PostgreSQL Cascade for columns (not foreign key) - sql

create table parent (
child_type not null
child_id not null
create table child1(id not null);
create table child2(id not null);
create table child3(id not null);
And there's some rows in table parent like this:
I want to delete child row when I delete parent row.
Is there any way to make this trigger on delete cascade?

I presume that (child_type,child_id) is the primary key of parent (and this advice will only work if it is thus: if you want deleting of a parent row to trigger a delete in a child via a FK cascade, the parent must have a primary key)
You create associations like this:
create table child1(
child_type VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT 'child1',
id INT not null
FOREIGN KEY (child_type,id) REFERENCES parent(child_type, child_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
create table child2(
child_type VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT 'child2',
id INT not null
FOREIGN KEY (child_type,id) REFERENCES parent(child_type, child_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
create table child3(
child_type VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT 'child3',
id INT not null
FOREIGN KEY (child_type,id) REFERENCES parent(child_type, child_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
You can't have just id in the child references part of the composite PK in the parent; child has to have the same N columns with the same values as the parent PK has
FWIW that table structure is really wonky, and it will probably come around to bite you time and again.
Prefer something more normal, like:
create table parent (
create table child1(id PRIMARY KEY, parent_id REFERENCES parent(id));
create table child2(id PRIMARY KEY, parent_id REFERENCES parent(id));
create table child3(id PRIMARY KEY, parent_id REFERENCES parent(id));

I hope this is a contrived situation for you actual problem, as it really is a terrible design. Assuming you actually "want to delete child row when I delete parent row". Unless you alter your data model and define FK constraints you require a delete trigger on table parent. You CANNOT cascade deletes without FK as that is where you define to Postgres to do so. BTW, your table definitions are invalid. Not Null is a constraint not a data type, you have not established a data type. After correcting that you can build a trigger which deletes the corresponding rows from the appropriate child table if your child_type column is understood to actually name the table in which the child resides. A very poor design leading to a extremely risky assumption, but:
-- setup
create table parent (
child_type text not null
,child_id integer not null
create table child1(id integer not null);
create table child2(id integer not null);
create table child3(id integer not null)
insert into parent(child_type, child_id)
values ('child1',1),('child1',2),('child2',1),('child3',1);
insert into child1(id) values (1),(2);
insert into child2(id) values (1);
insert into child3(id) values (1);
Now create the trigger function then 'attach' to parent table'
The trigger function now builds and dynamically executes the appropriate delete statement. Note I always generate a raise notice to display the actual statement before executing it, and do so here. You may consider it not necessary.
-- build trigger function.
create or replace function parent_adr()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
base_del_lk constant text = 'delete from %s where id = %s';
sql_delete_stmt_l text;
sql_delete_stmt_l = format(base_del_lk,old.child_type, old.child_id);
raise notice 'Running statement==%', sql_delete_stmt_l;
EXECUTE sql_delete_stmt_l;
return old;
-- and define the trigger on the parent table.
create trigger parent_adr_trig
after delete
on parent
for each row
execute procedure parent_adr();
--- test.
delete from parent where child_type = 'child1';


Cascade Delete Children not working as expected

I have two tables one of which is for the polymorphic relationship of different corporations and I've added foreign key references to ids to ensure that if I delete a parent all children will be deleted. With this table setup below if I delete a parent corporation the child corporation persists which is not what I expected. If I delete a corporation_relationship via the parent_id the parent and its children cascade delete and if I a delete the relationship via the child_id the parent and siblings are unaffected. My questions are what am I doing wrong and how can I ensure that by deleting a parent the children are also deleted without adding any new columns?
CREATE TYPE "corporation_relationship_type" AS ENUM (
CREATE TABLE "corporations" (
"id" uuid PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
"name" varchar(255) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE "corporation_relationships" (
"parent_id" uuid NOT NULL,
"child_id" uuid NOT NULL,
"type" corporation_relationship_type NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ("parent_id", "child_id")
ALTER TABLE "corporation_relationships" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("parent_id") REFERENCES "corporations" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE "corporation_relationships" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("child_id") REFERENCES "corporations" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE;
Example queries:
If I add 2 corporations and then add a relationship to the two like so:
insert into corporations (id, name) values ('f9f8f7f6-f5f4f3f2-f1f0f0f0-f0f0f0f0', 'Father');
insert into corporations (id, name) values ('f9f8f7f6-f5f4f3f2-f1f0f0f0-f0f0f0f1', 'Son');
insert into corporation_relationships (parent_id, child_id) values ('f9f8f7f6-f5f4f3f2-f1f0f0f0-f0f0f0f0', 'f9f8f7f6-f5f4f3f2-f1f0f0f0-f0f0f0f1');
My output for select * from corporations; will be:
id | name
f9f8f7f6-f5f4-f3f2-f1f0-f0f0f0f0f0f0 | Father
f9f8f7f6-f5f4-f3f2-f1f0-f0f0f0f0f0f1 | Son
(2 rows)
My output for select * from corporation_relationships; is:
parent_id | child_id | type
f9f8f7f6-f5f4-f3f2-f1f0-f0f0f0f0f0f0 | f9f8f7f6-f5f4-f3f2-f1f0-f0f0f0f0f0f1 | campus
Now if I delete the 'father' by executing delete FROM corporations WHERE id = 'f9f8f7f6-f5f4-f3f2-f1f0-f0f0f0f0f0f0'; I would expect my output of select * from corporations; to be nothing but instead it is the following:
id | name
f9f8f7f6-f5f4-f3f2-f1f0-f0f0f0f0f0f1 | Son
(1 row)
Also, it is noteworthy that the corporation_relationships table is empty after this delete as well but I would want the cascade to keep going past that table and delete the child entity as well.
Your second foreign key constraint in the corporation_relationships table, that references to the corporations table has nothing with with your expectations of cascade deletions of children rows in corporations. To clearify, this foreign key do cascade deletions when you delete a referenced row in the corporations table. But you need the opposite.
To make it work as you expect in your design, you should have a column in corporations that references a primary key in corporation_relationships.
So you need to
create a primary key column, e.g. id, in corporation_relationships (not those you already have, it's not a pk, it's a unique constraint).
create a column in corporations and add a foreign key constraint on it that references a created corporation_relationships pk.
Remove a child_id column from corporation_relationships, it's incorrect and useless at this point.
When you create a relation you should set it's id to the fk column of corresponding child row in corporations.
Now, if you delete a parent corporation, it would delete all relationships, those will delete corresponding children of corporation and so on recursively.
Meanwhile, in my opinion, your design is not correct.
To define a tree-like relations you do not need the transit table, i.e
corporation_relationships. You can define it in a single corporations table. For that you need just a one column parent_id, those would be a foreign key with cascade delete rule, that references a pk in this table. Top-parent corporations would have a null in parent_id, all children - parent's id value.
Also, type column in corporation_relationships is not an attribute of relation itself, it's an attribute of child.
Postgres doesn't mantain referential integrity with optional polymorphic relationships so I created a trigger to do this for me:
CREATE FUNCTION cascade_delete_children() RETURNS trigger AS $$
-- Check if the corporation is a parent
IF IN (SELECT parent_id FROM corporation_relationships) THEN
-- Delete all of the corporation's children
DELETE FROM corporations WHERE id IN (SELECT child_id FROM corporation_relationships WHERE parent_id =;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE trigger cascade_delete_children BEFORE DELETE ON corporations
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE cascade_delete_children();

how to set a constraint that sets null on only one of the fields in the composite foreign key when the parent record is deleted?

I have 2 postgres tables.
table one:
table two:
master_team_id in table two can be null.
user_id and master_id foreign key references the user_id and
master_team_id in table one.
in order for master_team_id in table two to not be null, the user_id
and master_team_id combo must exist in table one.
how do i add a constraint that sets null on only master_team_id in the composite key(user_id, master_team_id) in table two when the referenced row in table one is deleted?
in the FK constraint specify ON DELETE SET NULL
Side Note: I would suggest using adding a new column to table two called "TableOneID" that way you can know if the matching record exists or not.
You can't do that yet.
What a coincidence. The ability to do that was committed yesterday, and (if all goes according to plan) will be included in v15, which is not due out for nearly a year.
You can use a trigger, which would look like this:
create table p (c1 int, c2 int, unique (c1,c2));
create table c (c1 int, c2 int, r double precision);
alter table c add constraint fk99999 foreign key (c1,c2) references p (c1,c2);
create function update_c() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
update c set c2=null where c1=old.c1 and c2=old.c2;
return old;
END; $$;
create trigger sdjflsfd before delete ON p for each row execute function update_c();

Very slow SQL DELETE query on table with foreign key constraint

I have got some trouble with a SQL DELETE query.
I work on a database (postgres 9.3) with 2 tables (Parent and Child).
The child has a relation to the parent with a foreign key.
Parent Table
id bigint NOT NULL,
Child Table
id bigint NOT NULL,
parent_id bigint,
CONSTRAINT fk_adc9xan172ilseglcmi1hi0co FOREIGN KEY (parent_id)
I inserted in both tables 200'000 entries without any relation ( Child.parent_id = NULL).
But a DELETE query like below has a duration of more than 20 minutes.
And that even without a WHERE conditions.
If I don't add the relation constraints the execution time will be done in 400 ms.
What did I miss?
A workable solution is the example below. But I don't know if this is a good idea. Maybe anyone could tell me a better way to do that.
When you delete from Parent, the Child table needs to be queried by parent_id to ensure that no child row refers to the parent row you are about to delete.
To ensure that the child lookup runs quickly, you need to have an index on your parent_id column in the Child table.

What are cons and pros a of defining a constraint deferrable

We are using Oracle database in our projects. And we define as much as constraints that can be applied to database, (including primary, unique, check and foreign key constraints).
It seems that defining constraints DEFERRABLE allows us to DEFER them when it is required, so why shall any constraint be defined as NOT DEFERRABLE?
Why databases such as Oracle have NOT DEFERRABLE as default case?
Are there any pros for defining a constraint NOT DEFERRABLE?
The major use case for deferrable constraints is that you don't need to worry about the order in which you do DML statements for multiple tables that have a foreign key relationship.
Consider the following example:
create table parent
id integer not null primary key
create table child
id integer not null primary key,
parent_id integer not null references parent
create table grand_child
id integer not null primary key,
child_id integer not null references child
If the constraints are immediate you have to insert (or delete) rows (that reference each other) in the proper sequence, which can e.g. be a problem when bulk loading data. If the constraints are deferred you can insert/delete the rows in any sequence as long as everything is fine when you commit your transaction.
So with a deferrable constraint (which the above example does not create!) you could the following:
insert into grand_child values (1,1);
insert into child values (1,1);
insert into parent values (1);
That would not be possible if the constraints were immediate.
A special case of the above example are cyclic references:
create table one
id integer not null primary key,
id_two integer not null
create table two
id integer not null primary key
id_one integer not null
alter table one add constraint fk_one_two (id_two) references two(id);
alter table two add constraint fk_two_one (id_one) references one(id);
Without declaring the constraints as deferrable you will not be able to insert data into those tables at all.
The workaround for DBMS that do not support deferrable constraints would be to make the fk columns nullable. And then insert null values first:
insert into one values (1, null);
insert into two values (1, 1);
update one
set id_two = 1
where id = 1;
With a deferrable constraint you don't need the additional update statement.
(The design using a cyclic reference is however very often questionable!)
I don't use deferrable constraints where often, but I wouldn't want to live without them.
One drawback of deferrable constraints is error checking though. You don't know until you commit if your data is correct. That makes finding out what went wrong a bit more complicated. If you get the error when doing the insert (or delete or update) you immediately know which values caused the error.

PostgreSQL delete fails with ON DELETE rule on inherited table

In my PostgreSQL 9.1 database I've defined RULEs that delete rows from child tables whenever a parent table row is deleted. This all worked OK, until I introduced inheritance. If the parent (referencing) table INHERITS from another table and I delete from the base table then the DELETE succeeds, but the RULE doesn't appear to fire at all - the referenced row is not deleted. If I try to delete from the derived table I get an error:
update or delete on table "referenced" violates foreign key constraint "fk_derived_referenced" on table "derived"
There is no other row in the parent table that would violate the foreign key: it's being referenced by the row that's being deleted! How do I fix this?
The following script reproduces the problem:
-- Schema
id serial NOT NULL,
name character varying(100),
CREATE TABLE referenced
id serial NOT NULL,
value character varying(100),
CONSTRAINT pk_referenced PRIMARY KEY (id)
referenced_id integer,
CONSTRAINT fk_derived_referenced FOREIGN KEY (referenced_id) REFERENCES referenced (id)
INHERITS (base);
-- The rule
CREATE OR REPLACE RULE rl_derived_delete_referenced
DELETE FROM referenced r WHERE = old.referenced_id;
-- Some test data
INSERT INTO referenced (id, value)
VALUES (1, 'referenced 1');
INSERT INTO derived (id, name, referenced_id)
VALUES (2, 'derived 2', 1);
-- Delete from base - deletes the "base" and "derived" rows, but not "referenced"
--WHERE id = 2;
-- Delete from derived - fails with:
-- update or delete on table "referenced" violates foreign key constraint "fk_derived_referenced" on table "derived"
WHERE id = 2
As I said in my comment, this seems an unusual way to do things. But you can make it work with a deferred constraint.
referenced_id integer,
CONSTRAINT fk_derived_referenced FOREIGN KEY (referenced_id)
INHERITS (base);
The PostgreSQL docs, Rules vs. Triggers, say
Many things that can be done using triggers can also be implemented
using the PostgreSQL rule system. One of the things that cannot be
implemented by rules are some kinds of constraints, especially foreign
But it's not clear to me that this specific limitation is what you're running into.
Also, you need to check if other records are still referencing the to-be-deleted rows. I added a test derived record#3, which points to the same #1 reference record.
-- The rule
CREATE OR REPLACE RULE rl_derived_delete_referenced
AS ON DELETE TO tmp.derived DO ALSO (
DELETE FROM tmp.referenced re_del
WHERE = OLD.referenced_id
AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM tmp.derived other
WHERE other.referenced_id =
AND <> )
-- Some test data
INSERT INTO tmp.referenced (id, value)
VALUES (1, 'referenced 1');
INSERT INTO tmp.derived (id, name, referenced_id)
VALUES (2, 'derived 2', 1);
INSERT INTO tmp.derived (id, name, referenced_id)
VALUES (3, 'derived 3', 1);
-- Delete from base - deletes the "base" and "derived" rows, but not "referenced"
--WHERE id = 2;
-- Delete from derived - fails with:
-- update or delete on table "referenced" violates foreign key constraint "fk_derived_referenced" on table "derived"
DELETE FROM tmp.derived
WHERE id = 2
SELECT * FROM tmp.base;
SELECT * FROM tmp.derived;
SELECT * FROM tmp.referenced;