What is wrong with this python3 script? - argparse

Have a simple python script which I am unable to make work in python3 on macOS.
import argparse
scriptMode = 4
my_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='Script v1.0', description='use mode as appropriate')
my_parser.add_argument('-m', dest='scriptMode', type=int, choices=range(1, 4), help='Enter mode 1 to 3',default=1)
print (scriptMode)
Every time I run the program I get output as 4, which is the initial value I pass.this value is being used as debug as the parser wasn't working. with my understanding, the argument parser when run should store 1 in variable scriptMode and the print statement should print 1. I am running the script as italic python3 scriptname.py italic. help (python3.8.2)

Fixed. Changes were done to script as below.
import argparse
scriptMode = 4
my_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='Script v1.0', description='use mode as appropriate')
my_parser.add_argument('-m', dest='scriptMode', type=int, choices=range(1, 4), help='Enter mode 1 to 3',default=1)
p = my_parser.parse_args()
scriptMode = p.m
print (scriptMode)


Why is TensorBoard not showing any data?

I'm running code to train a PPO policy on chess using PettingZoo:
import gym.vector.utils
import supersuit as ss
import stable_baselines3.ppo
import pettingzoo.classic
if __name__ == '__main__':
env = original_env = pettingzoo.classic.chess_v5.env()
env = pettingzoo.utils.turn_based_aec_to_parallel(env)
env = ss.pettingzoo_env_to_vec_env_v1(env)
env = ss.concat_vec_envs_v1(env, 8, num_cpus=4, base_class='stable_baselines3')
model = stable_baselines3.PPO(stable_baselines3.ppo.MultiInputPolicy, env,
In the next to last line, you can see I'm outputting logs to TensorBoard, where I hope to see a nice graph. However, all I see is this:
I've used TensorBoard before and it worked. Why isn't it showing any progress now? Or even lack of progress?
Turns out I just needed to use a lower value for n_steps.

Testing a Jupyter Notebook

I am trying to come up with a method to test a number of Jupyter notebooks. A test should run when a new notebook is implemented in a Github branch and submitted for a pull request. The tests are not that complicated, they are mostly just testing if the notebook runs end-to-end and without any errors, and maybe a few asserts. However:
There are certain calls in some cells that need to be mocked, e.g. a call to download the data from a database.
There may be some magic cells in the notebooks which run a pip command or something else.
I am open to use any testing library, such as 'pytest' or unittest, although pytest is preferred.
I looked at a few libraries for testing notebooks such as nbmake, treon, and testbook, but I was unable to make them work. I also tried to convert the notebook to a python file, but the magic cells were converted to a get_ipython().run_cell_magic(...) call which became an issue, since pytest uses python and not ipython, and get_ipython() is only available in ipython.
So, I am wondering what is a good way to test jupyter notebooks with all of that in mind. Any help is appreciated.
One straightforward approach I've already used is to execute the entire notebook with nbconvert.
A notebook failed.ipynb raising an exception will result in a failed run thanks to the --execute option that tells nbconvert to execute the notebook prior to its conversion.
jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute failed.ipynb
# ...
# Exception: FAILED
echo $?
# 1
Another correct notebook passed.ipynb will result in a successful export.
jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute passed.ipynb
# [NbConvertApp] Converting notebook passed.ipynb to notebook
# [NbConvertApp] Writing 1172 bytes to passed.nbconvert.ipynb
echo $?
# 0
Cherry on the cake, you can do the same through the API and so wrap it in Pytest!
import nbformat
import pytest
from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor
#pytest.mark.parametrize("notebook", ["passed.ipynb", "failed.ipynb"])
def test_notebook_exec(notebook):
with open(notebook) as f:
nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)
ep = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=600, kernel_name='python3')
assert ep.preprocess(nb) is not None, f"Got empty notebook for {notebook}"
except Exception:
assert False, f"Failed executing {notebook}"
Running the test gives.
pytest test_nbconv.py
# FAILED test_nbconv.py::test_notebook_exec[failed.ipynb] - AssertionError: Failed executing failed.ipynb
# PASSED test_nbconv.py::test_notebook_exec[passed.ipynb]
There is several output formats, I've used here notebook.
This doesn’t convert a notebook to a different format per se, instead it allows the running of nbconvert preprocessors on a notebook, and/or conversion to other notebook formats.
The python code example is just a quick draft it can be largely improved.
Here is my own solution using testbook. Let's say I have a notebook called my_notebook.ipynb with the following content:
The trick is to inject a cell before my call to bigquery.Client and mock it:
from testbook import testbook
def test_get_details(tb):
import mock
mock_client = mock.MagicMock()
mock_df = pd.DataFrame()
mock_df['week'] = range(10)
mock_df['count'] = 5
p1 = mock.patch.object(bigquery, 'Client', return_value=mock_client)
mock_client.query().result().to_dataframe.return_value = mock_df
dataframe = tb.get('dataframe')
assert dataframe.shape == (10, 2)
x = tb.get('x')
assert x == 7

pycharm ignores command "integ()" from numpy.polynomial import Polynomialfunction / on jupyter it works

