Can one define a one dimensional image inline? - dm-script

I would like to describe a very simple image (really a vector) of length 2, like (1,2) for the purpose of some linear algebra.
The following creates a two dimensional image with a y axis of length 1:
image a := [2,1]: {
{1, 2}
This outputs
{1, 2}
How would I in a similar fashion output this instead?
Additionally, if I had image of arbitrary shape (a, b), how can I slice it to extract a one dimensional image at a value n, either along the x or y axes? (Extracting a line profile along one of the image axes)

In your example you do define a 2D image, so you get a 2D output. If the image really would be 1D, your output would be 1D, i.e.
image a := [2]: {123, 45}
So your second question actually is the answer to your first: You need to do a 1D slice of the data, which you can do with the command slice1() as follows:
image a := [2,1]: {
{123, 45}
MatrixPrint( a.slice1(0,0,0,0,2,1) )
Note some peculiarities of the command:
The command always assume the input is 3D, so the first 3 parameters are the start-index triplet x/y/z even if it is just 2D or 1D data.
the 2nd triplet specifies the sampling of the slice. First the dimensions index (0=x) then the number of sampling steps (2) and then the stepsize (1)
Similar slice commands exist for 2D slices, 3D slices and nD Slices from nD data.
The matrixPrint command only outputs to the results window. There is no way to reroute this to some string. However, you can easily make yourself a method that would do that (albeit not very fast for big data):
string VectorPrint( image img, string FormatStr, number maxNum )
if ( !img.ImageIsValid() ) return "{invalid}"
if ( 1 != img.ImageGetNumDimensions() ) return "{not 1D}"
string out = "{ "
number nx = img.ImageGetDimensionSize(0)
if (( nx <= maxNum ) || ( maxNum <= 2) )
for( number i=0; i<min(nx,maxNum); i++)
out += Format( sum(img[0,i]), FormatStr ) + ", "
out = out.left( out.len() - 2 )
for( number i=0; i<maxNum-1; i++)
out += Format( sum(img[0,i]), FormatStr ) + ", "
out = out.left( out.len() - 2 ) + ", ... , "
out += Format( sum(img[0,nx-1]), FormatStr )
out += " }"
return out
image a := [10,4]: {
{123, 45, 12.3, -12, 55, 1.2, 9999, 89.100, 1e-10, 0},
// Slice 2D image to 1D image at n'th line
number n = 1
image line := a.slice1(0,n,0,0,a.ImageGetDimensionSize(0),1)
// Printout with given number format and a maximum number of entries
string fStr = "%3.1f"
number maxN = 3
Result( "\n "+VectorPrint( line, fStr, maxN ) )


