How to publish XML files from a NuGet package to an ASP.NET Core 2.1 application -

I have an ASP.NET Core 2.1 application (say, MyWebApiApp) that references a NuGet package (say, MyPackage), which contains models used in a Web API. These models are documented using XML comments, and the resulting XML file is published along with the NuGet package (in lib\netstandard2.0\MyPackage.xml).
I want to use the XML documentation in Swagger, so I add the following to my SwaggerGenOptions in Startup.cs:
c.IncludeXmlComments(Path.ChangeExtension(typeof(MyPackage.MyModel).Assembly.Location, ".xml"));
So far, so good. When I run the application from Visual Studio 2017, it successfully locates the XML documentation file in the NuGet package cache and generates the Swagger documentation.
Now I want to publish the web site. When I publish the web site:
The XML documentation file for application (MyWebApiApp.xml) is copied to the publish folder (I have included <GenerateDocumentationFile>true</GenerateDocumentationFile> in MyWebApiApp.csproj).
But the XML documentation file from my NuGet package (MyPackage.xml) is not copied.
I've tried adding the incantation from this blog post to MyWebApiApp.csproj, without success.

I found a solution here.
The following incantation needs to be added to the pubxml file:
<Target Name="_ResolvePublishNuGetPackagePdbsAndXml"
RelativePath="$([System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension(%(ResolvedAssembliesToPublish.DestinationSubPath), '.pdb'))"
DestinationSubPath="$([System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension(%(ResolvedAssembliesToPublish.DestinationSubPath), '.pdb'))"
Condition="'%(ResolvedAssembliesToPublish.PackageName)' != ''
and Exists('%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).pdb')" />
RelativePath="$([System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension(%(ResolvedAssembliesToPublish.DestinationSubPath), '.xml'))"
DestinationSubPath="$([System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension(%(ResolvedAssembliesToPublish.DestinationSubPath), '.xml'))"
Condition="'%(ResolvedAssembliesToPublish.PackageName)' != ''
and Exists('%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).xml')" />


Web deployment package: Skip files when deploying

I want to create a web deployment package which leaves certain existing directories alone when deploying, e.g. a "logs" folder. Currently the package deletes/overwrites all existing files.
I can exclude the folder by adding extra parameters when executing the foo.deploy.cmd in the package, eg.:
.\foo.deploy.cmd /T """-skip:Directory=\\logs"""
This seem to work. But I can't figure out how to include this configuration in the package itself so it will be applied automatically.
I have a Core website on .net framework 4.7. I use Visual studio 2019 with a pubxml publish profile.
I have tried adding MsDeploySkipRules to the pubxml but they don't seem to be passed to the package parameters. I am unsure if MsDeploySkipRules should work with "Web Deploy Package" or only with "Web Deploy"?
Edit: The problem may be related to I'm using core. The MsDeploySkipRules seem to be applied in a regular (added in the generated deploy.cmd script) project but not if I insert the same in an core project file.
You could try to add the below code in your .csproj file to skip the folder at the time of publishing.
<Content Remove="wwwroot\test\**" />
also ste the delte existing file to true:
ASP.NET Core: Exclude or include files on publish

Nuget package content files not served when deployed

I have build NuGet package consisting of Razor Class Library (RCL) project at .net core 2.2. Once packed I see that it contains static assets that I have configured:
When I install package inside target project, assets refs are visible inside project structure:
But when I try to access them at runtime - i get 404:
I see that those files are not "physically" placed inside wwwroot folder (they are iniside package folder).
Is there any way to serve those files? How this should be configured?
So far I have been using those approches:
Can Razor Class Library pack static files (js, css etc) too?
They work fine when I directly reference RCL project, but when packed with NuGet and installed does not work any more.
They work fine when I directly reference RCL project, but when packed
with NuGet and installed does not work any more.
As far as l know, when you use nuget and choose PackageReference nuget management foramt, the files which targets to import into the main project are introduced into your main project as links(The corresponding files will not exist in the physical path of your solution , but will be linked to the corresponding file address in the %userprofile%\.nuget\xxx). It is the feature of PackageReference nuget management format.
To solve it, l think you can add a custom build target in the nuget project(Include MSBuild props and targets in a package). With it, you can copy the files from nuget package into the main project.
1.add a target file like .targets or .props(must be the same as the package id) into the \build folder(must be created under the project root directory) of the project. All of these are based on nuget packaging mechanism.
2.add these codes into the target file
<Project xmlns="">
<SourceScriptFiles Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\content\xxxx(relative paths in the current project)" />
<Target Name="CopyScriptsToProject" BeforeTargets="Build">
<Copy SourceFiles="#(SourceScriptFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(ProjectDir)\wwwroot\xxxx\"
Use a target to copy the file #(SourceScriptFiles) into the main project.(The DestinationFolder is just the destination address).
3.If you use nuspec file to pack your package. You should also add these files under the files node in it.
<!-- Include everything in \build -->
<file src="build\**" target="build" />
<!-- Other files -->
<!-- ... -->
In addition, such operation is a pre-build event and when you install the package, you should build your project first and then you will find the file under the destination folder.
Besides, here is a good sample in the github and l hope it can give detailed information and steps.
Hope it could help you.

