ngrx store state undefined - angular8

I am not sure why my state in my store is undefined when I try to access it. I have been looking at this for sometime now and I cannot figure it out.
my actions are
export const GetMerchants = createAction('[Merchant] - Get Merchants');
export const GetMerchantsSuccess = createAction(
'[Merchant] - Get Merchants Success',
props<{ payload: Merchant[] }>()
export const GetMerchantsFailure = createAction(
'[Merchant] - Get Merchants Failure',
props<{ payload: Error }>()
My reducers and state def are
export default class MerchantListState {
merchants: Array<Merchant>;
merchantError: Error;
export const initializeMerchantListState = (): MerchantListState => {
return {
merchants: new Array<Merchant>(),
merchantError: null
export const intialMerchantListState = initializeMerchantListState();
const _reducer = createReducer(
on(actions.GetMerchants, (state: MerchantListState) => {
return {
on(actions.GetMerchantsSuccess, (state: MerchantListState, { payload }) => {
let newstate = { ...state,
merchants: [ ...state.merchants, payload],
merchantError: null
return newstate;
on(actions.GetMerchantsFailure, (state: MerchantListState, { payload }) => {
return { ...state, merchantError: payload };
export function merchantListReducer(state: MerchantListState, action: Action) {
return _reducer(state, action);
My effects
export class MerchantListEffects {
constructor(private apiService: ApiService, private apiRouteService: ApiRouteService, private action$: Actions) { }
GetMerchants$: Observable<Action> = createEffect(() =>
mergeMap(action => this.apiService.get(this.apiRouteService.toMerchants()).pipe(
map((data: Merchant[]) => { console.log(data); return actions.GetMerchantsSuccess({ payload: data }); }
), catchError((error: Error) => { return of(actions.GetMerchantsFailure({ payload: error })) })
When I inject the state into the component
private store: Store<{ merchantList: MerchantListState }>
I get an undefined merchant$ observable when I try to do this
this.merchants$ = store.pipe(select('merchantList'));
this.merchantSubscription = this.merchants$.pipe(
map(x => {
On a button click I am loading the merchants with this dispatch;
I have my reducer and effects defined in AppModule
StoreModule.forRoot({ merchantList: merchantListReducer }),
Is it something that I am missing?

First Parameter of createReducer is a value, not a function.
API > #ngrx/store
If you use a function, you have to call it:
const _reducer = createReducer(
I prefare the way to define direct a value initialState:
export const initializeMerchantListState: MerchantListState = {
merchants: new Array<Merchant>(),
merchantError: null


Vue 3 ref access always returns undefined

Ok. so I do have this image object I get from my DB and store it into a vuex store:
// State
const state = {
userImages: [],
// Getters
const getters = {
getImages: (state) => {
return state.userImages;
getFilePathExists: (state) => (fullPath) => {
return !!state.userImages.find((item) => item.fullPath === fullPath);
getFileNameExists: (state) => (name) => {
return !!state.userImages.find((item) => === name);
getImagesInFolder: (state) => (folder) => {
if(folder) {
return state.userImages.filter(im => {
if(im.folders) {
return im.folders.includes(folder)
return false
return state.userImages
// Mutations
const mutations = {
setImages(state, val) {
state.userImages = val;
export default {
// actions,
So far so good. Now if I use the '''getImages''' getter, the Object gets to be loaded into a ref:
const detailImage = shallowRef({});
const showImageDetails = (image) => {
if (!showDetails.value) {
showDetails.value = true;
activeImage.value =
detailImage.value = image;
The JSON has a nested Object called exif_data. If I onsole.log this, I get: Proxy {Make: 'Apple', Flash: 'Flash did not fire. No strobe return detection fun…on present. No red-eye reduction mode or unknown.', Model: 'iPhone 6', FNumber: 2.2, COMPUTED: {…}, …}.
So far so good, but when I would like to access any property of the nested Object, either with or without using .value I just get undefined.
Any ideas?

