follows:
suppress_comment=\\(.\\|\n\\)*\\$FlowFixMe\\($\\|[^(]\\|(\\(>=0\\.\\(3[0-8]\\|[1-2][0-9]\\|[0-9]\\).[0-9]\\)? *\\(site=[a-z,_]*react_native[a-z,_]*\\)?)\\)
Then, in [libs] section, you should point so called library definition file, like:
And in libdefs.js just declare:
declare var __DEV__:string;
These changes should resolve your errors. See: and for details.
Looks like it might have been an oversight on the flow types for that release version.
All of those errors look fairly harmless though so you could just ignore it. If you absolutely cannot ignore it, update to a later version of React Native that's locked to a different version of Flow? I've had good results personally (no errors) with React Native # 0.42 and Flow # 0.38.
Found this issue which recommended updating the flowconfig to use the latest version from create-react-native-app. Seems to have worked for me.

react-native init hangs/stalls with no error

New to react, working through a udemy tutorial on a Mac. Installed node ok but when I go to start a project
react-native init projectname
terminal output:
This will walk you through creating a new React Native project in /Users/myuserid/projects/projectname
Installing react-native package from npm...
and it just "hangs" there... seemingly frozen or chugging along. When I check Monitor it looks like Terminal is using 0% CPU. There is no indication (backslash flipping or otherwise) that it is processing.
Inside the projectname directory is a "package.json" file and a "node_modules" file with a bunch of subfiles.
I saw this post with a similar problem (, but doesn't look like there is a remedy. Is there any way to speed this up? How can I tell if it has stalled forever? Will this happen during every project init I do?
I'm not in China... I have fast internet... and I'm using NPM 3.3.12
Thank you!
I got the same issue , and i found the 1st comment on the question is useful .
Indeed , If no error, it means that it takes time to download dependencies.
You can track downloading by adding --verbose :
react-native init projectname --verbose
You will spend a long period to reach 50% of downloading.
Nevertheless, you might face the following error :
npm WARN react-native#0.34.0 requires a peer of react#~15.3.1 but none
was installed. npm verb exit [ 0, true ]
If so , check this thread .
I had the same problem while using an existing (empty) directory as App name
It worked as soon as I changed the App name to something new