How to initialize manually next.js app (for testing purpose)? - testing

I try to test my web services, hosted in my Next.js app and I have an error with not found Next.js configuration.
My web service are regular one, stored in the pages/api directory.
My API test fetches a constant ATTACKS_ENDPOINT thanks to this file:
import { ATTACKS_ENDPOINT } from "../config"
describe("endpoints", () => {
it("should return all attacks for attacks endpoint", async () => {
const response = await fetch(API_URL + ATTACKS_ENDPOINT, headers)
import getConfig from "next/config"
const { publicRuntimeConfig } = getConfig()
export const API_URL = publicRuntimeConfig.API_URL
My next.config.js is present and is used properly by the app when started.
When the test is run, this error is thrown
TypeError: Cannot destructure property `publicRuntimeConfig` of 'undefined' or 'null'.
1 | import getConfig from "next/config"
2 |
> 3 | const { publicRuntimeConfig } = getConfig()
I looked for solutions and I found this issue which talks about _manually initialise__ next app.
How to do that, given that I don't test React component but API web service ?

I solved this problem by creating a jest.setup.js file and adding this line of code
First add jest.setup.js to jest.config.js file
// jest.config.js
module.exports = {
// Your config
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/jest.setup.js'],
AND then
// jest.setup.js
jest.mock('next/config', () => () => ({
publicRuntimeConfig: {
YOUR_PUBLIC_VARIABLE: 'value-of-env' // Change this line and copy your env
// jest.setup.js
import { setConfig } from 'next/config'
import config from './next.config'
// Make sure you can use "publicRuntimeConfig" within tests.

The problem I faced with testing with Jest was that next was not being initialized as expected. My solution was to mock the next module... You can try this:
/** #jest-environment node */
import next from 'next';
prepare: () => Promise.resolve(),
getRequestHandler: () => (req, res) => res.status(200),
getConfig: () => ({
publicRuntimeConfig: {} /* This is where you import the mock values */
Read about manual mocks here:

In my case, I had to:
Create a jest.setup.js file and
publicRuntimeConfig: {
SOME_KEY: 'your_value',
serverRuntimeConfig: {
YOUR_KEY: 'your_value',
Then add this in your jest.config.js file:
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/jest.setup.js'],


How to Implement nuxtServerInit Action to load data from server-side on the initial load in Pinia (Nuxt3)

My Code:
export const useMenuStore = defineStore("menuStore", {
state: () => ({
menus: [],
actions: {
async nuxtServerInit() {
const { body } = await fetch("").then((response) => response.json());
this.menus = body;
NuxtServerInit is not working on initial page render on nuxt js vuex module mode.Anyone know this error please help me.
NuxtServerInit is not implemented in Pinia, but exists a workaround.
Using Pinia alongside Vuex
// nuxt.config.js
export default {
buildModules: [
['#pinia/nuxt', { disableVuex: false }],
// ... other options
then Include an index.js file inside /stores with a nuxtServerInit action which will be called from the server-side on the initial load.
// store/index.js
import { useSessionStore } from '~/stores/session'
export const actions = {
async nuxtServerInit ({ dispatch }, { req, redirect, $pinia }) {
if (!req.url.includes('/auth/')) {
const store = useSessionStore($pinia)
try {
await // load user information from the server-side before rendering on client-side
} catch (e) {
redirect('/auth/login') // redirects to login if user is not logged in
In Nuxt2, the Nuxt will run the code in nuxtServerInit() of store/index.js on the server-side to boot the app.
However, in Nuxt3, there is no specific place to write the boot code, you can write the boot code anywhere instead of in nuxtServerInit() of store/index.js.
It might be helpful, especially when you need to send a request before boosting the app.
your pinia file may define like following:
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
export const useMenuStore = defineStore('menuStore', {
state: () => ({
_menus: [],
getters: {
menus() {
return this._menus;
actions: {
async boot() {
const { data } = await useFetch('');
this._menus = data;
Then, create a plugin which named as *.server.[ts|js], for example init.server.js
(.sever.js tail will let the file only run in server side)
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app';
import { useMenuStore } from '~/store/menu.js';
export default defineNuxtPlugin(async (nuxtApp) => {
const menu = useMenuStore(nuxtApp.$pinia);
await menu.boot();
modules: [
There is an entire example of SSR Nuxt3 with authorization that may help

