When I subclass a class using ByteBuddy in certain situations I get IllegalAccessErrors. Why? - byte-buddy

(I am a new ByteBuddy user. I'm using ByteBuddy version 1.10.8 and JDK 11 without the module path or any other part of the module system.)
I have a nested class declared like this:
public static class Frob {
protected Frob() {
public String sayHello() {
return "Hello!";
(Its containing class is foo.bar.TestExplorations.)
When I create a dynamic subclass of Frob named foo.bar.Crap like the following, everything works OK as I would expect:
final String className = "foo.bar.Crap";
final DynamicType.Unloaded<?> dynamicTypeUnloaded = new ByteBuddy()
final Class<?> mySubclass = dynamicTypeUnloaded
.load(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), ClassLoadingStrategy.Default.WRAPPER)
assertEquals(className, mySubclass.getName());
final Object frobSubclass = mySubclass.newInstance();
assertTrue(frobSubclass instanceof Frob);
But if I change Frob's constructor so that it is package private, I get the following error from the final assertion:
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class foo.bar.Crap tried to access method 'void foo.bar.TestExplorations$Frob.<init>()' (foo.bar.Crap is in unnamed module of loader net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ByteArrayClassLoader #5e3d57c7; foo.bar.TestExplorations$Frob is in unnamed module of loader 'app')
For some reason, Crap's constructor cannot call super(), even though Crap and Frob are in the same package, and Frob() is defined as package-private.
I have a sense the JDK module system is to blame here, even though I am deliberately (very, very deliberately) not using it. I know the module system does not like split packages, which is what it looks like to me is going on here. Is there a constructor strategy or other mechanism to work around this problem?

In Java, a package is only equal to another package if it has the same name and is loaded by the same class loader (the same as it is with classes). If you are using the WRAPPER strategy, you cannot access package-private members of any super class. Byte Buddy does not forbid the generation as it would be legal to do in javac but you would need to use the INJECTION strategy to do what you want to make sure that classes are loaded by the same class loader. Mind that it uses internal API, therefore, from Java 9, you'd rather use a ForLookup class loading strategy.


Implement class with private constructor in Kotlin

I'd like to write a little stub for a service class. The reason is, that I don't want to push the secret API keys that the service class needs to the CI and I don't want the service class in the CI to run against the external service anyways.
However, the service class is non-abstract and has a private constructor.
When I try to create my stub class like:
open class FirebaseMock: FirebaseMessaging {
// implemented functions go here
it says
This type has a constructor, and thus must be initialized here
If I try to initialize it like:
open class FirebaseMock: FirebaseMessaging() {
// implemented functions go here
it goes
Cannot access '<init>': it is private in 'FirebaseMessaging'
Which is true:
private FirebaseMessaging(Builder builder) {
All I want to do is make my stub class formally a subclass of FirebaseMessaging to use it as placeholder, that mocks the FirebaseMessaging-Functionality when the API keys are not present.
How can I just implement a non-abstract, non-interface class, that has a private constructor nonetheless.
My current solution is a wrapper, which works but is not as nice.
Mockito etc. does not seem like a good solution, since this is still in the productive code.

how to transform interface to abstract by using javassist

I am using javassist library for modify class files.
I want to modify interface to abstract class
for example,
original :
public interface javax.servlet.Servlet {
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException;
modified :
public abstract javax.servlet.Servlet {
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
callMethod(); // this is implemented original method
How can i apply this solution like aop(before, after)?
I think the first problem with your approach is that when you try to modify your interface using Javassist you are attempting to redefine an interface that has been already loaded by the class loader.
One option might be to do a bit of classloader tricks: create a new classloader that doesn't have your existing interface loaded (parent is the system classloader) and have Javassist load through that (use aCtClass.toClass() method that takes a ClassLoader argument). However is not really something I would do since to manage properly more than one ClassLoader is not that easy.
There might be a better way to achieve your goal, and creating new classes might be a better design. You could create a new class that implements everything you need and then extends the required interface.
Moreover I suggest you to take also a look at dynamic proxies that could be an option as well. Their biggest advantage is that you don't need any 3rd party libraries to create them.

