What's the best way to unit test a method with a parameter that's immutable and does not have an initializer? - objective-c

I'm trying to unit test my implementation of a protocol's method that takes an immutable object that's not in my project as a parameter. This object doesn't have any initializers exposed that set its properties. What's the best way to unit test in this scenario?
What I tried
I tried subclassing and casting the properties to readwrite, but you only have access to a super-class' ivars if they're explicitly marked as #protected. Since the class isn't within my project, I can't re-assign a new scope to the ivar.
I also can't mock a setter that doesn't exist, and ivars are not directly writable through mock objects.
Eventually, I decided to add an additional method that the method in question would call, passing only objects whose properties I can set, and I covered that additional method in unit tests.
Is there a better way to unit test in this scenario?
Specifics of my scenario
I'm trying to unit test my implementation of userContentController:didReceiveScriptMessage: from WebKit's WKScriptMessageHandler protocol and can't find a way to pass an instance of WKScriptMessage or of WKUserContentController with any properties set.
To unit test this, I created a new method that takes a parameter of type 'id' and called it from userContentController:didReceiveScriptMessage:, passing WKScriptMessage's body property.

Does this help you?
#import <WebKit/WebKit.h>
#interface TestMessage : WKScriptMessage
- (id) initWithBody:(id)body
#import "TestMessage.h"
#interface TestMessage()
#property (nonatomic, strong) id messageBody;
#property (nonatomic, strong) WKFrameInfo* messageFrameInfo;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* messageName;
#property (nonatomic, strong) WKWebView* messageWebView;
#implementation TestMessage
- (id) initWithBody:(id)body
self = [super init];
if (self)
_messageBody = body;
_messageFrameInfo = frameInfo;
_messageName = name;
_messageWebView = webView;
return self;
- (id) body
return self.messageBody;
- (WKFrameInfo *)frameInfo
return self.frameInfo;
- (NSString *)name
return self.messageName;
- (WKWebView *)webView
return self.messageWebView;
So you're basically creating a subclass with matching properties and then overriding the getters for the superclass properties to return values for the ones you have full access to.
This worked for me with the simple test (I'm sure your scenario is more involved):
- (void) testMessageHandler
WKWebView* webView = [[WKWebView alloc] init];
WKUserContentController* controller = [[WKUserContentController alloc] init];
WKFrameInfo* info = [[WKFrameInfo alloc] init];
NSDictionary* testBody = #{#"testKey" : #"testVal" };
TestMessage* testMessage = [[TestMessage alloc] initWithBody:testBody
name:#"Message Name"
// some object conforming to the WKScriptMessageHandler protocol
[self userContentController:controller
- (void)userContentController:(nonnull WKUserContentController *)userContentController
didReceiveScriptMessage:(nonnull WKScriptMessage *)message
NSLog(#"Received Script Message... (%#)", message.body);


add category property to a class confirming to a protocol

I have a generator which returns objects conforming to protocol A.
I would like to add a property, probably with categories, to these objects so i can do something to serve my purposes, which obviously isn't there in the protocol.
is this doable?
The more I've thought about this, the more I agree that it's not a duplicate, and in fact the answer is very straightforward as long as what you say you want is what you really want.
Given that you are returning values that conform to some protocol, create a type that conforms to that protocol, and forwards all protocol methods to a wrapped value. Then you can add whatever additional properties you'd like.
For example, given a protocol like:
#protocol Runnable <NSObject>
- (void)run;
You can create a trivial wrapper like:
#interface AnyRunnable: NSObject <Runnable>
- (instancetype)initWithRunnable:(id<Runnable>)runnable;
#interface AnyRunnable (Private)
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) id<Runnable> wrapped;
#implementation AnyRunnable
- (instancetype)initWithRunnable:(id<Runnable>)wrapped
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.wrapped = wrapped;
return self;
- (void)run {
[self.wrapped run];
Now, AnyRunnable is a Runnable, so you can return that from your method. It's also a type you control, so you can add any properties you like to it. This scales to any protocol; you just need to implement the required methods.
It's not possible to do this via a category for the reasons given in Why can't categories have instance variables? (If it were possible to add properties based on protocols, but not classes, then you could just define a protocol that matched your class, and bypass that limitation.)
Here is possible approach (based on Objective-C associated objects). Tested & worked.
Assume we have some class, which we cannot touch
#interface SomeClass: NSObject
#implementation SomeClass
Then some new properties can inject in the following way
#interface SomeClass (VirtualProperty)
#property (atomic) NSInteger virtualProperty;
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger calculableProperty;
static const char *kVirtualPropertyKey = "virtualProperty";
#implementation SomeClass (VirtualProperty)
#dynamic virtualProperty;
- (NSInteger)calculableProperty {
return self.virtualProperty * 2;
- (NSInteger)virtualProperty {
return [(NSNumber *)objc_getAssociatedObject(self,
kVirtualPropertyKey) integerValue];
- (void)setVirtualProperty:(NSInteger)newValue {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, kVirtualPropertyKey,
SomeClass *some = SomeClass.new;
some.virtualProperty = 5;
NSLog(#"Result: %lu", some.calculableProperty);

