Deploying apps in Netlify with Google API key hidden - api

Hola developers i hid my APIs from google in a .env file in my code repository , pretending to export to GItHub all what i have done without expose this secrets keys , but as im working with vue CLI , in order to make live this app must to deploy it through Netlify.
My .env file was in this way:
thus then after post it to Git, on my Netlify console iin the show advanced menu just before deploying the site , i just create 3 variables referring to the former 3 ones, like this
*key* *value*
maps process.env.VUE_APP_GOOGLE_MAPS
mapsgeo process.env.VUE_APP_GOOGLE_MAPS_GEO
mapslatlong process.env.VUE_APP_GOOGLE_MAPS_LAT_LONG
but the site doesn't deploy.
Any advice ?. Is this a correct way of doing it
Thanks in advance

You should be storing the key/value pair like the .env file. Making sure NOT to commit your .env file into your repository.


Restore amplify backend environment

I've gotten an Amplify project dropped in my lap where the backend environment is deleted (or lost when the project were moved to another account).
I haven't worked with Amplify before, so I'm not sure how "automatic" everything is.
I noticed that the project has a folder called 'amplify-backup' which contain a bunch of json and graphql config files, so I assumed that I could use those somehow to restore the backend environment in AWS, but I can't seem to find any information on how to do so.
There's currently no backend environment in the AWS console and I don't really know which services the backend environment should contain.
Is it possible to restore the backend environment and all the services that the application need or do I need to figure out which services are needed?
If so, any pointers on how to find which services that are used?
If the project files still exist (amplify directory), you may be able to re-create the project with the existing resources.
One idea could be to clone the git repository from when the amplify project files were intact and run amplify init
amplify-backup is generally generated automatically when doing commands with amplify. You could try rename to amplify and run amplify init.
See more here for re-creating an amplify project on another account:

VueJS 3 CLI environment variables secret isn't working

I'm new to vue .env. I looked everywhere for a straight answer till I got lost. According to VueJS documentation that if we have .env.local file that will be loaded in all cases but will be ignored by git which exactly what we want to hide secret API keys from the public. But it also says that if we add VUE_APP before the key name in .env.local that will make our key load to the public.
My question is. How to securely hide API key from the public and still be able to use it in production and in development without any security risks?
my .env.local file
the above works if I log it to the console from my app. but if i removed VUE_APP It won't work so is it safe to leave it like this?
Anothe thing, in Laravel we used to save API keys in .env and refer to them from config file and then call them in app from config. So is Vue different? if not, then how to do the same here?
To answer my own question, documentation is actually pretty obvious but I got a bit confused. it simply has to start with VUE_APP_ for it to work in Vue CLI

How does Gatsby hide API-keys on the frontend

So, I'm struggling to understand how Gatsby works. I'm using the which uses a Gatsby plugin called gatsby-source-shopify. The plugin takes two params: shopName and accessToken. It looks like this in gatsby-config.js:
resolve: `gatsby-source-shopify`,
options: {
// The domain name of your Shopify shop. This is required.
shopName: process.env.SHOP_NAME,
// An API access token to your Shopify shop. This is required.
accessToken: process.env.SHOPIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN,
Will the access token be available for people to look at when I deploy the app? Do I need to use something like Serverless functions to hide my API keys, or is this fine. Any general explanation of how this works in Gatsby would be awesome.
Thanks Gatsby fam!
As the code shows, it uses process.env.SHOP_NAME where SHOP_NAMEis the name of the environment variable. Those files are declared at the root of the project using some naming such as In this file, you can store any desired variable to use it in your Gatsby configurations. When dealing with delicate variables (API keys, tokens, passwords, etc) it's recommended to use that way and ignore all .env files in your .gitignore.
When you trigger a command in Gatsby, you can pass it some variables, for example:
"develop": " gatsby develop"
In this case, GATSBY_ACTIVE_ENV var will have as a value. Then, in you gataby-config.js, when you can use environment variables (above module.exports):
path: `.env.${process.env.NODE_ENV}`,
Then, you can create an environment file such as in your root project and store any desired variable:
SHOP_NAME: 12345
Taking into account the code you've provided if you run develop (with all I've explained) command it will take SHOP_NAME as 12345.
So, answering your question, you won't have access to that tokens. You need to store them in your local machine and in your deploy server, not in your repository.
From Gatsby docs:
Please note that you shouldn’t commit .env.* files to your source
control and rather use options given by your Continuous Deployment
(CD) provider...
Edit: Thanks to #Hans Martin Henken for providing the following article about Gatsby security

Quarkus, Heroku and different environments

I'm currently developing a simple webapp with seperated frontend (Vue) and backend (quarkus REST API) project. For now, I've setup a MVP, where the frontend is displaying some simple data which is called from the backend. To get a working MVP i need to setup CORS support. However, first i want to explain my setup:
I'm starting developing environment of my frontend with npm run serve and of my backend with ./mvnw quarkus:dev. Frontend is running on localhost:8081 and backend running on localhost:8080.
Heroku allows to run your apps locally aswell with the command heroku local web. Frontend is running on port and backend on
To achieve this setup i setup two .env files on my frontend which are pointing to my backend api. If i want to work in development mode the file .env.development is loaded:
and if i run heroku local web the file .env.local with
is loaded.
In my backend I've set
in my
Now I want to deploy those two projects to heroku and use it in production. Therefore I setup two heroku projects and set a config variable in my frontend project with the following value:
Calls from my frontend are successfully working!
For the next step, I want to restrict it more and just enable my frontend to call my API. I know i can set something like
However, I dont know how i could do this on quarkus with different environments (development, local and production)? I've found this link but I don't know how to configure heroku and my backend app correctly. Do i need to setup different profiles which are applied on my different environments? Or is there another solution? Do i need Herokus Config Variables?
Thanks for the help so far! is overridable at runtime so you have several possibilities.
You could use a profile and have everything set up in your with Then you either use -Dquarkus.profile=prod when launching your application or you use QUARKUS_PROFILE=prod as an environment variable.
Another option is to use an environment variable for That would be QUARKUS_HTTP_CORS_ORIGINS=....
My recommendation would be to use a profile. That way you can safely check that all your configuration is consistent at a glance.

Where to put S3 secret when deploying using Appveyor?

I've got an Appveyor project setup and working awesomely. Now, I want to upload artifacts S3 for easy hosting. This seems fairly easy as outlined in the documentation. My question is, where do I put the secret with write permission? I don't want to push it to my public repo for obvious reasons. On travis I could put it in an environment variable that was never logged. How would I go about this in Appveyor?
I assume you need to store this in YAML. You can use secure variables. Or you can simple put your secrets in clear text to S3 deployment configuration in UI, then save and press Export YAML and you will have YAML section with secrets encrypted.