System.Security.Permissions missing when invoking JsonConvert.DeserializeObject in .NET Core 3.0 - serialization

I have generated the Csharp client for WebAPICore using the OpenAPI generator.
I am getting the local response as 200 with ResponseStatus:OK
But while type casting the response as shown below:
try {
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response.Content, type, serializerSettings);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ApiException(500, e.Message);
AT return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response.Content, type, serializerSettings);. It is having the following issue:
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Security.Permissions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'. The system cannot find the file specified.
I have tried installing the NuGet Package with version: and added the reference to Project, but still facing the same.


Python.Net PythonEngine.Initialize() crashes application without throwing exception

My application (C#, VS2017) previously targeted Python 3.5.1. I have updated the system to Python 3.7.1 and have this is causing PythonEngine.Initialize() to crash the application without throwing an exception.
One internet suggestion was to set the Python env in VS, however this causes VS2017 to close when opening Python/environments. I switched to VS2019 and encountered the same issue with the stripped down code here:
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Python.Runtime;
namespace WindowsFormsApp3
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
catch (Exception e)
string ex = e.ToString();
Python.Net was installed successfully using:
pip install pythonnet
UPDATE Dec 2022
There are 2 optional environment strings you can use to locate the python dll.
PYTHONNET_PYDLL explicitly set the dll name
PYTHONNET_PYVER explicitly set just the version string part of the dll name
Compiling with WINDOWS, OSX or LINUX defined is not required anymore
Here's my PythonNet init function.
Note that running "pip install pythonnet" only installs the ability to load & use CLR types & assemblies from Python. To embed PythonNet in a C# app, you actually don't need to install pythonnet on the Python side.
This function uses some globals set at startup.
Program.PythonHome -- points to the Python root folder I'm using
Program.ScriptsDir -- my own app python scripts dir
Program.ApplicationName -- just my own app name
I also call PythonEngine.BeginAllowThreads(); as I'm calling from multiple threads.
public static void InitPython(Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger logger)
string py_home = Program.PythonHome;
string py_path = $"{py_home};";
// will be different on linux/mac
string[] py_paths = {"DLLs", "lib", "lib/site-packages", "lib/site-packages/win32"
, "lib/site-packages/win32/lib", "lib/site-packages/Pythonwin" };
foreach (string p in py_paths)
py_path += $"{py_home}/{p};";
PythonEngine.PythonPath = $"{Program.ScriptsDir};{py_path}";
PythonEngine.PythonHome = Program.PythonHome;
PythonEngine.ProgramName = Program.ApplicationName;
logger.LogInformation("Python Version: {v}, {dll}", PythonEngine.Version.Trim(), Runtime.PythonDLL);
logger.LogInformation("Python Home: {home}", PythonEngine.PythonHome);
logger.LogInformation("Python Path: {path}", PythonEngine.PythonPath);
catch (System.TypeInitializationException e)
throw new Exception($"FATAL, Unable to load Python, dll={Runtime.PythonDLL}", e);
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception($"Python initialization Exception, {e.Message}", e);

Problem with 32-bit COM component from 64-bit application. (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY)

I have a created a dummy application for testing purposes which is a 64-bit console application, which creates an instance of a 32-bit COM application. It is a third party application called Laserforms.
static void Main(string[] args)
LFM32.Application application;
application = new LFM32.Application();
catch (Exception ex)
Now, this works perfectly on my machine, but when I deploy it to another machine, which has Laserform installed as well I am getting the below error message.
{System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'LFM32.Application'.
This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{6688DD46-3DA3-4FEC-8A1F-54E1453DCC77}'
failed due to the following error: Error loading type library/DLL. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY)).}
I have go one through the registry of both and can't see any differences, what else could I be doing wrong?
So I ran TlbImp on the .tlb file to create a DLL I could reference in my .NET application. This created a couple of extra DLLs and some warnings around Iunknown and some invalid types. I then ran Regasm (from Framework and Framework64) on this and the other DLLs it created but I am still seeing the exact same error.