Objective-c readonly copy properties and ivars

I'm try to grok properties declared as both copy and readonly in objective-c, and specifically, whether I have to do the copy myself. In my init methods. Evidence suggests I do:
#interface A : NSObject
#property(nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSData *test;
- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)data;
#implementation A
- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)data {
if ((self = [super init]) != nil) {
_test = data;
return self;
int main (void) {
NSData *d1 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:"1234" length:5];
A *a = [[A alloc] initWithData:d1];
NSLog(#"%lx", (unsigned long)d1);
NSLog(#"%lx", (unsigned long)a.test);
return 0;
I had thought I could do self.test = data in my init method, but that is not permitted because it's readonly (not unexpectedly). Of course, self.test = [data copy] ensures two different objects.
So: Is there a way to create a readonly property in objective-c that copies the incoming value, or is it sufficiently an edge case that the combination is pointless and I have to do any copying myself manually anyway?
A #property declaration is merely shorthand for some accessor/mutator method declarations, and (in some cases) synthesized implementations for said accessor/mutator methods.
In your case, the #property(nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSData *test declaration expands to this equivalent code:
#interface A : NSObject
NSData* _test;
- (NSData*)test;
#implementation A
- (NSData*)test
return _test;
There is no setTest: mutator method because the property is declared as readonly, so the copy attribute has no effect.
You can implement your own mutator method:
- (void)setTest:(NSData*)newValue
_test = [newValue copy];
Or, you can have the compiler synthesize a mutator method for you by declaring a read/write property in a private class extension in your implementation file:
// A.m:
#interface A()
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSData* test;
Both cases would allow you to use the test mutator method to copy a value to the _test instance variable:
- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)data {
if ((self = [super init]) != nil) {
self.test = data;
return self;
The end result is:
#interface A : NSObject
#property(nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSData* test;
- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData*)data;
#interface A()
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSData* test;
#implementation A
- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData*)data {
if ((self = [super init]) != nil) {
self.test = data;
return self;
In addition to what Darren said, the copy attribute describes what semantics the properties setter has. In your initializer, you're not using the setter, you're directly assigning to the instance variable.
It's maybe a bit hard to grok, but the instance variable is not the same thing as the property. It is used to implement the property in this case. But, assigning to the instance variable is not the same as setting the property.
If you want your initializer to also have the semantics that it copies the passed-in data, that's a separate design decision (although a good idea to go with the property's semantics). You could implement that by using a private setter as Darren suggests, but you could also just do:
_test = [data copy];
in the initializer.