Jest Mocking Permissions of Expo TypeError: Cannot read property 'askAsync' of undefined

I'm mocking expo and the Permissions module, but when calling Permissions.AskAsync Permissions is undefined.
Problem looks like this question. Using Jest to mock named imports
Used the provided answer, but did not work.
I have mocked the axios, which works. Doing the same for the expo module does not work.
The function I want to test:
checkPermission = async () => {
const {statusCamera} = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.CAMERA);
// console.log(statusCamera);
this.setState({cameraPermission: statusCamera});
const {statusCameraRoll} = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.CAMERA_ROLL);
this.setState({cameraRollPermission: statusCameraRoll});
The test:
describe("Test the Permission function", () => {
it('should return rejected permission.', async function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<Photo2/>);
const instance = wrapper.instance();
await instance.checkPermission();
The mock I use for expo:
jest.mock('expo', ()=>({
Permissions: {
askAsync: jest.fn()
and tried
(In file mocks/expo.js)
export default {
Permissions: {
askAsync: jest.fn(() => {
return "SOMETHING"
and tried
(In file mocks/expo.js)
jest.mock('expo', ()=>({
Permissions: {
askAsync: jest.fn()
Error: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'askAsync' of undefined"
This error occures on line where Permissions.askAsyc is called. So Permissions is undefined. (Also checked it with console.log(Permissions)
I expected the instance.state("cameraPermission") to be falsy, but it crashes before it comes to that line.
Since expo change the packages to be import * as Permissions from 'expo-permissions';
You just need to create "mocks/expo-permissions.js" and have it has:
export const getAsync = jest.fn(permissions => Promise.resolve());
export const askAsync = jest.fn(permissions => Promise.resolve());
teerryn's answer is correct and is a good start. To add some more details:
Unless you've configured different roots for Jest, you should place your mock file in __mocks__/expo-permissions.js where __mocks__ is a directory at the same level as your node_modules folder. See Jest docs on mocking node modules.
The permissions argument being passed in will be undefined due to the way we're mocking the module, so you'll need to mock the permission types you want to use. Just need something simple like export const CAMERA_ROLL = 'camera_roll';
If you want to respond differently based on the permission type passed in (for example, allow Permissions.CAMERA but deny Permissions.CAMERA_ROLL and all other types), you can mock the implementation of the askAsync function. For example, your __mocks__/expo-permissions.js file would look like this:
export const CAMERA = 'camera';
export const CAMERA_ROLL = 'camera_roll';
export const askAsync = jest.fn().mockImplementation((permissionType) => {
const responseData = permissionType === CAMERA ? { status: 'granted' } : { status: 'undetermined' }; // you could also pass `denied` instead of `undetermined`
return Promise.resolve(responseData);
The problem is that you are handling async tests incorrectly (your checkPermission() function is async). There are several ways you can tell jest that you want to test an async function. Here are a few ways.
Here is a quick solution to your problem:
import { Permissions } from 'expo';
jest.mock('expo', () => ({
Permissions: {
askAsync: jest.fn(),
describe("Test the Permission function", () => {
it('should return rejected permission.', () => {
Permissions.askAsync.mockImplementation( permission => { return {status: 'granted'}; } ); // if you want to add some sort of custom functionality
const wrapper = shallow(<Photo2/>);
const instance = wrapper.instance();
return instance.checkPermission().then(data => {