Getting System.IO.FileNotFoundException and "Error restoring package" for System.Threading.Thread

I am developing a cross platform app for Android and Windows with Visual Studio 2015 and Xamarin Forms.
When I build the project I have no problems. However, if I run the app on Windows and I try to connect to the database, I get the following exception:
"System.IO.FileNotFoundException" in System.Data.SqlClient.dll ("Could not load file or assembly 'System.Threading.Thread, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. System could not specific file.") System.IO.FileNotFoundException
I tried to install the System.Threading.Thread NuGet package, but I got this error message:
Error restoring package
Here is the code I used that worked with the SqlConnection previously:
DisplayAlert("estado", "estado: " + conn.State, "ok");
catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException eo)
DisplayAlert("estado", "ERROR1!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n" + eo.Message, "ok");
catch (Exception ex)
DisplayAlert("estado", "ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"+ ex.Message, "ok");

Assembly 'System.Web.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' uses 'System.Net.Http.Formatting, Version=

I m getting the below error message while running the WebAPI service.
'System.Web.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The
located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly
reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
Here are the version information
System.Web.Http 5.2.3
System.Web.Http.OData 5.5
System.Web.Http.WebHost 5.2.3
NewtonSoft.Json 6.0
Copy to Local set to True for all the Dll's. I tried to do update -package using Nuget and no go.
If i remove the OData reference, its working fine.
I tried it in the other way by adding OData reference and including the namespace and simply commented the method where i used ODataQueryOptions, then it worked fine. Please help me with this and if any further information is required, i m happy to add it as well
public HttpResponseMessage GetEventStatusTypes (ODataQueryOptions<UnAuthEventStatusType> options)
using (UnAuthAppAdminBusLib unAuthAppAdminBusLib = new UnAuthAppAdminBusLib())
var eventStatusTypes = unAuthAppAdminBusLib.GetEventStatusType(options) as IEnumerable<UnAuthEventStatusType>;
return Request.CreateResponse<IEnumerable<UnAuthEventStatusType>> (HttpStatusCode.OK, eventStatusTypes);
catch (Exception ex)
return Request.CreateResponse<string>(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message);

Could not load middleware layer ''

I'm using Sap Jco to connect to SAP database with the front end being Java(JSF), When I connect to SAP with:
try {
mConnection =JCO.createClient("400", // SAP client
"c3026902", // userid
"********", // password
"EN", // language
"iwdf5020", // host name
"00"); // system number
catch (Exception ex) {
Problem I'm facing is when run the application for the first time, data is displayed but when I re-run it says "Could not load middleware layer '' "
Can any one help me in resolving the issue?????
This sounds like the API cannot load the native driver files.
The SAP Java Connector consists of a native runtime part, that does the actuall communication and a Java API that wraps this functionality with a java api.
The Java API is inside the sapjco.jar and the native drivers are e.g on windows inside librfc32.dll and sapjcorfc.dll.
Place these dll's into your system path (e.g. windows: C:\WiNDOWS\system32) and it should run.
Are your DLLs located in the Windows system32 folder? If so, are you probably using the wrong architecture? (x64 DLL on 32 bit or vice versa)
Also, are the DLLs the same version as the java api? If you have SAP GUI installed there could be older DLLs around.
Defining SAP connection:
For the Version 3,0 of the sapjco library there exists plenty of useful information. To create a connection following the instructions in:
There are a few thing that you should take into account:
Place the dll file in the same place that the jar.
The dll must be the right version for your operating system and architecture otherwise you will get a native library error.
Example of code to create a connection to the server.
public class StepByStepClient
Properties connectProperties = new Properties();
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_ASHOST, "ls4065");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_SYSNR, "85");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_CLIENT, "800");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_USER, "homofarber");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_PASSWD, "laska");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_LANG, "en");
createDestinationDataFile(DESTINATION_NAME1, connectProperties);
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_POOL_CAPACITY, "3");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_PEAK_LIMIT, "10");
createDestinationDataFile(DESTINATION_NAME2, connectProperties);
static void createDestinationDataFile(String destinationName, Properties connectProperties)
File destCfg = new File(destinationName+".jcoDestination");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destCfg, false);, "for tests only !");
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create the destination files", e);
public static void step1Connect() throws JCoException
JCoDestination destination = JCoDestinationManager.getDestination(DESTINATION_NAME1);
In SAPJco 3.0 connections are build from the info contained in a “Destination”.
The documentation example use a properties file to save the “Destination”. However it is a non-secure way to keep connection info. As is indicated on the documentation in the hightlighted paragraph you can see on next link.
You can keep connection info on a database or any other storage system if you create a custom “DestinationDataProvider” In the Examples provided with the SAPJco library there is an example of how to create a custom DestinationDataProvider.