When to use BDD and when just unittests? - testing

I have a task to write tests for future Django Channels+DRF project, don't ask why (we only have swagger documentation for now). So the tests have to test the user use cases (like scenario that may be complex). I have researched about that and found BDD. Here is the question, considering that our project later may have simple unit tests too what should I use, i.e. BDD seems decent but I think it may be excessive for use and may be there is a way of just writing unittests for user use case scenarious and I can get by with that. Does anyone have experience with that? It would be great if you provide articles and code examples.

Scenarios are a bit different to use-cases. A use-case often covers several capabilities. For instance, in the simple laundry use-case shown here, a housekeeper does several things when performing a wash:
washes each load
dries each load.
folds certain items
irons some items
All of these go into the "weekly laundry" use-case.
A scenario in BDD is much more fine-grained. It describes one capability taking place in a particular context or set of contexts. So for instance you might have:
Given the weekly laundry has been washed and dried
And it contains several sheets
And some underpants
When the housekeeper does the folding
Then the sheets should be folded
But the underpants should not.
You can see that we've skipped a couple of the capabilities. This scenario is focused on the capability of folding, and shows how a well-behaved housekeeper would do it. Washing and drying would have to be covered in separate scenarios.
So that's the difference between a use-case and a scenario. Now let's look at a unit test.
When we write code, we don't write it all in one big class or function. We split it up into small pieces. In the same way that a scenario describes an example of the behaviour of the system from the perspective of the users, a unit test describes the behaviour of a class or other small piece of code from the perspective of its users - usually other classes!
So let's imagine that we're on a car purchasing site. We have several capabilities:
Searching for cars
Purchasing a car
Listing a car
Removing a car from the list
Each of these will have lots of different classes making it up. Even searching for a car could involve a front-end, a search component, a database of cars, a persistence layer, a webserver, etc.. For each piece of code, we describe the behaviour of that code.
(BDD actually started out at this level; with examples of how classes behave - JBehave was intended to replace JUnit. But JUnit got better and we didn't need this bit any more. I still find it helpful to think of these as examples rather than tests.)
Typically I'll have both scenarios and unit tests in my codebase; one set of them looking from a user / stakeholder perspective at the whole system, and the other set describing my classes in finer detail.
The scenarios help me show how the system behaves and why it's valuable. The unit tests help me drive out good design and separate responsibilities. Both of them provide living documentation which helps to keep the system maintainable and make it easier for newcomers to come on board.
Generally this is how I program:
I have a rough idea of what I want to achieve
I talk to someone about it and write down some scenarios
If we don't quite know what we're looking for, I'll get something working (a spike)
Once we understand better what we're looking for, I automate the scenario first
I take the simplest case and start writing the UI
When the UI needs another class to work, I write some examples of how that code should work (unit tests) first
Then I write the code (or refactor it, because spikes are messy)
When that code needs another class to work, I write some examples of it
If I don't have code that's needed at any point in my unit tests, I use mocks.
Generally we keep the scenarios and the unit tests in different places.
You can see some examples of how I've done this here. It's a tetris game with scenarios which automate the whole game through the UI, and lower-level unit tests which describe the behaviour of particular pieces like the heartbeat which drops the shapes.
Having said that - if your codebase is very simple, you can probably get away with just the scenarios or just the unit tests; you might not need both. But if it starts getting more complex, consider refactoring and adding whatever you need. It's OK to be pragmatic about it, as long as it's easy to change.


