Shopify border selected color - shopify

I have shopify shop and i found a code on internet to replace the color by his image like this.
I really need to add a border when the color is selected, can someone help me please.
the code is to do this is :
{%if == "Couleur"%}
{%assign index = forloop.index %}
{%for value in option.values%}
<input class="single-option-selector-{{ }}" id="Couleur-{{forloop.index}}" type="radio" style='visibility:hidden;display:none' name="Couleur" value="{{ value | escape }}" data-index="option{{index}}" {% if option.selected_value == value %}checked{%endif%}/>
<label id="colorSelected" class="label_couleur" for="Couleur-{{forloop.index}}" style="margin: 0 5px;">
<img class="img_couleur" src="{{value | escape | append:'.jpg' | strip | asset_url }}"/>
I really need help thanks in advance.

You can take reference in the Shopify community forum, provided a solution to create swatch images for color in products. Please click here to check to achieve.
This solution will not work venture and boundless theme. I implement in debut theme is working for client store.


Shopify Liquid - Get the URL for a variant's image

On a Shopify product page, I can loop through all the variants and get information about them like this:
{% for variants in product.variants %}
{{ }}<br>
{{ variants.sku }}<br>
{{ variants.title}}<br>
{{ variants.price | divided_by: 100}}<br>
{% endfor %}
This works perfectly fine, however when I try and get the variant image in the loop like this:
{{ variants.image}}
I have also tried using:
{{ variants.featured_image.src}}
Which produces exactly the same result.
The output is simpy products and then the name of the image file. For example 'products/my-image.jpg'.
This is obviously not the path to the image and when I try and display this within an image tag, a broken image is produced.
I am trying to get the path to the image that is stored on Shopify's CDN for this variant product, which will look something like
Does anyone know how this can be achieved within the loop I am using above?
You are looking for this
{{ variant.image.src | product_img_url: '200x' }}
I suggest you to take a look here to find many other useful functions:
Also is useful to download a free theme (Dawn for example) and use it as reference.
Here is a code example to show each variant image and url :
<div class="product_thumbnails">
{% for variant in product.variants %}
<a href="{{ variant.url }}">
<div class="h-[50px] w-[50px] bg-[#E6ECEB] rounded shrink-0 p-1">
{{ variant.image | image_url: width: 50 | image_tag }}
{% endfor %}

Capture two variables in liquid

What I want to do:
Capture two variables {{section.settings.{{title}}_modal_title}}
The links in the linklist are not really used as links, but purely so user can reorganize it in their Shopify portal.
External javascript file creates elements (modals) on click event, value from section.settings.XXX_modal_title is supposed to be used in the created modals.
The linklist:
<ul class="menu">
{% for link in linklists.main-menu.links %}
<li data-menu="{{ link.title | upcase }}" class="menu-link">
<p class="menu-title">[{{ link.title | upcase }}]</p> <-- Click event
{% endfor %}
What I tried:
My first try was adding the liquid tag itself with .insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', {{section.settings.${attLowerCase}_modal_title}}) when the element is created, but soon realized that liquid renders the values first. The output of doing this is literally "{{ }}"
My second try was to capture two variables and put it in a hidden input.
{% assign title = link.title | downcase %}
{% capture section_title_variable %}
{% endcapture %}
<hr class="item-line">
<p class="ueq-menu-title">[{{ link.title | upcase }}]</p>
<input type="hidden" id="about_modal_title" value="{{section_title_variable}}">
In depth example:
"type": "text",
"id": "about_modal_title",
"label": "About window title",
"default": "ABOUT"
User clicks on link ABOUT
<ul class="menu">
{% for link in linklists.ueq-menu.links %}
<li data-menu="{{ link.title | upcase }}" class="menu-link"> <-- "ABOUT"
{% assign title = link.title | downcase %} <-- downcase to "about"
{% capture section_title_variable %}
{% endcapture %}
<hr class="item-line">
<p class="menu-title">[{{ link.title | upcase }}]</p>
<input type="hidden" id="about_modal_title" value="{{section_title_variable}}"> <-- captured should look like this {{section.settings.about_modal_title}}
{% endfor %}
on click event, get the value from hidden input, and use it when creating elements.
"Why not use {% javascript %}?"
I prefer to do it this way, since most of my script files are external. I like to keep it that way.
"Why capture it like that?"
The links in the linklist are already known, this was in the design. Thats why in sechema one of them is called "about_modal_title". Since this is used inside a for loop, this was the only way I could come up with to connect the title and schema settings with each other.
If someone knows a better way to do this instead of putting it in a hidden input, please let me know :)
In proper Liquid syntax, curly-brackets are never embedded inside curly-brackets
The syntax {{ something_{{ you }}_want }} is illegal Liquid syntax - once an expression is started, using either {{ or {%, everything up to the next }} or %} is evaluated as one template command.
In your example, you're looking to combine two strings in order to get the name of a setting that you want to access. In a dedicated programming language, we would expect there to be nice shortcuts for something like this. Liquid, however, is first and foremost a templating language, and doesn't have such shortcuts. Instead, we will need to accomplish our goal in two steps.
The first thing we need to know is that we can access properties in two ways: {{ settings.fieldname }} is equivalent to {{ settings['fieldname'] }}
Thanks to that second syntax, we can access an arbitrary setting using a variable:
{% assign field = 'fieldname' %}
{{ settings[fieldname] }}
So to do something more complicated, we just need to use assign (or capture - just be aware that capture includes whitespace as well!) to get a variable that contains the name of the field we want to access, then pass that in to the square brackets:
{% assign title_field = link.title | downcase | append: '_modal_title' %}
{{ section.settings[title_field] }}