How to shift the column in a SI image

In order to perform drift correction in a SI image as shown in the following figure:
I write the code :
number max_shift=5
image src := GetFrontImage()
number sx, sy, sz
src.Get3DSize(sx, sy, sz)
result("sx: "+sx+"\n")
result("sy: "+sy+"\n")
result("sz: "+sz+"\n")
// assume a random shift in x
image shift := IntegerImage("xcorrd",4,0, 1, sy)
shift = max_shift*Random()
// make a coordinate table
image col := IntegerImage("col",4,0, sx, sy)
image row := IntegerImage("row",4,0, sx, sy)
image plane := IntegerImage("plane",4,0, sx, sy)
col = icol
row = irow
plane = iplane
// to expand the shift as the same size with source image
image ones := IntegerImage("ones",4,0, sx, sy)
ones = 1
// create a random column shift of the source SI image
for(number i=0; i<sy; i++) {
col[i,0,i+1,sx] = col[i,0,i+1,sx]+shift.GetPixel(0,i)*ones[i,0,i+1,sx]
// drift corrected
image im := RealImage("test si", 4, sx+max_shift, sy, sz)
im[col, row, plane] = src[icol,irow,iplane]
im.SetName(src.GetName()+"-drift corrected")
The image can be corrected, however the spectrum cannot be transferred to the corrected SI as shown :
I am just wondering what's wrong with my script.
Thank you in advance.
im[col, row, plane] = src[icol,irow,iplane]
The intrinsic variables icol, irow, iplane will be evaluated by the only fixed size image expression in the line. In your case col, row and plane (all of same size)
However, they are all 2D so what is internally happening is that you iterate over X & Y and then write the values:
im[ col(x,y), row(x,y), plane(x,y) ] = src[x,y,0] // iterated over all x/y
As Don I was mentioning in the comments, you would want to iterate over the z dimension.
Alternatively, you could make all of your images of size (sx,sy,sz) in your script.
This would work for the expression, but is horrifically inefficient.
In general, the best solution here is to no t use icol,irow,iplane at all, but make use of the Slice commands. see this answer:
I would possibly code a line-wise x-shift for an SI like below:
The script utilizes the fact that one can shift whole "blocks" (X x 1 x Z) in x-direction, iterating over y.
number sx = 256
number sy = 256
number sz = 100
image testSI := realImage("SI",4,sx,sy,sz)
testSI = sin(itheta/(idepth-iplane)*idepth) + (iplane % (icol+1))/idepth
image xdrift := RealImage("XDrift per line",4,sy)
xdrift = trunc(random()*5 + 20*sin(icol/iwidth*3*PI()))
// Apply linewise Drift to SI, assuming xDrift holds this data
xDrift -= min(xDrift) // ensure only positive shifts
image outSI := realImage("SI shifted",4,sx+max(xDrift),sy,sz)
for( number y=0; y<sy; y++ ){
number yShift = sum(xDrift[y,0])
outSI.slice2( yShift,y,0, 0,sx,1, 2,sz,1 ) = testSI.slice2(0,y,0,0,sx,1,2,sz,1)
The script below performs the iteration "plane by plane", but does not have a restriction on the plane-wise shift.
In fact, here each pixel gets an assigned XY shift.
Note that you can use warp(source, xexpr, yexpr ) instead of 2D addressing source[ xexpr, yexpr ] if you want to use bilinear interploation of values (and 0 truncation outside the valid range).
number sx = 256
number sy = 256
number sz = 100
image testSI := realImage("SI",4,sx,sy,sz)
testSI = sin(itheta/(idepth-iplane)*idepth) + (iplane % (icol+1))/idepth
image xdrift := RealImage("pixelwise XDrift",4,sx,sy)
xdrift = irow%10*random() + 20*cos(irow/iheight*5*PI())
image ydrift := RealImage("pixelwise yDrift",4,sx,sy)
ydrift = 10*abs(cos(icol/iwidth* (irow/iheight) * 10 * PI())) + irow/iheight * 10
// Apply pixelwise Drift to SI
xDrift -= min(xDrift) // ensure only positive shifts
yDrift -= min(yDrift) // ensure only positive shifts
number mx = max(xDrift)
number my = max(yDrift)
image outSI := realImage("SI shifted",4,sx+mx,sy+my,sz)
for( number z=0;z<sz;z++){
image outPlane := outSI.Slice2( 0,0,z, 0,sx+mx,1,1,sy+my,1)
image srcPlane := testSI.Slice2( 0,0,z, 0,sx,1,1,sy,1)
outPlane = srcPlane[ icol + xdrift[icol,irow] - mx, irow + ydrift[icol,irow] - my ]
// outPlane = srcPlane.warp( icol + xdrift[icol,irow] - mx, irow + ydrift[icol,irow] - my)