Testing custom hook - not wrapped in act warning

I' trying to test a custom hook but I receive this warning message
console.error node_modules/#testing-library/react-hooks/lib/core/console.js:19
Warning: An update to TestComponent inside a test was not wrapped in act(...).
When testing, code that causes React state updates should be wrapped into act(...):
act(() => {
/* fire events that update state */
/* assert on the output */
This ensures that you're testing the behavior the user would see in the browser.
This is my custom hook
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import io from ''
import config from './../../../../config'
const useNotificationsSocket = (user) => {
const [socket, setSocket] = useState(null)
const [numUnreadMessages, setNumUnreadMessages] = useState(0)
const configureSocket = socket => {
socket.on('connect', () => {
const data = {
user: user,
socket.emit('user joined', data)
socket && socket.on('messages updated', (data) => {
useEffect(() => {
const fetchSocket = async () => {
const s = await io(config.nSocket.url, {transports: ['websocket']})
// Check that user is not an empty object as this causes a crash.
user && user.Id && fetchSocket()
}, [user])
return [socket, numUnreadMessages]
export { useNotificationsSocket }
and this is the test
import { renderHook, act } from '#testing-library/react-hooks'
import { useNotificationsSocket } from './../hooks/useNotificationsSocket'
describe('useNotificationsSocket', () => {
it('returns a socket and numUnreadMessages', async () => {
const user = { Id: '1' }
const { result } = renderHook(() => useNotificationsSocket(user))
I've tried importing act and wrapping the code in a call to act but however I try to wrap the code I still get a warning and can't figure out how I should use act in this case.
Your hook is asynchronous, so you need to await its response:
describe('useNotificationsSocket', () => {
it('returns a socket and numUnreadMessages', async () => {
const user = { Id: '1' }
const { result } = renderHook(() => useNotificationsSocket(user))
await waitFor(() => expect(result).not.toBeNull())
Additionally, if you define multiple tests, you may encounter your original error if you fail to unmount the hook. At least this appears to be the behaviour in #testing-library/react v13.3.0. You can solve this by unmounting the hook when your test completes:
describe('useNotificationsSocket', () => {
it('returns a socket and numUnreadMessages', async () => {
const user = { Id: '1' }
const { result, unmount } = renderHook(() => useNotificationsSocket(user))
await waitFor(() => expect(result).not.toBeNull())

How can I alter my redux action and reducer to have array with objects in it?

I have currently redux action and reducer that allows me to add or remove items from the array. Now I want to add more items in following format. [{id: , car: '', text: '', box1Checked: '', box2Checked: '', box3Checked: ''}]
This is the form I have.
this is my current action file:
export const addNewCar = (text) => ({
type: ADD_NEW_CAR,
payload: text
export const deleteExistingCar = (car) => ({
payload: car
this is the reducer:
const initialState = {
cars: [],
const carsListReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
cars: [, action.payload],
return {
cars: [ => car !== action.payload)
return state
export default carsListReducer
This is where i call the function to add cars.
const addCarDetails = () => {
if (newCar.length > 0) {
// setCars([
// {
// id: cars.length + 1,
// license: newCar,
// },
// ])
} else {
const removeCar = (item) => {
//setCars(cars.filter((item) => item.license !== license))
To change any reducer value, you need to dispatch an action with the dispatch() method.
// Top-level import
import {useDispatch} from 'rect-redux'
// Inside a functional component
const dispatch = useDispatch()
const addCarDetails = () => {
if (newCar.length > 0) {
// dispatch add new car action to associated reducer
} else {
const removeCar = (item) => {
// dispatch remove a car action to associated reducer
The problem was solved using following. It was really small change that was needed.
return {
cars: [, {id:, ...action.payload}],

useMutation not mutating the local state

I'm getting this error while trying to mutate the local state in apollo.
errInvariant Violation: Expecting a parsed GraphQL document. Perhaps you need to wrap the query string in a "gql" tag?
Initial state
registration: {
__typename: 'Registration',
tempMerchantId: '',
authorizeProfile: {
__typename: 'AuthorizePersonProfile',
nid_front: '',
nid_back: '',
authorized_person_photo: ''
My mutation
export const setAuthorizePersonQuery = gql`
mutation setAuthorizePersonProfileInfo($authorizePerosnData: Object!){
setAuthorizePersonProfileInfo(authorizePersonData: $authorizePerosnData) #client
My resolver
export const setAuthorizePersonProfileInfo = (
_, { authorizePersonData }, { cache }
) => {
try {
const prevData = cache.readQuery({ getAuthorizePersonProfileQuery });
data: {
registration: {
__typename: 'Registration',
authorizeProfile: {
__typename: 'AuthorizePersonProfile',
} catch (e) {
return null;
I'm trying to mutate the local state on button press, the function is
const handlePressedNext = () => {
variables: { authorizePersonData: generateNidData() }
.then(() => {
generateNidData function is like bellow
const generateNidData = () => ({
nid_front: nidFrontImage,
nid_back: nidBackImage
I'm new to apollo client. I can not understand what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone help me figure out the problem?
getAuthorizePersonProfileQuery is not a valid option for readQuery. Presumably, you meant use query instead.

How to correctly test effects in ngrx 4?