Fastest way to understand business logic in a new project

I would like to know the fastest/best way to learn the business logic in a new project.
Most projects have been running for years, some of them are poorly documented, but you still need to know how to work with them. What is the best way to do this? (Use Case Diagram / support from colleagues / code analysis etc.)
The problem with verbose logging is that you may be overloaded with details that do not help, and even if you have the right details, you may misunderstand the big picture.
Moreover, if projects run for years, and are poorly documented, chances are the little available documentation is already obsolete. And chances are, the team did not invest heavily in logging either.
Reverse engineering the code is another approach, but where to start if there are millions of lines of code in the legacy system? Some things can be easily read in code, but many more complex, emergent behavior comes from the interactions between many classes, and this kind of knowledge is the most difficult to extract.
So here is the way to go:
Talk to colleagues. The best approach to move knowledge from one brain to another is direct conversation. It works much better than any formal diagram or any documentation. Unfortunately this is not always possible (e.g. team left)
If 1 is not possible, understand the business user's point of view. May be there is a user manual? Maybe some colleagues of the user-support? if none of those are possible, the ultimate way is to spend some time in the day of the user's life. You will not understand how the system works, but at least you'll get a quick intro in what the system is supposed to do, what matters to the users, and maybe some business rules.
Check for automated test cases. In fact, such test cases are a hidden and up-to date documentation resource.
Check for non-automated test cases, in particular use acceptance tests, and integration tests. If these are not automated, there are chances that they are already obsolete. But it's better than nothing.
Reverse engineer the code. Identify the main classes and how they interact. And yes, some simplified class diagrams will help you to understand how classes are related (no need to document properties and methods: these can be found back in the code). And some sequence diagram will help you to get a picture of the more complex interactions.
Run server, log verbose everywhere. Follow code flow and dig in.

Starting Testing department

I am joining a company, they dont have any formal testing setup. They expect me to start a testing department. I have good understanding of manual and automated testing. Not sure about how to start or which tools to use for document sharing, bugs tracking.
please guide as much info you can provide.
This is a very broad question and almost impossible to answer without significantly more knowledge of your companies products, quality goals and existing tooling... But I've got some Opinions :tm: that might help, starting with some philosophy (sorry).
What You're For
The function of a testing department isn't to test; the goal is to help the company be confident in its delivery of products. Your customers want to know that your software is accurate and stable. Your Operations team wants to avoid Production going down. Your Developers want to feel confident that their changes work and don't have any negative side effects.
I personally feel that the best way for a testing team to provide that confidence is not by writing tests; It's by editing them. The testing team provides the tooling, guidelines and expertise to help the rest of the Engineering departments make testing an integral part of the process.
It's like cooking. You don't make a well seasoned meal by chopping and sautéing and stirring and then giving it to a head chef to taste. You taste continually while you go because you're the one who knows what the food should be like. The head chef trains you and provides feedback on the final dish so that you learn how to season correctly.
Choosing Tools
Irrelevant. Mostly.
Your tools need to give you what you're after and then get out of your way. At the moment, the company barely knows what it's after, so you could even use a Google Doc to track defects.
You don't want to get in anyone's way to begin with, or they'll start to resent you. Your team needs to provide value and start to earn the social capital to change the Engineering processes to help deliver your goals.
So, use whatever document sharing tools are already in use; Whether that's a Wiki, Google, Dropbox etc. If you're choosing a new one because there's no collaboration, I'm partial to Notion.
If your team already has a collaborative build tool (eg Jenkins, Travis) it's probably best to stick with that, adding in testing steps. Again, the less friction you introduce, the better your initial outcomes.
I wouldn't bother building and maintaining a test grid; Instead, lean on a vendor like Sauce Labs for infrastructure and expertise. That way you've got easy parallelisation, wide platform coverage, test asset collection, insights, as well as their experience in supporting Testing teams. Disclaimer: I'm the Manager of Developer Relations at Sauce Labs, so I'm probably biased ;)
As for testing tools; If you want your engineering teams to collaborate on test production, you need to stick with an ecosystem they can use. This likely means whatever they're already using.
How To Start Testing
Selecting What To Test
Your organisation wants testing so bad they're hiring you. That implies there's a traumatic event that they want to avoid happening again. So, start there. Find out what it is, and create a test for it.
If Black Friday overwhelmed their site, do Load testing. If their build is always breaking, concentrate on unit testing. If functionality doesn't work in Prod, add an integration test.
Test Coverage
There's a trap for new players, and you're likely to hear this from your devs:
We're so far behind on test coverage we'll never catch up
That is absolutely true.... if you never start! Add the tests that prevent the trauma that bought you on board and you're already adding value; You'll catch that problem next time.
Another trap is setting test coverage goals. Test coverage is a great way to monitor your process but a terrible way to improve it. Force your teams to increase test coverage (or not let it slip) and they'll start to resent the process... And write crap tests just to boost the percentage.
Instead, use coverage for feedback. If coverage goes down during a commit, discuss why and talk about how to improve it. if it drops way down you might want to do something, but a little dip while you're getting started is A-OK.
Assuming you've covered the trauma that got you hired, increasing test coverage is best done on an as-worked basis. If a developer is writing new code, it gets tests. If a developer is modifying old code, it gets tests to (at least) prove that the modifications work, and ideally to prove that they don't break the old functionality either.
You may come across old code that literally can't be tested. That's a good time to refactor that code. If people are scared of refactoring because it might break, point out that that's exactly what tests are for. Try to pull out to a level where you can test. If you can't test a unit, test the class. If you can't test the class, test the package. Then, go back in and start re-working. You have to do it some day.
Oh, no, we'll be replacing the Fizzwangle with a new Buzzshooper implementation soon; There's no need to take the risk of refactoring for testability.
This is a lie. Even if they mean it truthfully, it's a lie. Buzzshooper isn't coming any time soon. Refactor that shit.
Tests Are Code, Code Is Tests
Your tests need to be treated like high quality code. Use all the abstractions you use when writing code, like inheritance, polymorphism, modularisation, composability.
Look at techniques like the Page Object Model for front end testing. Your test code should restrict implementation detail knowledge (eg, element locators) to the least number of places, so that changes are easy to implement.
Oh, and also, your Code is Code. Learn about then help your teams write code for testability, and tests for code-ability. Structure your tests and app so you can test in parallel, reliably, as fast as possible:
Give HTML elements unique, simple IDs
Write tests that test a single thing
Bypass complicated test setup by doing things like pre-populating databases
Log in once, then use session management to avoid doing it again
Use data generators to create unique test data (including logins)
Other Resources
Check out past conference talks like SauceCon Online.
Testing Talks Online has some great discussions and is the closest thing I've found to a real-life meetup during Covid.
There's also a lot of great content over at Ministry of Testing.