NuGet package XML documentation not visible in .NET Core 2.2 app

I am using a NuGet package which has an XML documentation file.
But when I include the package in a .NET Core 2.2 app, the comments are not available with IntelliSense.
Is there something I'm missing either in the package or in my app to be able to see the documentation with IntelliSense?
Using VisualStudio 2017, Windows 10.
Update for Clarity
The NuGet package is a .NET Standard 1.3 class library. In Visual Studio when I build the project, I include the options to generate the package and documentation file. In the project file, I see the following PropertyGroup:
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">
<DocumentationFile>C:\Users\[username]\[local path]\CommonEntities\CommonEntities\CommonEntities.xml</DocumentationFile>
When I open the package, I can see in the lib/netstandard1.3/ directory that CommonEntities.xml is included along with MakanalTech.CommonEntities.dll.
But, I'm wondering why the xml file has dropped the full name from MakanalTech.CommonEntities.xml as it is in the project to just CommonEntities.xml in the package. Maybe this is the cause of the issue?
The issue is then when I include the package as a dependency in another project, none of the XML comments/documentation are visible. So I can't hover over a type to see its description, and if I peek definition none of the comments/documentation are in the definition.
Class Library Product (can't post images yet)
Peeking at definition from other project:
Finally found the issue from this post. This seems quite buggy from Visual Studio 2017 not to handle this correctly and automatically.
In the .csproj file, I removed <DocumentationFile>[filepath-to-xml]</DocumentationFile> and added <GenerateDocumentationFile>true</GenerateDocumentationFile>.
I then repacked the library, cleared my nuget cache, and rebuilt the new project where it's included, and now I have all the XML documentation visible.
NuGet package XML documentation not visible in .NET Core 2.2 app
Just like what have you found that "in the lib/netstandard1.3/ directory that CommonEntities.xml is included along with MakanalTech.CommonEntities.dll.", the .xml file in the lib folder, then according to the document From a convention-based working directory:
Only the .dll file will be added as reference, .xml file will be copied to the project folder. That is the reason why the XML documentation not visible in .NET Core 2.2 app.
Besides, since you are using .netstandard project, .xml file will blocked be copied to the project folder automatically by the nuget issue 4837.
To resolve this issue, we have to create the .nuspec file with option contentFiles to include the .xml file and add this file to the project, please check the detail info from other thread.
But if you do not want to manually edit the .nuspec every release, you can use a post-build event to pack the nuget package automatically,like:
nuget pack "$(.NuspecFilePath)\xxx.nuspec"
Or you can add the .xml file to the project manually from the package directly, that package is in the path: C:\Users\<UserName>\.nuget\packages.
Hope this helps.

How to specify a custom parameters.xml when building a Web Deploy package for ASP.NET Core?