How do I seperate ipcMain.on() functions in different file from main.js

I'm creating an electron app with vuejs as frontend. How can I create all the ipcMain.on() functions in a separate file from the main.js. I want this for a more clean code structure.
The app has to work offline so I need to store the data in a local database. So when I create an object in the frontend, I send it with ipcMain to the electron side. Electron can then write it to the local database.
I want something like this:
import { app, protocol, BrowserWindow } from "electron";
import {
} from "vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder/lib";
import { ipcMain } from "electron";
ipcMain.on("asynchronous-message", (event, arg) => {
event.reply("asynchronous-reply", "pong");
ipcMain.on("random-message", (event, arg) => {
event.reply("random-reply", "random");
The problem here is that only the first ipcMain.on() functions works but the second,... doesn't
What I did in my project is, I arranged all the IPCs in different folders according to their categories and in every file, I exported all the IPCs like the example below
module.exports = {
products: global.share.ipcMain.on('get-products', (event, key) => {
.then(products => {
event.reply('get-products-response', products)
.catch(err => {
then I created a new file which imported all the exported IPCs
const {products} = require('./api/guestIpc/products')
module.exports = {
then finally I imported this file into the main.js file.
const { app, BrowserWindow, ipcMain } = require('electron')
global.share = {ipcMain} #this is only for limiting the number of ipcMain calls in all the IPC files
require('./ipc/index') #require the exported index.js file
That's it, now all the external IPCs are working as if they were inside the main.js file
i don't know this going to help any way i am going to post what i did. now your implementation worked for me but still i had problem if i am requiring 100 files now in all those requires i have to import ipcMain repeatedly so that's going to be a performances issue so what i did is created global object by inserting electon and IpcMain then it's worked perfectly
my Main.js file
const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const electron = require('electron');
const { ipcMain } = require('electron')
global.share= {electron,ipcMain};
function createWindow () {
// Create the browser window.
const win = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600,
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true
// and load the index.html of the app.
// Open the DevTools.
// Quit when all windows are closed.
app.on('window-all-closed', () => {
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
app.on('activate', () => {
if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) {
global.share.ipcMain.on('synchronous-message', (event, arg) => {
console.log(arg) // prints "ping"
event.returnValue = 'pong'
this is my html call
const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
document.querySelector('.btn').addEventListener('click', () => {
console.log(ipcRenderer.sendSync('synchronous-message', 'ping')) // prints "pong"
Now this one worked me perfectly so no more messy and long main.js resources