Code reuse in automated acceptance tests without excessive abstraction

I'm recently hired as part of a team at my work whose focus is on writing acceptance test suites for our company's 3D modeling software. We use an in-house C# framework for writing and running them which essentially amounts to subclassing the TestBase class and overriding the Test() method, where generally all the setup, testing, and teardown is done.
While writing my tests, I've noticed that a lot of my code ends up being boilerplate code I rewrite often. I've been interested in trying to extract that code to be reusable and make my code DRYer, but I've struggled to find a way to do so without overabstracting my tests when they should be largely self-contained. I've tried a number of approaches, but they've run into issues:
Using inheritance: the most naive solution, this works well at first and lets me write tests quickly but has run into the usual trappings, i.e., test classes becoming too rigid and being unable to share my code across cousin subclasses, and logic being obfuscated within the inheritance tree. For instance, I have abstract RotateVolumeTest and TranslateVolumeTest classes that both inherit from ModifyVolumeTest, but I know relatively soon I'm going to want to rotate and translate a volume, so this is going to be a problem.
Using composition through interfaces: this solves a lot of the problems with the previous approach, letting me reuse code flexibly for my tests, but it leads to a lot of abstraction and seeming 'class bloat' -- now I have IVolumeModifier, ISetsUp, etc., all of which make the code less clear in what it's actually doing in the test.
Helper methods in a static utility class: this has been very helpful, especially for using a Factory pattern to generate the complex objects I need for tests quickly. However, it's felt 'icky' to put some methods in there that I know aren't actually very general, instead being used for a small subset of tests that need to share very specific code.
Using a testing framework like xUnit.net or similar to share code through [SetUp] and [TearDown] methods in a test suite, generally all in the same class: I've strongly preferred this approach, as it offers the reusability I've wanted without abstracting away from the test code, but my team isn't interested in it; I've tried to show the potential benefits of adopting a framework like that for our tests, but the consensus seems to be that it's not worth the refactoring effort in rewriting our existing test classes. It's a valid point and I think it's unlikely I'll be able to convince them further, especially as a relatively new hire, so unless I want to make my test classes vastly different from the rest of the code base, this one's off the table.
Copy and paste code where it's needed: this is the current approach we use, along with #3 and adding methods to TestBase. I know opinions differ on whether copy/paste coding is acceptable for test code where it of course isn't for production, but I feel that using this approach is going to make my tests much harder to maintain or change in the long run, as I now have N places I need to fix logic if a bug shows up (which plenty have already and only needed to be fixed in one).
At this point I'm really not sure what other options I have but to opt for #5, as much as it slows down my ability to write tests quickly or robustly, in order to stay consistent with the current code base. Any thoughts or input are very much appreciated.
I personally believe the most important thing for a successful testing framework is abstractions. Make it as easy as possible to write the test. The key points for me are that you will end up with more tests and the writer focuses more on what they are testing than how to write the test. Every testing framework I have seen that doesn't focus on abstraction has failed in more ways than one and ended up being maintainability nightmares.
If the logic is not used anywhere else but a single test class then leave in that test class but refactor later if it is needed in more than one place
I would opt in for all except #5.