Pelican - add image to summary

I'm using pelican to create a website. I'm trying to add an image to the summary so that the summary always starts with an image.
I tried adding the image to the summary in the metadata (using markdown) but it only shows up on the index page and not on the other pages (in the example below the image does not show in the Posts page). I also have to add the image in the same line as the text which sometimes renders in a weird way (some text is to the side of the image depending on the image size).
Here is an example of the metadata:
Title: this is my title
Slug: slug
Date: 2017-05-04 23:00
Category: Posts
Tags: pelican
Author: Eyal
Summary: ![figure 1](images/fig1.png) and this is my post summary
I also tried to use the summary plugin but that but that did not work at all.
What is the easiest way to add an image to the summary? I was hoping to avoid modifying the html code if possible.
Add the image as a field metadata in your article, say it "Cover", like this:
Title: this is my title
Slug: slug
Date: 2017-05-04 23:00
Category: Posts
Tags: pelican
Author: Eyal
Cover: images/fig1.png
Summary: and this is my post summary
So you can use it in your template in this way.
{% if article.cover %}<img src="{{ article.cover }}" alt="">{% endif %} {{ article.summary }}
This line looks for Cover key in the metadata, and if there is one, create the img tag. If is not, then simply pass.
Ad it there where article.summary already is used. I use pelican-theme alchemy (that uses bootstrap) and article.summary is in index.html. I extended it as follows:
<div class="col-sm-8">
<h4 class="title">{{ article.title }}</h4>
<div class="content">
{{ article.summary|striptags }}
{% if article.cover %}
<div class="container"><div class="col-md-6" style="padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px;">
<img src="{{ article.cover }}" class="img-fluid">
{% endif %}
This works for me with the pictures in the images-folder.
But I have an other problem: the posts do not find the pictures in the same images-folder :-(
For those using the AboutWilson template in Pelican I have managed to make it work as well by adding the following code in the index.html file (in the template folder)
{% if article.cover %}
<img src="{{ article.cover }}" alt="">
{% endif %}

Dynamic Attribute Names in Shopify Cart

I'm so close on this, but I just can't get the syntax right. I've been messing with this off and on for days. Essentially I have a greeting card message and I want the message to be filled in by the customer for every Greeting Card on the checkout page (cart.liquid) and I need the attribute name to change for every index. Therefore I'm adding the index to each attribute name, but to no avail. For testing purposes, here's a basic input field:
<p class="cart-attribute__field" style="min-width:300px;">
<label for="to{{ forloop.index }}">To:</label>
<input class="checkMe" id="to{{ forloop.index }}" type="text" name="attributes[To{{ forloop.index }}]" maxlength="40" data-stk="{{}}" value="{{ cart.attributes['To'+forloop.index] }}" >
And its this part (value="{{ cart.attributes['To'+forloop.index] }}") that is giving me trouble.
You cannot use '+' operator in liquid code to append. Try this instead:
{% assign cart_attr = 'To' | append: forloop.index %}
<p class="cart-attribute__field" style="min-width:300px;">
<label for="to{{ forloop.index }}">To:</label>
<input class="checkMe" id="to{{ forloop.index }}" type="text" name="attributes[To{{ forloop.index }}]" maxlength="40" data-stk="{{}}" value="{{ cart.attributes[cart_attr] }}" >
Note: Improvise as required.
Why would you not just use line item properties as described on

Shopify , show product options as 3 seperate dropdowns instead of 1 single dropdown

On my product page, with the following line of code in the product.liquid template, it generates 3 seperate dropdowns for the 3 different product options the product has, eg Type Color Size..
<div class="select">
<select id="product-select" name="id">
{% for variant in product.variants %}
<option {% if variant == product.selected_or_first_available_variant %}selected="selected"{% endif %} value="{{ }}">{{ variant.title }}</option>
{% endfor %}
however, i used the same code in the product-loop.liquid to show the same drop down on the collections page (without the option to add to cart).. but this time the dropdown appears as 1 single combined dropdown.
how do i split them up like before?
heres a screenshot of what both dropdowns look like :
You need to include option_selection.js in your collection.liquid template.
paste the following line at top or bottom of your collection.liquid template
{{ 'option_selection.js' | shopify_asset_url | script_tag }}