When using pycharm the integ() function is ignored:
from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial as P
p = P([1, 2, 3])
outcome: 1.0 + 2.0 x**1 + 3.0 x**2 (no errors)
on jupyter
it gives me the correct result: 𝑥↦0.0+1.0𝑥+1.0𝑥2+1.0𝑥3
but I really prefer writing code on pycharm - can anyone tell me why this happens or how I could change it??
First, note that p.integ() doesn't change p. It returns a new polynomial object. When you execute print(p) after this expression, you are printing the original p that was created earlier.
In an interactive shell, with a line such as p.integ() that contains an expression (with no assignment), the shell (i.e. Jupyter) prints the value of the expression in the terminal. This is a feature of Jupyter, not of the Python interpreter. When such an expression is encountered in a program, the Python interpreter evaluates the expression, but does not print it. If you want to print the integral of p, you can do something like
q = p.integ()

Passing commandline argument in google colab

How to pass commandline argument when running a python code in google colab?
I have written a code which takes a file as input via sys.argv[]. How do I do this?
As far as I know, there is no special way to pass command line arguments to python code. This is a working code sample I use to when creating tfrecords.
!python generate_tfrecord.py --csv_input=data/test_labels.csv --output_path=data/test.record --image_dir=images/
I don't see any difference between the regular command line python argument passing and the colab. Please add more code to your question to get better help.
I tried this in a google colab notebook
import sys
sys.argv[0] = "first_arg" # this is to assign the first command line argument
sys.argv[1] = "second_arg" # This line to assign the second arg for example
And it worked for me.
So if you want to run a python code that works like this:
!python test.py --image_folder '/content/image' --workers 2 --Prediction CTC --rgb True
You have to open test.py or your file with editor then you will find line inside the file similer like this:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--image_folder', required=True, help='path to image_folder')
parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=1, help='number of workers')
parser.add_argument('--Prediction', type=str, default='CTC', help='Prediction stage.')
parser.add_argument('--rgb', action='store_true', help='use rgb input')
args = parser.parse_args()
But this will give you " Error SystemExit: 2 "
Then you have to change like this:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--image_folder', required=False, default='/content/image', help='path to image_folder')
parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=2, help='number of workers')
parser.add_argument('--Prediction', type=str, default='CTC', help='Prediction stage.')
parser.add_argument('--rgb', action='store_false', help='use rgb input')
parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", required=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
You must add in the end of " parser.add_argument " line:
parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", required=False)
Then you can call commandline argument like this:
image = args.image_path
img = Image.open(args.image_path)
workers = args.workers
But if your last line like this:
args = vars(ap.parse_args())
Then you have to call it like this:
image = args["image_path"]
img = Image.open(args["image_path"])
workers = args["workers"]
#Note ( action='store_false' ) will default to ( False )
Likewise, ( action='store_false' ) will default to ( True )
Tested with Google colab
I made a bioinformatic tool locally in my machine to parse Uniprot big data files of proteins.
The tool I made needs the passing of different parameters using command line arguments. After the tool was working locally, I upload data files and python source files to my google drive.
I did not make any changes to my files. I just run directly the following command in google colab:
!python3 drive/MyDrive/uniprot/uniprot_select.py FIELDS "ID,OS,SQ" FROM drive/MyDrive/data/uniprot.dat WHERE "SQ#EYDRRR" FASTA
It works perfectly!
No need of special parsing, no need to additional imports. All the work you normally do locally in your machine, can be executed without changes.

Export vectors from fastText to spaCy

I downloaded the fasttext.cc vectors of 1.5gb, I used example code spaCy examples vectors_fast_text. I executed the following command in the terminal:
python config/vectors_fast_text.py vectors_loc data/vectors/wiki.pt.vec
After a few minutes with the processor at 100%, I received the following text:
class colspan 0.32231358
What happens from here? How can I export these vectors elsewhere, such as for example with my AWS S3 training templates?
I modified the example script, to load the existing data of my language, read the file word2vec and at the end write all the content in a folder (this folder needs to exist).
Follow vectors_fast_text.py:
[LANGUAGE] = example: "pt"
[FILE_WORD2VEC] = "./data/word2vec.txt"
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import plac
import numpy
import spacy
from spacy.language import Language
def main():
nlp = spacy.load('[LANGUAGE]')
with open("[FILE_WORD2VEC]", 'rb') as file_:
header = file_.readline()
nr_row, nr_dim = header.split()
count = 0
for line in file_:
count += 1
line = line.rstrip().decode('utf8')
pieces = line.rsplit(' ', int(nr_dim))
word = pieces[0]
print("{} - {}".format(count, word))
vector = numpy.asarray([float(v) for v in pieces[1:]], dtype='f')
nlp.vocab.set_vector(word, vector) # add the vectors to the vocab
if __name__ == '__main__':
Type in the terminal:
python vectors_fast_text.py
It will take about 10 minutes to finish, depending on the size of the word2vec file. In the script I made the print of the word, so that you can follow.
After that, you must type in the terminal:
python -m spacy package ./models/new_nlp/ ./my_models/
python setup.py sdist
And then you will have a "zip" file.
pip install /path/to/pt_example_model-1.0.0.tar.gz
A detailed tutorial can be found on the spaCy website: