How do I use a wild card certificate - ssl

I received a wild card certificate from my customer. It contained three files:
The last one is a bundle of cert keys.
Previously, I always created my own private key to sign, but I do not know how to deal with this.
I use openssl and NginX on this site.
Is it possible to sign my own created key using this cert or should I ask for the private key which is the base of this cert?

Is it possible to sign my own created key using this cert ...
... or should I ask for the private key which is the base of this cert?
If you are supposed to setup a server with this certificate then you need the private key. It is unknown if the key is part of the send files since you only provide file names and the content of the actual files is unknown. Specifically it is unknown what something.pem contains or of something.* contains both certificate and key (which is possible with PEM format). But if the key is not there then you need to ask the customer for the key.


SSL cert with same finger print but different serial number

New to websphere. Trying to install and validate root and chain cert in cell default trust store. I have root and chain cert installed already with same finger print but both cert having different serial number from my other root and chain.
So question is here — are cert same if they have same finger print? What if they have different serial number?
If a certificate has a different serial number it also has a different certificate fingerprint - which is a hash over the whole certificate including the serial number. It might have the same public key fingerprint though since the same key pair can be used to generate multiple certificates - since the public key fingerprint is only a hash over the public key and does not include information like serial number. It is not uncommon to keep the key when renewing a certificate.

Can you generate a private key for an existing certificate?

I was given a certificate from BaltimoreCyberTrustRoot but I wasn't given a key, Would I be able to generate a key for an existing certificate?
Obviously no you cannot generate a private key out of an existing certificate otherwise you would be able to impersonate basically any given HTTPS website (How? the certificate is public, you download it and magically create the associated private key and you have then a validated website for that certificate name...)
Normally generating a certificate works like this:
you generate a public/private key and the public key is used to compute a CSR or Certificate Signing Request which has the public key and some meta data
you give the CSR to the CA
the CA gives you back a certificate based on the content of the CSR, and signed by their own private key (so that by using the CA certificate - which has the corresponding CA public key - you can validate that this generated certificate was indeed signed/issued by this specific CA).
So you have the private key.
If you are on a case where the CA or the intermediate generates everything for you (which is bad security wise it means they have the private key and hence can impersonate YOU), then you have to ask them to send you both the certificate and the private key!

Is it possible to install a wildcard certificate without the private key on Tomcat?

I received following files from another department in my company which I am supposed to install on my Tomcat 8.5 Webserver in order to activate HTTPS and use TLS/SSL:
Most tutorials I found online guide through the process of creating the keystore, generating a CSR and installing the certificate received afterwards. My company wishes to use it's wildcard certificate, so the certificate and related files exist already.
I tried to generate a new keystore with my own private key & import ca, intermediate & certificate in it, but I'm getting an error which says that the public key doesn't match with my keystore.
I guess, this is because I need to import the private key used to generate the CSR before. But since I don't have it, I want to make sure - is it possible to install the certificate without the private key (respectively generating my own private key) or did they possible forget to send it along?
Wildcard or not, a certificate without its associated private key is useless.
As they are used in asymetrical cryptography, operations need the public key (contained in the certificate) and the private key (stored separately).
And they are generated together, you can not have a certificate and then later on generate a new key and associate with it. A CSR, which later becomes a certificate, includes some information derived from the private key.

What kind of private key is located in a PKC12 pfx file?

Can anybody clarify to me what kind of "Private Key" is located in a PFX file ?
I am asking this because after having read quite a lot on digital certification I am still a bit confuse on the Private Key part, especially when Certificate Authority is involved.
The part I am missing is where it is said that the Private Key is kept secret on the CA side but if I go in my Personal Certificate Store and I try to export a certificate, I am able to export it with the private key in it.
Is this private key is the same as THE private key that we are not supposed to know ?
Public key cryptography is used for two different purposes when it comes to X.509 certificates used for SSL/TLS.
Each X.509 certificate contains a public key, which has a matching private key held only by the identity this certificate belongs to (the subject of the certificate).
One of the purposes is to build trust in another certificate. A CA uses its private key to sign other certificates: possibly other (intermediate) CA certificates or End-Entity Certificates (the ones that are actually going to be used for the SSL/TLS connection itself).
For example, the Root CA's private key can be used to sign (i.e. issue) an Intermediate CA's certificate. The Intermediate CA certificate can be verified using the Root CA certificate's public key. The Intermediate CA's own key-pair isn't involved in this verification (although the verification process ensures that the public key in that cert belongs to the Intermediate CA).
The Intermediate CA's private key can be used to sign your server certificate (an EEC). The Intermediate CA's public key can be used to verify the authenticity of your server certificate. Someone who would only have the Root CA certificate can therefore check your server certificate by building a chain. Again, your server public and private keys are not involved in this verification at all, but the result of these operations proves that the public key in your server certificate belongs to your server name.
There is no relationship between any of the key pairs involved in a certification chain. Even the CA issuing a certificate will not (or should not) have access to the private key of the certificate it is issuing.
The second usage of public key cryptography is during the SSL/TLS handshake. The exact mechanism depends on the cipher suite, but this allows the client to agree with the server on a secret that only the server with the private key matching the public key in the server certificate will be able to see. It's this private key that is the private key of the certificate itself.
In a PKCS#12 file, you will find an End-Entity Certificate and the private key matching the public key in that certificate, to be used by the entity to which this certificate was issued, and generally a chain of CA certificates (from the one directly issuing the EEC to other CA certificate further up the chain, possibly up to a Root CA).
Here, I've taken this example of an EEC for an SSL/TLS server, but the same could apply for EEC to be used in other contexts (e.g SSL/TLS client or S/MIME).
If you are talking about SSL-Certificates and SSL I think you mean X509-Certificates in common. Let me make it clear first: the passwords of the private keys are different.
The magic here is Chaining of the Certificates, i.e.
Root Certificate from CA
Intermediate Certificate from CA (for instance Class 2)
Your Certificate
If you look at your SSL-Certificate, you will find this structure. Every certificate within this hierarchy can be seen as a certificate for its own. You can find more information within this msdn article. A briefly description from my point of view:
The Certifcates within this chain can be seen are separate Certificates. With their own ability to sign Information with the private key and validating signature with their private key. They are basically linked within this chain.
You might ask Why are the Certificates linked?
There are two main reasons: Security and Trust.
If you loose your private key or if your certificates is broken, it's need to be revocated. This basically says, that your Certificates should not be trusted anymore. It's listed on the Revocation-List on the parent Certificate to ensure that this security break can be fixed very fast. This behavior explains, why root certficates creating IntermediateCertificates and not your requested Certificate - they want to be sure that they can revocate their Intermediate Certificate as well.
Additionally to this functional explanation there is a mathematical, but I am not able to explain this is an easy way. You can find Information about this within it's article on Wikipedia. Basically it says, that you can't calculate the password from the parent and / or public certificate to use the private certificate.

SSL query - CSR for certificate renewal

Need the understanding about SSL and the way it functions. Kindly help answer the below.
I understand that the CSR that we generate has our public key and DN info i.e C=,CN=,L=,O=,OU=,ST=.
Are both these two compoments (JPMC public key and the DN) hashed and if the hash is also send to verisign at the time we request them for a cert (new cert or a cert renewal).
What amount these (public key, DN and the hash) are encrypted using JPMC's private key.
Does Verisign (CA) use the public key that we send them as part of the CSR or do they have it from other means inorder to decrypt whatever was encrypted above.
No, the information in a certificate signing request is not hashed - how could it be - you can't get the information back after hashing? It is not encrypted either, none of the information is sensitive.
A CSR contains the version of the PKCS#10 standard which is being used, the DN of the entity the certificate is for, the public key that will be used, and optionally, some attributes such as subject alternate names, etc.
The CSR is signed, using the private key generated to initiate the request (or, in renewal, the private key of the existing certificate).
PKCS#10 is the main specification for all of this.