Register JodaModule in Jax-RS Application

I'm writing a Jax-RS application using Jersey, and Jackson2 under the hood to facilitate JSON i/o. The service itself works fine, but I'd like to improve it by having the Jackson mapper automagically serialize/deserialize date and date-times to JodaTime objects.
I'm following the documentation here and have added the relevant jars, but I'm lost on this instruction:
Registering module
To use Joda datatypes with Jackson, you will first need to register the module first (same as with all Jackson datatype modules):
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.registerModule(new JodaModule());
I've tried to do this in the custom class that extends jax.ws.rs.core.Application, but I'm not at all confident in that solution. I'm currently getting this error:
Can not instantiate value of type [simple type, class org.joda.time.DateTime] from String value ('2014-10-22'); no single-String constructor/factory method
at [Source: org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.ReaderInterceptorExecutor$UnCloseableInputStream#3471b6d5; line: 7, column: 25]
Other than the general impression that this module registration needs to happen at application (servlet?) startup, I have no idea what to do with this information. Do I need to annotate a custom class with something in particular to have it picked up ? Should I be extending some class ?
The examples I find on StackOverflow usually stick it in main() and call the mapper directly, but I'm relying on Jackson Databinding so the examples aren't relevant. Any direction is appreciated.
You'll basically want to create/configure/return the ObjectMapper in a ContextResolver. Something like
public class ObjectMapperContextResolver implements ContextResolver<ObjectMapper> {
final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
public ObjectMapperContextResolver() {
mapper.registerModule(new JodaModule());
public ObjectMapper getContext(Class<?> type) {
return mapper;
If you are using package scanning to discover your resources, then the #Provider annotation should allow this class to be discovered and registered also.
Basically what happens, is the the MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter provided by Jackson, used for unmarshalling and marshalling, respectively, will call the getContext method in the ContextResolver, to determine the ObjectMapper to use. The reader/writer will pass in the class (in a reader it will be the type expected in a method param, in a writer it will be the type returned as-a/in-a response), meaning we are allowed to use differently configured ObjectMapper for different classes, as seen here. In the above solution, it is used for all classes.

How to Solve Circular Dependency

Hi I have a problem with the structure of my code, it somehow goes into Circular Dependency. Here is an explanation of how my code looks like:
I have a ProjectA contains BaseProcessor and BaseProcessor has a reference to a class called Structure in ProjectB. Inside BaseProcessor, there is an instance of Structure as a variable.
In projectB there are someother classes such as Pricing, Transaction etc.
Every class in ProjectB has a base class called BaseStructure i.e. Structure, Pricing and Transaction classes all inherited from BaseStructure.
Now in Pricing and Transaction classes, I want to call a method in BaseProcessor class from BaseStructure class which causing Circular Dependency.
What I have tried is:
Using Unity, but I didn't figure out how to make it work because I try to use function like:
unityContainer.ReferenceType(IBaseProcessor, BaseProcessor)
in BaseStructure then it will need a reference of BaseProcessor which also cause Circular Dependency.
And I've also tried creating an interface of IBaseProcessor and create a function(the function I want to call) declaration in this interface. And let both BaseProcessor and BaseStructure inherit this interface. But how can I call the function in Pricing and Transaction class without create an instance of BaseProcessor?
Can anyone please tell me how to resolve this problem other than using reflection?
Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks :)
You could use the lazy resolution:
public class Pricing {
private Lazy<BaseProcessor> proc;
public Pricing(Lazy<BaseProcessor> proc) {
this.proc = proc;
void Foo() {
Note that you haven't to register the Lazy because Unity will resolve it by BaseProcessor registration.
Your DI container can't help solving the circular reference, since it is the dependency structure of the application that prevents objects from being created. Even without a DI container, you can't construct your object graphs without some special 'tricks'.
Do note that in most cases cyclic dependency graphs are a sign of a design flaw in your application, so you might want to consider taking a very close look at your design and see if this can't be solved by extracting logic into separate classes.
But if this is not an option, there are basically two ways of resolving this cyclic dependency graph. Either you need to fallback to property injection, or need to postpone resolving the component with a factory, Func<T>, or like #onof proposed with a Lazy<T>.
Within these two flavors, there are a lot of possible ways to do this, for instance by falling back to property injection into your application (excuse my C#):
public class BaseStructure {
public BaseStructure(IDependency d1) { ... }
// Break the dependency cycle using a property
public IBaseProcessor Processor { get; set; }
This moves the IBaseProcessor dependency from the constructor to a property and allows you to set it after the graph is constructed. Here's an example of an object graph that is built manually:
var structure = new Structure(new SomeDependency());
var processor = new BaseProcessor(structure);
// Set the property after the graph has been constructed.
structure.Processor = processor;
A better option is to hide the property inside your Composition Root. This makes your application design cleaner, since you can keep using constructor injection. Example:
public class BaseStructure {
// vanilla constructor injection here
public BaseStructure(IDependency d1, IBaseProcessor processor) { ... }
// Defined inside your Composition Root.
private class CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor : IBaseProcessor {
public IBaseProcessor WrappedProcessor { get; set; }
void IBaseProcessor.TheMethod() {
// forward the call to the real processor.
Now instead of injecting the BaseProcessor into your Structure, you inject the CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor, which will be further initialized after the construction of the graph:
var cyclicBreaker = new CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor();
var processor = new BaseProcessor(new Structure(new SomeDependency(), cyclicBreaker));
// Set the property after the graph has been constructed.
cyclicBreaker.WrappedProcessor = processor;
This is basically the same as before, but now the application stays oblivious from the fact that there is a cyclic dependency that needed to be broken.
Instead of using property injection, you can also use Lazy<T>, but just as with the property injection, it is best to hide this implementation detail inside your Composition Root, and don't let Lazy<T> values leak into your application, since this just adds noise to your application, which makes your code more complex and harder to test. Besides, the application shouldn't care that the dependency injection is delayed. Just as with Func<T> (and IEnumerable<T>), when injecting a Lazy<T> the dependency is defined with a particular implementation in mind and we're leaking implementation details. So it's better to do the following:
public class BaseStructure {
// vanilla constructor injection here
public BaseStructure(IDependency d1, IBaseProcessor processor) { ... }
// Defined inside your Composition Root.
public class CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor : IBaseProcessor {
public CyclicDependencyBreakingBaseProcessor(Lazy<IBaseProcessor> processor) {...}
void IBaseProcessor.TheMethod() {
With the following wiring:
IBaseProcessor value = null;
var cyclicBreaker = new CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor(
new Lazy<IBaseProcessor>(() => value));
var processor = new BaseProcessor(new Structure(new SomeDependency(), cyclicBreaker));
// Set the value after the graph has been constructed.
value = processor;
Up until now I only showed how to build up the object graph manually. When doing this using a DI container, you usually want to let the DI container build up the complete graph for you, since this yields a more maintainable Composition Root. But this can make it a bit more tricky to break the cyclic dependencies. In most cases the trick is to register the component that you want to break with a caching lifestyle (basically anything else than transient). Per Web Request Lifestyle for instance. This allows you to get the same instance in a lazy fashion.
Using the last CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor example, we can create the following Unity registration:
container.Register<BaseProcessor>(new PerRequestLifetimeManager());
container.RegisterType<IStructure, Structure>();
container.RegisterType<IDependency, SomeDependenc>();
container.Register<IBaseProcessor>(new InjectionFactory(c =>
new CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor(
new Lazy<IBaseProcessor>(() => c.GetInstance<BaseProcessor>())));