Algorithm behind Inkscape's auto-smooth nodes

I am generating smooth curves by interpolating (lots of) points. I want to have local support (i.e. only few points determine the smooth curve locally), so I do not want to use a classical interpolation spline. Bezier curves to me would be a natural solution and Inkscape's auto-smooth nodes ( do pretty well what I want to have. But I have trouble finding the implementation in the source or some reference to the underlying algorithm.
Is anybody here aware of the algorithm or familiar enough with Inkscape's source so they can point me in the right direction?
For context: I am calculating a smooth path for a pen plotter but can not wait to have all supporting points available.
The code is here and I've implemented a version in Python using the svgpathtools library in a gist
Here is a diagram showing the method.
Given three points a, b, and c where b is auto-smooth and b has two control points u and v, then:
Let x be a unit vector perpendicular to the the angle bisector of ∠abc
u = b - x * 1/3|ba|
v = b + x * 1/3|bc|
As far as I know, there is nothing special about the constant 1/3 and you could vary it to have larger or smaller curvature.
Per #fang's comment below. It may be beter to use Catmull-Rom Interpolating Spline instead, which both interpolates and has local control property. See more here
For stitching together cubic bezier curves that interpolate (more like natural cubic splines) see below original answer.
The following is javascript-like pseudo-code that computes a series of (up to) cubic bezier curves that together combine to achieve one smooth curve passign through given points. Note bezier in below code is assumed to be a function that computes (the polynomial form of) a cubic bezier through given control points (which is already known algorithm). Note2 below algorithm is for 1d curves it is easily adjusted for 2d curves (ie compute x and y coordinates)
function bezierThrough( knots )
var i, points, segments;
computePoints = function computePoints( knots ) {
var i, p1, p2, a, b, c, r, m, n = knots.length-1;
p1 = new Array(n);
p2 = new Array(n);
/*rhs vector*/
a = new Array(n);
b = new Array(n);
c = new Array(n);
r = new Array(n);
/*left most segment*/
a[0] = 0;
b[0] = 2;
c[0] = 1;
r[0] = knots[0] + 2*knots[1];
/*internal segments*/
for(i=1; i<n-1; i++)
a[i] = 1;
b[i] = 4;
c[i] = 1;
r[i] = 4*knots[i] + 2*knots[i+1];
/*right segment*/
a[n-1] = 2;
b[n-1] = 7;
c[n-1] = 0;
r[n-1] = 8*knots[n-1] + knots[n];
/*solves Ax=b with the Thomas algorithm (from Wikipedia)*/
for(i=1; i<n; i++)
m = a[i] / b[i-1];
b[i] = b[i] - m*c[i - 1];
r[i] = r[i] - m*r[i-1];
p1[n-1] = r[n-1] / b[n-1];
for(i=n-2; i>=0; --i)
p1[i] = (r[i]-c[i]*p1[i+1]) / b[i];
/*we have p1, now compute p2*/
for (i=0;i<n-1;i++)
p2[i] = 2*knots[i+1] - p1[i+1];
p2[n-1] = (knots[n]+p1[n-1])/2;
return [p1, p2];
if ( 1 === knots.length )
segments = [knots[0]];
else if ( 2 === knots.length )
segments = [bezier([knots[0], knots[1]])];
segments = [];
points = computePoints(knots);
for(i=0; i<knots.length-1; i++)
segments.push(bezier([knots[i], points[0][i], points[1][i], knots[i+1]]));
return segments;
see also related post
Adapted code from here

List all X coordinates by given a Y coordinate in a line profiles by DM scripting

