I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I’m trying to use the Quizlet API for a personal project I have but I can’t seem to find where to access the Quizlet API. It seems like there are a few pages on Quizlet about their API but all of them are now gone giving “The page you’re looking for is no longer available error”.
I’m just wondering if anyone knows how I could get the API key (I am relatively new to working with API’S).
They are no longer supporting the API.
The answer from the support:
Thanks for your interest in the Quizlet API. We are no longer supporting the Quizlet API, for commercial or personal use, and are not currently issuing any new API keys to potential developers.If you would like to be contacted about any future updates, please let us know by filling out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScxmhsrGJGbnf0Y0qh9FiquWyDLiWZozc2aKcqczFL2SvYMvw/viewform
Seems that API is hosted at a different URL and may be working at this time. Here's a snippet that came up on google search and seems to be active.
async function quizlet(id){
let res = await fetch(`https://quizlet.com/webapi/3.4/studiable-item-documents?filters%5BstudiableContainerId%5D=${id}&filters%5BstudiableContainerType%5D=1&perPage=5&page=1`).then(res => res.json())
let currentLength = 5;
let token = res.responses[0].paging.token
let terms = res.responses[0].models.studiableItem;
let page = 2;
console.log({token, terms})
while (currentLength >= 5){
let res = await fetch(`https://quizlet.com/webapi/3.4/studiable-item-documents?filters%5BstudiableContainerId%5D=${id}&filters%5BstudiableContainerType%5D=1&perPage=5&page=${page++}&pagingToken=${token}`).then(res => res.json());
currentLength = res.responses[0].models.studiableItem.length;
token = res.responses[0].paging.token;
return terms;
I've been testing to get weather data from https://api.darksky.net/.
After research, in my provider, where I use this.http.get, my codes are as below:
let url = 'https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/https://api.darksky.net/forecast/a470b5427c601724577e80b8bc4d2d03/37.8267,-122.4233'
let response = this.http.get(url).map(res => res.json());
return response;
It shows on Chrome/Safari, and you notice my url added something 'https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/'. It is successful, very very good. I show you the image:
See, I have the temperature and summary. Location I use Google API that's why no mention.
Okay, real problem here. I ionic upload and I want to see it in Ionic View. Tom my very surprise, it shows no data, except the clock and the word "in". I removed https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/ it also seems useless. Still nothing. Can you guys please help me?
I really really thank you.
*No one replied me :( But it's okay, what if it is in React Native?
The HTTP method is asynchronous. You haven't really provided an awful lot to go on here in terms of how you're actually displaying the data, but this is how I'd go about it.
.map(res => res.json())
.subscribe(data => {
console.log(data); //here's your response
return data;
As I said, this is asynchronous, so I'm not sure whether you know that when you return response above. That's why I put in the console.log line so that you can see that it's getting back data.
Bear in mind that darksky also has rate limits. I think it's 1000 free calls a day, and then it's into a paid tier. So if you've been bombarding their server without any payment details, then you'll get cut off.
I m beginner in laravel 5, i want to know how to write service api for save the values which passing from mobile app.. Example register user in mobile app and pass those data throghu REST api to db.
Please advice
Jzon - Laravel provide very friendly documentation for beginners like you. Most of things are explained on documentation page mentioned below - Please go through link once - http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/authentication#authentication-quickstart.
Lastly, quick hint for you, when ever you return an array from controller laravel default gives JSON response for you..
e.g. I am in TasksController
public function show($id) {
$task = Task::findOrFail($id);
return $task->toArray()
this would give Json.
Please let me know which programming language is the below code:
WSProxy.AuthenticationHeader auth = new WSProxy.AuthenticationHeader();
Seems that it is of ASP.Net's code related to Web Service security. You can find its example overhere
In pre V1.0 Spotify Apps API you could do...
var uri_type = models.Link.getType(playlist_uri); // returns 5 (number)
To find out if a URI is a Track, Playlist, Album etc...
But I don't see anything similar in V1.0.0 of the apps API.
Anyone know if something similar is in the new API?
If you need it to determine the type in order to know what type to use when loading the URI (e.g. Playlist.fromURI, Artist.fromURI), you could use models.fromURI(String uri).
Furthermore, if you'd like to know exactly which type was loaded, you can check the constructor.name property of the loaded object. For example,
require(['$api/models'], function(models) {
var loadable = models.fromURI("spotify:artist:18iQQOuyGlHunPVzmoLY20");
Every time I make a request for getting a video to youtube API I make something like that:
public Video GetVideo(string videoId)
YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings);
Uri videoEntryUrl = new Uri("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/" + videoId);
return request.Retrieve<Video>(videoEntryUrl);
Sometimes I get an exception saying "Captcha required". I was wondering if building the YoutubeRequest is asking for an authentication token for every call to GetVideo and because of that I'm getting this exception. Is it possible? How can I avoid this exception? And I'm not talking about handling it with a try-catch.
Yes; there are ways of reusing a ClientLogin token. Please see scenario 4 in this blog post, and take a look at the "Recalling an auth token" section of this document.
Better yet, I'd recommend making the move to OAuth 2 instead of ClientLogin, as mentioned in that blog post.