Drawer navigator minSwipeDistance property - react-native

I want to open drawer with touching anywhere on screen.I tried with minSwipeDistance property of drawer navigator.Although I didn't get error It didn't work.How should I implement this process into my code? If anyone knows help me please! Thanks in advance!

For React Navigation V5
put this to take the device width
function ProfileDrawer() {
const dimensions = useWindowDimensions();
and edgeWidth is what you want I think
<Drawer.Navigator initialRouteName="Profile"
You can check the Official Page to see detail for DrawerNavigator:


How to add a screen switcher component in react native

Being a newbie to the field of app development, I actually don't know the name of this UI component .
This component basically act as a switcher between two screen, which shows up Explore screen when Explore is clicked and My Community screen when My Community is clicked
Someone please help me to know what to call this component and which npm package need to be used to deploy it.
You can use the switch component and its boolean value to conditionally display different screens/components.
Basic example using setState:
const [isEnabled, setIsEnabled] = useState(false);
const toggleSwitch = () => setIsEnabled(previousState => !previousState);
return (
{isEnabled ? <Text>Placerholder Screen 1</Text> : <Text>Placerholder Screen 2</Text>}
But in this situation I would advise you to use Tabs instead of a Switch. React Navigation is a great library to help you with this. You may want to look at the bottom tabs, material bottom tabs or material top tabs.

React Native and React Native Navigation - Handle Back (goBack) issue

thank you for taking time to read & answer this question. I'll give my best to explain the issue I'm having.
The HomeStack component holds bottom navigation for four screens. One screen that is giving me a headache is ProjectsStack
export const ProjectsStack = (): ReactElement => {
return (
<ProjectsStackNav.Navigator initialRouteName='ProjectsScreen' screenOptions={defaultScreenOptions}>
<ProjectsStackNav.Screen name='ProjectsScreen' component={ProjectsScreen} />
<ProjectsStackNav.Screen name='CompletedProjectsScreen' component={CompletedProjectsScreen} />
<ProjectsStackNav.Screen name='ProjectTasksScreen' component={ProjectTasksScreen} />
<ProjectsStackNav.Screen name='CompletedProjectsTasksScreen' component={ProjectTasksScreen} />
As you can see the ProjectTasksScreen is a component that renders a project based on the props => if it's open it will render ProjectTasksScreen otherwise it will render CompletedProjectsTasksScreen which is basically the same screen (reusability at its finest lol)
In order to go to the CompletedProjectsTasksScreen, you need to come from ProjectTasksScreen.
Now, the issue is when you want to go back from CompletedProjectsTasksScreen it will not go to ProjectTasksScreen, rather it will navigate to the previous screen of ProjectTasksScreen which is ProjectsScreen.
Is there a better solution to this problem than refactoring everything into it's screen & component?
navigation.push method instead of navigation.navigate may resolve your issue

React Native Use State in Another Screen

So I have a this.state.comments in my Home Screen and that's an array. In my other screen called Comments Screen I'd like to show the results of that state. Aka id like to use that array I mean this.state.comments and display it in a FLATLIST in Comments screen. That file Comments Screen just has one function and inside it a flatlist. Any help?
in Home use this.props.navigation.navigate('Comments',{comments: this.state.comments})
and in Comments screen if using react-navigation v4 use :
const commentsArray = this.props.navigation.getParam('comments')
if using react-navigation v5 use :
const commentsArray = this.props.route.params.comments;
As a response to your comment with the picture, if Komentar is a screen that is added in the navigation configuration you do:
const Komentar = (props) =>{
const commentsArray = props.navigation.getParam('comments');
// your code here
because it's a functional component you can't use this to access props.

Scrolling to the bottom of a ScrollView on initial load

I have a large long image with a few inputs at the bottom in my react native view. When the view loads I want it to be "scrolled" to the bottom of the page -- all the examples I can find online are triggered because of some event that the user does.
I want to call scrollToEnd() but I'm not sure where in the lifecycle the ref will actually be set -- anyone have ideas?
Use scrollToEnd this way. It will take to the bottom of ScrollView
ref={ref => this.scrollView = ref}
onContentSizeChange={(contentWidth, contentHeight)=>{
this.scrollView.scrollToEnd({animated: true});
I am not clear with your question but
With react-native Image component we have onLoad prop. I think this is what you are looking for.
try something like:
<Image source={{uri...}} onLoad={(e)=>this.handleImageLoaded(e)}/>
then inside handleImageLoaded method you can use scrollToEnd() with some ref as per your code.
also there are other useful props like onLoadStart/End check here
Or if you are just waiting for the view to render then to scroll
for that I think componentDidAppear() lifecycle method, if using react-native -navigation by wix
or with react-navigation
willFocus, willBlur, didFocus and didBlur events for the component render cycle.. explained here

BottomNavigation in react native

I create a bottom navigation in my react native project. But its not looking good in Iphone10.
It showing extra space in bottom.Please help me how to resolve this.
This is below code i tried.
import BottomNavigation,{FullTab} from 'react-native-material-bottom-navigation'
onTabPress={newTab => this.clickoftab(newTab.key)}
My render tab part is this
renderTab = ({ tab, isActive }) => {
return (
This is my output which i want to change in bottom navigation
Depending of your architecture app, if like you say in the comments, if you use SafeAreaView I thought in create the BottomNavigation at the same level of the SafeAreaView. I mean (sorry my english), I suppose that you have the SafeAreaView in your "Father file" like App.js. So, at the same time you can manage the BottomNavigation from there. So, you could put SafeAreaView inside of BottomNavigation making BottomNavigation the father of your app I guess. I don't know if I am explaining well. The conclusion could be that
just apply SafeArea To things that are inside of Navigation instead of
full application.