I am building a deployable web package that can be imported into IIS that automatically prompts for settings needed by my ASP.NET Core application. I already created a package that will deploy just fine, except after deploying, I need to manually find/edit my appsettings.json file.
I know this package can include a parameters.xml file that will automatically prompt and fill in my appsettings.json when importing an app into IIS. I have already made a parameters.xml file, and manually added it to my package after building it; it worked as expected. I'd just like to have msbuild automatically add the parameters.xml file to the package for me.
A separate project of mine (ASP.NET MVC 4) already does this. For that, I simply needed to put my parameters.xml in the same folder as my .csproj. I tried doing the same here, but had no luck.
Repro Steps
I created an ASP.NET Core Web Application
Using .NET Framework on ASP.NET Core 1.1
I then went to publish my website
Selected 'Folder' (just to get a template)
I then edited the profile and changed the WebPublishMethod to Package and added the three lines below it.
I then published one more time. Now I get a WebDeploy package that I can deploy to IIS.
Great! but...
I'd like to customize the parameters.xml.
For previous projects, I was able to add a parameters.xml file to my project root, and VS/msbuild would automatically add it to my published package. This currently works for a different project using ASP.NET MVC 4.
So, I tried the same thing for this project. First I added a settings.json with a very simple setting:
"SettingName": ""
Then I added a parameters.xml file that I know works to my project root. (If I manually replace the parameters.xml file in package, it correctly prompts and replaces my setting when deploying)
<parameter name="IIS Web Application Name" value="External" tags="IisApp">
<parameterEntry kind="ProviderPath" scope="IisApp" match="^c:\\users\\joshs\\documents\\visual\ studio\ 2017\\Projects\\Sample\\Sample\\obj\\Release\\net461\\win7-x86\\PubTmp\\Out\\$" />
<parameter name="Setting Name" description="Enter a custom app setting" defaultValue="Default Setting Value">
<parameterEntry kind="TextFile" scope="obj\\Debug\\net461\\win7-x86\\PubTmp\\Out\\appsettings\.json$" match="(?<=\"SettingName\"\s*:\s*\")[^\"]*" />
Again, I right click and Publish once more. This time with the parameters.xml file.
I expect the to contain the parameters.xml that I added to my project root, but it does not. It is the exact same as from my original publish.
During the build process when creating a web deploy package, how do you include custom settings in the parameters.xml?
I have already tried this...
I already looked at, but with no luck, though my command differed slightly from the original poster.
PS C:\Users\joshs\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\Sample> & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\E
nterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe' .\Sample.sln /t:Sample /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=FolderProfile /p:
I was able to solve this from peteawood's comment from an issue posted on GitHub.
In ASP.NET Core 2.0+ you can add the following to your .csproj
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
<Target Name="AddMoreParameters" AfterTargets="_CreateParameterFiles">
<Copy SourceFiles="Parameters.xml" DestinationFiles="$(_MSDeployParametersFilePath)" />
SourceFiles should point to the location of your parameters.xml file from the perspective of the .csproj file. My parameters.xml is found in the same directory as my project file.
I believe I can just pass parameters via cmd-line as properties for msbuild.
It's not fully what you asked for I understand.
For example, in the following command I'm passing DeployIisAppPath property:
dotnet publish /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:DeployIisAppPath=mysite/myapp /p:PublishProfile=rnddev03-core-dev
and in the output folder we'll get xxx.SetParameters.xml file with:
<setParameter name="IIS Web Application Name" value="mysite/myapp" />

How to add reference to an external dll file in core project

Everytime I try to add reference to any dll file from my non core projects to my new core project i get this error message:
.NET Core projects only support referencing .NET framework assemblies in this release. To reference
other assemblies, they need to be included in a NuGet package and
reference that package.
What should be happen here? is there a special way to do it?, seams there is something I am missing here which different than all previous version
As of now, you cannot directly add full .NET framework dll into ASP.NET core project (netcoreapp1.0) directly. You will have to create NuGet package.
If it is project specific dll then create local NuGet package. These are the steps we followed in our project to generate NuGet package-
1.Download Nuget.exe and place it in the folder where .csproj file exists.
2.Open cmd and type nuget spec. File with .nuspec extension will be created.
3.Open the created file and add tag:
<files> <file src="..\..\SomeRoot\**\*.*" target="libs\net461" /> </files>
4.Execute nuget pack A.csproj –IncludeReferencedProjects in cmd. File with .nupkg extension gets created.
5.Go to visual studio. In NuGet package manager settings, Add in “Package Sources” and provide path where your .nupkg and .nuspec file exists.
6.Close Nuget package manager and again open it. Now you can find it in your created package source under browse tab.
Note: Your .nuspec file should be like :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<metadata xmlns="">
<description>Framework that will be used to create objects in XYZ world</description>
<releaseNotes>Summary of changes made in this release of the package.</releaseNotes>
<file src="bin\Debug\*.dll" target="lib\net461" />
The following links contains more details about creating nuget package and hosting it locally:
See if this helps.