How to rotate an Image using Itex7 and C#? - pdf

I am using the C#SDK for iText . As a simple test I'm creating a PDF with an Image in it. What I want to do is to rotate this Image in the PDF. This is the code I'm using
PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter("./test.pdf", new WriterProperties().SetPdfVersion(PdfVersion.PDF_2_0));
PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(writer);
Document document = new Document(pdfDocument);
Image image = new Image(ImageDataFactory.Create("google-logo.png")).SetRotationAngle(90).SetAutoScale(true);
However, in the generated file, the Image shows like this
So how can I rotate the Image by 90 degrees?

The documentation of Image#SetRotationAngle says that the value must be passed in radians, not in angles.
So just replacing image.SetRotationAngle(90) with image.SetRotationAngle(Math.PI / 2) should do the trick


Detect if PDF is colored [DATALOGICS][APDFL]

I am using APDFL 10.1.0 to convert PDF to images. This is how I am loading the PDF file and saving a specific page as image:
Document pdfdocument = null;
pdfdocument = new Document(docpath);
Page docpage = pdfdocument.GetPage(pagelist[0]);
Image pageimage = docpage.GetImage(PageRect);
Is there a way to detect from either the docpage variable or the pageimage variable if the specific page is colored or is grayscale?
You can use pageImage.NumberComponents to determine this. Color Images will have 3 or 4 components (depending on whether it is an RGB Image or a CMYK Image) while grayscale Images will have 1 component.

Using ContentByteUtils for raw PDF manipulation

This is a follow up question to:
Programmatically change the color of a black box in a PDF file?
I have a pdf I created in Illustrator that has basically a black shape in the middle of the page and nothing else. I need to change the color of that shape dynamically.
From the response to the post above I am using iTextSharp (.NET C#) to get the raw contents of the PDF through ContentByteUtils.GetContentBytesForPage() and changing the color at the raw level.
Problem is that I can't find any way of saving the results back into either the original PDF or a new PDF file via iTextSharp. I'm currently stuck with a byte array of the raw contents but need to figure out how to save.
Help please!
Why are you using ContentByteUtils.GetContentBytesForPage()?
I would use:
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
byte[] content = reader.GetPageContent(pageNumber);
// do stuff with content
reader.SetPageContent(pageNumber, content);
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) {
using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, fs)) {

Have 2 bitmap resolutions in a PDF

Is there a way to place 2 instances of a bitmap in a PDF for a single image? One to display when it is viewed on the screen and another when it prints?
The problem we have is rendering a chart to a bitmap. If we do 300 dpi then axis lines, borders, etc. disappear. If we do 96 dpi, then printing it looks bad.
thanks - dave
You can use Optional Content to do this. Supplying the usage application dictionaries with a 'Print' event causes the content to be appropriate for printing. (Note, not all printing applications will honour this).
See The PDF Reference Manual, in my 1.7 edition section 4.10 'Optional Content' beginning on page 364.
You can add an Alternate Image Dictionary (PDF Spec, section which can specify an image to be used for printing.
Yes, there is a way, although I do not know it. We used it as a prank on a coworker, when printing a document, some totally other pictures appeared
You can also use 2 readonly textbox fields and draw the images on the field's appearance. Then for one field you set its visibility to VisibleNonPrintable and for the other HiddenButPrintable.
I implemented this (using iText). For anyone else who needs these here's the code. And you can download the source at my blog.
static void Main(string[] args)
Document document = new Document(new Rectangle(0, 0, 8.5f * 72.0f, 11 * 72));
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(Path.GetFullPath(#"..\..\test_dotnet.pdf"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite));
document.Add(new Paragraph("Visibility test"));
// not displayed on printer
PdfLayer layer = new PdfLayer("screen", writer);
layer.OnPanel = false;
layer.SetPrint("Print", false);
layer.View = true;
PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
Image img = Image.GetInstance(Path.GetFullPath(#"..\..\building_01.png"));
img.SetAbsolutePosition(72, 72 * 7);
// not displayed on screen
layer = new PdfLayer("print", writer);
layer.OnPanel = false;
layer.SetPrint("Print", true);
layer.View = false;
cb = writer.DirectContent;
img = Image.GetInstance(Path.GetFullPath(#"..\..\building_02.png"));
img.SetAbsolutePosition(72, 72 * 3);
Console.Out.WriteLine("all done");

How to exactly position an Image inside an existing PDF page using PDFBox?

