mycode.exe: *** fatal error - console device allocation failure - too many consoles in use, max consoles is 32 - g++

Code File: mycode.c
Compiler: C:\cygwin64\bin\g++.exe
Compile Command: g++ -o mycode mycode.c
Output File: mycode.exe
mycode.exe Execution Time Approx: 1 Hour
Os: Windows 10
My Work Need: Run 100 cme.exe different parallel windows terminal and run mycode.exe on each terminal
Problem Statement: After 32 windows running, at 33rd window, i am getting error *"mycode.exe: *** fatal error - console device allocation failure - too many consoles in use, max consoles is 32"*
Need your expert help on "how to recover from this error?" and run mycode.exe 100 times parallel.

Solution: change compiler to
Compile Command: C:\TDM-GCC-64\bin\c++ -o mycode mycode.c
Observation: i am able to run 100 parallel mycode.exe


Android emulator tear down during tests run

I run my Android tests with Appium on Android emulator. Where I run my tests in sequence emulator sometimes tear down and remaining tests are ignored.
In Appium logs i see this error:
org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Error executing adbExec. Original error: 'Command 'C:\\Users\\Username\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\Sdk\\platform-tools\\adb.exe -P 5037 -s emulator-5554 shell settings delete global hidden_api_policy_pre_p_apps' exited with code 20'; Stderr: 'cmd: Can't find service: settings'; Code: '20'
Is there anybody face with such problem?
You are trying to run an adb-shell command which is not allowed.
Appium has some in-secure commands that normally it will not allow them to be used.
You can see the commands here: Appium Insecure Features
The adb-shell commands (to change the system settings) is one of them.
Follow the link to how to prevent appium checking this.
How to resolve:
At the beginning of test setup, run this commnad: appium --relaxed-security with command line. Then the appium let you using the insecure feautures during the test.
for example in pyhton you should run os.system(appium --relaxed-security (while having appium directory in the system environment variables path.

Red language not compiling for Android

I have a small GUI program in Red language that runs very well but is not compiling for Android. I am using following command on Debian Stable Linux (which successfully makes applications for Windows and for Mac):
$ wine red-063.exe -c -r -t Android-x86 myapp.r
But I get following error messages:
Target: Android-x86
Compiling to native code...
*** Warning: OS_TYPE macro in R/S is redefined
*** Compilation Error: invalid path value: image/encode
*** in file: %environment/codecs/
*** in function: exec/ctx259~encode
*** at line: 1
*** near: [as cell! image/encode img where IMAGE_PNG]
I get same error messages if I use Android instead of Android-x86. Where is the problem?
GUI for Android is planned for 0.65

Bazel build fails with "Executing genrule #six_archive//:copy_six failed" error while building syntaxnet

