Why Hangfire doesn't process recurring jobs in parallel? - hangfire

I have 30 recurring jobs. Every job just writes it's id in console, does nothing more. Every job is programmed to recurrently run every second.
SchedulePollingInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)
WorkerCount = 100
According to the log in console every job is started approximately every 30 seconds.
Why not every second?
When there is only one single job configured, then it runs every second as expected. The more jobs are the longer delay between runs.
Is it possible to configure Hangfire to run multiple jobs every second?
Hangfire is running in ASP.NET Core 3.1 environment with SQL server backend.


Different RecurringJobs executing at the same time

I'm trying to execute a process to update my database, but the problem is that I set different RecurringJobs for it at different hours.
Today when I checked hangfire status, since yesterday that I instanced hangfire, I found the job should execute yesterday and the one task for today, both executed 30 minutes ago at the same time, and this has created duplicates in the database.
Can you help me with this?
If your problem is one of concurrency, you can solve it by running hangfire single threaded. Simply configure the number of hangfire worker threads on startup:
var server = new BackgroundJobServer(new BackgroundJobServerOptions
WorkerCount = 1
This will force hangfire to process queued jobs sequentially.
Alternatively, if you have the Pro version of hangfire you can control order using batch chaining.
I don't know if a worker can be considered as a thread.
Within a hangfire worker, single threaded code will be run by exactly one thread
This doesn't look like a concurrency issue as has been suggested. It's not completely clear what you are trying to do but I'm assuming you want the job to run at 7, 12:45, and 17:30 and had issues because both the 7am and 17:30 job ran at the same time (7am).
Based on the created time it looks like you created these around 14:30. That means the 17:30 job should have ran but didn't until the next morning around 7am. My best guess is this was hosted in IIS and the site app pool was recycled.
This would cause any recurring jobs that were supposed to run to be delayed until the app pool / site was started again (which I assume was around 7am).
Check out these documents on how to ensure your site is always running: http://docs.hangfire.io/en/latest/deployment-to-production/making-aspnet-app-always-running.html
If it's not an IIS issue something must have caused the BackgroundJobServer to stop monitoring the database for jobs until ~7:00am (server shutdown, error, etc).

How to prevent ironworker from enqueuing tasks of workers that are still running?

I have this worker whose runtime greatly varies from 10 seconds to up to an hour. I want to run this worker every five minutes. This is fine as long as the job finishes within five minutes. However, If the job takes longer Iron.io keeps enqueuing the same task over and over and a bunch of tasks of the same type accumulate while the worker is running.
Furthermore, it is crucial that the task may not run concurrently, so max concurrency for this worker is set to one.
So my question is: Is there a way to prevent Iron.io from enqueuing tasks of workers that are still running?
Answering my own question.
According to Iron.io support it is not possible to prevent IronWorker from enqueuing tasks of workers that are still running. For cases like mine it is better to have master workers that do the scheduling, i.e. creating/enqueuing tasks from script via one of the client libraries.
The best option would be to enqueue new task from the worker's code. For example, your task is running for 10 sec - 1 hour and enqueues itself at the end (last line of code). This will prevent the tasks from accumulating while the worker is running.

Hangfire queues recurring jobs

I use hangfire to run recurring jobs.
My job get current data from the database, perform an action and leave a trace on records processed. If a job didn't run this minute - I have no need to run it twice the next minute.
Somehow I got my recurring jobs (1 minute cycle) queued by their thousands and never executed. When I restarted my IIS it tried to execute them all at once and clog the DB.
Besides than fixing the problem of no execution, is there a way to stop them from queuing up?
If you want to disable retry of failed job simply decorate your method with an AutomaticRetryAttribute and set Attempts to 0
See https://github.com/HangfireIO/Hangfire/blob/master/src/Hangfire.Core/AutomaticRetryAttribute.cs for more details

Oozie start time and submission time delay

I'm working on a workflow that has both Hive and Java actions. Very often we have been noticing that there is a few minutes delay between Java action start time and the job submission time. We don't see that with Hive jobs, meaning Hive jobs seem to be submitted almost immediately after they are started. The Java jobs do not do much and so they finish successfully in seconds after they are submitted but the time between start and submission seem to be very night ( 4 -5 minutes). We are using fair scheduler and the there are enough mapper/reducer slots available. But still even if it's a resource problem the Hive jobs should also show delay between start and submission but they don't ! Java jobs are very simple jobs and they don't process any files etc and basically used to call a web service and they spawn only single mapper and no reducers where are the Hive jobs creates hundreds of mapper/reducer tasks but still there is not delay between start and submission. We are not able to figure out why oozie is not submitting the Java job immediately. Any ideas?

Running Clockwork and Delayed Job on Heroku

I am migrating my existing rails app to heroku. I have memory and time intensive delayed jobs that run almost 20 hours a day and I have a clockwork to handle the time specific jobs. the clockwork jobs are not so heavy and run a very few times in one day.
Is is possible to run both the delayed job process and the clockwork process using a single heroku process using bluepill ?
I do not want to pay for one more worker just for the sake of clockwork processes.
Try using heroku scheduler, it will allow you to schedule jobs on a daily, hourly or 10 minute interval.