Deploying spinnaker using halyard on Kubernetes - spinnaker

Trying to deploy spinnaker in Kubernetes using halyard.
All my custom configurations are under
So, running the below command deploys the configuration.
hal deploy apply
This reads my settings under default. Is it possible to have a folder other than default? if so, How can i change the config to use the config under the new folder as opposed to default.
Also, All the pods are using the test & local profiles while starting. : The following profiles are active: test,local
Is this only for test or local deployment? Is there any production profile for production grade spinnaker?

About the "default", this is called "Deployment" - see this:
And, on the profile names, I would not worry too much... You add overrides to the "profiles" directory on these...


Serverless Framework deploy through CircleCI

I'm trying to integrate serverless to my circleci workflow.
I tried first adding both, key and secret to AWS permissions, but that did not work.
Then, I added key and secret to Environment variables and in my config file:
sudo npm install -g serverless
sls config credentials --provider aws --key $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --secret $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
sls deploy -v
But I see the same error:
Serverless Error ---------------------------------------
You are not currently logged in. Follow instructions in to setup env vars for authentication.
Anyone had this issue? I could not find an answer or hint online. Thanks.
This likely only applies to those trying to use Serverless Enterprise with the monitoring & dashboards they have set up. #wintvelt's answer wouldn't work for me because if i deleted the org variable, it would likely break the connection needed for Enterprise. So steps for my CircleCI setup:
In CircleCI, create a Context for each environment with the AWS Key ID and Secret as environment variables (putting them in a context is a nice to have, you could use other methods of making Circle inject environment variables into builds).
In your Serverless Framework dashboard, create a new access key which you will use in Circle.
Create a new environment variable SERVERLESS_ACCESS_KEY with the value from step 2.
I got this idea from reading how has users integrate with Serverless. For more info read this link:
Just checked Circleci stopped supporting AWS Permissions as a configurable option in the settings page.
You need to set the credentials as environment variables for the projects. The credentials should be named exactly AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
that's all you need to do. you don't have to do any additional step. I tried this on my project and it worked.
Your deployment step should simply be
sls deploy
As a follow-up to the previous answer: I had exactly the same error.
I took the solution from the chat as a solution.
For me the fixes I applied:
In CircleCI project settings, under "AWS permissions" I added the AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access key
In CircleCI project settings, under "Environment variables", I also added the AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access key
From my serverless.yml file, I deleted the line with org variable
For me, 1. and 2. alone was not enough. I also had to remove the line from my yml file to make deployment via CircleCI work.
For those landing here with the same issue, hope this helps!

How to correctly setup RabbitMQ on Openshift

I have created new app on OpenShift using this image:
It runs successfully and I can use it. I have added a persistent volume to it.
However, every time a POD is restarted, I loos all my data. This is because RabbitMq uses a hostname to create database directory.
For example:
node : rabbit#openshift-rabbitmq-11-9b6p7
home dir : /var/lib/rabbitmq
config file(s) : /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
cookie hash : BsUC9W6z5M26164xPxUTkA==
log : tty
sasl log : tty
database dir : /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit#openshift-rabbitmq-11-9b6p7
How can I set RabbitMq to always use same database dir?
You should be able to set an environment variable RABBITMQ_MNESIA_DIR to override the default configuration. This can be done via the OpenShift console by add an entry to environment in the deployment config or via the oc tool, for example:
oc set env dc/my-rabbit RABBITMQ_MNESIA_DIR=/myDir
You would then need to mount the persistent volume inside the Pod at the required path. Since you have said it is already created, then you just need to update it, example:
oc volume dc/my-rabbit --add --overwrite --name=my-pv-name --mount-path=/myDir
You will need to make sure you have correct r/w access on the provided mount path
EDIT: Some additional workarounds based on issues in comments
The issues caused by the dynamic hostname could be solved in a number of ways:
1.(Preferred IMO) Move the deployment to a StatefulSet. StatefulSet will provide stability in the naming and hence network identifier of the Pod, which must be fronted by a headless service. This feature is out of beta as of Kubernetes 1.9 and tech preview in OpenShift since version 3.5
Set the hostname for the Pod if Statefulsets are not an option. This can be done by adding the environment variable oc set env dc/example HOSTNAME=example to make the hostname static and setting RABBITMQ_NODENAME to do likewise.
I was able to get it to work by setting the HOSTNAME environment variable. OSE normally sets that value to the pod name, so it changes everytime the pod restarts. By setting it the pod's hostname doesn't change when the pod restarts.
Combined with a Persistent Volume the the queues, messages users and i assume whatever other configuration is persisted through pod restarts.
This was done on an OSE 3.2 server. I just added an environment variable to the deployment config. You can do it through the UI or with the OC CLI:
oc set env dc/my-rabbit HOSTNAME=some-static-name
This will probably be an issue if you run multiple pods for the service, but in that case you would need to setup proper RabbitMq clustering, which is a whole different beast.
The easiest and production-safest way to run RabbitMQ on K8s including OpenShift is the RabbitMQ Cluster Operator.
See this video on how to deploy RabbitMQ on OpenShift.

Use WLST to Retrieve Local Application Path

I am currently automating a process of moving Weblogic applications from old servers to new servers. I was unable to find a way to list the local application path for a deployed Weblogic application using WLST. The closest I found was:
for app in appInfo:
app_path = getPath(app)
print app_path
which will return something like:
This is not the directory I am looking for. I was wondering if someone had some input on how to retrieve the local directory for deployed Weblogic applications.
One easy way to do it with WLST:
ls('/AppDeployments') # this will list all of the deployments
cd('/AppDeployments/<app name>')
cmo.getAbsoluteSourcePath() # this will list the full path
Some things you could try instead of WLST:
Navigate to the /config/ folder and do a:
grep source-path config.xml
This will list the full path to the deployment IF that deployment was deployed with nostage staging-mode. Those paths will be relative if the deployment was deployed with stage for the staging-mode, it will be copied to each managed server that was targeted for the deployment and you will get relative paths like you mentioned above...
Those ear/war files likely live under:
<domain>/servers/<server name>/stage/<deployment name>
Or under

IntelliJ project local deployment configuration for Tomcat- local server root URL

I'm trying to get a local Tomcat deployment under control in IntelliJ (version 12) and so looking to configure a local connection to Tomcat.
I try to add a server specifying 'Local or mounted folder'. All seems okay but asks me to specify 'web server root URL'.
As its a local server I'd like something like '/opt/tomcat/tomcat7-dev' which points to the root of my tomcat install, however IntelliJ logically says this 'URL is not valid'.
Any advice on correct way to specify local server for IntelliJ deployment?
Local Tomcat configuration doesn't require any Deployment settings or mappings, you just configure a server, artifact and a run configuration to start the server and deploy the artifact, more details can be found in the tutorial.

Automatic JDBC Realm configuration

I want to know if it's possible to create JDBC Realm configuration in Glassfish 3.1 without admin console, like creation of a Data Source with the glassfish-resources.xml.
When developers download my GIT repository they don't like to configure Glassfish, it's configured in deployment time.
Best regards
I'd create a shell script or batch file which runs the required asadmin commands.
Here you can find a complete example: Creating JDBC Objects Using asadmin
(Btw, DTD of GlassFish Resources Descriptor does not contain any realm-related tag (include create-auth-realm).)