How to plan for whitebox testing

I'm relatively new to the world of WhiteBox Testing and need help designing a test plan for 1 of the projects that i'm currently working on. At the moment i'm just scouting around looking for testable pieces of code and then writing some unit tests for that. I somehow feel that is by far not the way it should be done. Please could you give me advice as to how best prepare myself for testing this project? Any tools or test plan templates that I could use? THe language being used is C++ if it'll make difference.
One of the goals of white-box testing is to cover 100% (or as close as possible) of the code statements. I suggest finding a C++ code coverage tool so that you can see what code your tests execute and what code you have missed. Then design tests so that as much code as possible is tested.
Another suggestion is to look at boundary conditions in if statments, for loops, while loops etc. and test these for any 'gray' areas, false positives and false negatives.
You could also design tests to look at the life cycle of important variables. Test their definition, their usage and their destruction to make sure they are being used correctly :)
There's three ideas to get you started. Good luck
At the moment i'm just scouting around looking for testable pieces of code and then writing some unit tests for that. I somehow feel that is by far not the way it should be done.
People say that one of the main benefits of 'test driven development' is that it ecourages you to design your components with testability in mind: it makes your components more testable.
My personal (non-TDD) approach is as follows:
Understand the functionality required and implemented: both 'a priori' (i.e. by reading/knowing the software functional specification), and by reading the source code to reverse-engineer the functionality
Implement black box tests for all the implemented/required functionality (see for example 'Should one test internal implementation, or only test public behaviour?').
My testing therefore isn't quite 'white box', except that I reverse-engineer the functionality being tested. I then test that reverse-engineered functionality, and avoid having any useless (and therefore untested) code. I could (but don't often) use a code coverage tool to see how much of the source code is exercised by the black box tests.
Try "Working Effectively with Legacy Code": http://www.amazon.com/Working-Effectively-Legacy-Michael-Feathers/dp/0131177052
It's relevant since by 'legacy' he means code that has no tests. It's also a rather good book.
Relevant tools are: http://code.google.com/p/googletest/ and http://code.google.com/p/gmock/
There may be other unit test and mock frameworks, but I have familiarity with these and I recommend them highly.