Nuxt Ava End-to-End Testing Store Configuration

Given the example official Nuxt end-to-end test example using Ava:
import test from 'ava'
import { Nuxt, Builder } from 'nuxt'
import { resolve } from 'path'
// We keep a reference to Nuxt so we can close
// the server at the end of the test
let nuxt = null
// Init Nuxt.js and start listening on localhost:4000
test.before('Init Nuxt.js', async t => {
const rootDir = resolve(__dirname, '..')
let config = {}
try { config = require(resolve(rootDir, 'nuxt.config.js')) } catch (e) {}
config.rootDir = rootDir // project folder = false // production build
config.mode = 'universal' // Isomorphic application
nuxt = new Nuxt(config)
await new Builder(nuxt).build()
nuxt.listen(4000, 'localhost')
// Example of testing only generated html
test('Route / exits and render HTML', async t => {
let context = {}
const { html } = await nuxt.renderRoute('/', context)
t.true(html.includes('<h1 class="red">Hello world!</h1>'))
// Close the Nuxt server
test.after('Closing server', t => {
How can you use Nuxt or Builder to configure/access the applications Vuex store? The example Vuex store would look like:
import Vuex from "vuex";
const createStore = () => {
return new Vuex.Store({
state: () => ({
todo: null
mutations: {
receiveTodo(state, todo) {
state.todo = todo;
actions: {
async nuxtServerInit({ commit }, { app }) {
const todo = await app.$axios.$get(
commit("receiveTodo", todo);
export default createStore;
Currently trying to run the provided Ava test, leads to an error attempting to access #nuxtjs/axios method $get:
TypeError {
message: 'Cannot read property \'$get\' of undefined',
I'd be able to mock $get and even $axios available on app in Vuex store method nuxtServerInit, I just need to understand how to access app in the test configuration.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Just encountered this and after digging so many tutorial, I pieced together a solution.
You have essentially import your vuex store into Nuxt when using it programmatically. This is done by:
Importing Nuxt's config file
Adding to the config to turn off everything else but enable store
Load the Nuxt instance and continue your tests
Here's a working code (assuming your ava and dependencies are set up)
// For more info on why this works, check this aweomse guide by this post in getting this working
import test from 'ava'
import jsdom from 'jsdom'
import { Nuxt, Builder } from 'nuxt'
import nuxtConfig from '../nuxt.config' // your nuxt.config
// these boolean switches turn off the build for all but the store
const resetConfig = {
loading: false,
loadingIndicator: false,
fetch: {
client: false,
server: false
features: {
store: true,
layouts: false,
meta: false,
middleware: false,
transitions: false,
deprecations: false,
validate: false,
asyncData: false,
fetch: false,
clientOnline: false,
clientPrefetch: false,
clientUseUrl: false,
componentAliases: false,
componentClientOnly: false
build: {
indicator: false,
terser: false
// We keep a reference to Nuxt so we can close
// the server at the end of the test
let nuxt = null
// Init Nuxt.js and start listening on localhost:5000 BEFORE running your tests. We are combining our config file with our resetConfig using Object.assign into an empty object {}
test.before('Init Nuxt.js', async (t) => {
const config = Object.assign({}, nuxtConfig, resetConfig, {
srcDir: nuxtConfig.srcDir, // don't worry if its not in your nuxt.config file. it has a default
ignore: ['**/components/**/*', '**/layouts/**/*', '**/pages/**/*']
nuxt = new Nuxt(config)
await new Builder(nuxt).build()
nuxt.listen(5000, 'localhost')
// Then run our tests using the nuxt we defined initially
test.serial('Route / exists and renders correct HTML', async (t) => {
t.timeout(600000) // Sometimes nuxt's response is slow. We increase the timeont to give it time to render
const context = {}
const { html } = await nuxt.renderRoute('/', context)
// t.true(true)
test.serial('Route / exits and renders title', async (t) => {
const { html } = await nuxt.renderRoute('/', {})
const { JSDOM } = jsdom // this was the only way i could get JSDOM to work. normal import threw a functione error
const { document } = (new JSDOM(html)).window
t.true(document.title !== null && document.title !== undefined) // simple test to check if site has a title
Doing this should work. HOWEVER, You may still get some errors
✖ Timed out while running tests. If you get this you're mostly out of luck. I thought the problem was with Ava given that it didn't give a descriptive error (and removing any Nuxt method seemed to fix it), but so far even with the above snippet sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
My best guess at this time is that there is a delay on Nuxt's side using either renderRouter or renderAndGetWindow that ava doesn't wait for, but on trying any of these methods ava almost immediately "times out" despite the t.timeout being explicitly set for each test. So far my research has lead me to checking the timeout for renderAndGetWindow (if it exists, but the docs doesn't indicate such).
That's all i've got.

How to attach axios / axios interceptor to Nuxt globally ?

how would i go about attaching axios / axios interceptor globally to nuxt (so its available everywhere), same how i18n is attached ?
The idea is that i would like to have a global axios interceptor that every single request goes through that interceptor.
you can create a plugin called axios (/plugins/axios.js)
import Vue from 'vue';
import axios from 'axios';
axios.interceptors.request.use((config) => {
// Do something before request is sent
return config;
}, function (error) {
// Do something with request error
return Promise.reject(error);
then define this in nuxt.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
thats all, your interceptor is now working globally
It's hidden in the documentation -
See number 3 of the first photo:
// plugins/axios.js
export default function ({ $axios, redirect }) {
$axios.onError(error => {
if (error.response.status == 404) {
then define this in nuxt.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
Maybe will be helpful for someone.
It just sets the lang parameter for every request.
Сreate a plugin called axios (/plugins/axios.js). Put it there:
export default function ({ $axios, app, redirect }) {
$axios.onRequest(config => {
config.params = config.params || {}; // get existing parameters
config.params['lang'] = app.i18n.locale;
$axios.onError(error => {
const code = parseInt(error.response && error.response.status)
if (code === 400) {
Add in nuxt.config.js:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
Create a new module, call it request.js for example.
import axios from 'axios'
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: '' // if you have one
// Put all interceptors on this instance
instance.interceptors.response.use(r => r)
export default instance
Then simply import that instance whenever you need it and use it like it was a normal axios instance:
import request from './request'
await request.get('/endpoint')
// or use promises
request.get('/endpoint').then(data => data)
If you really need it globally you can use the following code in your entry point of the application:
import request from './request'
global.request = request
// use it:
await request.get('')
Or you can add it to the vue protype
Vue.prototype.$request = request
// in your component:
I'd advice against it though.