How to init objects in Objective-C [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm unsure how I should initialise the various properties in an objective-C class. Please assume I'm a very new user to Objective-C in your answers...
I have the following classes:
Test class
#interface Test : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *name;
TestManager class
#interface TestManager : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *tests; // array of Test objects (array size unknown until runtime)
Controller class
#interface TestController : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong) TestManager *aManager;
I want to have an method like initManager called:
// how can I init the aManager which will have an array of Test objects
which will automatically allocate an array of objects to be stored inside the manager class so I can do things like:
NSString *name = ((Test *)[self.aManager.tests objectAtIndex:0]).name;
I'm not even sure that initManager is the correct method to use - is there something built in that always gets called?
Firstly, let's look at the way we can initialize your Test class objects.
You can also write some initialization method for your Test class so instead of this:
Test example = [[Test alloc] init];
example.name = #"s";
you can write something like this:
Test example = [[Test alloc] initWithName:#"s"];
Please note that this is very common for initialization method to return newly created object, hence the initialization method usually returns 'id' type (not void).
This is the implementation for your test class which will be used in examples below.
.h file:
- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)aName;
.m file:
- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)aName
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_name = aName;
return self;
You can initialize your TestController class this way:
.h file:
- (id)initManager;
.m file:
- (id)initManager
self = [super init]; //always call the superclass init method when your class inherit from other class
if (self) { // checking if the superclass initialization was fine
_tests = [NSMutableArray array];
[_tests addObject:[[Test alloc] initWithName:#"s"]];
[_tests addObject:[[Test alloc] initWithName:#"l"]];
return self;
Or something like this:
- (id)initManager
self = [super init]; //always call the superclass init method when your class inherit from other class
if (self) { // checking if the superclass initialization was fine
_tests = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[[Test alloc] initWithName:#"s"], [[Test alloc] initWithName:#"l"]];
return self;
Like the #Andrew said it is better to use alloc + init. Here are some examples of this syntax:
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100);
[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:rect];
[[NSArray alloc] init]
This is the common way to initialize objects. Despite having this mechanism there are also some additional methods (which are in fact static functions) which give the programmer the nice way to initialize objects. Using them u don't have to write keyword 'alloc' so that the code is shorter and easier to read.
[NSArray array] //creates and returns empty array
[NSMutableArray array] //creates and return empty mutable array
[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeContactAdd]; //creates and return button
first import header files of test, and test manager class, into controller class
#import Test.h
#import TestManager.h
then in controller class
TestManager *aTestManager = [TestManager new];
Test *test1 = [Test new];
Test *test2 = [Test new];
[aTestManager.tests addObject:test1];
[aTestManager.tests addObject:test2];
Let's start at the top. You probably can and should make the name readonly.
(Demos assume ARC is enabled)
#interface Test : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *name;
// and then simply initialize name:
- (instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)pName;
NSString properties should be copied:
#implementation Test
- (instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)pName
self = [super init];
if (nil == self) return nil;
// copy the NSString:
// don't use getters/setters in initializers or -dealloc
_name = pName.copy;
return self;
Similarly readonly:
#interface TestManager : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSMutableArray *tests; // array of Test objects (array size unknown until runtime)
#implementation TestManager
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (nil == self) return nil;
// just initialize readonly tests:
_tests = NSMutableArray.new;
return self;
Then TestController could probably use a readonly TestManager and borrow the form used above. Otherwise, it can be readwrite, if needed.
// don't declare/implement an instance method
// which has the prefix -init*, like initManager. renamed.
- (void)resetManager
// if readonly is ok, then just create it in the initializer.
// otherwise, if you need the ability to set the manager in the controller,
// then declare the property readwrite and:
self.testManager = TestManager.new;
// note: aManager is not a good name. renamed to testManager.
- (void)doSomething
assert(self.testManager && "did you forget to init the manager?");
Test * test = [self.testManager.tests objectAtIndex:0];
NSString * name = test.name;
This is far from covering all initialization cases in ObjC, but it is a start.