I am able to insert an Image inside an existing pdf document, but the problem is,
The image is placed at the bottom of the page
The page becomes white with the newly added text showing on it.
I am using following code.
List<PDPage> pages = pdDoc.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();
if(pages.size() > 0){
PDJpeg img = new PDJpeg(pdDoc, in);
PDPageContentStream stream = new PDPageContentStream(pdDoc,pages.get(0));
stream.drawImage(img, 60, 60);
I want the image on the first page.
PDFBox is a low-level library to work with PDF files. You are responsible for more high-level features. So in this example, you are placing your image at (60, 60) starting from lower-left corner of your document. That is what stream.drawImage(img, 60, 60); does.
If you want to move your image somewhere else, you have to calculate and provide the wanted location (perhaps from dimensions obtained with page.findCropBox(), or manually input your location).
As for the text, PDF document elements are absolutely positioned. There are no low-level capabilities for re-flowing text, floating or something similar. If you write your text on top of your image, it will be written on top of your image.
Finally, for your page becoming white -- you are creating a new content stream and so overwriting the original one for your page. You should be appending to the already available stream.
The relevant line is:
PDPageContentStream stream = new PDPageContentStream( pdDoc, pages.get(0));
What you should do is call it like this:
PDPageContentStream stream = new PDPageContentStream( pdDoc, pages.get(0), true, true);
The first true is whether to append content, and the final true (not critical here) is whether to compress the stream.
Take a look at AddImageToPDF sample available from PDFBox sources.
Try this
doc = PDDocument.load( inputFileName );
PDXObjectImage ximage = null;
ximage = new PDJpeg(doc, new FileInputStream( image )
PDPage page = (PDPage)doc.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages().get(0);
PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page, true, true);
contentStream.drawImage( ximage, 425, 675 );
This prints the image in first page. If u want to print in all pages just put on a for loop with a condition of number of pages as the limit.
This worked for me well!
So late answer but this is for who works on it in 2020 with Kotlin: drawImage() is getting float values inside itself so try this:
val file = File(getPdfFile(FILE_NAME))
val document = PDDocument.load(file)
val page = document.getPage(0)
val contentStream: PDPageContentStream
contentStream = PDPageContentStream(document, page, true, true)
// Define a content stream for adding to the PDF
val bitmap: Bitmap? = ImageSaver(this).setFileName("sign.png").setDirectoryName("signature").load()
val mediaBox: PDRectangle = page.mediaBox
val ximage: PDImageXObject = JPEGFactory.createFromImage(document, bitmap)
contentStream.drawImage(ximage, mediaBox.width - 4 * 65, 26f)
// Make sure that the content stream is closed:
// Save the final pdf document to a file
pdfSaveLocation = "$directoryPDF/$UPDATED_FILE_NAME"
val pathSave = pdfSaveLocation
I am creating a new PDF and running below code in a loop - to add one image per page and below co-ordinates and height and width values work well for me.
where out is BufferedImage reference variable
PDPage page = new PDPage();
PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(outputdocument, page, AppendMode.APPEND, true);
PDImageXObject pdImageXObject = JPEGFactory.createFromImage(outputdocument, out);
contentStream.drawImage(pdImageXObject, 5, 2, 600, 750);
This link gives you details about Class PrintImageLocations.
This PrintImageLocations will give you the x and y coordinates of the images.
Usage: java org.apache.pdfbox.examples.util.PrintImageLocations input-pdf

Adding a dynamic image to a PDF using ColdFusion and iText

I pieced together some code to insert a dynamic image into a PDF using both ColdFusion and iText, while filling in some form fields as well. After I got it working and blogged about it, I couldn't help but think that there might be a better way to accomplish this. I'm using the basic idea of this in a production app right now so any comments or suggestion would be most welcomed.
// full path to PDF you want to add image to
readPDF = expandpath(”your.pdf”);
// full path to the PDF we will output. Using creatUUID() to create
// a unique file name so we can delete it afterwards
writePDF = expandpath(”#createUUID()#.pdf”);
// full path to the image you want to add
yourimage = expandpath(”dynamic_image.jpg”);
// output buffer to write PDF
fileIO = createObject(”java”,””).init(writePDF);
// reader to read our PDF
reader = createObject(”java”,”com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader”).init(readPDF);
// stamper so we can modify our existing PDF
stamper = createObject(”java”,”com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper”).init(reader, fileIO);
// get the content of our existing PDF
content = stamper.getOverContent(reader.getNumberOfPages());
// create an image object so we can add our dynamic image to our PDF
image = createobject(”java”, “com.lowagie.text.Image”);
// get the form fields
pdfForm = stamper.getAcroFields();
// setting a value to our form field
pdfForm.setField(”our_field”, “whatever you want to put here”);
// initalize our image
img = image.getInstance(yourimage);
// centering our image top center of our existing PDF with a little margin from the top
x = (reader.getPageSize(1).width() - img.scaledWidth()) - 50;
y = (reader.getPageSize(1).height() - img.scaledHeight()) / 2 ;
// now we assign the position to our image
img.setAbsolutePosition(javacast(”float”, y),javacast(”float”, x));
// add our image to the existing PDF
// flattern our form so our values show
// close the stamper and output our new PDF
// close the reader
<!— write out new PDF to the browser —>
<cfcontent type=”application/pdf” file = “#writePDF#” deleteFile = “yes”>
<cfpdf> + DDX seems possible.
I have made it in another way with itext library
I don´t want overwrite my existing pdf with the image to insert, so just modify the original pdf inserting the image, just insert with itext doesn´t work for me.
So, I have to insert the image into a blank pdf (
And then join my original pdf and the new pdf-image. Obtaining one pdf with several pages.
After that you can overlay the pdf pages with this cool concept