I'm trying to follow the instructions at syntaxnet's github page to build syntaxnet parser models.
My system is a Debian Wheezy. Shouldn't be very different from Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or 15.05. I have compiled bazel 0.2.2 (as opposed to 0.2.2b) from source and it appears to work correctly.
Whenever I launch the bazel test syntaxnet/... util/utf8/... command, no tests are executed (all skipped) with some quite cryptic error messages. Here's an example:
root#host:~/tensorflow_syntaxnet/models/syntaxnet# ../../bazel/output/bazel test syntaxnet/... util/utf8/...
Extracting Bazel installation...
INFO: Found 65 targets and 12 test targets...
ERROR: /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/74c6bab7a21f28ad02405b720243d086/external/six_archive/BUILD:1:1: Executing genrule #six_archive//:copy_six failed: namespace-sandbox failed: error executing command /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/74c6bab7a21f28ad02405b720243d086/syntaxnet/_bin/namespace-sandbox ... (remaining 5 argument(s) skipped).
unshare failed with EINVAL even after 101 tries, giving up.
INFO: Elapsed time: 95.469s, Critical Path: 22.46s
//syntaxnet:arc_standard_transitions_test NO STATUS
//syntaxnet:beam_reader_ops_test NO STATUS
//syntaxnet:graph_builder_test NO STATUS
//syntaxnet:lexicon_builder_test NO STATUS
//syntaxnet:parser_features_test NO STATUS
//syntaxnet:parser_trainer_test NO STATUS
//syntaxnet:reader_ops_test NO STATUS
//syntaxnet:sentence_features_test NO STATUS
//syntaxnet:shared_store_test NO STATUS
//syntaxnet:tagger_transitions_test NO STATUS
//syntaxnet:text_formats_test NO STATUS
//util/utf8:unicodetext_unittest NO STATUS
Executed 0 out of 12 tests: 12 were skipped.
I'm using Oracle Java 8 JDK as recommended, and my compiler is:
~/tensorflow_syntaxnet/models/syntaxnet# gcc --version
gcc (Debian 4.7.2-5) 4.7.2
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Tried looking into the namespace-sandbox binary that's mentioned in the error message, but before I dive deep into this, I thought I'd ask here.
~/tensorflow_syntaxnet/models/syntaxnet# ls -l /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/74c6bab7a21f28ad02405b720243d086/syntaxnet/_bin/namespace-sandbox
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 108 May 13 14:52 /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/74c6bab7a21f28ad02405b720243d086/syntaxnet/_bin/namespace-sandbox -> /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/install/ca381eaad1c931167a6355cb8a2b98cf/_embedded_binaries/namespace-sandbox
~/tensorflow_syntaxnet/models/syntaxnet# readlink /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/74c6bab7a21f28ad02405b720243d086/syntaxnet/_bin/namespace-sandbox
Command seems to work fine though:
~/tensorflow_syntaxnet/models/syntaxnet# file $(readlink /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/74c6bab7a21f28ad02405b720243d086/syntaxnet/_bin/namespace-sandbox)
/root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/install/ca381eaad1c931167a6355cb8a2b98cf/_embedded_binaries/namespace-sandbox: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.26, BuildID[md5/uuid]=0xecfd97b6a6b9a193b045be13654bd55b, not stripped
~/tensorflow_syntaxnet/models/syntaxnet# /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/install/ca381eaad1c931167a6355cb8a2b98cf/_embedded_binaries/namespace-sandbox
No command specified.
Usage: /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/install/ca381eaad1c931167a6355cb8a2b98cf/_embedded_binaries/namespace-sandbox [-S sandbox-root] -- command arg1
provided: /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/install/ca381eaad1c931167a6355cb8a2b98cf/_embedded_binaries/namespace-sandbox
Mandatory arguments:
-S <sandbox-root> directory which will become the root of the sandbox
-- command to run inside sandbox, followed by arguments
Optional arguments:
-W <working-dir> working directory
-T <timeout> timeout after which the child process will be terminated with SIGTERM
-t <timeout> in case timeout occurs, how long to wait before killing the child with SIGKILL
-d <dir> create an empty directory in the sandbox
-M/-m <source/target> system directory to mount inside the sandbox
Multiple directories can be specified and each of them will be mounted readonly.
The -M option specifies which directory to mount, the -m option specifies where to
mount it in the sandbox.
-n if set, a new network namespace will be created
-r if set, make the uid/gid be root, otherwise use nobody
-D if set, debug info will be printed
-l <file> redirect stdout to a file
-L <file> redirect stderr to a file
#FILE read newline-separated arguments from FILE
Any idea?
UPDATE: I have done exactly the same steps on a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (my small workstation, as opposed to the production server running Debian) and everything works well there, with all tests passing. I wonder what's the difference.
Apparently some permission errors happens when setting up the sandbox. A quick workaround is to deactivate the sandbox by using --genrule_strategy=standalone --spawn_strategy=standalone (note that the second one is already specified in the TensorFlow rc file).
You can set those flag in your ~/.bazelrc:
echo "build --genrule_strategy=standalone --spawn_strategy=standalone" >>~/.bazelrc

cannot execute binary file error that I scpd to a different computer

I scp'd a Unix executable file into my work computer and am receiving an error when trying to run it. If I type in:
./cmpDNA 4 5 0.3 > results/results4_5_0.3.txt &
where cmpDNA is my program, 4 5 0.3 are input parameters and results/results4_5_0.3.txt is my output file, this is the error I receive:
-bash: ./cmpDNA: cannot execute binary file
I compiled in on my OS X computer using g++ and made sure to include my -m32 for a 32 bit build as the target computer is 32-bit Ubuntu. Typing:
file cmpDNA
cmpDNA: Mach-O executable i386
So I'm not sure why it won't execute. I've been looking for awhile but I can't find any answers that solve my problem. All users have executable permissions as well. Here were all of my compile options if that helps:
g++ -Wall -std=gnu++0x -o cmpDNA -m32 files.cpp
Can not compile on OS X without using a cross compiler and run on Ubuntu. Here is the answer that I found:
Compiling C Program on OS X to Run on Ubuntu

xcodebuild failed to launch '/Applications/' via Jenkins

error: failed to launch '/Applications/' -- failed to get the task for process 34796
When I run the command:
/usr/bin/xcodebuild -scheme my_scheme_name -configuration Debug build test
I get the following error:
error: failed to launch '/Applications/' -- failed to get the task for process 34796
This only happens when the command is executed via Jenkins. Doesn't happen when I execute it from command line.
Has anyone else run into something like this?
The build itself builds an objective c library and the tests are SenTestCases. It's not an iOS app - it's an objective c library to be used in various apps
I used sudo DevToolsSecurity -enable to get past this problem.