About moving few methods to the superclass

I need to move the same method from 4 different classes to the superclass.
Such methods are exactly the same except for the type of a variable declared in them:
For example, in the method in the first class I have
FirstClass var = [[FirstClass alloc] init]
in the second class
SecondClass var = [[SecondClass alloc] init]
and so on.
What's the best way to implement this variation in the superclass ?
Should I use NSClassFromString in the superclass and get each string from each method in the subclasses?
I'm not 100% sure I get what you mean. So I could be answering the wrong question
If inside your class you need to use an object (I've called it worker below) to do your work, but the class of this object is not known til later, you can use dependency injection (DI).
#interface MyClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, retain) id<WorkerInterface> worker;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize worker = _worker;
- (void)myMethod;
[self.worker doSomething];
// You could also provide a default class to use if one is not passed in
// - (id<WorkerInterface)worker;
// {
// if (!_worker) {
// _worker = [[DefaultWorker alloc] init];
// }
// return _worker;
// }
Now whenever I instantiate this class I can simply pass in the appropriate object to be used e.g:
MyWorkerClass *worker = [[MyWorkerClass alloc] init]; // <- Conforms to #protocol(WorkerInterface)
MyClass *instance = [[MyClass alloc] init];
instance.worker = worker;
[instance doSomething];
If all the different types of iVar's you intend on initializing in the subclasses are descended from a common class, then I'd store that class in the super, or else just store it as an id. Then, setup a property accessor in each of your subclasses the casts the iVar as you need it.
#interface superClass : NSObject{
id _superIvar;
#implementation superClass : NSObject
....super's code....
Now in the implementation of the subclass declare a property in a category, shown below (or in the interface, if you want it public)
#interface subClass (private)
#property (strong) ClassType *superIvar;
- (void) setSuperIvar:(ClassType *)superIvar{
_superIvar = superIvar;
- (ClassType *) superIvar{
return (ClassType *) _superIvar;
- (void) someMethodThatUsesSuperIvar{
[self.superIvar doSomething];
Alternatively, if you don't want to open your _superIvar to direct access, you can set a property on the superclass and access through the property on the subclass. But in this way you can easily access super's ivars cast to the appropriate type.

In Objective-C, how do I pass a property as an argument for a function and then call the setter/getter methods?

The code is probably the best way to see what I am trying to do:
#interface AcInfo : NSManagedObject {
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *registrationNumber;
#implementation AcInfo
#dynamic registrationNumber;
#interface AnotherClass : NSObject {
#property (nonatomic, retain) AcInfo *detailItem;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITextField *registrationNumberTextField;
- (void)setDetailItemValueFromUIElement:(id *)uiElement forAcInfoTarget:(id *)acInfoTarget;
#import "AcInfo.h"
#implementation AnotherClass
#synthesize detailItem, registrationNumberTextField;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
registrationNumberTextField.text = #"Test";
// I expect this to set detailItem.registrationNumber to the value of
// registrationNumberTextField.text (Test) but it doesn't change anything!
setDetailItemValueFromUIElement:registrationNumberTextField forAcInfoTarget:detailItem.registrationNumber;
- (void)setDetailItemValueFromUIElement:(id *)uiElement forAcInfoTarget:(id *)acInfoTarget
if ([(id)uiElement isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]]) {
// This doesn't do anything when it returns!
(NSString *)acInfoTarget = (UITextField *)uiElement.text
In short, I want acInfoTarget to call the getter [detailObject registrationNumber] and the setter [detailObject setRegistrationNumber] in the setDetailItemValueFromUIElement: function...
You can set or read properties by name using
// setter
NSString *propertyName = #"myProperty";
[object setValue:newValue forKey:propertyName];
// getter
id value = [object valueForKey:propertyName];
This is slower than using the normal dot notation, though, and it's frequently (though not always) a sign of poorly-designed code.
Also note that id is a pointer type, so you probably don't actually mean "(id*)".
Your code wants to look something like this, I think:
- (void)setDetailItemValueFromUIElement:(id)uiElement forAcInfoTarget:(NSString*)acInfoTarget {
if ([(id)uiElement isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]]) {
NSString *newValue = ((UITextField*)uiElement).text;
[self.detailItem setValue:newValue forKey:acInfoTarget];
Properties are just syntax sugar for a couple of accessor methods. They are not, in essence, variables so you shouldn't treat them as such. If you want to affect a property, then what you wanting to do is call a method. So you should pass a id and selector parameter and not pointer to a variable type.