Scrollpositionrestoration setting is not working in ionic 4 angular 8 - ionic4

I changed routing module to keep scroll top on loading page in ionic 4 angular 8
but It is not working and keeping the scrolled position.
inserted code is underline.
preloadingStrategy: PreloadAllModules, // default
enableTracing: false,
onSameUrlNavigation: 'reload',
scrollPositionRestoration: 'top', // inserted paramenter


strange behaviour Laravel Livewire with 2 instances

I have a simple page in Laravel 8 with livewire (jetstream). On that page i can open a modal form. In fact i have 2 modal forms in that page, one for editing and one for confirming prior to a delete.
I was testing and had Edge open with one instance (logged in a test user) and one instance in Chrome (logged in as another user).
When i opened the edit-modal on Chrome, the confirm-delete modal opened in my Edge browser.
I display my ConfirmDelete model with this:
<x-jet-dialog-modal wire:model="confirmDelete">
i watched my variable and it did go from false to true when i opende the other modal on my other browser.
{{-- modal form --}}
<x-jet-dialog-modal wire:model="modalFormVisible">
When i look at my Network tab in the Chrome diagnostics is see this:
"data": {
"modalFormVisible": true
"checksum": "7697e888b4472a9519f206d733a5d15e42a3f346b0d7fbcd349a25f67de67c86"
And at that same time, doing nothing in my edge browser, there i see this in my network tab:
"htmlHash": "f65525e2",
"data": {
"confirmDelete": true,
"modelId": null,
"name": null,
"myPermissions": null
"checksum": "60117ff32a9956f915e1a2dab4a6671ce2ff236435ae10c4955f94cb7f9d590d"
I am using Apache and am using browsersync.
Any Ideas? Is this normal behaviour?

Disable smart banner for non-ios and non-android platforms?

Is there a way to disable smart banner for all non-ios and non-android platforms?
For eg. disabling smart banner for windows, blackberry etc.
Alex from here: sure is! Take a look at the parameters here.
icon: '',
title: 'Branch Demo App',
description: 'The Branch demo app!',
rating: 5, // Displays a star rating out of 5. Supports half stars through increments of .5
reviewCount: 1500, // Amount of reviews your app has received next to the star rating
openAppButtonText: 'Open', // Text to show on button if the user has the app installed
downloadAppButtonText: 'Download', // Text to show on button if the user does not have the app installed
sendLinkText: 'Send Link', // Text to show on desktop button to allow users to text themselves the app
phonePreviewText: '+44 9999-9999', // The default phone placeholder is a US format number, localize the placeholder number with a custom placeholder with this option
showiOS: true, // Should the banner be shown on iOS devices (both iPhones and iPads)?
showiPad: true, // Should the banner be shown on iPads (this overrides showiOS)?
showAndroid: true, // Should the banner be shown on Android devices?
showBlackberry: true, // Should the banner be shown on Blackberry devices?
showWindowsPhone: true, // Should the banner be shown on Windows Phone devices?
showKindle: true, // Should the banner be shown on Kindle devices?
showDesktop: true, // Should the banner be shown on desktop devices?
iframe: true, // Show banner in an iframe, recomended to isolate Branch banner CSS
disableHide: false, // Should the user have the ability to hide the banner? (show's X on left side)
forgetHide: false, // Should we show the banner after the user closes it? Can be set to true, or an integer to show again after X days
respectDNT: false, // Should we skip showing the banner when a user's settings show 'Do Not Track'?
mobileSticky: false, // Determines whether the mobile banner will be set `position: fixed;` (sticky) or `position: absolute;`, defaults to false *this property only applies when the banner position is 'top'
desktopSticky: true, // Determines whether the desktop banner will be set `position: fixed;` (sticky) or `position: absolute;`, defaults to true *this property only applies when the banner position is 'top'
make_new_link: false, // Should the banner create a new link, even if a link already exists?
open_app: false, // Should the banner try to open the app passively (without the user actively clicking) on load?
}, {
tags: ['tag1', 'tag2'],
feature: 'dashboard',
stage: 'new user',
data: {
mydata: 'something',
foo: 'bar',
'$deeplink_path': 'open/item/1234'

iscroll: image carousel like App Store

We are working on a mobile web application. The designer likes the image carousel effect on App Store (the screenshots of the an App). So we try to mimic the same effect using JavaScript.
We are using iScroll to implement. So here is a customization of its demo carousel: The options are:
scrollX: true,
scrollY: false,
momentum: false,
snap: true,
snapSpeed: 400,
keyBindings: true,
indicators: {
el: document.getElementById('indicator'),
resize: false
The problem is: for the last image, there is always some extra space, which is unwanted:
Does any one knows how to solve this? Or some other JS libraries implementing the same carousel? Thanks.
After exploration, the only way is to use the scroll event of iscroll-probe.js. Manually stop the scrolling when reaching the right border. But the indicators are not exact.

Simple Magnific Popup Gallery not working

I tried this simple example:
gallery: {
enabled: true
items: [
{src: "tracks/" + p[0]},
{src: "tracks/" + p[1]}
type: 'image'
Only the first slide (0) pops up and there is no gallery - just a single slide. What is wrong?
You should never give up: Problem is solved. I isolated the code from the gallery example of the homepage of Magnific Popup and put it into a page of my own. The result was the same as described above i.e. gallery was not working. I then downloaded Magnific Popup again and noticed that the library file was bigger than my previous library file. So the library file was corrupted in some way - probably my fault. Now gallery is working...

How to use additional icons in Sencha Touch tabBar?

With Sencha Touch, i want to use some of the icons in the directory resources/themes/images/default/pictos/ for iconCls in my footer navigation. But from what I've read, it says I need to set up a ruby on rails server just to compile the right stylesheets and javascript files to use them?
I don't have the least bit knowledge of how to set up my own servers or set up my own RoR server. Is there anyway else to do this? I just want 3 icons from that directory...setting up a whole server seems a bit overkill.
Yes, you need to install Ruby and RubyGems (only if you're on Windows because they are pre bundled on Mac)
Then you just need to open the right scss file in touch/resources/sass (depending on what them you're using) and to add the following line to it :
#include pictos-iconmask(PICTOS_NAME);
Finally you need to open a terminal in that folder and to execute the following command :
compass compile // Run it every time you change something in the .scss
compass watch // Will automatically recompile every time you save
More information about Sencha-Touch Theming here
I used the following CSS
/* TV icon for Videos */
Actually... to be perfectly honest, I didn't map my CSS to the image, but rather converted the image to Base64 and embedded it in the CSS. The reason for this was that I only needed 4 of the icons and I didn't want to move them all around every time.
/* TV icon for Videos */
Now, when you're creating your TabPanel you want do do something along these lines.
Ext.create('Ext.TabPanel', {
fullscreen: true,
tabBar: {
docked: 'bottom',
layout: {
pack: 'center'
items: [{
title: 'Video',
iconCls: 'tv' // the icon class string is appended to the CSS
// '.x-icon-mask.[iconCls string]'
// in this case
// ''
// as seen in the CSS above
Looking over my old Sencha Touch V1 code base (as per your comment below) you will want to use the following CSS for Sencha Touch V1
/* TV icon for Videos */