There are plenty of tutorials how to test effects in ngrx 3.
However, I've found only 1 or 2 for ngrx4 (where they removed the classical approach via EffectsTestingModule ), e.g. the official tutorial
However, in my case their approach doesn't work.
effects.spec.ts (under src/modules/list/store/list in the link below)
describe('addItem$', () => {
it('should return LoadItemsSuccess action for each item', async() => {
const item = makeItem(Faker.random.word);
actions = hot('--a-', { a: new AddItem({ item })});
const expected = cold('--b', { b: new AddUpdateItemSuccess({ item }) });
// comparing marbles
effects.ts (under src/modules/list/store/list in the link below)
#Effect() addItem$ = this._actions$
.map<AddItem, {item: Item}>(action => {
return action.payload
.mergeMap<{item: Item}, Observable<Item>>(payload => {
return Observable.fromPromise(this._listService.add(payload.item))
.map<any, AddUpdateItemSuccess>(item => {
return new AddUpdateItemSuccess({
should return LoadItemsSuccess action for each item
Expected $.length = 0 to equal 1.
Expected $[0] = undefined to equal Object({ frame: 20, notification: Notification({ kind: 'N', value: AddUpdateItemSuccess({ payload: Object({ item: Object({ title: Function }) }), type: 'ADD_UPDATE_ITEM_SUCCESS' }), error: undefined, hasValue: true }) }).
at compare (webpack:///node_modules/jasmine-marbles/index.js:82:0 <- karma-test-shim.js:159059:33)
at Object.<anonymous> (webpack:///src/modules/list/store/list/effects.spec.ts:58:31 <- karma-test-shim.js:131230:42)
at step (karma-test-shim.js:131170:23)
NOTE: the effects use a service which involves writing to PouchDB. However, the issue doesn't seem related to that
and also the effects work in the running app.
The full code is a Ionic 3 app and be found here (just clone, npm i and npm run test)
With ReplaySubject it works, but not with hot/cold marbles
const item = makeItem(Faker.random.word);
actions = new ReplaySubject(1) // = Observable + Observer, 1 = buffer size AddItem({ item }));
effects.addItem$.subscribe(result => {
expect(result).toEqual(new AddUpdateItemSuccess({ item }));
My question was answered by #phillipzada at the Github issue I posted.
For anyone checking this out later, I report here the answer:
Looks like this is a RxJS issue when using promises using marbles.
I did manage to do a bit of a hack which should work, however, you will need to put a separate test the service is being called unless you can update the service to return an observable instead of a promise.
Essentially what I did was extract the Observable.fromPromise call into its own "internal function" which we can mock to simulate a call to the service, then it looks from there.
This way you can test the internal function _addItem without using marbles.
import 'rxjs/add/observable/fromPromise';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap';
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Actions, Effect } from '#ngrx/effects';
import { Action } from '#ngrx/store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
export const ADD_ITEM = 'Add Item';
export const ADD_UPDATE_ITEM_SUCCESS = 'Add Item Success';
export class AddItem implements Action {
type: string = ADD_ITEM;
constructor(public payload: { item: any }) { }
export class AddUpdateItemSuccess implements Action {
constructor(public payload: { item: any }) { }
export class Item {
export class ListingService {
add(item: Item) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(item); });
export class SutEffect {
_addItem(payload: { item: Item }) {
return Observable.fromPromise(this._listService.add(payload.item));
#Effect() addItem$ = this._actions$
.map(action => action.payload)
.mergeMap<{ item: Item }, Observable<Item>>(payload => {
return this._addItem(payload).map(item => new AddUpdateItemSuccess({
private _actions$: Actions,
private _listService: ListingService) {
import { cold, hot, getTestScheduler } from 'jasmine-marbles';
import { async, TestBed } from '#angular/core/testing';
import { Actions } from '#ngrx/effects';
import { Store, StoreModule } from '#ngrx/store';
import { getTestActions, TestActions } from 'app/tests/sut.helpers';
import { AddItem, AddUpdateItemSuccess, ListingService, SutEffect } from './sut.effect';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';
describe('Effect Tests', () => {
let store: Store<any>;
let storeSpy: jasmine.Spy;
beforeEach(async(() => {
imports: [
providers: [
provide: ListingService,
useValue: jasmine.createSpyObj('ListingService', ['add'])
provide: Actions,
useFactory: getTestActions
store = TestBed.get(Store);
storeSpy = spyOn(store, 'dispatch').and.callThrough();
storeSpy = spyOn(store, 'select').and.callThrough();
function setup() {
return {
effects: TestBed.get(SutEffect) as SutEffect,
listingService: TestBed.get(ListingService) as jasmine.SpyObj<ListingService>,
actions$: TestBed.get(Actions) as TestActions
fdescribe('addItem$', () => {
it('should return LoadItemsSuccess action for each item', async () => {
const { effects, listingService, actions$ } = setup();
const action = new AddItem({ item: 'test' });
const completion = new AddUpdateItemSuccess({ item: 'test' });
// mock this function which we can test later on, due to the promise issue
spyOn(effects, '_addItem').and.returnValue(Observable.of('test'));
actions$.stream = hot('-a|', { a: action });
const expected = cold('-b|', { b: completion });
import { Actions } from '#ngrx/effects';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { empty } from 'rxjs/observable/empty';
export class TestActions extends Actions {
constructor() {
set stream(source: Observable<any>) {
this.source = source;
export function getTestActions() {
return new TestActions();