BDD GUI Automation

I've started a new role in my life. I was a front end web developer, but I've now been moved to testing web software, or more so, automating the testing of the software. I believe I am to pursue a BDD (Behavior Driven Development) methodology. I am fairly lost as to what to use, and how to piece it together.
The code that is being used/written is in Java to write a web interface for the application to test. I have documentation of the tests to run, but I've been curious how to go about automating it.
I've been directed to Cucumber as one of the "languages" to help with the automation. I have done some research and come across a web site for a synopsis of BDD Tools/Frame works,
8 Best Behavior Driven Development (BDD) Tools and Testing Frameworks. This helped a little but then I got a little confused of how to implement it. It seems that Selenium is a common denominator in a lot of the BDD frameworks for testing a GUI, but it still doesn't seem to help describe what to do.
I then came across the term Functional Testing tool, and I think that confused me even more. Do they all test a GUI?
I think the one that looked like it was all one package was SmartBear TestComplete, and then there is, what seems to be, another similar application by SmartBear called, SmartBear TestLeft, but I think I saw that they still used Cucumber for BDDing it. There a few others that looked like they might work as well, but I guess the other question is what's the cheapest route?
I guess the biggest problem I have is how to make these tests more dynamic, as the UI/browser dimensions can easily change from system to system, and how do I go about writing automation that can handle this, and tie into a BDD methodology?
Does anyone have any suggestions here? Does anybody out there do this?
Thanks in advance.
BDD Architecture
BDD automation typically consists of a few layers:
The natural language steps
The wiring that ties the steps to their definition
The step definitions, which usually access page objects
Page objects, which provide all the capabilities of a page or widget
Automation over the actual code being exercised, often through the GUI.
The wiring between natural language steps and the step definitions is normally done by the BDD tool (Cucumber).
The automation is normally done using the automation tool (Selenium). Sometimes people do skip the GUI, perhaps targeting an API or the MVC layer instead. It depends how complex the functionality in your web page is. If in doubt, give Selenium a try. I've written automation frameworks for desktop apps; the principle's the same regardless.
Keeping it maintainable
To make the steps easy to maintain and change, keep the steps at a fairly high level. This is frequently referred to as "declarative" as opposed to "imperative". For instance, this is too detailed:
When Fred provides his receipt
And his receipt is scanned
And the cashier clicks "Refund to original card"
And the card is inserted...
Think about what the user is trying to achieve:
When Fred gets a refund to his original card
Generally a scenario will have a few Givens or Thens, but typically only one When (unless you have something like users interacting or time passing, where both events are needed to illustrate the behaviour).
Your page objects in this scenario might well be a "RefundPageObject" or perhaps, if that's too large, a "RefundToCardPageObject". This pattern allows multiple scenario steps to access the same capabilities without duplication, which means that if the way the capabilities are exercised changes, you only need to change them in one place.
Different page objects could also be used for different systems.
Getting started
If you're attacking this for the first time, start by getting an empty scenario that just runs and passes without doing anything (make the steps empty). When you've done this, you'll have successfully wired up Cucumber.
Write the production code that would make the scenario run. (This is the other way round from the way you'd normally do it; normally you'd write the scenario code first. I've found this is a good way to get started though.)
When you can run your scenario manually, add the automation directly to the steps (you've only got one scenario at this point). Use your favourite assertion package (JUnit) to get the outcome you're after. You'll probably need to change your code so that you can automate over it easily, by e.g.: giving relevant test ids to elements in your webpage.
Once you've got one scenario running, try to write any subsequent scenarios first; this helps you think about your design and the testability of what you're about to do. When you start adding more scenarios, start extracting that automation out into page objects too.
Once you've got a few scenarios, have a think about how you might want to address different systems. Avoid using lots of "if" statements if you can; those are hard to maintain. Injecting different implementations of page objects is probably better (the frameworks may well support this by now; I haven't used them in a while).
Keep refactoring as you add more scenarios. If the steps are too big, split them up. If the page objects are too big, divide them into widgets. I like to organize my scenarios by user / stakeholder capabilities (normally related to the "when" but sometimes to the "then") then by different contexts.
So to summarize:
Write an empty scenario
Write the code to make that pass manually
Wire up the scenario using your automation tool; it should now run!
Write another scenario, this time writing the automation before the production code
Refactor the automation, moving it out of the steps into page objects
Keep refactoring as you add more scenarios.
Now you've got a fully wired BDD framework, and you're in a good place to keep going while making it maintainable.
A final hint
Think of this as living documentation, rather than tests. BDD scenarios hardly ever pick up bugs in good teams; anything they catch is usually a code design issue, so address it at that level. It helps people work out what the code does and doesn't do yet, and why it's valuable.
The most important part of BDD is having the conversations about how the code works. If you're automating tests for code that already exists, see if you can find someone to talk to about the complicated bits, at least, and verify your understanding with them. This will also help you to use the right language in the scenarios.
See my post on using BDD with legacy systems for more. There are lots of hints for beginners on that blog too.
Since you feel lost as to where to start, I will hint you about some blogs I have written that talks a bit about your problem.
Some categories that may help you:
This, rather long and old post, might give you hints as well:
Notice that versions are dated, but hopefully it can give some ideas as what too look for.
I am not an expert on the test automation but I am currently working on this part. So let me share some idea and hope it will help you at the current stage.
We have used selenium+cucumber+intellij for testing web application. We have used testcomplete+cucumber+intellij for testing java desktop application.
As to the test of web application, we have provided a test mode in our web application, which allows us to get some useful details of the product and the environment; and also allows us to easily trigger events through clicking the button and inputting text into the test panel under test mode.
I hope these are helpful for you.