Scheduled Query Fails To Read Spreadsheet - google-bigquery

I have 14 scheduled queries that run hourly from Google Sheets but they fail half of the time. I don't understand the error status though as the queries do run successfully half of the time. The error reads:
Error status: Invalid value Error while reading table: tester-253410.test1.Table_View_2_Agent_Targets, error message: Failed to read the spreadsheet. Errors: Deadline=118.888051456s; JobID: tester-253410:5e59a150-0000-2421-b469-001a1144591c
Is there anything that I can try?


DBT: How to fix Database Error Expecting Value?

I was running into troubles today while running Airflow and airflow-dbt-python. I tried to debug a bit using the logs and the error shown in the logs was this one:
[2022-12-27, 13:53:53 CET] {} ERROR - [0m12:53:53.642186 [error] [MainThread]: Encountered an error:
Database Error
Expecting value: line 2 column 5 (char 5)
Quite a weird one.
Possibly check your credentials file that allows DBT to run queries on your DB (in our case we run DBT with BigQuery), in our case the credentials file was empty. We even tried to run DBT directly in the worker instead of running it through airflow, giving as a result exactly the same error. Unfortunately this error is not really explicit.

why dbt runs in cli but throws an error on cloud UI for the exact same model?

I am executing dbt run -s model_name on CLI and the task completes successfully. However, when I run the exact same command on dbt cloud, I get this error:
Syntax or semantic analysis error thrown in server while executing query.
Error message from server: org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException:
Error running query: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot
resolve '`pv.meta.uuid`' given input columns: []; line 6 pos 4;
\n'Project ['pv.meta.uuid AS page_view_uuid#249595,
'pv.user.visitorCookieId AS (80) (SQLExecDirectW)")
it looks like it fails recognizing 'pv.meta.uuid' syntax which extract data from a json format. It is not clear to me what is going on. Any thoughts? Thank you!

"Error while reading data" error received when uploading CSV file into BigQuery via console UI

I need to upload a CSV file to BigQuery via the UI, after I select the file from my local drive I specify BigQuery to automatically detect the Schema and run the job. It fails with the following message:
"Error while reading data, error message: CSV table encountered too
many errors, giving up. Rows: 2; errors: 1. Please look into the
errors[] collection for more details."
I have tried removing the comma in the last column, and tried changing options in the advanced section but it always results in the same error.
The error log is not helping me understand where the problem is, this is example of the error log entry:
019-04-03 23:03:50.261 CLST Bigquery jobcompleted
bquxjob_6b9eae1_169e6166db0 frank#xxxxxxxxx.nn INVALID_ARGUMENT
"Error while reading data, error message: CSV table encountered too
many errors, giving up. Rows: 2; errors: 1. Please look into the
errors[] collection for more details."
"Error while reading data, error message: Error detected while parsing
row starting at position: 46. Error: Data between close double quote
(") and field separator."
The strange thing is that the sample CSV data has NO double quote field separator!?
2019-01-02 00:00:00,326,1,,292,0,,294,0,,-28,0,,262,0,,109,0,,372,0,,453,0,,536,0,,136,0,,2609,0,,1450,0,,352,0,,-123,0,,17852,0,,8528,0
2019-01-02 00:02:29,289,1,,402,0,,165,0,,-218,0,,150,0,,90,0,,263,0,,327,0,,275,0,,67,0,,4863,0,,2808,0,,124,0,,454,0,,21880,0,,6410,0
2019-01-02 00:07:29,622,1,,135,0,,228,0,,-147,0,,130,0,,51,0,,381,0,,428,0,,276,0,,67,0,,2672,0,,1623,0,,346,0,,-140,0,,23962,0,,10759,0
2019-01-02 00:12:29,206,1,,118,0,,431,0,,106,0,,133,0,,50,0,,380,0,,426,0,,272,0,,63,0,,1224,0,,740,0,,371,0,,-127,0,,27758,0,,12187,0
2019-01-02 00:17:29,174,1,,119,0,,363,0,,59,0,,157,0,,67,0,,381,0,,426,0,,344,0,,161,0,,923,0,,595,0,,372,0,,-128,0,,22249,0,,9278,0
2019-01-02 00:22:29,175,1,,119,0,,301,0,,7,0,,124,0,,46,0,,382,0,,425,0,,431,0,,339,0,,1622,0,,1344,0,,379,0,,-126,0,,23888,0,,8963,0
I shared an example of a few lines of CSV data. I expect BigQuery to be able to detect the schema and load the data into a new table.
Using BigQuery new WebUI and your input data I did the following:
Select a dataset
Clicked on create a table
Filled the create table form as follow:
The table was created and I was able to SELECT 6 rows as expected
SELECT * FROM projectId.datasetId.SO LIMIT 1000

Issue with table_query / __TABLES__

I am facing a "Connection Error" issue with the table_query function, on one of my datasets
Example 1)
bq query "select * from (table_query([MYDOMAIN:MYPROJECT:MYDATASET], 'table_id contains \"20140522\"')) limit 1"
The above command always(100% reproducible) fails with error "BigQuery error in query operation: Connection error. Please try again.", after a minute or so.
But if I execute "bq ls -j",
I can see that it actually launched bqjob_r1c258fa26faab850_00000147f479ed5d_1
and that it really completed in 1 second.
Using "bq --format=prettyjson show -j bqjob_r1c258fa26faab850_00000147f479ed5d_1" and "bq head ....",
I can read the output of the job as well.
Example 2:
I am seeing 100% reproducible failures in querying the underlying TABLES table in this dataset as well.
bq query "select * from [MYDOMAIN:MYPROJECT:MYDATASET.__TABLES__] limit 1"
This also reports "BigQuery error in query operation: Connection error. Please try again."
But "bq ls -j" shows me that it succesfully completed job bqjob_r7e6eabcd0a39541_00000147f482cf90_1 in 0 seconds.
Like in previous example, I can use "bq head" to read the job output.
The questions I have are:
1) Why do the "command line tool(version 2.0.22), and the browser" always wait a long time after the job completed, and then lie to me that the job failed with "Connection error"?
2) Why does this "connection error" issue happen only with this particular dataset?

FAILED: Error in metadata:

when i am trying to show tables from hive databases the following error displays..
i granted permissions to ware house & Tables even though the error shows
hive> show tables;
FAILED: Error in metadata: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask
Thanks in advance.
this error occurs when hive CLI is terminated improperly.
exit from hive, give 'jps' command. some process named runjar will be there. kill it using ' kill -9 pid'
thats it. you are done.
plz ignore typo- replied from mobile