For a line profile (curve), I want to reach that list all X coordinates that corresponding a Y coordinate by given this Y coordinate. And I could get the minimum and maximum values of these x coordinates. Here supposed I want to list all the X coordinates corresponding y=8, is this correct or any other better way? Thx
Number minx, maxx
Image front=:getfrontimage()
GetSize( front, xsize, ysize )
for (i=0; i<xsize; i++)
x= getpixel(front, i, 8)
You script becomes wrong when you use the min and max, because you can not get a minimum/maximum of a single value (or rather, it is always that value). What you want to do is likely:
image spec := RealImage("Test",4,100)
spec = trunc(Random()*10)
number v = 8
number nCh = spec.ImageGetDimensionSize(0)
for( number i=0; i<nCh; i++)
if( v == sum(spec[i,0]) )
Result("\n Value "+ v +" # " + i )
(The sum() is needed here a a trick to convert an image-expression to a single value.)
However, going pixel-by-pixel in script can be slow. Whenever possible, try to code with image-expressions, because they are much faster (for big images).
I therefore often utilize a trick: I threshold an image for the value I search for, and then iterate over that mask as long as it is not all-zero. The max(img,x,y) command will return the first maximum if there are multiple, so I get an ordered list.
image spec := RealImage("Test",4,100)
spec = trunc(Random()*10)
number v = 8
image mask = (spec==v)?1:0
while( 0<sum(mask) )
number x,y
Result("\n Value " + v +" # " + x )
Edit: Answering the question of the comment below.
This is how one gets the ZLP maximum (position and value) from a line-profile in calibrated values.
Precursor: DM contains all data as simple arrays and values (real or integer). These are the real data and unrelated to any calibrations. You see these values if you toggle the "calibration" checkbox off in the Image Status palette:
These are the values all script commands etc. will use, i.e. positions are always indices (starting from 0) and values are the raw numeric values stored.
These images or spectra are calibrated by defining an origin and scale (and unit) for each dimensional axis as well as the intensity (=value). These triplets of values can be found in the image display info of data:
Only when the "Show calibrated values" checkbox is checked, is the data displayed in calibrated values. However, the real values remain unchanged. Just the scale/origin values are used to convert the numbers.
If you want to use a script to use calibrated values, then you have to perform the same conversions in you script yourself.
Here is the example:
image spectrum := GetFrontImage()
number xScale = spectrum.ImageGetDimensionScale(0) // 0 for X dimension
number xOrigin = spectrum.ImageGetDimensionOrigin(0)
string xUnit = spectrum.ImageGetDimensionUnitString(0)
number iScale = spectrum.ImageGetIntensityScale()
number iOrigin = spectrum.ImageGetIntensityOrigin()
string iUnit = spectrum.ImageGetIntensityUnitString()
string info = "\n"
info += "Image ["+spectrum.ImageGetLabel()+"]:"
info += "\n\t Dimension calibration: nCh * " + xScale + " + " + xOrigin + " [" + xUnit + "]"
info += "\n\t Intensity calibration: (value - " + iOrigin + ") * " + iScale +" [" + iUnit + "]"
// Find ZLP maximum (uncalibrated values)
number maxP_ch, dummy, maxV_raw
maxV_raw = max(spectrum,maxP_ch,dummy)
info = "\n"
info += "\n\t The maximum position is at channel index: " + maxP_ch
info += "\n\t The maximum Value at maximum position is: " + maxV_raw
number maxP_cal = xOrigin + xScale * maxP_ch
number maxV_cal = (maxV_raw - iOrigin) * iScale
info = "\n"
info += "\n\t The maximum position is at : " + maxP_cal
info += "\n\t The maximum Value is : " + maxV_cal
Note the different calibration formulas between dimensional calibration and intensity calibration!

Script interface for the Fit image Palette introduced in GMS 2.3?

The Fit Image Palette is quite nice and powerful. Is there a script interface that we can access it directly?
There is a script interface, and the example script below will get you started. However, the script interface is not officially supported. It might therefore be buggy or likely to change in future GMS versions.
For GMS 2.3 the following script works:
// create the input image:
Image input := NewImage("formula test", 2, 100)
input = 500.5 - icol*11.1 + icol*icol*0.11
// add some random noise:
input += (random()-0.5)*sqrt(abs(input))
// create image with error data (not required)
Image errors := input.ImageClone()
errors = tert(input > 1, sqrt(input), 1)
// setup fit:
Image pars := NewImage("pars", 2, 3)
Image parsToFit := NewImage("pars to fit", 2, 3)
pars = 10; // starting values
parsToFit = 1;
Number chiSqr = 1e6
Number conv_cond = 0.00001
Result("\n starting pars = {")
Number xSize = pars.ImageGetDimensionSize(0)
Number i = 0
for (i = 0; i < xSize; i++)
Result(GetPixel(pars, i, 0))
if (i < (xSize-1)) Result(", ")
// fit:
String formulaStr = "p0 + p1*x + p2*x**2"
Number ok = FitFormula(formulaStr, input, errors, pars, parsToFit, chiSqr, conv_cond)
Result("\n results pars = {")
for (i = 0; i < xSize; i++)
Result(GetPixel(pars, i, 0))
if (i < (xSize-1)) Result(", ")
Result(", chiSqr ="+ chiSqr)
// plot results of fit:
Image plot := PlotFormula(formulaStr, input, pars)
// compare the plot and original data:
Image compare := NewImage("Compare Fit", 2, 100, 3)
compare[icol, 0] = input // original data
compare[icol, 1] = plot // fit function
compare[icol, 2] = input - plot // residuals
ImageDocument linePlotDoc = CreateImageDocument("Test Fitting")
ImageDisplay linePlotDsp = linePlotDoc.ImageDocumentAddImageDisplay(compare, 3)