Dozer BeanFactory: How to implement it?

I have looked at the Dozer's FAQs and docs, including the SourceForge forum, but I didn't see any good tutorial or even a simple example on how to implement a custom BeanFactory.
Everyone says, "Just implement a BeanFactory". How exactly do you implement it?
I've Googled and all I see are just jars and sources of jars.
Here is one of my BeanFactories, I hope it helps to explain the common pattern:
public class LineBeanFactory implements BeanFactory {
public Object createBean(final Object source, final Class<?> sourceClass, final String targetBeanId) {
final LineDto dto = (LineDto) source;
return new Line(dto.getCode(), dto.getElectrified(), dto.getName());
And the corresponding XML mapping:
<class-a bean-factory="com.floyd.nav.web.ws.mapping.dozer.LineBeanFactory">com.floyd.nav.core.model.Line</class-a>
This way I declare that when a new instance of Line is needed then it should create it with my BeanFactory. Here is a unit test, that can explain it:
public void Line_is_created_with_three_arg_constructor_from_LineDto() {
final LineDto dto = createTransientLineDto();
final Line line = (Line) this.lineBeanFactory.createBean(dto, LineDto.class, null);
assertEquals(dto.getCode(), line.getCode());
assertEquals(dto.getElectrified(), line.isElectrified());
assertEquals(dto.getName(), line.getName());
So Object source is the source bean that is mapped, Class sourceClass is the class of the source bean (I'm ignoring it, 'cause it will always be a LineDto instance). String targetBeanId is the ID of the destination bean (too ignored).
A custom bean factory is a class that has a method that creates a bean. There are two "flavours"
a) static create method
SomeBean x = SomeBeanFactory.createSomeBean();
b) instance create method
SomeBeanFactory sbf = new SomeBeanFactory();
SomeBean x = sbf.createSomeBean();
You would create a bean factory if creating and setting up your bean requires some tricky logic, like for example initial value of certain properties depend on external configuration file. A bean factory class allows you to centralize "knowledge" about how to create such a tricky bean. Other classes just call create method without worying how to correctly create such bean.
Here is an actual implementation. Obviously it does not make a lot of sense, since Dozer would do the same without the BeanFactory, but instead of just returning an object, you could initialized it somehow differently.
public class ComponentBeanFactory implements BeanFactory {
public Object createBean(Object source, Class<?> sourceClass,
String targetBeanId) {
return new ComponentDto();
Why do you need a BeanFactory anyways? Maybe that would help understanding your question.