open a link in new tab in selenium - selenium

I am trying to open a link in new tab.
Actions action = new Actions(Driver).KeyDown(Keys.Control).KeyDown(Keys.Shift).Click(FindElement(xxx).KeyUp(Keys.Control).KeyUp(Keys.Shift);
This code opens the link in new tab at the same time opens another blank window
Trial2 - right click the link and choose the first option "open link new tab"
This opens the link in new window instead of new tab

So what you need to do is first open a new tab using JS executor:
((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("'the new link here', '_blank')");
If you did not use the secon method continue with the following: switch to the new window and navigate to the link
driver.switchTo().window(here the window handle);
driver.get("here is the link");


it opens new tab when we click on Print button

i am login in to application ,after that i have to fill data in some fields ,after that i have to click on the print toolbar button ,when i click print button it is opening new tab with unique descriptor (i.e it changes every time when we click print).so i need to navigate to that tab.
i have tried some code:
here is my code
enter code here`await t .click(Selector('# ddlpreBankAcc - pi');
await t. click(Selector('# dllprepredistributionType');
await t. typeText(Selector('#dateofevent').nth(1), d).setTestSpeed(0.6)
await t. click(Selector('#btnPrePrint');`
After this line it is opening new tab in chrome .
how to write code for that .
but in that new tab descriptor is unique descriptor.

Selenium Webdriver - Accessing 2nd Child window(Popup)

I am automating an application in IE where if user clicks a link on the main window , a child window popups. User further clicks another link from the child window where a 2nd child window popsup. Please find the screenshot of the same application screenshot
Problem is that the 3rd popup window is behind the 2nd popup window. with the following code i am able to get the title for the 3rd popup window, but cannot able to work (Like click on any link etc) over there.
Please find below the code which i have used to navigate to 3rd window from the 2nd.
`String Mw1 = driver.getWindowHandle();
//User clicks a radio button on 2nd window
//User click a submit button and after this the 3rd window popsup
Set<String> r1=driver.getWindowHandles();
Iterator<String> i2 =r1.iterator();
while (i2.hasNext())
String childwindow2 =;
String z = driver.getTitle();
Kindly let me know how can i access the 3rd window.Thanks
Use the following code to switch onto the required window
ArrayList<String> allWindows = new ArrayList<String> (driver.getWindowHandles());

How to close pop up window, when there is no XPath for close button?

When I clicked on a some link, the popup window is opened on new browser.
I want to close that pop up window, but I am unable to find out the locator.
How to close window, when it is opened as popup in Selenium?
Use this this,it worked for me
// Before new window
String currentWindow=driver.getWindowHandle();
//After window new open
Set<String> handles=driver.getWindowHandles();
//to make set having only one single/current window value
String[] handlesArray = handles.toArray(new String[handles.size()]);

Close download bar

I am using Java and Selenium to write a test. Somewhere in my test, I download a file but then need to click on a button under the download bar which appears at the bottom of the chrome browser page. I search a lot but the only solution was here which is not my case as I don't have a scroll.
I also use:
action.sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL+ "j").build().perform();
ArrayList<String> tabs2 = new ArrayList<String> (driverChrome.getWindowHandles());
but it doesn't open the download page.
Anyway that I can close the download bar?
This method did not work for me either, but I developed a workaround. I do any download test in a new window, then close the download window, the original window does not have the download bar. It must be a new window, if you do a new tab it will transfer over, to get this I use JavaScript. Switch to the new window, run download test and then switch to the original window when done.
string javascript = $"$('', '_blank', 'location=yes'))";
((IJavaScriptExecutor)Driver).ExecuteScript(javascript); //create new window
Driver.SwitchTo().Window(Driver.WindowHandles.Last())); //switch to new window
//do download test here
Driver.Close(); //close created window
Driver.SwitchTo().Window(Driver.WindowHandles.First()); //back to original window with no download bar

How to open silverlight childwindow as separate browser

when click on any button it should show the silverlight childwindow as a popup but insteadof modal popup i want to open child window as separate window/browser with the url
Please try this
HtmlPopupWindowOptions options = new HtmlPopupWindowOptions();
HtmlPage.PopupWindow(new Uri(http://localhost:51327/MyprintPage.aspx), "_newWindow", options);