Collision Angle Detection

I have some questions regarding collision angles. I am trying to code physics for a game and I do not want to use any third party library, actually I want to code each and every thing by myself. I know how to detect collisions between two spheres but I can't figure out, how to find the angle of collision/repulsion between the two spherical objects. I've tried reversing the direction of the objects, but no luck. It would be very nice if you link me to an interesting .pdf file teaching physics programming.
There's a lot of ways to deal with collision
To model a impulsion, you can directly act on the speed of each objects, using the law of reflection, you can "reflect" each speed using the "normal of the impact"
so : v1 = v1 - 2 x ( v1 . n2 ) x n2
and v2 = v2 - 2 x ( v2 . n1 ) x n1
v1 and v2 speeds of sphere s1 and s2
n1 and n2 normal at collision point
Here, we have 2 object interpenetrating, and we model the fact that they tend to not interpenetrate anymore, so you create a force that is proportional to the penetration using a spring force
I didn't speak about all the ways, but this are the two simplest I know
the angle between two objects in the 2D or 3D coordinate space can be found by
A * B = |A||B|cosɵ
Both A and B are vectors and ɵ is the angle between both vectors.
the below class can be used to solve basic Vector calculations in games
class 3Dvector
float x, y, z;
// purpose: Our constructor
// input: ex- our vector's i component
// why- our vector's j component
// zee- our vector's k component
// output: no explicit output
3Dvector(float ex = 0, float why = 0, float zee = 0)
x = ex; y = why; z = zee;
// purpose: Our destructor
// input: none
// output: none
~3Dvector() { }
// purpose: calculate the magnitude of our invoking vector
// input: no explicit input
// output: the magnitude of our invoking object
float getMagnitude()
return sqrtf(x * x + y * y + z * z);
// purpose: multiply our vector by a scalar value
// input: num - the scalar value being multiplied
// output: our newly created vector
3Dvector operator*(float num) const
return 3Dvector(x * num, y * num, z * num);
// purpose: multiply our vector by a scalar value
// input: num - the scalar value being multiplied
// vec - the vector we are multiplying to
// output: our newly created vector
friend 3Dvector operator*(float num, const 3Dvector &vec)
return 3Dvector(vec.x * num, vec.y * num, vec.z * num);
// purpose: Adding two vectors
// input: vec - the vector being added to our invoking object
// output: our newly created sum of the two vectors
3Dvector operator+(const 3Dvector &vec) const
return 3Dvector(x + vec.x, y + vec.y, z + vec.z);
// purpose: Subtracting two vectors
// input: vec - the vector being subtracted from our invoking object
// output: our newly created difference of the two vectors
3Dvector operator-(const 3Dvector &vec) const
return 3Dvector(x - vec.x, y - vec.y, z - vec.z);
// purpose: Normalize our invoking vector *this changes our vector*
// input: no explicit input
// output: none
void normalize3Dvector(void)
float mag = sqrtf(x * x + y * y + z * z);
x /= mag; y /= mag; z /= mag
// purpose: Dot Product two vectors
// input: vec - the vector being dotted with our invoking object
// output: the dot product of the two vectors
float dot3Dvector(const 3Dvector &vec) const
return x * vec.x + y * vec.y + z * vec.z;
// purpose: Cross product two vectors
// input: vec- the vector being crossed with our invoking object
// output: our newly created resultant vector
3Dvector cross3Dvector(const 3Dvector &vec) const
return 3Dvector( y * vec.z – z * vec.y,
z * vec.x – x * vec.z,
x * vec.y – y * vec.x);
I shouldn't be answering my own question but I found what I needed, I guess. It may help other people too. I was just fingering the wikipedia's physics section and I got this.
This link solves my question
The angle in a cartesian system can be found this way:
Because this is a retangle triangle where you know the catets (diferences of heights and widths). This will calc the tangent. So the arctan will calc the angle thats have this tangent.
I hope I was helpful.